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Energy Work Questions

and Charts
For use for Energy Work Practitioners and
Users of Energy Work Techniques for
Speedier release.

Energy Work Questions and Charts was

developed over many years of research and
clinical practice Sources are sited when
available. If you would like to add
something to the document or find errors
that need to be corrected, please email me at
Donations are appreciated and can be sent

The contents herein this booklet may be

used for muscle testing your clients.
Healthy Emotions is not responsible for any
outcome from the practitioners' use of this
document on any clients.
Workshops and one on one training are
available, and Individual sessions.
Contact either Peter (Australia) at
Deby (California, USA) at
Nicole (New York)
This information in this document is not meant to replace medical care from your
licensed health care provider. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or mitigate
any physical or mental disorders.


Peter Brooks 17-December 2020

Energy Work Questions and Charts

For the Practitioner ............................................................................................................................. 4
General Information/Questions.......................................................................................................... 6
Charts ................................................................................................................................................ 22
Start Chart ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Trapped Emotion Flowchart ......................................................................................................... 23
No Will to ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Despair Anchors & Post-Hypnotic Suggestions............................................................................. 26
Idea Allergens and intolerances .................................................................................................... 27
Negative Broadcast Messages ...................................................................................................... 28
Chakras .......................................................................................................................................... 29
Shame to Enlightenment chart ..................................................................................................... 30
7 Levels of Consciousness chart .................................................................................................... 30
Recreational Drugs ........................................................................................................................ 31
Saboteur Chart .............................................................................................................................. 32
Negative Emotions with Polar Opposites ..................................................................................... 33
Curses and Entities ........................................................................................................................ 34
Glands, Organs, Systems, Chakras, etc ......................................................................................... 35
Miasms .......................................................................................................................................... 35
Offline Chart Indicator .................................................................................................................. 36
Energy Wall Chart ......................................................................................................................... 37
Reasons for Problems ................................................................................................................... 38
Despair Anchors ............................................................................................................................ 39
Mineral Energy Frequencies (Balancing by Numbers) .................................................................. 40
5 1/2 Parts of you .......................................................................................................................... 41
Synching your systems .................................................................................................................. 41
Levels Chart ................................................................................................................................... 42
Frequency Balance ........................................................................................................................ 43
Archetypes Chart .......................................................................................................................... 44
Anxiety versus Depression ............................................................................................................ 45
Spinal Anatomic Chart................................................................................................................... 46
Spinal Nerve Function ................................................................................................................... 47
Questions on digestion ................................................................................................................. 48
Dental Charts ................................................................................................................................ 49
Eye Charts ..................................................................................................................................... 52
Vows, Oaths and Contracts ........................................................................................................... 53
Blood Type B ................................................................................................................................. 54
Head Anatomy Charts ................................................................................................................... 55

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Energy Work Questions and Charts

Ear Anatomy.................................................................................................................................. 57
Vitamins ........................................................................................................................................ 59
Digestion Anatomy Chart .............................................................................................................. 60
Kidney Anatomy ............................................................................................................................ 61
Leg Anatomy ................................................................................................................................. 62
Alzheimer's and Dementia (Energy Balancing by Numbers) ........................................................ 63
The Tolpakan Healing method ...................................................................................................... 66
Symbiotic Immune System............................................................................................................ 67
Energetic Immune System ............................................................................................................ 67
Physical Immune System .............................................................................................................. 68
Corona Virus.................................................................................................................................. 68
German New Medicine: Psyche-Brain-Organ ............................................................................... 69

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Energy Work Questions and Charts

For the Practitioner

1. Am I the practitioner fully shielded? (If not do the shielding practice)
2. I am placing a shield around myself that will protect all negative energies from reaching me and allow only
positive energies in
3. Is my absorption rate at 0%?
4. Your self-love, self-forgiveness, what percent you feel valued is your best shield. All of these need to be
5. Is my (practitioner) muscle testing working at at least 100%?
6. Are my healing guides with me? I ask for their divine intervention/assistance during energy healing
7. Are there any blockages preventing me from being an excellent healer?
8. Are there any blockages causing me to make mistakes?
9. Is this real stuff I am working with. What percentage?
10. I ask to fill the voids created with love and light
11. Do I have a Psychic mirror? Do I need one?
12. Is it 100% safe to work today (if not; what do I need to do before to get a yes)
13. Am I willing to work at 100% soft and gentle/ease and grace today (if you get a no, ask again why). Check
your nervous system.
14. Am I 100% willing to benefit from this work today?
15. Did I have enough water / am I hydrated?
16. Am I grounded?
17. I evoke the violet flame and return these emotions to source to be resolved (and by resolved I mean
transformed, transmuted, reframed, cleansed, healed, upgraded and integrated for the best and highest
good for each soul involved)
18. Should I bring humour into this healing?
19. Is my intuition working at 100%? (knowing, cognisance , healing, empathy, sentience, touching).
20. Clairvoyance?: the experience of “seeing” an image or scene in your mind’s eye.
21. Clairsentience?: the experience of “knowing,” feeling, or sensing something. Noise in your ears. Throat
chakra and ears.
22. Clairaudience?: the experience of “hearing” a sound, word, or phrase in your mind.
23. Clairgustance?: the experience of “tasting” a certain energy or substance in your mouth.
24. Clairolfaction?: the experience of “smelling” a certain energy or substance in your nose
25. ClairEmpathic? Acknowledge who you are in mind and body. Have your gatekeeper block/filter others
energy. Wash out that isn't mine. Ask for the succinct message to be given. To prevent the energy from
coming cross your arms or ankles.
26. I am clear, I am unclear, I am running forward.
27. Is my vibration as high as it can be?
28. Do I have a healing/trauma wall? Do I have an addictive heart wall?
29. Say: “I am ___________________ and only ______________!!! Say it strongly, loudly and firmly. (Even if
it’s only in your mind.) three to ten times if needed. This gathers our energy back from wherever it has
30. I also like to follow up with this statement. “Only those who come from the light and are filled with light
are allowed in my space.”
31. As I am saying these statements I am visualizing my energy returning to me and being magnetized to my
core. I then repeat over and over, “I am purging my energy with divine, pure, holy love.”
32. The next step is to create a boundary by wrapping your energy in a beautiful blue green light. I ask for the
assistance of God to keep my energy pure and loving and calm.
33. To start session: I call upon _____ and ask that I only want answers from my Source Consciousness and
higher self, with guidance and accurate answers in the NOW

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34. Do this meditation: Create, see, image golden light streaming from source down though your crown
chakra, filling up your body and aura, and meeting the river of energy flowing through you, and
transmuting the flow of energy into joy and peace.
35. Put up your SPLASH (Selective Permeability Light Auric Shield). At each layer of the aura it filters out what
you don't need and lets in what you do need. Allows you to feel others but not absorb it.
36. Ask at the end of the session "Speed up perception". This will decrease the healing time.
37. Listening to your inner voice 100%?
38. My communication with my inner power 100%?
39. Should I bring in Ankaijia the healing master (change to your own healing master) to remove any
bad/negative energies?
40. Am I a really neutral psychic reading machine? Am I balanced?
41. Am I happy? Am I Go lucky?
42. Has there been any other energy work that was seen to be ineffective that is effecting me now?
43. Am I confident with my energy (healing) work? Do past (perceived) failures get in the way?
44. I only want to bring in people who will receive the most benefit from me? Send out to the universe!
Things to remember:-
45. Anything can cause anything!
46. If you get the number change but not the results you are missing a connection, layer or dependency.
47. The mind needs precision to release energy.
48. Almost everything can be measure out of 100.
49. Energy can be stored and connected across lifetimes, timelines, dimensions, aspects of consciousness,
layers, systems, cycles and more.

