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2.1 Categories of Non-Linear Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2 Methods to find Roots of Non-Polynomial Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Bracketing Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Open Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ui .
2.5 Roots of Polynomial Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

di q. . . .
Important Note: Dear Students, these lecture notes are “Supplementary”, which means, they are not meant to replace your text book,
. . . . . . . . . . . 20

Si d
but only provide supporting material to the classroom lectures, in a summarized manner. You should gain enough knowledge from other
sources to be in a position to elaborate the topics and material presented here 1

2.1 Categories of Non-Linear Equations

a n
Do you know this equation:
h s
d A
f (x) = ax2 + bx + c = 0 (2.1)

Ofcourse, you know it! You remember it from your school days. It is the famous Quadratic Equation. A
Quadratic Equation has two solutions:

−b ± b2 − 4ac

x= (2.2)

o h
These two solutions are known as Roots of the Equation 2.1, or Zeros of the Equation .
Quadratic Equation 2.1 falls into the broad category of Polynomial Equations . More precisely, it should

be called a _______
is ______
Equation (which is a ______
Equation. Similarly, another famous form of ____________
Order ____________
f (x) = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d = 0
Polynomial __________


So, an nth -Order Polynomial Equation (a.k.a nth -Degree Polynomial Equation ) can be generalized
f (x) = c1 xn + c2 xn−1 + c3 xn−2 + · · · + cn x + cn+1 = 0 (2.4)
Hence, as per this definition, a First Order Polynomial Equation should take the form:
f (x) = ax + b = 0 (2.5)
It is commonly known as Linear Equation, and written in the form:
y = mx + c (2.6)
Other than the Polynomial Equations there are many other forms of equations. These include equations
involving trigonometric functions, logarithmic functions, exponential functions, and many other less common
functions. Examples of such equations are:
f (x) = e−x − x (2.7)
2 2
f (x) = sin x + cos x (2.8)
3 −x
f (x) = ln |x | + e (2.9)

WSW_ t¡¤©~ © <ª~ x©© ©¢ u©ªR©§­ª©«0{§ j){0©ª h¤{¨¡ W_ x©© ©¢ u©ªRs0ª¡{ j){0©ª

In Chapter 1 we derived the equation for terminal velocity of parachutist as:

gm  c
v= 1 − e− m t (2.10)

Equations 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, and similar, fall into the category of Non-Polynomial Equations (a.k.a.
Transcendental Equations ).
As can be observed easily, solution to Linear Equation 2.5, is very obvious (i.e. x = −c/b) and does not
require any considerable effort. But, any other Polynomial Equation (of degree 2, 3, ..., n) and all Non-
Polynomial Equations demand at least some minimum effort to calculate the roots. We should call these two
categories as Non-Linear Equations .
Hence, in the rest of this chapter we will consider the solution to all Polynomial Equations of degree
2 or higher, and all Non-Polynomial Equations. In other words, in the rest of this chapter, we will solve
Non-Linear Equations.

2.2 Methods to find Roots of Non-Polynomial Equations

Several different approaches exist to solve Non-Polynomial Equations. Among those, most commonly used
methods can be categorized, broadly, into two: (i) Bracketing Methods, and (ii) Open Methods.

Bracketing Methods employ two initial guesses to reach the solution of the equation. These two guesses

must bound the root of the equation. In other words, the two guesses must lie on opposite sides of the root

of the equation. Once the guesses are correctly suggested, as per this requirement, Bracketing Methods will
SURELY converge to the root of the equation.
Si d
The other category, Open Methods , do not carry any such requirement, with regards to initial guesses.
Hence, with regards to initial guess, Open Methods are more flexible than Bracketing Methods. But, this
flexibility also results in a drawback of Open Methods: there is NO SURETY that the method will converge to

a n
the solution. On the contrary, this is not a serious drawback, because it can easily be overcome by restarting

is, in general, very low for most of the equations.

h s
the method with another guess. Furthermore, the probability of non-convergence of Open Methods to the root

Open Methods are also superior to Brackting Methods in another aspect; several Open Methods need a
single guess, as opposed to two guesses in Bracketing Methods.

e d
Finally, it is worth mention that, although there exist special faster and/or easier methods to find the
roots of Polynomial Equations (like Muller’s Method, which we will study in the end of this chapter), but both

Bracketing Methods as well as Open Methods are equally well-suited to find the roots of Polynomial Equations
too. Hence, we will apply these methods to all Non-Linear Equations.

