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Denis Garcia

Mrs. Trishia Briones

English 1302

February 24, 2022

The Benefits of Working Out Everyday

Even before starting to workout, everyone knows that once you start it has many benefits

to it. What exactly are these benefits? Using research and two other articles would be enough to

get a point across. “Exercise is defined as any movement that makes your muscles work and

requires your body to burn calories” (Semeco 1). Most people do have a routine of working out

as it is a standard for a good amount of people. The ultimate goal of people that work out is to get

stronger, get a better physique, or just be healthy overall. But these aren't the only benefits one

experiences after working out for a prolonged period of time. “Being active has been shown to

have many health benefits, both physically and mentally. It may even help you live longer”

(Semeco 1). In this essay research will be used as well as the articles of two others to establish

that there truly are benefits to working out everyday.

When the researcher first started conducting the experiment he didn't know how long he

would have to work out in order to start seeing results. He was really impatient to see how long

he would have to wait to start seeing them. We as people are very impatient and expect to start

seeing results even though our journey barely started. As one might know results don't come

overnight and we have to keep working at it in order to be able to see results. “After working out

for the first time I really didn't feel much of a difference in myself but I did notice I was out of

breath and this meant that I was out of shape” (Garcia 1). He was really impatient but before he

knew it, it was the next day and the effects of the first workout were starting to catch up to me.

He was extremely sore and it hurt to even move. Even though it hurt, this pain was good because
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it meant that the muscle fibers during the workout and the muscles would only get bigger from

there on out. “After 6 six days of working out I feel amazing. I wake up with more energy in the

morning and I've actually started sleeping a lot better” (Garcia 6). The benefit of having more

energy is actually proven to be true after being found in many studies. “Exercise can be a real

energy booster for many people, including those with various medical conditions” (Semeco 1).

Semeco also cites a highly respected medical database called PubMed Central. This feeling of

having more energy is due to the fact that when you're exercising you force your heart to pump

more blood through your system thus delivering more oxygen to your muscles and they therefore

don't feel as fatigued. Moore also mentions “Think about a "runner's high" or that feeling you get

when you crush a spin class. This mental energy comes from the production of endorphins”

(Moore 1). So in a way it make your brain feel happier and you thus feel much better overall.

What the researcher also noticed is that whenever he was working out he wouldn't be as stressed

and it would actually help me think about everything that he needed to do so that he wouldn't

stress over it. "Exercise is probably the most underutilized antidepressant"(Moore 1). Moore

cited Dr. Ellen Vora who even said that exercise has similar effects to both medicine and

psychotherapy. Even though all of the studies confirmed all of this was true, the results will vary

from person to person because everyone is different.

As we grow up we all want to look great and perfect when we dress up so we have to

keep ourselves in optimal health. In order to lose weight you need to maintain a caloric deficit

and honestly that's what most people don't understand when people start dieting and sometimes

even starve themselves when wanting to lose weight. “After weighing myself after the workout

out I’m starting to notice that my weight is going down”(Garcia 10). Although he wasn't

keeping track of his calories he must've been keeping myself at a caloric deficit since he started

losing weight. That's not the result he was going for but he’s still glad it happened. Semeco

explains this whole process somewhat well. “While dieting, a reduced calorie intake will lower
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your metabolic rate, which can temporarily delay weight loss. On the contrary, regular exercise

has been shown to increase your metabolic rate, which can burn more calories to help you lose

weight” (Semeco 1). He can confirm this is true as he does see himself feeling more hungry and

eating more food in order to satisfy his hunger. Although he should start keeping track of his

calories in order to maximize his “gains”, he doesn’t think he will because he frankly doesn’t

mind losing a tiny part of muscle due to not eating enough calories. His goal right now is not to

lose tons of weight or build up tons of muscle but rather be a healthier version of himself. In

turn to eating to build muscle, exercising alone already does that and it even strengthens your

bones too. “Exercise also helps build bone density when you’re younger, in addition to helping

prevent osteoporosis later in life” (Semeco 1). Not only does exercising help you right now

when you're young but it also prevents you from having problems such as osteoporosis later on

in life. This is all great over all as it helps you get into better shape by learning how your body

functions and how it uses what you eat and turns it into muscle and energy.

Having prior knowledge in the gym or working out in general can help you go a long

way. Many people get injured in the gym because they don't know their limits and how much

weight their body can handle. This has personally never happened to him because he used to

workout all the time last semester but he had to stop due to medical reasons. By having this

prior knowledge he was able to do all the movements correctly and able to maximize the

effectiveness of my workout. “Now that I have concluded the two weeks of this experiment I

feel many improvements in myself. I saw myself regaining most of my strength back and even

getting much stronger in the process.” (Garcia 14). This experiment has also let him discover a

new way to channel his energy into good and better things. He has always liked being fit and

healthy but this has helped him discover so many more benefits to working out that he didn't

know before. Such as finding out that exercising is a stress reliever that also has the same effect

as medicine and psychotherapy. He has always known that exercising brought me some sort of
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peace but he didn't know that it was proven and backed up by science to do so. Reading the

articles helped him have a much deeper understanding of what he doing and what he need to do

in the future to keep improving. They also greatly helped in knowing the most common benefits

of exercising that he didn't already know.

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Works Cited

Moore, Abby. “Is Exercising Every Day a Good Idea or Horrible for Your

Health?” Mindbodygreen, MBGMovement, 28 June 2021,

Semeco, Arlene. “Exercise: The Top 10 Benefits of Regular Physical Activity.”

Healthline, Healthline Media, 14 Dec. 2021,

exercise#TOC_TITLE_HDR_7. Garcia, Denis. Journal 2022 pg1-14

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