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Energy Work Questions and Charts

General Information/Questions
1. Create unlimited space for healing. Clear with Ease and grace.
2. The one "rule" now that I use for new clients is their percentage for self love, self forgiveness and inner
child must be a minimum of 25% and the goal is to get those up to 100%....otherwise when I start releasing
their "imbalances" which are a lot more than emotions, more and more layers of offensive energies come
up to release and those are key to release permanently (not bandaid solutions) the better they feel
about themselves the more they release.
3. Send Reiki- Dunburi. This releases absorbed emotions. Send x 100,000, 10 million etc as appropriate. Need
to be a Reiki practitioner, with this symbol, to do this.
4. Send Reiki- OSHO. This can make you feel good and calming. Send x 100,000, 10 million etc as appropriate.
Need to be a Reiki practitioner, with this symbol, to do this.
5. Is there an aversion to healing?
6. Is there a Fail-safe I can release keeping me locked in this pattern or behaviour or frame of being. Just take
every fail-safe situation as it comes and respect it, because the same as a heart-wall, it has kept you safe in
its own twisted way.
7. A fail-safe is a subconscious mechanism that prevents you from reaching a desired state of being, because
the subconscious mind labels it as: Dangerous or even Life threatening.
8. Releasing a fail-safe works best when you figure out fully the condition or state of being that it prevents
you from reaching."
9. Can the emotion be cleared through all time, space, dimension, and reality? and then completely clear it.
10. Trapped emotions (and mixed/composite emotions, negative emotions, and from this life time, past life's,
inherited). How many?
11. First Trapped emotion or what is the emotion to clear for the highest good?
12. Second Trapped emotion
13. Third Trapped emotion
14. Fourth Trapped emotion
15. Fifth Trapped emotion
16. Sixth Trapped emotion, etc
17. Muscle test for the emotion in each energy layer:-
18. Physical Energy layer
19. Etheric Energy layer
20. Emotional Energy layer
21. Cognitive (mental) Energy layer
22. Spiritual Energy layer
23. Do I have any detrimental energy? Detrimental energy cages (around Body parts or Energy centres).
24. Do I have copies of detrimental energy of any kind.. in us, around us, over us, following us.
25. Do I have deception and deception devices, - any hidden, secret or disguised versions.
26. Is my physical immune system balanced?
27. Is my microbiome balanced? (Symbiotic)
28. How balanced and sovereign is my Wei Qi field? (Energetic)
29. How balanced and sovereign is my Emotional body?
30. How balanced and sovereign is my Mental body?
31. Who created this energy? Did I create this or was it transferred from someone else?
32. Is there a generator for the emotion?
33. Should we use the Body code for answers?
34. Run Code of Transmutation on ____________ to replace with energy for my Highest and Best Good, NOW.
(Don't forget you can use the Code Of Transmutation energy to transform any energy that is not working
for you into the energy that's for your highest and best good.)
35. Immune function. %. Levels of SIgA? 100%
36. What percentage is my stress level? Get it down to 0.
37. Poking the bear/tiger - rinse and repeat!

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38. I now command that I be sovereign physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, spiritually,
and dimensionally, and any low vibrational energies that can clear from me be cleared now in the
highest and best way, all directions in time , in the highest and best way with ease and grace,
thank you.
39. PH Balance
40. Focus. Is it easy to focus?
41. Is (name of person) Calm
42. Grounded
43. Is there a Sabotage programme or patterns?
44. Is there a fraud patrol? Clear it. All the oaths, vows, commitments, fealties, commealties and promises you
have to being the fraud patrol, will you please rescind, revoke, reclaim, recant, renounce, denounce,
destroy and uncreate them all?
45. Is there an Eternity loop?
46. Body and Spirit connected
47. Body and Spirit aligned
48. Heart, heart connectivity
49. Is the heart Joyous? Enthusiastic?
50. Heart Wall /Secret wall/Hidden wall/Addictive heart energy/broken - pieces/super hidden/none of my
business hidden/inherited/Obsessive/compulsive/ traumatized/Past life
51. Body Wall
52. Head Wall
53. Abundance Wall
54. Stress Energies
55. Illness Energies
56. Miasm Energies (inherited disease energy)
57. Created Energies
58. Inherited Energies
59. Absorbed Energies
60. Frustration Energies
61. Inflammation Energies
62. Physical Trauma Energies
63. Post Traumatic Stress Energies
64. Image Energies
65. Chakras - Earth star (Physical, Spiritual, Mental, Emotion)
66. Chakras - Root/Base (Physical, Spiritual, Mental, Emotion)
67. Chakras -Sacral (Physical, Spiritual, Mental, Emotion)
68. Chakras -Solar Plexus (Physical, Spiritual, Mental, Emotion)
69. Chakras -Heart (Physical, Spiritual, Mental, Emotion)
70. Chakras -Throat (Physical, Spiritual, Mental, Emotion)
71. Chakras -Brow/Third Eye (Physical, Spiritual, Mental, Emotion)
72. Chakras -Crown (Physical, Spiritual, Mental, Emotion)
73. Chakras-Solstar (Physical, Spiritual, Mental, Emotion)
74. Chakras: Cords are etheric cords or hooks. There are good cords and not so good cords.
75. Gadgets tend to be symbology for powerful emotions. I have found all kinds of cords and gadgets in the
chakras. I have found axe's, arrows, razors, lipstick, spiders all kinds of things in the chakras and energetic
76. Eat chakras (they exist)
77. Are there other chakras that are imbalanced?
78. Programmed to BE happy or healthy
79. Am I paranoid about my health? Am I scared by society about not being healthy enough?
80. Connected to God (your meaning)