It is equally worth mention that, both, Bracketing Methods as well as Open Methods, would (normally)
find a single root of an equation. To find multiple roots, initial guesses must be changed, so that the method

o h
converges to a different root.
(Note: Open Methods can be modified and adopted to find multiple roots, to solve Systems of Linear

Equations as well as to solve Systems of Non-Linear Equations, but, because it is outside our syllabus, we
will not study those extended methods in our course.)

2.3 Bracketing Methods

The theory behind Bracketing Methods can be summarized in the form of an algorithm as follows. To find
a root of equation f (x) = 0:
1. Initial Guess: Two initial guess roots, lower-bound a and upper-bound b (a < b) are suggested, such that
f (a)f (b) < 0, to ensure that initial guess roots bound the actual solution
2. Transformation: Apply some transformation (it will be choice) on a and b to calculate a new value c
which lies in-between a and b (i.e. a < c < b)
3. Pick new bounds: Compare f (a)f (c) and f (b)f (c) to check which product gives a negative value
, If f (a)f (c) < 0 then the actual solution lies between a and c; hence, discard b and treat c as new
, If f (b)f (c) < 0 then the actual solution lies between b and c; hence, discard a and treat c as new
upper-bound (i.e. treat c as b for next calculation)

lower-bound (i.e. treat c as a for next calculation)

4. Calculate Error: Calculate the error  = b − a
5. If  < tol (where tol is the maximum acceptable tolerance)
, then treat latest value of c as the approximate solution and stop the method
, else repeat the whole process, except the first step Initial Guess
{£¡ VY ©¢ X] gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN
h¤{¨¡ W_ x©© ©¢ u©ªRs0ª¡{ j){0©ª WSX_ g{}¦¡0ª£ t¡¤©~

All the Bracketing Methods follow the same algorithm, except the Transformation step, where the method
decides how to calculate c from a and b

2.3.1 Bisection Method

Bisection method is the simplest bracketing method to find a root of f (x) = 0. It is assumed that f (x)
is continuous on an interval [a, b] and has a root there, so that f (a) and f (b) have opposite signs, hence
f (a)f (b) < 0.
The procedure goes as follows: Locate the midpoint
of range [a, b], that is, c = c1 = 12 (a + b) (this is
the ‘Transformation’ step in algorithm for Bracketing
Method), (see Figure 2.1 on page 15). If f (a) and f (c)
have opposite signs, the interval [a, c1 ] contains the root
and will be retained for further analysis. If f (b) and f (c)
have opposite signs, we continue with [c1 , b]. In Figure
2.1, it so happens that the interval [c1 , b] brackets
the root and is retained. Since the right endpoint is
unchanged, we update the interval [a, b] by resetting
the left endpoint a = c. With the reduced new range
[a, b] the next mid-point, c = c2 = 12 (a + b) is calculated.
The process is repeated by calculating the mid-points
c2 , c3 , c4 , · · · until the length of the most recent interval
i q

Mohammed Ahsan Siddiqui

[a, b] satisfies the desired accuracy.
Example 2.1 : ______
Solve_______________ using__________
x cos(x) + 1 = 0______ Bisection

Find the root of equation x cos(x) = −1, within a
tolerance = 10−2 , using Bisection method.
Solution: To find the root, precisely, up to second

a n
decimal place, a good initial guess is required. This can

be done, easily, by first plotting the graph of the equation
(as shown in Figure 2.2 on page 15). Graph shows that
function has a root in the interval [-2,4].

c =
(−2) + (4)
e d
Hence, set a = −2 and b = 4. Calculate the mid-point k0£)¡ MWSVN – h©ª}¡¨ ©¢ g0¡}0©ª t¡¤©~

