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1. The sooner, the better - Što pre to bolje.

2. When should they come? – Kad bi trebali doci?

3. When shoud I do my homework? – Kad da uradim domaci?
4. The bigger house I have, the more guests I can invite.
5. The more I study, the more I know.
6. There is no doubt – Nema sumnje.
7. There is some doubt – Ima neke sumnje
8. There is no doubt that he is the best man I have ever know –
Nema sumnje da je on najbolji covjek kog sam ikada upoznao.
9. There is no doubt that I'm the best in this game – Nema sumnje
da sam najbolji u ovoj igri.
10. There's no doubt that I love her the most in the world
11. There's no doubt, I hate you !
12. There's no doubt we'll win.
13. There's no doubt that you are the most beautiful thing I've
seen in my life. – Nema sumnje da si najljespe stvar koju sam
vidio u svom zivotu.
14. There's no doubt we will be the best !
15. No doubt you would like a drink – Bez sumnje ti volis da
16. There is no doubt that he is guilty- Nema sumnje da je
17. I for one have no doubt that he's laying- Ne sumnjam da
18. He shot at me – Pucao je u mene.
19. How did he shouted you ?
20. I think he missed me – Mislim da me je promašio.
21. Are you sure that he missed you? Jesi li sigurna da te je
22. I hope that he isn't shot at you. – Nadam se da nece pucati
na tebe
23. I shot you first – Prvi sam te pogodio !
23 How should I know? – Kako bi ja to trebao da znam?
24 I don't know, you should know.
25 You must know, that's your job !
26 I'm not study for that!
27 She is quiet – Ona je tiha.
28 She is very quiet, dosen't speak a lot !
29 She is just quiet at the moment, maybe she has a haeading.
30 I don't understand German – Ne razumem njemacki.
31 I have never study the German, so I dont understand it !
32 It's difficult language for me, but I'd love study German, it's
intresting language.
33 I have a lot of friends in Germnay, All they speaks German, very
well !
34 Can you help me? – Mozete li mi pomoci?
35 Please help me.
36 I need a help!
37 I'm a sick , I need a urgent help !
38 I hope that you help me !
39 If you help me, I'll save you!
40 You're very good friend, you helped me everytime, when I
asked you.
41 Come on and look there is someone who need a help !
42 Excuse me, can you help me I want to buy a present for my
43 I want to surprise her, but I don't know what to buy for her
birthday, can you help me?
44 I don't know that – Ne znam to.
45 You didn't learn that, and of course you aren't know now!
46 Are you know who can fix caffe aparat?
47 I don't know who can fix caffe aparat, But I have number of
company which can help you !
48 Excuse me, Where is the main street? – Sorry, I don't know that
49 Can you help me? Where is the main street?- I don't know that
50 Do you went to do homework for me?
51 Do you want to do my homework instead of me
52 Sorry, I don't know how to do your homework.
53 Do you want to learn? Yea I want to learn, I love learning !
54 Why aren't you did that?
55 Because I don't know do that !
56 Two ice creams please – Dva sladoleda molim.
57 Please buy two ice creams for me and my girfirend!
58 Put here please !
59 Ice cream is very freeze
60 Are you like a ice cream?
61 Yea ! I want one, can you buy for me?
62 Yes I can, oh sorry I'm short of cash now !
63 Don't worry I'll buy for both!
64 I dont like ice cream, I don't know why.
65 Come on with me that we eat ice cream !
66 I can't now, I'm busy
67 You can watch TV and you can't go outside with me?

57.It's a surprise – To je iznenadzenje

58. So what is surprise ?

59. He always late and He comes on time, that surprise

60. I love surprise, but my boyfriend doesn't surprise me long time

a go, for so long that I can't even remember !

61. The biggest surprise which I've experienced is when my dad

bought car for me
62. She's my type – Moj je tip

63. I like her, she's my type !

64. How much I can love this man, he's just mine !

65. I want to meet him, I think that he's my type !

68. She is just for me !

69. I love her and I won't give her to anyone!

70. I love her, but she donesn't care about my feelings !

71. You'll get into trouble- uvalićeš se u nevolju.

72. Don't do that, You'll get into trouble !

73. How you can stop me?

74. Are you sure about that?

75.I wouldn't be so sure?