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81. Aura
82. Polarity
83. Balanced and Centered
84. Vagus nerve, vagus tone. Is it connected?
85. Parasympathetic Nervous System. All health maintenance processes — including digestion, detoxification,
immune activities, tissue regeneration and arousal — are turned on only when your body is in a
parasympathetic state.
86. Sympathetic Nervous System
87. Central Nervous System. Your nervous system is relaxed
88. Release all emotional imbalances affecting them today
89. Release all imbalances:-
90. eg school, teacher, home, chair etc
91. eg surrounding or causing or contributing to the symptom of ADHD?:-
92. eg Rocking back and forth, crawling, motor skills etc
93. Self-judgment? Hope? Expansion? Let go of judgment and then find Passion, Purpose and Peace: self-
driving life. Fast lane to your higher life.
94. Brain- Cerebellum. Temporal Lobes. Release all imbalances preventing these things from staying 100%
balanced indefinitely
95. Is there a sickness memory? Footprint of something? Hypochondriac?
96. Is my Memory Field working at 100%
97. Supplements required: Ashwaganda, rhodiola (herbs), Fulvic-humic minerals
98. Routine:- :Routines being boring
99. T3 Therapy: triiodothyronine
100. Thyroid: Read thyroid healing by Anthony Williams. Quit eggs, drink celery juice every morning
101. Ho'oponopono: I'm sorry, Please forgive me, I forgive you, Thank you, I love you. Times x
102. Childhood trauma:- Mother / Father / sibling dying
103. Candida and Parasite: Cleanses. Check Gut lining etc. Activated chlorite.
104. Check for parasites, strep bacteria, entities/saboteurs and make sure your micro biome (good gut
organisms) is functioning 100%. Wheat intolerance? Digestive enzymes
105. Digestive system, throat, stomach, small/large intestine, colon etc. Discordant energy?
106. Colon: Conflict (and other areas)
107. Insulin receptors in the brain cells are open and clear
108. Each hormone is happy balanced and working at a healthy set point
109. Heavy Metals
110. CBD Oil - hemp oil. Endocannbinoid system
111. Confusion. At all levels: spiritual, emotional, physical, mental.
112. Food intolerances. Eating disorders? Genetic dispositions?
113. Alcoholism. Eat plenty of fruit.
114. Are they MTHfr - inability to properly use B vitamins
115. Diet - Plant Based
116. Toxins:- Caffeine, General, Heavy metals
117. Violence
118. Depression: Neurotransmitter imbalance. Gut bacteria.
119. Laziness
120. Is there an excess of Acetycholine or Norepinephrine? Can it be reduced to appropriate levels for his body
121. Neurotransmitters:- Dopamine, Seratonin
122. - Is it a Receptor problem
123. - Is it an Effector problem
124. Hearing / Ears
125. Tinnitus. What number is it on a scale

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126. Eyes,20/20,eye vision, 20/10, as good as 'name', crystal clear, focus, >100%, all components
127. Head, scalp, temples, etc
128. Brain Function:- Lobe of and gland in the brain
129. Balance the location of the brain
130. Is there an Idea intolerance? or Physical Intolerance (Digestion)?
131. Is there a reverberation emotion? Is there a trapped emotion associated with it?
132. Entities. if you are 100% free of them. Send them back to the light - could be a lost soul.
133. Curses -hidden, secret, cloaked, from another time/space/dimension. Pre-Historic curses.
134. Clearing negative and unhealthy cords
135. Discordinant energy
136. Decision fatigue
137. Cognitive fatigue
138. Happiness
139. Emotional trauma
140. Do I have unresolved trauma causing/driving addictions?
141. Body temple 100%?
142. Color imbalance? Is there an excess? Mood? Wear a colorful tee-shirt.
143. Bioresonance?
144. Essential oils?
145. Are all my Morphic fields happy? Create a new Morphic field (with a specific topic).
146. Assemblage point - center it and balance it. (vortex running through the center of the human chest and
upper back where the vibrations of our energy radiate out to make up our aura or electromagnetic field)
147. Infinite being. Infinite potential?
148. Saboteur energy
149. Implants - deactivate and dissolve. Do I Have an Alien Implant?
150. Water - remove non-beneficial memories: send love and light and freedom
151. Negative Karmic energies - ancestors
152. Despair (Despair Anchor)
153. Overwhelm
154. Post Hypnotic suggestion
155. Will to die
156. Brain messages
157. Heart Messages
158. Viral
159. Fungal/Fungus
160. Bacterial. Transmute bad stuff.
161. Mould
162. Charcoal; should I use it for a cleansing?
163. Hypothalamus
164. Thymus gland
165. Right/Left Adrenal. Adrenal fatigue
166. Left/Right Ovary
167. Pituitary gland
168. Liver
169. Left/Right Kidney
170. Pineal gland. Is it calcifying? Fluoride?
171. Thyroid gland
172. Left/right Lung
173. Gall Bladder
174. Pancreas
175. Stomach

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176. Spleen
177. Ascending Colon
178. Transverse Colon
179. Descending Colon
180. Small Intestine
181. Ileo Cecal Valve
182. Uterus or Prostate
183. Bladder
184. Are all organs communicating at 100%?
185. Nutritional Needs - Call on God's pharmacy to provide them.
186. Triple Warmer. (Triple warmer meridian happy).
187. Conception
188. Governing (meridian)
189. Pericardia
190. Perineum
191. Irritability
192. Insomnia
193. Mental disorders
194. Giddiness
195. Concentration
196. Will power
197. Hysteria
198. Endogenous cannabinoid system
199. Denied Aspects eg of this fetus
200. Laughter? Have I forgotten how to have fun and laugh?
201. Is there Joy in my life?
202. Do I have optimism?
203. Over-sensitivity
204. Under-sensitivity
205. Determine whether it is appropriate to recalibrate to 100%:-
206. At what percentage is the physical hearing sense acting?
207. At what percentage is the physical vision sense acting?
208. At what percentage is the physical feeling sense acting?
209. At what percentage is the physical smell sense acting?
210. At what percentage is the physical taste sense acting?
211. At what percentage is the perception of pain acting?
212. At what percentage is the touch sense acting?
213. At what percentage is the proprioceptive sense (body in space) working?
214. At what percentage are the (Kinaesthetic) intuitive abilities acting? Does the body knows how to develop
Kinaesthetic Intuition?
215. At what percentage is the clairaudient ability acting?
216. At what percentage is the clairvoyant ability acting?
217. At what percentage is the clairsentient ability acting?
218. At what percentage is the overall psychic ability acting?
219. At what percentage is my abundant energy?
220. At what percentage is my Nutrition?
221. Dehydration - is it literal or symbiotic
222. Blocking me from utilizing water - alkaline or acidic. Water sources and things to do to water to enhance it.
Top choices of ways to best hydrate My body at this time
223. Conflict - External/ Internal? Is my disease coming from conflict?
224. Resistance (to change, to healing)

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225. Inner Child - heart walls, hidden, secret, inherited. Wounded