= 1. Calculate the ordinates for a, b, and c: f (a) = (−2) cos(−2) + 1 = 1.8323,

2 2
f (b) = (4) cos(4) + 1 = −1.6146, and f (c) = (1) cos(1) + 1 = 1.5403. To determine whether the root lies in the

range [a, c] or [b, c] calculate the products f (a)f (c) and f (b)f (c): f (a)f (c) = 2.8223 > 0, f (b)f (c) = −2.4869 < 0.
f (b)f (c) < 0 indicates that root lies in the range [b, c] and not in the range [a, c]. Hence, discard the range [a, c]

o h
by considering the new range as a = c = 1 and b = 4 i.e. [a, b] = [1, 4]. Calculate the error as: ε =

4 − (−2)
= 3. Because the error (ε) is more than tolerance = 10−2 , repeat the whole process.
Calculate the mid-point c = =
(1) + (4)
= 2.5. Calculate the ordinates
for a, b, and c: f (a) = (1) cos(1) +
1 = 1.5403, f (b) = (4) cos(4) + 1 =
−1.6146, and f (c) = (2.5) cos(2.5) +
1 = −1.0029. To determine whether
the root lies in the range [a, c] or [b, c]
calculate the products f (a)f (c) and
f (b)f (c): f (a)f (c) = −1.5447 < 0,
f (b)f (c) = 1.6192 > 0. f (a)f (c) < 0
indicates that root lies in the range
[a, c] and not in the range [b, c]. Hence,
discard the range [b, c] by considering
the new range as a = 1 and b = c = 2.5
i.e. [a, b] = [1, 2.5]. Calculate the error
b−a 4 − (−2)
as: ε = = = 3. Because
2 2
k0£)¡ MWSWN – l{¨¤ ©¢ x cos(x) + 1 the error (ε) is more than tolerance
= 10−2 , once again repeat the whole
gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN tfy {£¡ VZ ©¢ X]
WSX_ g{}¦¡0ª£ t¡¤©~ h¤{¨¡ W_ x©© ©¢ u©ªRs0ª¡{ j){0©ª

Instead of doing individual calcualtions it is much more intuitive to prepare Table 2.1 (as shown on
page 16). In each iteration, calculate the approximate error ε = , and compare it with the given
tolerance = 10 . As soon as ε < tolerance, the procedure stops.
As can be seen from Table 2.1 (on page
z{|§¡ MWSVN – g0¡}0©ª t¡¤©~_ y©§(¡ x cos(x) = −1
16), the procedure attains the value of
c = 2.0723 after 10 iterations, which has Iteration a b c f(a) f(b) f(c) f(a)f(c) f(b)f(c) ε

the error ε = 0.0059, which is within our 1 -2.0000 4.0000 1.0000 1.8323 -1.6146 1.5403 2.8223 -2.4869 3.0000
tolerance level of 10−2 . 2 1.0000 4.0000 2.5000 1.5403 -1.6146 -1.0029 -1.5447 1.6192 1.5000
It can also be observed from Table 2.1 3 1.0000 2.5000 1.7500 1.5403 -1.0029 0.6881 1.0598 -0.6900 0.7500
4 1.7500 2.5000 2.1250 0.6881 -1.0029 -0.1183 -0.0814 0.1187 0.3750
(on page 16) that the error gets exactly
5 1.7500 2.1250 1.9375 0.6881 -0.1183 0.3053 0.2101 -0.0361 0.1875
halved in each iteration. Because of this
6 1.9375 2.1250 2.0313 0.3053 -0.1183 0.0973 0.0297 -0.0115 0.0938
fact, it is possible to estimate, ahead
7 2.0313 2.1250 2.0781 0.0973 -0.1183 -0.0096 -0.0009 0.0011 0.0469
of procedure, the number of iterations 8 2.0313 2.0781 2.0547 0.0973 -0.0096 0.0441 0.0043 -0.0004 0.0234
required to achieve a desired precision 9 2.0547 2.0781 2.0664 0.0441 -0.0096 0.0173 0.0008 -0.0002 0.0117
(i.e. root with in tolerance). That is, in 10 2.0664 2.0781 2.0723 0.0173 -0.0096 0.0038 0.0001 0.0000 0.0059
iteration 1, the error is ε = . In
b−a b−a
iteration 2, the error is ε = . In iteration 3, the error is ε = . Hence, to generalize, in iteration
22 23
N , the error is ε = N . To stop the procedure, the condition to be satisfied is:

