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The CPR Method: A Guide on How to Rank Products Successfully – Featuring
Cerebro by Helium 10
*PLEASE NOTE: This guide is based on a case study done by Manny Coats in which he
generated $39K in four days while launching two new Amazon products with only two reviews each.

A third product was also launched shortly afterwards, and over the course of one month, the three
products generated $432,698.87 in sales, with a profit of $159,019.93.

To really solidify the data, this report also pulls in data gathered from over 125 ranking
campaigns studied by Bradley Sutton from August 2018 to October 2018. Manny Coats has sold more
than $7 million in products on Amazon through just one Amazon seller account, and Bradley Sutton
has launched more than 400 products on Amazon. Together, they have
combined this knowledge into what you are reading now.

Are you building your Amazon listing for the first time? Or simply optimizing an old listing to get more
traffic? In either case, you’re in the right place!

This is the Definitive Guide on How to Rank Products to Page 1 Using Cerebro by Helium 10!

The CPR Method requires the use of the tools and data offered by Helium 10.

DISCLAIMER: What you’re about to read is based on the results obtained by Manny Coats using the
Cerebro Product Rank (CPR) Method. Amazon is an ever-changing platform and our goal is to bring you
the most relevant information to stay ahead of the competition. For the most relevant and up-to-date
information, please check out our Helium 10 blog.

What is Cerebro?
Cerebro is a Reverse ASIN Keyword Search tool that uncovers all keywords that your competitors rank
for. To put things plainly, you can enter a competitor’s ASIN into Helium 10, and the Cerebro tool will
pump out the juiciest, sales-generating keywords for that product. Use the data from a Cerebro search to
create your own list of keywords by targeting those same keywords or discover new keywords with
untapped potential.

What is the CPR Method?

The Cerebro Product Rank (CPR) Method gets its name from the familiar lifesaving technique. However,
in this case, instead of giving life to a human, we are giving life to your listing by bringing it TONS of
organic traffic.

The concept behind a product launch is pretty straight forward – and the goal is to rank on page 1 for a
specific keyword.

To do that, you need to give Amazon signals that your product is being searched for by people who type
in a keyword phrase, find your product, and buy it. When this happens, Amazon rewards you by moving
your product up the search results for that specific search term.

For example, let’s say that your product is an ‘oversized clock.’ If somebody types that phrase into
Amazon, sees all the results, and then clicks on and purchases one of the products on page 1, Amazon
awards that product with a little ‘rank juice.’

The more people search for ‘oversized clock’ and buy that same product, the more rank juice it gets;
eventually, it moves up one position. As long as that product is getting more sales than the products that
rank above it in the search results, it will continue to move up the list. The ultimate goal is to eventually
hit the number one position or reach products that are generating more sales than you are when people
search for ‘oversized clock.”

By doing a product launch, you speed up the process by getting a lot of sales for a specific keyword
phrase over a very short period of time, signaling to Amazon that you should rank highly for that term.

But there is a specific way to do product launches to maximize efficient rank climbing. One such method
that has been made available to thousands of Amazon sellers and helped so many of them achieve top
ranks is the CPR method.

The CPR Method is trusted by successful Amazon sellers to determine the following:

• Which keyword(s) or keyword phrases to target during a product launch

• Correct number of product units to discount heavily during an initial launch to rank on
Page 1

What is the CPR Method?

Cerebro helps you find a keyword or keyword phrase that has tons of volume and is hyper-focused on
the product you’re selling.

For the CPR method to work, you need to sell a specific number of units per day over a set number of
days at a steep discount. This action in turn drives users to Amazon using your Custom 2-Step URL
containing your chosen keyword or keyword phrase.

Amazon’s algorithm works off of trailing sales data and sales velocity. By giving away product in a short
amount of time, you will, in theory, rank to the top of page 1 for your target keyword term.

Ensure that your listing is fully optimized with professional-looking product photography and powerful
keywords in your title, bullets, description, and backend keywords. If you do, your listing will stick in that
top rank position and you will continue to see organic sales roll in.
At the end of the day, only continuing to convert organically for a keyword will allow your listing to stick
on that first page. However, your product will rapidly fall off of the first page if it exhibits the following:
• Price is not competitive
• listing is not optimized
• Review rating goes down
• Product does not resonate with customers searching for your
target search term

You could theoretically use the CPR number to rank a tactical flashlight to page 1 of a diet pills search
result. But you will drop off just as fast, since no one will organically purchase your flashlight if they were
searching for diet pills.

Keyword Search Instead of a Reverse ASIN Search?

As previously mentioned, Cerebro is an incredible tool for keyword research. Just enter the product ASIN
and let the tool pull potentially hundreds or even thousands of great keyword choices.

However, if you would rather initiate your search with a keyword instead of an ASIN, just open up
Magnet 2.0 in Helium 10 and run a keyword search to achieve these same results.