226. Offensive energy: Apparent, Hidden, Secret , Cloaked in light, Secret cloaked in light, Hidden cloaked in
light, Invisible, Never to be seen, Stealth, Shicuuub, Secret shicuuub, Hidden shicuuub, Inherited, Secret
inherited, Hidden inherited , Deep buried inherited
227. Harmony with you and other person
228. Regenerators - keeps recreating the same like energy
229. I am comfortable with healing. I allow myself to live vibrantly
230. Replacing negative emotions with positive ones? If you just release sometimes you leave a big empty space
of energy if it's a big emotion and it's filled back in with another negative one. Before you release an
emotion ask if it needs to be replaced. Use 1000 beliefs system
231. is there another emotion I need to release before I can successfully release this emotion. (Holding it in)
232. Scalar energy is (can be) toxic
233. Should I use scalar energy?
234. Infection
235. “I want to be sick” “I want to be well”
236. "Feeling unsafe in the world” or “feeling unsafe around others”
237. Clear & Remove all portals (entry ways and holes entities come in through) from client and in home.
238. Am I cleansing? (or use 'Is my')
239. Am I healing?
240. Is my body cleansing?
241. Is my body de-toxing?
242. Is my body healing?
243. Am I ok? and to answer honestly, instinctively, and to be able to feel that I’m on my own side, rather than
my own worst enemy.
244. Do you make yourself small to make people feel comfortable? - Should I? (maybe a Women thing).
245. Deep listening?
246. Am I curious about other people?
247. Do I have a willingness to speak and be heard?
248. Miasms- these are energetically inherited patterns of pre- disposition to diseases. May be hidden.
Destruction Miasm?
249. Certain, Capable, Commanding, Present, Senior, Graciousness, Happy
250. Toxicity in the body? Eg Do I have toxicity in my brain?
251. Fatigue or a sign of serious dysfunction in your body and brain.
252. (Severe) Chronic Fatigue syndrome, Fibromyalgia.
253. Sleep deeper than you have since you were a little kid, and wake up bursting with energy
254. Disrupted Circadian Rhythm - cause of fatigue
255. Melatonin production (Pineal), Mitochondrial function, Deficient Autophagy (recycling at a cellular level)
256. Serotonin levels. Loss of interest in passions, Anhedonia(difficulties finding pleasures..), loss of enthusiasm,
muscle pains, loss of interest.
257. Dopamine: Lack of drive, difficulties with tasks, anti-social.
258. Orexin: daytime sleepiness, fatigue, chronic low energy, weight gain, poor sleep.
259. Gaba levels: poor sleep, restless mind
260. Harmonics working at 100%
261. Inside circulation, white-blood cells, blood
262. Vitamin C level (cancer)
263. Periodontitis disease (Mouth/Gum)
264. Is there a root-canal tooth problem? Toxins and Infections? Should it be removed?
265. Ozone- it is required? Call from God's pharmacy
266. Candida (fungal infection)
267. Trauma bodies and or negative connections
268. Removing implants, programming and blockages impeding on your circuits and energy structures

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269. Rescuing soul fragments & traumatised bodies of energy from all related lifetimes (can use Court of
270. Repairing and clearing energy bodies and the physical body
271. Flooding traumatised areas with special light frequencies (such as damaged organs/hearts/glands)
272. Cutting cords between yourself and others (and sealed)
273. Suppression and spontaneity
274. Inspired
275. Cellular Membrane Receptor, DNA, Telomeres, zygote, stem cells? What do I need to do to improve my
Telomeres? Delta brain wave?
276. Do I have Junk DNA? Should I have? Can I reset them?
277. Are my immunogloblins working at 100%?
278. Electromagnetic potential, electro polarity?
279. Magnetic interference - EMF protectors?
280. Is my Foetus - physical, spirit happy?
281. Past life / preconception emotions, vows and other energies from past / alternate incarnations
282. Dorsal Vagal - Dissociation, Numbness, Depression, Conservation of energy, Helplessness / Shame,
shutdown, hopelessness, preparation for death.
283. Sympathetic - Panic, Fear, anxiety / Rage, Anger, Irritation, frustration,
284. Ventral Vagal - Joy, in the presence, Grounded / Curiosity, Openness, mindful, compassion
285. Self-critical perfectionism
286. Psychobiotics and gut health/manipulation of bacteria
287. High Blood sugar, Low Blood sugar
288. Caffeine toxicity
289. Adenosine - right state of consciousness
290. Thiamine (amino acid)
291. Energy Blueprint
292. Gut Permeability, Leaky Gut, Dysbiosis (microbial imbalance ). Use Coconut Oil?
293. Neurotransmitters
294. Inflammation
295. Is my Biofilm happy? From microorganisms. eg Plague in teeth
296. Toxins in the blood
297. Mitochondrial function
298. Immune function
299. Vagal tone
300. Gut hormones
301. Boost your energy systems. Download from God's pharmacy energy frequency..
302. Your mood
303. Denied emotions - preventing healing as they are denied.
304. Is there a imbalanced Magnetic field? Distortion or deficiency?
305. Put on weight - unprocessed experience that is keeping me from doing that?
306. Is this a default emotion?
307. If it doesn’t come up as an emotion is it a belief or a thought form? Are my thoughts causing
imbalances/negativity. Is the thought form embellished?
308. Are my thoughts useful? How do they behave?
309. Is it from a future self.
310. When I clear things I do it through prayer and ask God to clear "everything pertaining to all of ______".
That includes all of the roots, patterns, beliefs, ideas, emotions, frequencies, magnetic fields, developing
magnetic fields, pathogens, resonances, and anything else associated with whatever it is that is being
311. Test to see if your boundary is effective
312. Cut off from my Inner-guidance

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313. Am I ok with changing ..

314. Find out parts of the body
315. River of energy
316. Trilogy - Un-consciousness, consciousness, sub-consciousness, causing pain or stress
317. Dense energies
318. Archangels, rainbow dragons (need help from them) eg archangel Sandalphon, Michael
319. Angels, Unicorns and dragons - call them in?
320. Soul energy clearing
321. Fulfil your amazing potential and raise your frequency to a new spiritual level. Raise your frequency of your
322. Heart Rate Variability (responsive your heart rate is)
323. Confirmation bias
324. Scepticism about everything
325. Do my cells listen to me (after talking to them)
326. Histamine levels
327. Check Histamine Receptors H1, H2, H3 H4 for excess of Histamine built up in the body.
328. Suppressed anger
329. Are any energy inhibitors to the bodies preventing a natural healing process.
330. If the meridians are in Balance one by one. Check the spleen Meridian in particular and the stomach
Meridian it's partner.
331. Spleen-stomach battery loops on both sides of your body. If they measure less that the optimal minus 25
millivolts you will begin to have endocrine system issues which can include a reduced thyroid function. You
can look up thyroid function and its relationship with body fat processing and depositing.
332. Check whether Inside source/origin or outside source/origin? If outside influence-, 2G, 5G, Chem Trails,
GMO, Heavy Metals, etc? If inside, Systems, Organs, etc? Or is it a combination?
333. With the curses, ask if they are hidden, secret, cloaked, from another time/space/dimension. Entities can
be very crafty how they hide stuff.
334. Do I accept my flaws
335. Morning Sickness: Is there either a disconnection between the mother and the umbilical cord or the
amniotic fluid. Or the foetus.
336. Sugar craving
337. Pathogens, Parasites. Identify the pathogen from the current lifetime, you take out the pathogen's and it's
spores' Life Force Energy and then the toxin energy (all separately)
338. Is there any Biological poison? eg spider bite, bee sting.
339. Gluten (Thyroid gland). (Hidden) Miasmas? Glutamat?
340. Beta cells in the pancreas. Casine (Dairy)
341. Hips are level and her shoulders are level?
342. Self Responsibility should be brought to 100%
343. Acupuncture System (Points)
344. Evil spirits - where
345. Meridians
346. Biological Clock. Biological Age?
347. Go to the point of creation and clear until I get it 100% gone
348. Default emotions
349. Is it safe for the client: Clear the fear. When you are feeling fear, recognize what you are picturing in your
mind and then spin in a clockwise circle (hand in the air) and think again why you were feeling that way.
You will notice that the circumstances that you were focusing on suddenly do not seem quite so
350. Quantum blueprint - who you really are. Are you part of the universe
351. Mental generators
352. Karmic ties and debts

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353. Worm holes between..