ε < tol ⇒ tol > ε ⇒ tol >

di q
Solving the inequality for N yields:
ln(b − a) − ln(tol)
Si d
Hence, if the procedure starts with initial estimates a and b, and the desired tolerance is tol, then the

number of iterations, N , after which the desired precision can be achieved by Bisection Method, is given by:


ln(b − a) − ln(tol) b−a

N= = log2
ln(2) tol

In the example, N =

ln(b − a) − ln(tol)

= d ln(4 − (−2)) − ln(10−2 )


= 9.23 = 10

2.3.2 False-Position Method

The False Position method is another

M o
bracketing method to find a root of
f (x) = 0. Once again, it is assumed that
f (x) is continuous on an interval [a, b],
and has a root there, so that f (a) and
f (b) have opposite signs, or, equally valid
to say, f (a)f (b) < 0.
The procedure is geometrical in
nature, and described as follows. Let
[a1 , b1 ] = [a, b] be the initial range
that brackets the root. Connect points
A : (a1 , f (a1 )) and B : (b1 , f (b1 )) by a
straight line, as shown in Figure 2.3 (on
page 16). Let c1 be this line’s x-intercept.
Then, if f (a1 )f (c1 ) < 0, then range
[a1 , c1 ] brackets the root. Otherwise, the
root is in the range [c1 , b1 ]. In Figure
2.3 (on page 16), it just so happens
that [a1 , c1 ] brackets the root. Hence, k0£)¡ MWSXN – h©ª}¡¨ ©¢ k{§¡ ©00©ª t¡¤©~
treat the range [a1 , c1 ] = [a, b] for next
iteration and repeat the process by calculating new x-intercept c2 .
Continuing this process generates a sequence c1 , c2 , c3 , · · · that eventually converges to the root.
Analytically, the procedure can be illustrated as follows. The equation of the line connecting points A and
B is:
y − f (b1 ) f (a1 ) − f (b1 )
x − b1 a 1 − b1
{£¡ V[ ©¢ X] gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN
h¤{¨¡ W_ x©© ©¢ u©ªRs0ª¡{ j){0©ª WSY_ v¨¡ª t¡¤©~

To find the x-intercept, set y = 0 and solve for x = c1 :

0 − f (b1 ) f (a1 ) − f (b1 ) a1 f (b1 ) − b1 f (a1 )

= ⇒ c1 =
c 1 − b1 a 1 − b1 f (b1 ) − f (a1 )

Generalizing this result, the sequence of points that converges to the root is generated via

an f (bn ) − bn f (an )
cn = n = 1, 2, 3, · · · (2.11)
f (bn ) − f (an )

Example 2.2 : Solve x cos(x) + 1 = 0 using False Position Method


Find the root of equation x cos(x) = −1, within a tolerance = 10−2 , using False-Position Method.
Solution : The procedure is exactly same
z{|§¡ MWSWN – k{§¡ ©00©ª t¡¤©~_ y©§(¡ x cos(x) = −1
as that we used in Bisection Method,
Iteration a b c f(a) f(b) f(c) f(a)f(c) f(b)f(c) ε except that calculation of c is different;
1 -2.0000 4.0000 1.8323 -1.6146 1.1895 1.4426 2.6434 -2.3293 - here, Equation 2.11 is used to calculate c,
2 1.1895 4.0000 1.4426 -1.6146 2.5157 -1.0389 -1.4987 1.6773 1.3262 and ε is calculated as the difference of two
3 1.1895 2.5157 1.4426 -1.0389 1.9605 0.2552 0.3681 -0.2651 -0.5552 consecutive values of c.
4 1.9605 2.5157 0.2552 -1.0389 2.0700 0.0091 0.0023 -0.0094 0.1095 As can be seen from Table 2.2 (on page

5 2.0700 2.5157 0.0091 -1.0389 2.0738 0.0002 0.0000 -0.0002 0.0039
17), the procedure attains a value of c =

10−2 .

i q u
2.0723 after 5 iterations, which has an error of ε = 0.0039, and it is within the prescribed tolerance level of

