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Primary key- unique identifier of a record on a table.

Foreign key- Primary key of one table used as a field in another table.
Referential Integrity Uses a state in a dataabase where the primary key of one
table reffers to a foreign key in another table


Careless disposal of computers can lead to several problems related to
environmental pollution and health issues.
Normally digital devices are composed of heavy metals which can be dangerous when
disposed in an innapropriate manner
Some of the environmental dangers inflicted by careless disposal of computers
1.Batteries used in computers are flammable and when thrown in landfills they
can catch fire any time and burn those nearby
2.Heavy metals in batteries and circuits can seep into the ground when
exposed to water and pollute water bodies in turn causing fatal diseases to humans
and animals(marine life)
3.The toxins released when electronic waste is burned enters the atmosphere
and can lead to lung diseases, skin cancer etc
4.Lead is contained in the monitor glass and circuit board solders of most
digital devices, if one gets exposed to this heavy metal it can damage their
nervous system and contaminate their blood
5.Most computers and digital devices are made up of plastc which is
polysterene and upon decomposition which takes a very long time it breaks down into
toxic particles
6.Warmed up e-waste(electronic waste) is filled with toxins which when
released into the air becomes a solid contributor to global warming.


When manufacturing ICT hardware, scarce and precious earth resources like copper,
gold etc are mined but mostly under miserable conditions leading to the pollution
of soil, water and air.
The largest landfilss are present in developing countries where in the mining
proccess proper measures are not observed thereby exposing humans to harmful
The development of ICT parks and industries disrupt the ecosystem as trees have to
be cut down and animals killed in order to create space for these developments
With the usage of computers there is high power consumption in data centres and
server environment and most of this power is generated via fossil fuels like disel
and coal which pollute the environment

What is big data?
large data sets that traditional database applications cannot deal with.
Usualy in terms of 1.volume,2.veocity,3.variety
What is the internet of things(IOT)? Concept of networking lots of devices so that
they can collect and transmit data.
Advantages of big data?makes it easier to analyse huge sets of data and drawing
better descision makinf
increased productivity
improved customer service
Advantages of smart technologies?

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