What you are about to learn now is a strategy that was taught by a very high-level seller at a private
event in Europe. This technique was so powerful that this seller helped the engineering team at Helium
10 to develop this new method. No other tool on the market other than Helium 10 can do this, so you’re
in luck that you’re a Helium 10 user!

Let’s Get Started: The Ultimate Keyword Research Strategy

First, open the Cerebro tool in your Helium 10 Member dashboard.

In the box called Product ASIN, enter either your product or a baseline product in your niche.

Go to Amazon and use one of the main, high-volume keywords for your product as your search term.
Once the search results appear, run the Xray tool in the Helium 10 Chrome Extension to check the sales
of the products that show up on page 1.

Choose 4 or 5 of the products that exhibit the following criteria:

• Sell the most units per month

• Most relevant to your product

PRO TIP: Relevant products would mean similar-looking packaging, a similar-looking product itself, the
price point is close to your own, etc. You are looking for private label (not brand name) products that
are converting well for who you think your target
customer is.

Copy the 4 or 5 ASINs and paste them into the Competing ASINS box in Cerebro, then click Reverse
Search. Cerebro now comes up with a list of hundreds if not thousands of keywords. These are all
keyword phrases that at least ONE of the ASINs (the seed product or one of the competing ASINs) are
ranking for in the top 306 search result positions.

You want to find a few keywords that are super relevant to your product and are converting the best
organically among the type of customer you want to attract.

Here is how you can find those keywords:

In the Exact Volume filter, you should usually put a minimum of at least 1000. You are looking for high
volume keywords. This filter will find keywords that get at least 1000 searches per month on Amazon.

Under the Ranking Competitors filter, put a minimum of 4 if you have 4 or 5 competing ASINs that you
entered. This filter will allow you to look for keywords that ALL (or 4 out of 5 at least) of the competing
ASINs are ranking for.

Under the Competitor Rank Average filter, put a minimum of 1 and a max of 20. You are looking for
keywords that not just one competitor is ranked on page 1 for, but that the average rank of all your
competitors you entered is on page 1. Once you are ready, Click Apply.

In many cases, the number of keywords remaining will have dropped substantially to 5-40 or so. Do you
know how valuable that list is? These are the keywords that your competitors are getting 80% or more of
their sales from your target customers.

NOTE: This part is CRITICAL! Most people skip this step and paste keywords into their listing in no
specific order. Skipping over this part can set you up for failure before you even launch your product.

Before launching, you should optimize your listing with the following Helium 10 tools:

• Use Scribbles to write your listing information and make sure every keyword is used
• Choose 1-4 of these keywords that you found previously in Cerebro that you want to
focus on; try to get them into phrase form to add to your Title and/or Bullet Points.
• Add your keywords to Keyword Tracker to keep an eye on your product’s ranking for
your keywords.
• Add your product to Hijacker Alert to be alerted when unauthorized sellers attempt to
sell your products and “hijack” your listing, so you can take action against them to stop.
• Use Inventory Protector to set ASINs to one unit per customer to prevent coupon
stacking so only one code is used per customer during your launch.
• After making your listing live, use Index Checker to make sure your product is indexed
for all of those relevant phrases and keywords that you had gotten from your Magnet
and/or Cerebro keyword research.

NOTE: It is best to keep your listing closed until you are ready for your launch.

Create your listing, send inventory in, and then close the listing in Seller Central to pause its age.
Amazon gives a lot of preference to new products that do well, so by “freezing” your listings age until
you are ready to do your giveaway, you will be able to take advantage of this “honeymoon” period if
your listing has only been active for a few weeks or so.

Ready to Launch?
Typically, when you launch a new product, no one knows your product exists because your listing is
buried somewhere on page 20+ for your desired search term. The quickest way to jump to the top of
Page 1 is to generate a lot of sAales quickly by passing out coupon codes for discounted product to eager
customers. Discounted coupon codes are typically in the 50% to 90% discount range. For example: a
product that sells for $20 could be purchased for $2 if a customer used a 90% discount coupon code.

Getting people to buy your product at a discount is not enough. You want people to buy your product at
a discount after having searched for the keyword phrase that you are trying to rank for. Easier said than
done, right?

One way to do this is to use a special Amazon URL where the keyword phrase is embedded, so when
customers click the link, it automatically opens a page as if they had typed in the keyword phrase them-

This type of URL is usually referred to as a 2-Step URL because the user has to click the link, and then
they have to take a second step which is to click on your product to get to your product page where they
can add that product to their cart, apply your coupon code, and then checkout.

REMEMBER: Be sure to use a special 2-Step URL to distribute your coupon codes and rank for your main
keywords. We have a tool that can help you generate different types of URLs that you can use for rank-
Some sellers always use one type of URL. Others mix it up depending on the product. Others rotate the
URL structure type every day during a launch. Use what you find works best for your product.