2.4 Open Methods

there are certain common aspects which can be observed in all the Open Methods. Si
Unlike Bracketing Methods, Open Methods cannot be summarized in the form of a general algorithm. But,

s a
As opposed to Bracketing Methods, the Open Methods do not assure for convergence on root. But, still, each
of the Open Methods demand some pre-conditions for convergence on root. If these conditions are fulfilled then
they do converge on root.
Most of the Open Methods require only one
A h
initial guess (as opposed to two initial guesses

required in Bracketing Methods), but this initial
guess should be close enough to the root, so that
the procedure converges on root. As such, here,

the flexibility to choose initial guess is more than
Bracketing Methods. (Secant Method is an Open

o h
Method which requires two initial guess, but, unlike
the requirement of Bracketing Methods that the two

guesses should always fall on opposite sides of the
root, Secant Method also, like all the other Open
Methods, does not impose any such condition.)
Lastly, the Rate of Convergence of Open Methods
is usually higher when compared to any of the
Bracketing Methods. In other words, the total
number of iterations required to converge on a root,
using Open Methods, is much less than required
using Bracketing Methods.

2.4.1 Fixed-Point Iteration Method

The Fixed-Point Iteration Method is an Open
Method to find a root of f (x) = 0. The
idea is to rewrite f (x) = 0 as x = g(x),
where g(x) is known as the Iteration Function
or Auxiliary Function .Consequently, a point of
intersection of y = g(x) and y = x, known as a
fixed-point of g(x), is also a root of f (x) = 0.
As an example, consider e− 2 − x = 0 and its root, k0£)¡ MWSYN – h©ª}¡¨ ©¢ k0¬¡~R©0ª n¡{0©ª t¡¤©~
as shown in Figure 2.4 (on page 17). The equation is
x x
rewritten as x = e− 2 so that g(x) = e− 2 is the Iteration Function.

gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN tfy {£¡ V\ ©¢ X]
WSY_ v¨¡ª t¡¤©~ h¤{¨¡ W_ x©© ©¢ u©ªRs0ª¡{ j){0©ª

It is observed that g(x) has only one fixed point, which is the only root of the original equation. It should be
noted that for a given equation f (x) = 0 there usually exist more than one Iteration Function. For instance,
e− 2 − x = 0 can also be rewritten as x = −2 ln(x) so that g(x) = −2 ln(x).
The Fixed-Point of g(x)
is found numerically via the
Fixed-Point Iteration :

xn+1 = g(xn ), (2.12)

where n = 1, 2, 3, · · ·
and x1 is initial guess
The procedure begins with
an initial guess x1 near the
Fixed-Point. The next point
x2 is found by evaluating
g(x1 ). Similarly, x3 is found
k0£)¡ MWSZN – k0¬¡~ ©0ª n¡{0©ª t¡¤©~_ z­¨¡ ©¢ h©ª(¡£¡ª}¡ M{N t©ª©©ª¡ by evaluating g(x2 ), then
M|N v}0§§{©­ x4 , x5 , and so on. This
continues until convergence
is observed, that is, until two successive points are within a prescribed distance of each other:

|xn+1 − xn |< tol

ui (2.13)

Two types of convergence can be exhibited

by the Fixed-Point Iteration: Monotone and
di q
Oscillatory, as illustrated in Figure 2.5 (on page
18). In a Monotone Convergence, the elements of
the generated sequence converge to the Fixed-
Si d
Point from one side, while in an Oscillatory

a n
Convergence, the elements bounce from one side
of the Fixed-Point to the other as they approach
h s
Convergence of Fixed-Point Iteration: It
can be shown that if |g  (x)| < 1 near a Fixed-
d A
Point of g(x), then convergence is guaranteed.
Note that this is a sufficient, and not necessary,
condition for convergence.
Example 2.3 : ______
Point Iteration

