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Name : Nifta Gina Safira

NIM : 211160050

Class : TBI 3

1. Clause is a group of words in which there must be a subject (subject or actor) and also a
predicate (predicate). The subject in a sentence can be an animal, object, person or an abstract
concept – meanwhile, the predicate is a verb or auxiliary verb which is equipped with the
verb itself.
Subject Predicate
He sings
Annisa will go
Basically, the clause is divided into two, namely independent clause (sentence that can stand
alone) and dependent clause (sentence that cannot stand alone).
An independent clause is a clause that can stand alone as a sentence.

Sentences produced by independent clauses are called simple sentences, but an independent
clause can also be combined with other independent clauses to produce a compound sentence.

 Coordinate conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so

 Semicolon
 Adverbial conjunction (however, rather, therefore)

Macam Sentence Contoh Kalimat

She likes apples.
Simple Sentence
(Dia suka apel.)
I prefer eating mango to apple.
(Subject + Verb)
(Aku lebih memilih memakan mangga daripada apel.)
Compound Sentence She likes apples but you like pear better.

(Subject + Verb + Conjunction / (Ia suka apel tetapi kamu lebih suka buah pir.)
Semicolon + Subject + Verb) I am not a big fan of dessert however I would love to
eat ice cream now.
(Aku gak begitu suka makanan pencuci mulut tetapi
aku mau banget makan es krim sekarang.)
I have done all of my homework; I’m going to go
home now.

(Aku sudah menyelesaikan semua tugasku; aku akan

pulang sekarang.)

Dependent Clause

Dependent clause is a clause that cannot stand alone. Dependent clause must be
completed with subject and predicate but this clause cannot be used to express a complete

• Noun Clause

Functions as a noun or pronoun in a sentence

Adjective Clause

Serves to explain the noun or pronoun that is in the main clause.

Adverbial Clause

Serves to provide information about the verb, adjective or adverb adverb in the main clause.

Macam Sentence Contoh Kalimat

She was dancing when you left.
Adverbial Clause
(Dia sedang menari saat kamu pergi.)
(Subject + Verb + Subordinate
Conjunction) Note: adverbial clause memberi informasi
mengenai verb “was dancing.”
Adjective Clause He likes the painting that I just made.

 Subject + Verb + Relative (Dia suka lukisan yang baru saja aku buat.)
 Subject + Verb + Relative Adverb Note: adjective noun menjelaskan noun
She barely listened to what her friend said.
Noun Clause
(Dia gak begitu mendengarkan apa yang
(Subject + Verb + Question Word / that / temannya sampaikan.)
if  + Subject + Verb)
Note: Noun clause berperan sebagai noun.

2. Phrase
Phrase language means a phrase. In the Oxford dictionary it is said that the phrase is
'Short group of words or group of words without a verb that form part of a sentence' so it can
be concluded that the phrase is a combination of words consisting of two or more words or it
can be said that the phrase is a combination of several words that do not contain a subject or
predicate element. Phrases in a sentence have an important function, namely to complete the
information contained in a sentence.


 Many papers on the broken chair are yours (Banyak kertas-kertas yang berada di atas 
kursi yang rusak itu adalah punyamu)
 Five students in the headmaster room are eleventh grade of social (Lima murid yang
berada di ruangan kepala sekolah adalah murid kelas sebelas IPS)
 I have just helped a little boy a few minutes ago (Aku baru saja menolong seorang
anak kecil beberapa menit yang lalu)

From some of the examples of phrases (phrases) above, it can be concluded that the words
the broken chair, the headmaster room, and a little boy are examples of phrases or phrases,
where neither subject nor predicate is found in the phrase. As we have learned in the previous
discussion that an arrangement of words that can be called a sentence must at least contain
elements of a subject and a predicate. So it can be concluded that phrases are not sentences,
but sentences sometimes contain phrases.


In language Clause means clause (in Indonesian language rules). In the Oxford
dictionary it is stated that a clause is a 'Group of words that contains a subject and a verb'. So
it can be concluded that a clause is a group of words consisting of a subject (subject) and a
predicate (predicate) in accordance with grammar (the presence of a finite verb). Clauses and
phrases are two different things, because phrases are groups of words that are justified
(according to) grammar, but do not contain subject and predicate elements (do not contain
finite verb elements).

Compare the two examples:

• Two studied students Japanese have English and

The example above is not a phrase or clause, because the sentence above is not in accordance
with grammar and cannot be understood.

• Two students have studied English and Japanese

The example sentence above includes a clause because it consists of the subject 'two students'
and the predicate 'have studied English and Japanese'. And can be justified grammatically.
While the word groups 'two students', 'have studied', and 'English and Japanese' are Phrases
because they do not contain subject and predicate elements, but all of these word groups are
in accordance with grammar.
Basically, clauses are divided into two types, namely clauses that are able to stand alone and
there are also clauses that cannot stand alone.


• You buy a car (main clause)

• Because you have much money (subordinate clause)

• You bought a necklace (main clause)

• Because I like her (subordinate clause)

The example above is a clause, what distinguishes it is their position. Where the sentence
'you buy a car' is the main clause, while the sentence 'because you have a lot of money' is a
subordinate clause. The first sentence is said to be the main clause because even without a
subordinate clause, the sentence can already be understood. While the second sentence, if it
does not have a main clause then the sentence will be awkward.

It should be noted that the clause is a series of words that are still not necessarily clear or
imperfect because sometimes it can raise questions, and do not have final punctuation marks.
While the sentence is a series of words that are clear in meaning and perfect because they do
not raise questions, and they also have final punctuation marks.


• You buy a car because you have much money (sentence)


• you buy a car… (clause)

• …because you have much money (clause)

So it can be concluded that the sentence is a complete and clear sentence, from the example
above it can be seen that a combination of several clauses can form a sentence that has
perfect meaning. Keep in mind that a sentence can be composed of several clauses (at least
one clause), but that does not mean that the clause is a sentence.

3. Simple past tense is a tense that shows a job that happened in the past without wanting to
show whether the work has been or is being done.
Present perfect tense is a tense that shows a job that has been done recently or if it has been a
long time, it means that the actor has "been" done it.

The difference between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense is only the
use of adverbs of time. present perfect tense does not have a clear description of the time.
While the simple past tense, there is a clear past tense.

So the conclusion is that the Simple Past Tense sentence pattern is a sentence pattern
used to express activities that have been carried out but the time is clear, whether it was
yesterday, the day after tomorrow, last year, etc. While the Present Perfect Tense is a
sentence pattern that expresses an event that has been done but the time is not clear, it has just
been done.

4. Where can i catch the bus? It goes downstairs (Nifta Gina)

Where can i catch the bus?

It goes down town

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