354. Forgiveness between you at 100%. One thing to keep in mind is that forgiveness is a result of two actions,
“understanding and accepting.” Once we understand why something happened we can accept it!
355. Get more things done in my time-space..
356. Restore myself back to the health and wellbeing .. of my Blue-print .. to release..
357. Restore my/your (something) back to the time when it was working at 100%
358. Being straight with my communication (no misunderstandings). Integrity
359. Do I have immunity to (eg getting the flu). Release stuff, are there any negative beliefs
360. Imposter syndrome
361. Unspeakable, unmentionable, unthinkable, deeply buried, cloaked
362. Hidden/Invisible infections
363. Cords and/or plugs?
364. Have any marks or attachments attracting them. (Marks are like branding that are put on us)
365. Clear your Overseer from offensive energies, it has attachments right now, what will trigger your Over-
soul, and Soul to test as multiple. Only keep one soul. How many Overseer do I need.
366. 100% in its natural state.
367. Is this symbolic. eg Rib cage is the foundation of who you are
368. Vision cortex - back of the brain - for better eyesight
369. Stem cell (injection) required
370. Another modality required: Reiki, Acupuncture, Rolfing, Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique),
Massage,T3, Sound, FSM (frequency specific micro-current), PMF (Magnetic field therapy), Rife machine
(frequencies), Healy machine, Feldenkrais, Rebirth therapy (continuous deep breathing), Spirit surgery,
Matrix re-imprinting:-
371. Full Court of Atonement: After the Court of Atonement is called, the Soul understands why people
behaved the way they behaved, and the information is fed to the cells of the body. Suddenly emotionally
charged topics of the past do not carry their charge.
372. Matrix re-imprinting: kind of like an advanced EFT, where you work with parts of yourself that have broken
off to hold trauma called Echoes. I found it to be more powerful for me personally than trilogy, and the
Matrix Birth Reimprinting workshop/book made a huge difference in healing my birth trauma. Karl
Dawson has a great book, and that is all you need to pick up and apply the technique.
373. Cold water for a time/Hot water - assists the body to force healing. Swim in cold water.
374. Weight: Am I okay being lean / thin / fit / strong /fat/?
375. Energy Sludge, Rips or holes in aura, Cords of attachment, Energetic debris, Stagnant energy, Energy
376. Healthy relationship - smooth pink cords
377. Only notice the good, that your body balances the work peacefully and that the work processes out
378. Clear the workspace / house /property: Sage, energetically.
379. Do I need to detox - release the TE's, Coffee enema
380. Breathing - 1 times in 2 times out. 4 in-7 hold-8 out rule for sleeping.
381. Brain stem
382. Exosome gene therapy
383. Hydrogen or ozone injection
384. Hydrogen water filter, alkaline
385. Visualisation techniques
386. Stimulate cell growth in a particular area eg Knees
387. Is my inner-resource of well-being happy?
388. Is my body Radiant?
389. Is the Pernicious balanced? Dry/heat etc
390. Am I a spacious being?

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391. Is my body sensing working at 100%

392. Affirm my intention. Is my intent working at 100%
393. Am I resilient?
394. Interconnected wholeness with self and world?
395. Awareness at 100%?
396. Unconditionalality?
397. Am I lonely?
398. Am I happy to receive care?
399. Virus: Epstein-Barr, Do not eat: Eggs, Dairy, Gluten, Canola oil, soy, corn, and pork.
400. Do I have "trapped/hidden/secret/heart-wall" that cause me to procrastinate/avoid? Depends on the
subject(s) / relationships that the person is procrastinating on or avoiding and their emotional associations
with those subjects and the people involved.
401. Is there is a vibration within you that is acting like a magnet and pulling it back in?
402. How many levels are there to correct/ balance if an illness is chronic and no matter how you clear it
doesn't get better:-
1. physical level
2. mental level
3. soul level
4. spiritual level
5. emotional level
6. energetic level
7. dimensional level
403. Misalignments?
404. Do I need to laugh?
405. Do I need to shake my hands, legs, body? Releases negative energy.
406. Is my chi/energy flowing freely throughout my body
407. Are the cells open to receive oxygen? Do they need oxygen peroxide? Test percentage in water.
408. Is there an Oxygen deprivation? Is 5G (EMF) involved.
409. Do my J cells need balancing (7 of them)
410. Is it safe and comfortable to just be me?
411. Every-day in every-way my life gets better and better?
412. It is safe and comfortable to make more money?
413. Spirit is showing me and telling me how to make life changing moves in safe comfortable way?
414. The ideal romantic partner shows up for me when I least expect it and if I am with then now they come
through for me and complete me?
415. I appreciate the little things in life and I am thankful and full of gratitude for all that I have?
416. The rest of my life will be the best of my life?
417. In work job career life sees me as the choices instead of the options and choices me above all others?
418. Spirit shows me I can rebuild my life better than ever before?
419. I am shown the simple way to have all that I have ever dreamed of with ease, joy, laughter and
420. Unhealed issues in my/our lives?
421. How many DEEP ROOT CAUSE emotions are there to clear that is causing the physical health to not be at
422. Am I a catalyst for change (in other people)? Does it cause upsets? Do I need to be a catalyst for change?
423. Light codes - 22 of them. Balance them. Light score: 100% 0-100% (Balance of light and dark)
424. Do I need an infra-red lamp? Or light therapy?
425. Victim patterns - eg fear of letting go, Victim of needing to be right, Victim of indecision. Victim of other
people's behaviour. Embrace Purpose lessness. Ref: Gene Keyes.
426. Brain chemistry
427. Access chemistry