Method am
x − 2−x = 0_______
using ______

Find a root of equation x − 2−x = 0, within k0£)¡ MWS[N – l{¨¤ ©¢ x − 2

a tolerance = 10 , using Fixed-Point Iteration
Solution : Rewrite the equation as x = 2−x so that g(x) = 2−x . The
z{|§¡ MWSXN – k0¬¡~R©0ª n¡{0©ª
−x Fixed-Point can be roughly located as in Figure 2.6 (on page 18). To
t¡¤©~_ y©§(¡ x − 2 =0
proceed, we can start with an initial guess of x = 0, and prepare, as
Iteration x g(x) ε = |g(x) − x|
before, a table of iteration as shown in Table 2.3 (on page 18).
1 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 The final answer (within the tolerance = 10−4 ) is found as 0.6412,
2 1.0000 0.5000 0.5000 after 13 iterations.
3 0.5000 0.7071 0.2071
4 0.7071 0.6125 0.0946
5 0.6125 0.6540 0.0415 2.4.2 Newton-Raphson Method
6 0.6540 0.6355 0.0185
The most commonly used open method to solve f (x) = 0, where
7 0.6355 0.6437 0.0082
8 0.6437 0.6401 0.0037
f  (x) = 0 is continuous, is Newton-Raphson Method.
9 0.6401 0.6417 0.0016
Consider the graph of f (x) in Figure 2.7 (on page 19). Start with
10 0.6417 0.6410 0.0007 an initial point x1 and locate the point (x1 , f (x1 )) on the curve. Draw
11 0.6410 0.6413 0.0003 the tangent line to the curve at that point, and let its x-intercept be x2 .
12 0.6413 0.6411 0.0001 Locate (x2 , f (x2 )), draw the tangent line to the curve there, and let x3
13 0.6411 0.6412 0.0000 be its x-intercept. Repeat this until convergence is observed. In general,
two consecutive elements xn and xn+1 are related via

f (xn )
xn+1 = xn − , n = 1, 2, 3, · · · and x1 is initial guess (2.14)
f  (xn )

{£¡ V] ©¢ X] gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN
h¤{¨¡ W_ x©© ©¢ u©ªRs0ª¡{ j){0©ª WSY_ v¨¡ª t¡¤©~

The iterations stop when two consecutive

elements are sufficiently close to one
another, that is,

|xn+1 − xn | < ε (2.15)

where ε is the prescribed tolerance.

Example 2.4 : Solve x cos(x) + 1 = 0
using Newton Raphson Method
Find the first positive root of x cos(x) =
−1 using Newton-Raphson Method with a
tolerance of 10−4 .
Solution : This equation was previously
tackled. According to Figure 2.2 (on
k0£)¡ MWS\N – h©ª}¡¨ ©¢ u¡'©ª x{¨¤©ª t¡¤©~
page 15), the first positive root is located
around x = 2, thus we start our
calculations with an initial guess as x1 = 1. Also, we know f  (x) = cos(x) − x sin(x). Hence, we proceed
by preparing the Table 2.4 (as shown on page 19). The root of the equation is found to be 2.0739.
Example 2.5 : Solve x2 − 3x − 7 = 0 using Newton
______________________________________ z{|§¡ MWSYN – u¡'©ªRx{¨¤©ª t¡¤©~_ y©§(¡
Raphson Method
Find the roots of x2 − 3x − 7 = 0 using Newton-Raphson
x cos(x) + 1 = 0

Iteration xn f (xn ) f  (xn xn+1 ε = |xn+1 − xn |
method with a tolerance of 10−4 .
Solution : Start by plotting the graph for f (x) = x2 − 3x − 7 1

1.0000 1.5403 -0.3012 6.1144
6.1144 7.0275 2.0128 2.6230

to find approximate locations of its roots (see Figure 2.8 on

3 2.6230 -1.2782 -2.1686 2.0336 0.5894
page 19). Inspired by Figure 2.8, we prepare two tables (see 4 2.0336 0.0920 -2.2662 2.0742 0.0406
Table 2.5 and Table 2.6 on page 19), one for each root. Initial 5 2.0742 -0.0007 -2.2993 2.0739 0.0003

guess, for first root, is x1 = −2 and, for second root, is x1 = 4. 6 2.0739 0.0000 -2.2991 2.0739 0.0000

Accordingly, the two roots found are -1.5414 and 4.5414. (In
the tables we employed f  (x) = 2x − 3.)

h s Some points with regards to

Newton-Raphson Method
Following points are note-worthy

e d as regards Newton-Raphson Method:

