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rmones are types of lipids derived from the steroid cholesterol.

Steroid hormones are produced by

the adrenal cortex and the sex glands. They can be recognized by the names ending in -one, as in
progesterone, testosterone, etc. 4 glandular secretion Cerumen, or earwax, is a secretion formed by
a gland in the ear canal of most mammals. The glandular stomach has many gastric glands that
secrete secretions called gastric juices. exocrine glands Exocrine glands are the counterparts to
endocrine glands. Typical exocrine glands include sweat glands, salivary glands, mammary glands,
liver, … endocrine glands Endocrine glands are glands that secrete their products, hormones, directly
into the blood. A hormone is secreted by a group of specialized cells called an endocrine gland. sweat
Sweat is a clear, salty liquid produced by glands in the skin. Sweating is how the body cools itself.
sebaceous The sebaceous glands in the skin secrete an oily/waxy matter, called sebum. Sebaceous
cysts most often arise from swollen hair follicles. mammary glands A mammary gland is an organ in
mammals that produces milk to feed young offspring. Like hair, mammary glands are uniquely
mammalian. reproduction The male and female reproductive systems are designed to create life. In
asexual reproduction, an individual reproduces without involvement with another individual. amino
acid Amino acids play central roles as building blocks of proteins. Amino acids are distinguished by
shape and chemical properties of their side chains. adrenal In mammals, the adrenal (suprarenal)
glands are endocrine glands that sit atop the kidneys. Adrenal fatigue is supposedly a mild form of
adrenal insufficiency caused by chronic stress. cortex The human cerebral cortex is 2-4 mm (0.08-
0.16 inches) thick. The cerebral cortex is constituted of up to six horizontal layers. sex glands Sex
glands or gonads are organs that produce gametes, especially a testis or an ovary. The accessory
sexual glands originate from two epithelial tissues. cholesterol Cholesterol is a waxy steroid of fat
that is produced in the liver or intestines. Cholesterol is a fat (lipid) which is crucial for normal body
functioning. progesterone Progesterone belongs to a class of hormones called progestogens.
Progesterone is involved in the female menstrual cycle and pregnancy (supports gestation).
testosterone Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen group. A testosterone test
measures the level of this male hormone (androgen) in the blood.  Think up your own sentences
with: messengers, duration, digest, digestive, local, locally, target, to target, receive, receptors. 5 3
All the unpleasantness had gone… As the days passed, I just couldn‟t get better beyond a certain
point. Every time Colin reduced the dose of our dwindling store of antibiotics, my stomach would
swell up in taut protest. He had to raid the supply in the emergency barrel. I seemed a travesty of the
fit woman who had been hauling up sails only a week ago. My stomach had now swollen up like a
balloon. The skin was all shiny and hurt from stretching suddenly. It was almost impossible to empty
my bladder. Dimly I realized that what I was having was something which ashore would mean a blood
transfusion and a few days in hospital… Two hours later I was lying on my back on a cool high bed,
while Dr Mario Vascolelos, who seemed pleased when he learned we had named our son after him,
talked to Colin. Nurses rushed around taking my temperature and blood pressure. Dr Mario smilingly
told me in broken English to relax while he made a thorough examination. Then a smiling nurse in
pink came in with an injection served on a silver salver. In a few minutes I began to feel pleasantly
dizzy. Then she dressed me in a surgical gown finer than any clothes I had of my own; and they
wheeled me briskly down in a trolley to the operating theatre while I stared at the squares on the
ceiling… I woke up back in my room to the sound of torrential tropical rain crashing down from the
huge green leaves which hung outside my window. Soon a nurse came and poured bright pink
disinfectant between my legs and washed me with cotton wool held by a long pair of rather sinister-
looking tongs. Already I felt a bit better. Then another nurse came and gave me an injection. Four
days later, the only thing about me which wasn‟t working properly was my tongue – which still
couldn‟t get the hang of Portuguese. A charming French-speaking doctor explained that the trouble I
had had at sea had been a miscarriage brought on by the intra-uterine coil which I had had fitted in
Sydney. I could have died if we had continued on to England without stopping; or at least severely
damaged my kidneys. The only way of ensuring that the bleeding and infection would stop had been
by scraping the womb and giving me powerful injections of chloramphenicol. The doctor told me that
I had just had the same operation as you have to have an abortion. I wondered what all the fuss was
about. All the unpleasantness had been before. I really sympathized with the thousands of other
women who must have these problems. 6 dwindling store to dwindle means to become steadily less,
to shrink. We are borrowing against the world's dwindling store of inexpensive energy. taut A taut
object is one under tension. When one is emotionally or mentally strained or tense, his nerves are
taut. barrel A barrel or cask is a hollow cylindrical container, traditionally made of vertical wooden
staves. A barrel is one of several units of volume, with dry barrels, fluid barrels, oil barrel, etc.
travesty Travesty is the word used to denote generally an absurd or grotesque misrepresentation.
Travesti (in theatre) means the portrayal of a character by a performer of the opposite sex. thorough
A thorough search is a one executed without negligence or omissions. He went out in the rain and
came back thoroughly drenched. salver A salver is a flat tray of silver used for the presenting of a
letter or card by a se

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