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428. Blood-sugar
429. The J seals (or Jehovian Seals) are also called the Death Seals. They are energetic distortions at the
planetary level so every being born on Earth has them. They are located on the left side of the body and
may manifest dis-ease in their respective locations. They are located on axiatonal line 7 of the Earth and
the human energetic anatomy. The significance of the J seals is that we seem to “inherit” them from the
Earth’s grids. They are as unnatural as the deaths that they cause, which is erroneously thought to be a
normal stage of life. Biological transmutation (or ascension) is built into the original Angelic Human DNA
template, and the J-seals (and specifically the Zeta seal) prevent this.
430. Do I need to use a nice photo and receive/install the frequencies? Which photo?
431. Light score started at eg 73% now 100%. A balance between light and dark energies
432. Light code of oneness
433. Released victim patterns
434. Should we use energy balancing by numbers? (work of Lloyd Mear). eg I download all the numbers that
are beneficial to me from Lloyd Mear's work.
435. Is geographical stress causing problems. Scramble the energies.
436. Do a mind-spirit-body exercise: Tai Chi, Qi Gong.
437. Should I use Miracle II Soap,
438. Should I call in spirit beings? eg Doctors, surgeons
439. Bach Flower website, muscle test which ones I need and send the frequency to infuse.
440. Should I put live plants in my house?
441. Am I divine? Am I fully awake? Divine Fire? Divine essence? Am I radiant as the Divine? Is my divine
intelligence 100%
442. Am I actively Manifesting?
443. Does my truth resonate with me?
444. Does the knowingness fully enfold me and enwrap me?
445. Is my joy my goal?
446. Am I united in conscious divinity? Is my divinity fully awake?
447. Humour, fun, celebration, dancing, music, singing and all forms of uplifting creativity are high frequency
change-makers! Do I have that in my life?
448. Should I do/in my best interest Journaling? Automatic writing?
449. Is my Soul Contract happy?
450. Can I receive very potent downloads, messages, body recalibrations?
451. Is my Light Body coming in very strongly?
452. Do I have an old worn-out cellular consciousness?
453. Do I have a lifetime/lifetimes of Self worth issues?
454. Is my conscious system based on Love, Fairness, Equality and Oneness?
455. Are you happy with your partner (Family)? Talk to them about it.
456. Am I ascending? At an appropriate rate? Can I accelerate that?
457. Can I receive Arcturian Light Crystal Technology Energy to cleanse and heal the immune systems and
beliefs of those who are always receptive to our energies and wish to ensure their perfect health?
458. Am I blissfully healthy and in tune with the needs of my body in order to manifest a pure existence?
459. I anchor light into my(your) physical body and transform negative beliefs and thoughts held in every aspect
of my(your) physical body.
460. Can I create my(your) own beliefs about the reality I(you) exist within and my(your) experiences,
protecting myself(yourself) from beliefs focused on fear? Is 'this' possible to have this as your reality?
461. Are there mutated substances that are still contaminating my(our) cells?
462. Can I download and install Unconditional love?
463. Should I watch Matt Kahn: Thy Will Be done.
464. Am I living in my own awakening?

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465. Am I enlightened?
466. Am I "I am"?
467. Have I surrendered (to the source)?
468. I download and receive the frequency of Surrender.
469. Whose will am I serving?
470. Am I attracted to alignment? Is it 100%?
471. Do I only attract good things into my life?
472. Is my life fulfilling?
473. Show me the option that is most aligned in a 100% of my highest ethics and integrity.
Please show me which option matches the highest alignment of my integrity and ethics.
474. Am I resilient and aligned?
475. Do I have an ego? What percentage? Can I release it? Ask if his ego thinks he was better off before and
wants things to stay the same?
476. Raise you dimension to where diseases are forgotten and where symptoms dissolve, where concerns
vanish and where fears go missing. Is this the afterlife? There are degrees and realms to the afterlife. 8th
to the 12th..
477. Which dimension are you living in? 5th How fully are you in this? Can you get to the
478. Can I transmit at a 5th dimensional consciousness? 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th?
479. Do I have a voice of wisdom? 100%
480. Am I in a trance of earths cosmic energy?
481. Is my level of consciousness optimal? Do I have a high quality of consciousness?
482. Is my level of awakening at 100%
483. Is my Judgment optimal?
484. Do I manifest a conflict of intuition?
485. Do I have untransmutted cellular density?
486. Do I have a shadow?
487. Do I have an Ego and suffering and conflict and pain and being lost in the perception of time?
488. Do I have anything preventing me from facing the dark shadows?
489. Am I fully initiated into the light?
490. Do I have unlimited time? Do I have a perception of time? Can I step out of time (now)?
491. Can I see trails of colour energy in my body?
492. Is my perception working at 100%
493. Can I download new technologies from the universe (Palladian)?
494. Am I perfect the way I am?
495. Do I (Can I ) occur in infinite dimensions? Would it be beneficial?
496. Are the 11 dimensions in the human brain working at 100% and happy?
497. Has my ego integrated into my light?
498. With this/my choice whose life am I improving?
499. Am I enthusiastic enough? 100%
500. Am I passionate enough? 100%
501. Do I have Focus? 100%
502. Do I have intention? 100%
503. Do I have purpose? 100% What is it?
504. I accept that the more I choose to be here the safer I feel the more grounded I am which allows the light
already within my space and capacity to shine out and uplift the lives of all only to be received by those
who are willing to receive it. The more I am willing to be here the better I feel about the world the better I
feel. The better I feel about the world the more I'm holding conscious intention that the end result of this
journey will be positive one for the world and then the universe will have to figure out how to get us from
here to over there rather quickly. I don't need to worry about that I'm just here to be unreasonably

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passionate and to shine my light so bright whether it is bliss or nauseates people to raise the vibration of
this planet to bring the world together where we can live peacefully..
505. Am I going through a transmutation? (Process of change and expansion in existence) Should I? Ascension?
506. Is the light ready to shine through me?
507. Does my sub-conscience give me good accurate information?
508. Can I do remote viewing accurately?
509. Would a regression help me (how)? Hypnosis?
510. Do I need help from a healing ET? Ask for help - you may be surprised!
511. Can I access the Akashic records? Do I have to learn a technique to access? Will this help with a healing?
512. Is there a soul door open to another life that is causing issues now?
513. Is my intent good (at 100%)?
514. Is my karmic memory working at 100% and happy?
515. Do I need to analyse my dreams? Write out a question for my dreams.
516. Do I have a super conscious mind?
517. Am I responding to my life correctly?
518. Do I have a pure mind?
519. Do I have a clear mind?
520. I am I (becoming) present and abiding in the NOW?
521. Am I complete?
522. Am I whole?
523. Is my seed of consciousness 100%?
524. Can I tap into Gods energy at 100%
525. Is my soul self working at 100%?
526. Do I have a Soul contract that I would now like to change?
527. Am I mindful at 100%?
528. Is my sense of accomplishment at 100%
529. At what level can I harness the energy of the planet (eg Type 0.7 - 4.00). Do I? At 100%?
530. "I receive all Activations from the Mystery Schools that will assist my Ascension."
531. Is my Life Activation optimal?
532. Download and install Stem Cells into the area (organ) that requires it.
533. I choose to just know. so I don't have to believe. 'All beliefs are limitations"
534. Is my Precognition at 100%?
535. Is my Premonition at 100%
536. Is my IQ high enough?
537. Is my Life force at 100% and happy? (Frequency band)
538. Is my receiving of Life Force at 100%?
539. Is my Energy force at 100% and happy?
540. Is my Unified Energy at 100% and happy?
541. Is there anything I need to do to increase my energy field? How? Meditation? Energy exercises?
542. Is my Proximate reality at 100%. Unlimited?
543. Is my Physical reality at 100%? Unlimited?
544. Do things need to Matter? Why?
545. Do I need to "Go with the flow"? Do I?
546. Look in the mirror and say "I am the best".
547. Do I need to consult the German New Medicine - Type of conflict?
548. Do I need a Tarot/Angel card reading?
549. Can I operate beyond the 5 levels of perception? Do I?
550. Do I worry about consequences? Should I?
551. Can I access my innate consciousness?
552. Can I identify with my infinite state of consciousness? (This is a perception. I am having an experience.)
553. Do I concede to stupid?