76. Wait me, I wouldn't want you get into trouble !

77. That's no problem. - Nije problem

76 Treba mi veća plaća, je li to problem?

77. If you want higher salary, you'll must work more.

78. What does problem mean?

79. Please define your problem !

80. We'll help you if you tell us what the problem is?

81. I'm very hungry, can you help me?

82. Of courese, Take my sandwich !

83. How long you are waiting for help?

85. Someone is at the door – Neko je na vratima

86. Who is at the door?

87. Please open the door !

86. Please wife open the door, someone is at the door !

87. How much is this door?

88. Can you delivere this door to my house?

89. I can't watching TV, because someone is at the door, Open IT!

90. Stop knocking on door please !

91. I want to sleep, but I cant because you're knocking on door!

92. Do what you like – Uradi šta hoćeš

93. I don't know, do what you like !

94. What ever you do, that's your choice

95. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice

96. I don't care do what you like, just don't get me involved

97. How you think when you say „I do what I like“?

98. I can't live without TV – Ne mogu ziviti bez TV-a

99. Can you live without TV?

100. Yes I can, because I have mobile, computer.

101. Actually I don't need a TV.

102. I dont have TV in my house right now so I definitly can live

without TV !
103. A lot of people can't live without TV, I know that

104. But I can't live without you!

105. I need someone to love !

106. I get up at 6:30 – Ustajem u 6:30

107. For me it's not true, I get up at 8:00.

108 I don't get up early, IF I get up early I can't be productive

109. I like it when school is after non, because I don't like get up

110. I know it's better get early so I don't get up!

111. Can you try one time get up earlier?

112. What time do you get up?

113. He's strong – Snazan je.

114 Yea I know that, He goes to the gym everyday !

115 I like strong mans!

116. You can't pick up this, because you aren't strong enoguh !

117. I wish you were a little stronger.

118 Please go to the gym, and be a super strong !

119. I often travel – Cesto putujem.

120. I used travel a lot

121. I don't travel so often !

122. Can you use another transport?

123 Because you late everyday !

124. She likes him - On joj se dopada.

125. She needs to play it cool !

126. He's a nice guy !

127. And when is weeding?

128. And I'm so glad for you !

129. Are you think that he's your type?

130. Call up Tom right away – Pozovi Toma odma

131. It's pretty complicate story.

132. Call up Tom right away, here is his girlfriend !

133. HE is sick- Bolestan je.

134. Please take us to hospital, my son is sick !

135. Tom is sick, that's why I need to him call right away !

136. He isn't here because his sick !

137. Maybe he need something?

138. Can you give this gift Tom, you know he's sick !

139 Yea Maybe I should take a chicken soup for him ?

140 Or maybe some medicine?

141. Will you visit him in hospital today ?

142. We should take some fruit for him?

143. I'll teach you- naucicute.

144. I can't ski, I'll teach you !

145 Come one and teach your little brother !

146.I have to go home – Moram kuci.

147. Do you really have to go home?

148. Why do you have to go home now?

149. May I speak to Bill? – Mogu li da razgovaram sa Billom?

150. Bill isn't here now, please call later !

151. Can you tell him when he comes home?

152. Tell him I've been looking for him.

153. She became a nurse. – Postala je medicinska sestra.

154. Congratulations !

155. Please call a nurse for more answers !

156. I need a new nurse.

157. And now she works in hospital !

158. The curtain rose – Podigle se zavese

159. She said goodbye- Oprostila se.

160. No pain, no gain – Nema bola(truda), nema rezultata

161. I turned right- Okrenuo sam se.

162. I was walking and I turned right, I don't know why

162. I was thinking about your wife, and I just turned around and
there isn't been anyone !

162. In a panic I turned right.

163. I'm a bit tired- Malo sam umoran.

164. What were you doing last night so tried?

165. She loves Tom- Ona voli Toma.

166. He took off his glasses – Skinula sam naocare.

167. I see better now without my glasses !

168. It's up to you – Na tebi je(da odlucis)

169. It's your decisions, it's up to you !

170. I don't know anyway about that, that's your decision

171. I saw him running – Video sam ga kako trci.

172. HE was running in the street, I tryed to say „hello“ to him

But he didn't notice to me, because he was running !

