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Dimas Alif Rayhan

Creative Writing BC
April 26th 2022

Rewriting of Kebo Iwa

In my rewriting of Kebo Iwa, I will start the story in a modern setting. First, there’s a
couple who wished for a child. After, the wife got pregnant and they had a baby boy, they were
very happy. The baby was extraordinary. He was very much different from other babies. He has
extraordinary intellects and soon become a smart child. Because of this, the boy parents spent a
lot of time to nurture their kid intellect. Eventually, they send their kid to a school abroad.
After a few years, the kid is performing very well in his academic. Some of the students
in his class even ask for a help for him. The boy always greed and as an expression of his
kindness, he helps the students on doing their tasks and homework’s. It was easy task for him
since he had an incredible intellect
Meanwhile, other high-performing students see this as a treat. They knew that the boy is
too dominating with his intellect. The boy is also favored by a lot of students there. Then the
jealous students planned something. When the final exam is coming, t6hey were pretending to
invite the boy to help them study the materials so they can attach a notes containing key answers
for the text below the boy table. When the boy was busy helping the students doing their
homework. One of the student then start to plot their scheme, by making the boy looks cheating
on his exam. After, the boy finished with helping the other students, the exam soon started. After
which, the class instructor soon found a notes below the boy table. The boy then soon got a 0 for
his exam.

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