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554. Do I have freedom? (Or slavery?, Concentration camps?, Human trafficking?, Rituals and ritual abuse?)
555. Do I have: Demands, extortions, blackmail, obligations. entrapment, punishments, defrauding, entrapment
through misrepresentation, scapegoating, sacrificial offering?
556. Am I Love? (at 100%)
557. Can I gain my true nature? (am I a light being?, do I have wholeness?)
558. Do I have self-esteem?
559. Do I have Free-Will at 100%
560. Do I know why are we here at 100%?
561. Is my synchronicity at 100%?
562. Am I authentic?
563. Can I have an out of body experience now? What are the blockages? eg Fear, afraid of failure, disaster
loop. Must have a pre-defined purpose. Teleporting?
564. Is it in my highest good to do an Ayahuasca retreat?
565. Whatever I do in life, it’s critical that I'm doing it because I WANT to! Is this true? Why not?
566. Can I connect now to my higher-self?
567. Can I connect now to do Astral negotiations?
568. Is there a God Gene?
569. Is the God energy at 100%
570. Is the light in my/your DNA at 100%
571. Am I a Pilot of myself? (Life's purpose) Should I be?
572. Is your Inner Power working at 100%?
573. Is my Heart expanding?
574. Is my Heart field at 100% and coherent?
575. Is my awareness expanding?
576. Is my unconscious expanding?
577. Is my bioresonence expanding enough?
578. Is my Bliss energy high enough?
579. Do I have a lack of colour ? Any particular colour?
580. Am I illuminated?
581. Am I depleted of energy?
582. Transform negative energy into happy cheery love?
583. Are there parasitic beings?
584. Am I a sun? A giver of energy? (That is a good thing)
585. Should I embody the sound of a rune? Which one? (Look it up)
586. Am I within alignment with my purpose with passion?
587. Do I need to laugh back at fear based para-normal activities?
588. Is there a zeitguised energy? eg COVID-19.
589. Do I need to reframe my expectations?
590. Do I need to change the way I see the world? Is it a perception issue?
591. Is my body functioning at more than 20% etc?
592. Am I depleted of energy? Check each Chakra.
593. Should I do a chakra meditation to the planets in our solar system? Each chakra can reflect a different
594. Are my chakra aligned and balanced with the appropriate planet in this universe?
595. I ask to download energy from all the planets to restore my respective chakras.
596. Is my desired outcome working at 100%
597. Do I have a lack of empathy?
598. Does my duality need to be balanced? Is it related to my Polarity?
599. Do I have any repressed energy? Can I release it?
600. Do I need to learn from a/the experience and not judge it?
601. Am I (or human being) in a state of waking consciousness? At 100%

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602. Am I (or human being) in a state of deep sleep?

603. Am I (or human being) in a state of dreaming?
604. Am I (or human being) in a state of transcendental consciousness? Bliss?
605. Am I (or human being) in a state of cosmic consciousness?
606. Am I (or human being) in a state of god consciousness?
607. Am I (or human being) in a state of unity consciousness?
608. I invoke "Light Speed Density Detox"
609. Do I have any conflict energy?
610. Am I a Master? Do I have mastery? Practice! Stand in your truth. Center below, Center above, radiate your
core - Go and live your life.
611. Do I have the posture of Core Energy?
612. Is my sacred brain working at 100%?
613. Is my energy of Love at 100%?
614. Inner Wisdom working at 100%?
615. Am I boundless? eg Am I afraid of getting hurt? Slow-down and surrender? Selfishness?
616. Do I need to shift from grind to grace (Wealth, abundance) Spiritual immunity.
617. Do I have spiritual wealth creation frequency at 100%?
618. Do I have anything causing distractions?
619. I have made mistakes and I ask to be pardoned?
620. What you think about you bring about! The more focus that you put on it the larger it gets! Make peace
with those things that you don't like: the resistance will fall away and will allow for the full healing to
621. Do I have any hidden family secrets? Do a FCOA on them.
622. Can I access the Gamma brain waves at 100%?
623. Can I access the Beta brain waves at 100%?
624. Can I access the Alpha brain waves at 100%?
625. Can I access the Theta brain waves at 100%?
626. Can I access the Delta brain waves at 100%?
627. Can I access the Infra-low brain waves at 100%?
628. Do I have full access to the Astral plane? 5th Dimension.
629. Do I have full access to the Mental plane? 6th Dimension.
630. Do I have full access to the 1st Casual plane? 7th Dimension.
631. Do I have full access to the 2nd Casual plane? 8th Dimension.
632. Do I have full access to the G4 consciousness - spiritual levels.
633. Do I need to go back in time to before the event happened. eg Burnt my finger so go back to before that
event happened. Visualise it happening.
634. Do I need to let go of control?
635. Am I self-righteous?
636. Who am I judging who is less than me? Were you ever similar? Except who you were in the past.
637. Is there a Paradox/Contradiction?
638. Is there Ambivalence? Cannot move forward?
639. Are you beginning to Dissociate?
640. Re-parent yourself in a healthy way?
641. Are you just trying to please someone?
642. Is my Kundalini Energy working at 100%?
643. Are my Heal Your Memory Banks working at 100%
644. Is my creativity working at 100%
645. Can I completely and permanently remove any and all infinite hidden layers of origins and any and all
infinite layers of origins of Me being unable to be and feel safe, secure, strong, confident and empowered
to be my best self.. Release.
646. Have you given away the power to fix yourself?

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647. Multiple parallel realities? Can I merge the best of them? Can I shift into a different reality (with memory)?
Do I/should I want to?
648. Do you want to get sick to get attention? Is there a benefit to being sick?
649. Should I look into "Gentle way" (in a beneficial way). Ask for this help. Tom T. Moore

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Link to many dowsing charts:

Start Chart

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Trapped Emotion Flowchart

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Will to

die Judge
flee Punish/harm others
1 escape Abuse
avoid connection control
avoid pleasure Manipulate
avoid feelings Lie
2 avoid pain Steal
give up/give in cheat
Hide true self Break others' will
Take on others' suffering Hate others
3 Take on other's responsibility Take revenge
Be a victim Win (no matter what)
Rescue Prevent
Be rescued Be alone
4 Depend on others/something Be punished
Please others Be controlled
Hold on Be abused
Fight Punish/harm self
5 Resist Hate self
Be right suffer
Prove something or someone wrong Be sick
6 Punish/harm others Seek love/recognition from outside/others
abuse Survive in any way necessary

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No Will to


Live Support others

1 Love Respect others
self support self Trust others
Respect self Love others or the divine
2 Grow Believe in divine existence/wisdom/
Grow up love/power
Forgive self Align with the divine
3 Align with/live as true self Receive support
Trust self/healing power of own body share
Change/transform Be seen
4 Move forward Heal or be healed
Be vulnerable/open Be healthy
Accept/submit Work/put in effort
5 Let go Feel feelings
Go on/endure/survive Receive abundance
Win/succeed Obey
6 Commit Be controlled
Take responsibility Be abused
Acknowledge/see Be hurt
7 Hear/listen Be alone
Forgive others Be ill

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Despair Anchors & Post-Hypnotic Suggestions