How Many Units Should I Give Away Per Day?

On your Cerebro search results page, you will find your daily giveaway number on the far-right column
titled CPR Daily Giveaways. So, if your recommended CPR Daily Giveaway number is 10, you will give
away 10 units each day, for 8 days, for a CPR Total Giveaway total of 80 units.

Many sellers have found that running a promotion over 8 days works the best. However, other sellers like
to do the giveaways in less days. If you choose to do a shorter giveaway period, make sure to divide the
total CPR number by the number of days of your giveaway to get your daily amount.

You still need to give away the total CPR number, regardless of the duration of your promotion. For
example, if you choose to do your giveaway over 4 days, (and the CPR number is 80) you would need to
get 20 coupons per day redeemed.

Some sellers have found success in building up gradually over the promotion to the number given out.
For example, instead of just a flat 10 sales per day for 8 days, they might start out with 5 on Day 1, 6 on
Day 2, 8 on Day 3, and so on.

If you have a brand-new listing that has been active for only 1-3 weeks as mentioned above, you’re likely
in the honeymoon stage, and data shows that you might only need 50-80% of the CPR Total giveaway
number in order to rank.

If you’d rather be safe than sorry, use the full amount shown. But keep in mind that the CPR total
giveaway is an estimate – it works for most but won’t always work. There are too many variables that
can affect a launch. Follow this guideline, and you’ll have a good chance at hitting your goal.

How Do I Distribute My Coupon Codes?
To distribute your coupon codes, you can use either Facebook ads or a Launch Service.
If you did everything right, your listing should reach Page 1 after 4-9 days.

So, You’re on Page 1…Now What?

If you’re running a CPR Giveaway, ranking on Page 1 is the easy part. But it will all go to waste if your
listing is not fully optimized. Most importantly, do you have high-quality product photography that
causes people to want to click into your listing and buy?

Recent Results with Different URL Structures

Helium 10 Gems page. The chart below offers some results from
These URLs can be created with the
September – October 2018.

To distribute your coupon codes, you can use either Facebook ads or a Launch Service.

Keyword: Make Up Remover

CPR Number: 96 Coupons
Redeemed: 118 (122% of CPR)
URL Structure Used: Field ASIN
Initial Rank Before Giveaway: Unranked
Peak Rank After Giveaway: 5

Keyword: Hydrating Toner

CPR Number: 24 Coupons

Redeemed: 15 (63% of CPR)
URL Structure Used: Field ASIN
Initial Rank Before Giveaway: Unranked
Peak Rank After Giveaway: 25

Keyword: Facial Wash

CPR Number: 64
Coupons Redeemed: 66 (103% of CPR)
URL Structure Used: Brand
Initial Rank Before Giveaway: Unranked
Peak Rank After Giveaway: 7

Keyword: Korean Toner
CPR Number: 72
Coupons Redeemed: 47 (65% of CPR)
URL Structure Used: Brand
Initial Rank Before Giveaway: Unranked
Peak Rank After Giveaway: 11

Additional Notes:
Please remember that the CPR Method (or any other ranking method for that matter) is not perfect. The
#1 ranked product on Page 1 is the most highly coveted position on Amazon, with thousands of sellers
aiming for it. Therefore, it’s a moving target that changes based on sales, trailing data, and tons of other
factors. Sales for all products sold on Amazon change by the second.

However, be sure that you launch your product the RIGHT way and avoid these common seller mistakes
to ensure a better chance of success.

Furthermore, ranking products on Amazon to Page 1 in a matter of 4-8 days is unheard of for the average
seller on Amazon.

*With great knowledge comes great power. Use it wisely.

Be Wary of Seasonal Demand

You may want to consider seasonal demand, holidays, and competition before starting a new launch.
These all could greatly affect your results.

During these occasions, there is a ton of artificial demand that’s created in the market, which makes
ranking that much harder. It’s better to launch before these spikes in demand and ride the wave instead
of launching during a holiday and having to compete with temporarily inflated demand.

One final thing we should mention is that you should get the opinions of non-biased people on what
product they would buy from page 1.

A good way of doing this is to take your product as it shows up in the search results and copy and paste it
into a search results page with many other products. Place your product in the #3 position.

Show this to as many people as possible and ask them which product they would buy and why. If every-
body isn’t selecting your product, you should go back to the drawing board. Perhaps it’s your photo, your
pricing, the number of reviews, or your average review rating.

Ask people why they selected the other products over yours, and then change things until people start
picking yours. You should do this BEFORE you launch. That way, when you’re in the top spot, you’ll
remain there as organic users purchase your product.

We hope this guide helps you with your launches. If you have questions about product
launches, please join the thousands of Helium 10 users in our awesome private Facebook group.


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