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Brittany Olsen

Sociology 1010
May 3, 2022

Real World Connections

Family and Relationships (Chapter 12)

The photo above is a picture of my aunt Heather and I. I was about ten years old in this

picture. She dated my mothers brother, which would make him my blood related uncle. I’ve

known her to be in my life as my aunt since I was six years old. The definition of family

according to the U.S Census bureau, does not cover the full extent to what family can mean. My

uncle and her got married after being together for 16 years and had already had three children

together. After being together for twenty years, they ended up getting a divorce. Even though

they got divorced, she in my eyes would always remain my aunt. It did not matter to me if she

was blood related or not. I’ve known her for so long and we care and love each other as family
members. My uncle did not see how I could still want her in my life after their splitting up. I was

and still am astonished that he would even ask why I want her in my life. She will always be my

aunt, especially for knowing her that long and her being my only aunt that was really active in

my life growing up. My blood related uncle and I now don’t speak to each other because of this.

It is so strange how family dynamics change over time and who will become your new family, as

opposed to being “blood related”.

Leisure (Chapter 13)

In the photo above is a picture of myself on the far right and my teammates who are in a

yoga challenge with me. Behind us on the wall is a sign that says, “Arrichion”, this place is

called Arrichion Hot Yoga/Circuit Studio. This place is my second home, I literally go to this

place every day after work and on the weekends. Hot yoga has become my number one leisure
activity, for sports/activity and to have fun and socialize. I have never met so many nice people

who are so welcoming. The teachers here are so encouraging and help when you ask for help on

poses. I’ve become so invested into this place that I am going to take their Yoga Teacher

Training Program, one of these days to become an instructor. At this yoga studio we do fun get

togethers with each other, we do fun challenges to get us motivated to either build muscle or lose

weight. It’s a wonderful community and I am so glad that I found this place through groupon.

Learning yoga poses and going to class each night is leisure time in my eyes, I don’t know any

other way I’d rather spend my free time than practicing yoga.

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