Everyone hates me I should be dead I'm afraid
Everything is ruined I shouldn't be here I'm not allowed to ___
1 Everything is scary I shouldn't exist I'm not attractive
I always get rejected I'll always be vulnerable I'm not enough
I am worthless I'll be rejected I'm not good enough
I can't do this I'll never be accepted I'm not safe
2 I can't be myself I'll never be forgiven I'm powerless
I can't do good things I'm a fool I'm ugly
I can't feel at peace I'm a stupid person It's dangerous to be me
I can't handle it all I'm a terrible person It's never enough
3 I can't live with myself I'm all alone It's not fair
I can't stand this I'm broken It's pointless to try
I don't deserve love I'm damaged It's out of my control
I don't deserve to live I'm never enough My life is a waste
4 I don't have control I'm not important No one cares
I don't know anything I'm not okay Nothing works out for me
I don't deserve forgiveness I'm ruined Nothing turns out right
I don't receive respect I'm trapped People want to hurt me
5 I give up I'm unworthy Something is wrong with
I hate everything I'm weak and pathetic me
The universe hates me
I hate myself I'll never be loved There's not enough
I have no one I'll never be wanted They despise me
6 I have nowhere to go I'll never get ahead They're ruining me
I ruin everything I'm a fraud This is too much

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Idea Allergens and intolerances

Being burdened Being the victim Being valued/important
Being overwhelmed Being the survivor Being needed or wanted
1 Being hurt Being in charge (of___) Being respected
Being traumatized Control Being deserving
Lack of control Change Having a support system
Bad things you can't control independence loyalty
Your perceived flaws Your own thoughts Love
Being/feeling ugly Your own behavior giving love
2 Betraying yourself Your personality receiving love
Having anything feel off Yourself connection
Feeling unsafe Growing up letting go
Feeling trapped life going with the flow
Being sick Being alive Being okay
Fatigue Aging Self-reliance
3 Feeling drained Death Self-care
Pain or discomfort Needing someone Making positive changes
Being doubted/mistrusted Drama Being motivated
Being blamed Being wrong Being healthy
Being lied to People seeing you as ___ Having energy
Being deceived Being noticed Being youthful
4 Being manipulated People wanting things from Being attractive
Being betrayed you Feeling safe to by yourself
Lack of loyalty Vulnerability Feeling peaceful
Being let down Relationships in general Being creative
The wrong (or right) person
Being overpowered Setting/maintaining Using/discovering talents
Another's suffering boundaries Joy or happiness
5 Other's negative feelings Having/creating a family Confidence
Being rejected Childbirth Fulfillment
Being judged Marriage Connection
Being criticized Changing unhealthy dynamics passion
Being like your parents
Being disconnected Leaving your family Curiosity
Loneliness Moving forward Contentment
6 Past repeating itself Money in general Gratitude
Fighting Spending money Excitement
Divorce A specific person Success
breakup A specific location wealth
Being invisible A specific role Making money
Failure A relationship dynamic/role Saving money
7 Losing money Being visible Receiving money
Being poor Goals Charging money
Trouble achieving Work Receiving rewards
Emotion (use EC chart) Even exchange of energy Receiving gifts or other

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Negative Broadcast Messages

I am ______(emotion) I am suffering Abandon/leave me
I am a child I am tired Abuse me
1 I am a fake/fraud I am unforgivable Attack me
I am a liar I am unlovable Betray me
I am a loser I am unwanted/unloved Control me
I am a martyr I am unworthy Disregard me
I am a victim I am weak Disrespect me
2 I am abused I am weird Don't look at me
I am an abuser I am wrong Don't trust me
I am bad I can't Fight me
I am controlling I can't do it Force me
I am dead inside I can't stand it Get away
3 I am frustrated I don't forgive Give up on me
I am hiding I don't listen Hate me
I am hurt I don't trust Hit me
I am in conflict/opposition I hate everyone Hurt me
I am invisible I hate myself Ignore me
4 I am lazy I hurt Kill me
I am not good I need Leave me alone
I am not good enough I need control Lie to me
I am not important I need to be rescued Make me suffer
I am not okay I want to disappear Make me surrender
5 I am not safe No one cares Punish me
I am not trustworthy No one respects me Reject me
I am pathetic People don't want me Rescue me
I am powerless They disrespect me Resist me
I am sorry They don't care Take away my power
6 I am stuck They hate me Tease me
I am stupid They hurt me Treat me like a child
I am submissive Why me Yell at me

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 28

Energy Work Questions and Charts


This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 29

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Shame to Enlightenment chart

7 Levels of Consciousness chart

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 30

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Recreational Drugs

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 31

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Saboteur Chart

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 32

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Negative Emotions with Polar Opposites

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 33

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Curses and Entities

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 34

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Glands, Organs, Systems, Chakras, etc

1 Abuse Diabetes Ringworm
Acute Epstein Barr / Lyme Schizophrenia
2 Adrenal Fatigue Gluten Spiritual
Alcoholism/Addiction Leprosy Strep / PANDAS
3 Allergic Constitution Malaria Sulphur Metabolism
Ammonia / Urea Cycle Methylation Syphilis
4 Autism NO / ONOO Cycle Tubercular
Bipolar Polio Typhoid
5 Cancer Post Infectious Miasm Unknown
Cardiovascular Psora Vaccination
6 Chromosome Abnormality Psychosis
Depression Rabies

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 35

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Offline Chart Indicator

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 36

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Energy Wall Chart

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 37

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Reasons for Problems

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 38

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Despair Anchors

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 39

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Mineral Energy Frequencies (Balancing by Numbers)

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 40

Energy Work Questions and Charts

5 1/2 Parts of you

Synching your systems

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 41

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Levels Chart

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 42

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Frequency Balance

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 43

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Archetypes Chart

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 44

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Anxiety versus Depression

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 45

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Spinal Anatomic Chart

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 46

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Spinal Nerve Function

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 47

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Questions on digestion

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 48

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Dental Charts

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 49

Energy Work Questions and Charts

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 50

Energy Work Questions and Charts

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 51

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Eye Charts

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 52

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Vows, Oaths and Contracts

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 53

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Blood Type B

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 54

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Head Anatomy Charts

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 55

Energy Work Questions and Charts

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 56

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Ear Anatomy

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 57

Energy Work Questions and Charts

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 58

Energy Work Questions and Charts


This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 59

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Digestion Anatomy Chart

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 60

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Kidney Anatomy

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 61

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Leg Anatomy

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 62

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Alzheimer's and Dementia (Energy Balancing by Numbers)

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 63

Energy Work Questions and Charts

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 64

Energy Work Questions and Charts

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 65

Energy Work Questions and Charts

The Tolpakan Healing method

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 66

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Symbiotic Immune System

Energetic Immune System

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 67

Energy Work Questions and Charts

Physical Immune System

Corona Virus

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 68

Energy Work Questions and Charts

German New Medicine: Psyche-Brain-Organ

German New Medicine is not only a new paradigm of medicine, it is also a new consciousness. It is
the awareness that our organism possesses an inexhaustible creativity and remarkable self-healing
capabilities. It is the recognition that each cell of our body is endowed with a biological wisdom we
share with all living beings.

This Open Source produced by Peter Brooks from Page 69

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