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Daisy Azpeitia

Professor Wyckoff

EDU 299

3 April 2022

Praxis Analysis Paper

Exam Requirements

I must pass the Praxis Core Exam because it is a requirement for me, to be admitted into

a college of education at UNLV, NSC, or UNR and if I do not pass the Praxis Core Exam, I will

not be able to continue my bachelor’s degree in education because I was not able to pass the

exam and complete a requirement that is necessary for my degree. The passing score for the

Praxis Core Exam in Nevada for Math is 150, for the Reading you must get a passing score of

156 and for the Writing portion you need to get a passing score of 162.

Exam Preparation

Yes, I did prepare for the Praxis Core exam before I took the tests. Before I took the

Praxis Exam, I made sure that clicked on every link that was given to me and I made sure I read

everything that I needed to know about the exam and what is necessary to pass this exam. I also

took the practice questions from ETS and completed every single one of those questions before I

took the actual practice exam. I did use the Praxis Prep websites that were given to study a little

bit before I took the practice Praxis Core Exam. I did not really prepare myself in another way, I

just went over ever single link that was given to me and made sure that I read everything

information that was given there and completed the materials that were given to me. I think that I
scored very low in the practice exam because I did not study enough, and I did not take the time

to study every single day. I only studied a little bit of the exam and that was it and since I did not

study enough it really showed in the scores that I got in the practice exam.

Exam Results

In Math, I scored in the 17% range, which means that I need significant improvement and

that I am most likely not going to pass the Math section when I take the official Praxis Core

exam. In the Reading, I scored in the 27% range, which means that I also need significant

improvement and that I am most likely not going to pass the Reading section either when I take

the official Praxis Core Exam because I scored very low. In the Writing, I scored a 40%, which

means that I need significant improvement and that I am most likely not going to pass any of the

sections when I take the official Praxis Core Exam because I scored very low in all three of the

sections and if I were to take it already I most likely would have failed it.

Future Exam Preparation

I think what I need to do further prepare myself to pass the exam is study a lot more than

what I did when I took the practice Praxis Core Exam. I think that if I want to pass the exam, I

might need to purchase a study book to work through the problems that are going to be in the

exam and also study all of them very well and make sure that I do every problem that is given in

the book correctly. I don’t think that I would work with a tutor, I think that purchasing a study

book and using the free Praxis Prep websites that were provided to me would be enough for me

to pass the exam. I think that I just need to study every single day and study for many hours to be

able to pass the exam, if I study every single website that was provided to me and the study book

I have I think that it would really help me to pass the Praxis Core Exam. I am not sure If I plan
on taking the CBEST exam instead of the Praxis Exam because since I have not taken the actual

Praxis Core Exam, I am not sure what my scores would be to know if I passed the praxis core

exam or not. I think that depending on what I score on the praxis exam depends on if I take the

CBEST or not.

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