173. She is kind to him – Prema njemu je ljubazna.

174. She isn't very kind person, but to him she is kind !

175. Do it by yourself – Uradi to sam.

176. Why do you need me here? Do it by yourself

177. Try do it by yourself

178. I'll be right back- odma se vracam

179. Just a moment I'll be right back

180. I forgot my book, I'll be right back.

181. I have no appetite – Nemam apetit.

182. I always have appetite.

183. Please eat ! You must eat !

184 I can't eat now, I have no appetite !

185. That's his house – To je njegova kuca

186. Let's go to his house ?

187. I want to live with him

188. Your house is the biggest house which I ever seen !

189. I have to go home, I forgot to take jacket and outside is cold!

190. Okay I'll waiting you here !

191. That's good, isn't it? – To je dobro, zar ne?

192. I'm done my homework, please take and check it?

193. Please take your time, and relaxe !

194. Let me see that – Daj mi da vidim.

195. What are you reading, Let's me see that

196. What do you think that we watch a movie tonight?

198. I found the book which I has been looking for days, let me see

199. I can't say – Ne mogu reci

200. I'll surprise you, but I can't say what it's about !

201. Why you didn't tell me that?

202. I was afried to tell you that

203. She despises him – Ona ga prezire.

204. They cant reconicle, because she despise him

205. I feel excellent. – Osjećam se odlično

206. How are you feeling now?

207. I have a bad feeling about that!

208. It smells good. – Dobro miriše

209. What did you make? it smells good ?

210. Please give me more, it's excellent !

211. That's it what I want !


3. That's all for now.- To je sve za sada

4. I feel awesome. – Osjećam se sjajno

5. Nice to see you! Drago mi je što te vidim

6. You should know it. – Trebao bi to znati

7. Please shut the door. – Molim vas zatvorite vrata

8. It's a beautiful day. – Dan je prelijep

9. Beautiful day, isn't it? Dan je prelijep, zar ne?

10. Is she your sister? Da li ti je ona sestra?

11. My sister isn't at home. Sestra mi nije kod kuce

12. Are you here alone? Jesi li sam ovde?

13. He was alone. – Bio je sam

14. When did you get up? Kada ustaješ?

15. Can we sit there? Možemo li sjediti tamo?

16. I don't want to sit here. Ne zelim da sjedim ovde.

17. Can we sit over there?- Mozemo li sjesti tamo?

18. Please sit here and wait. - Molim vas sjednite ovde i sacekajte

19. Did you get up late?- Jesi li ustao kasno?

20. Calm down.- Smiri se

21. Stay calm. – Ostani smiren

22. I can't see her.- Ne mogu da je cujem

23. Do you need a car? -Treba li ti auto?

24. Believe me. -Vjeruj mi

25. Do you mean it? -Mislite li to?

26. Do you see him often?- Vidjate li ga cesto?

27. Do you often apologise?- Cesto se ispricavas?

28. Don’t do it. -Ne radi to

29. Don’t exaggerate.- NE pretjeruj

30. Don’t tell me that. -Ne govori mi to

31. Give me a hand. - Daj mi ruku

32. Have another one.- Imati jos jedan

33. Have you finished? – Jeste li završili?

34. He is on his way.- On je na putu

35. How long are you staying?- Koliko dugo studiras?

36. I am crazy about her. Ja sam lud za njom

37. I am wasting my time.- Gubim vrijeme

38. I can do it. Mogu ja to uraditi

39. I can’t believe it. Ne mogu vjerovati

40. He stood up.- Ustao je

41. I don’t think so. I ne baš

42. I feel much better. Osceam se mnogo bolje

43. I hate you! Mrzim te

44. I hope so. Tako se nadam

45. I knew it.- Znam to

46. I noticed that. Primetio sam to/opazio sam

47. I think so. Valjda

48. I want to speak with him.- Zelim da pricam sa njim

49. I won. Pobedio sam

50. I’m leaving. Odlazim

51. I’ll miss you. Nedostajat ces mi

52. I’ll try. Pokušacu

53. I’m busy. Zauzet sam

54. I’m having fun. Zabavljam se

55. It’s incredible! Neverovatno

56. Is it far? Je li daleko?

57. It’s not bad.- Nije lose

58. It’s not worth it.- Ne isplati se

59. It’s obvious. Ocito je

60. It’s the same thing. – TO je ista stvar

61. Not yet.- Ne jos

62. She is my best friend. Ona mi je najbolja prijateljica

63. She is so smart.- Tako je pametna

64. I slept well. – Dobro sam spavao.

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