, When Newton-Raphson Method
m works, it generates a sequence

that converges rapidly to the
intended root.
, Several
M oh factors may cause
Newton-Raphson Method to
1. The initial point x1 is
not sufficiently close to
the intended root.
2. At some point in the
iterations, f  (x) may be
close to or equal to zero.
3. The iteration halts (usually
k0£)¡ MWS]N – u¡'©ªRx{¨¤©ª t¡¤©~_ l{¨¤ ©¢ f (x) ≡ x2 − 3x − 7 = 0 because of point of discontinuity).
4. The sequence diverges
, If f (x), f (x), and f (x) are continuous, f (root) = 0, and the initial point x
1 is close to the root, then the
sequence generated by Newton-Raphson Method converges to the root.

z{|§¡ MWSZN – u¡'©ªRx{¨¤©ª t¡¤©~_ y©§(¡ z{|§¡ MWS[N – u¡'©ªRx{¨¤©ª t¡¤©~_ y©§(¡
x2 − 3x − 7 = 0_ k0 x©© x2 − 3x − 7 = 0_ y¡}©ª~ x©©

Iteration xn f (xn ) f  (xn xn+1 ε = |xn+1 − xn | Iteration xn f (xn ) f  (xn xn+1 ε = |xn+1 − xn |

1 -2.0000 3.0000 -7.0000 -1.5714 0.4286 1 4.0000 -3.0000 5.0000 4.6000 0.6000
2 -1.5714 0.1837 -6.1429 -1.5415 0.0299 2 4.6000 0.3600 6.2000 4.5419 0.0581
3 -1.5415 0.0009 -6.0831 -1.5414 0.0001 3 4.5419 0.0034 6.0839 4.5414 0.0006
4 -1.5414 0.0000 -6.0828 -1.5414 0.0000 4 4.5414 0.0000 6.0828 4.5414 0.0000

gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN tfy {£¡ V^ ©¢ X]
WSZ_ x©© ©¢ ©§­ª©«0{§ j){0©ª h¤{¨¡ W_ x©© ©¢ u©ªRs0ª¡{ j){0©ª

, A downside of Newton-Raphson Method is that it requires the expression for f (x), which can, at times, 

be difficult.

2.4.3 Secant Method

As mentioned earlier (in Section 2.4.2), at times, finding expression for f  (x) becomes difficult. In such
cases, an alternative to Newton-Raphson Method is the Secant Method.
The secant method is another open method to solve f (x) = 0. Consider the graph of f (x) in Figure 2.9 (on
page 20). Start with two initial points x1 and x2 , locate the points (x1 , f (x1 )) and (x2 , f (x2 )) on the curve, and
draw the secant line connecting them. The x-intercept of this secant line is x3 . Next, use x2 and x3 to define a
secant line and let the x-intercept of this line be x4 . Continue the process until the sequence converges to the
root. In general, two consecutive elements xn and xn+1 generated by the secant method are related via

f (xn+1 ) − f (xn ) f (xn ) − f (xn−1 )

xn+1 − xn xn − xn−1
xn − xn−1
⇒ xn+1 = xn − f (xn ), n = 2, 3, 4, · · · and x1 , x2 are two initial guess
f (xn ) − f (xn−1 )

Example 2.6 : ______

Solve _______________
x cos(x) + 1 = 0

using Secant Method
Find the first positive root of x cos(x) =
−1 using Secant method with a tolerance
of 10−4 .
i q u
Solution : This equation was

previously tackled. Using similar
procedure followed earlier, we proceed by
preparing Table 2.7 (as shown on page
20). Because we know that there is a

a n
root near x = 2 we can safely start with
initial guess of x1 = 1 and x2 = 1.5. Root
h s
of the equation is found to be 2.0739.

2.5 Roots of Polynomial

e d k0£)¡ MWS^N – h©ª}¡¨ ©¢ y¡}{ª t¡¤©~
The Bracketing Methods and Open Methods described
z{|§¡ MWS\N – y¡}{ª t¡¤©~_ y©§(¡ x cos(x) + 1 = 0

in former sections were equally suitable to solve

Iter xn−1 xn f (xn−1 ) f (xn ) xn+1 ε = |xn+1 − xn | Polynomial Equations as well as Transcendental
1 1.00000 1.50000 1.54030 1.10611 2.77374 1.27374 Equations. But consideration of some aspects of
1.50000 2.77374 1.10611 -1.58818 2.02292
2.77374 2.02292 -1.58818 0.11624 2.07412
2.02292 2.07412 0.11624 -0.00044 2.07393
2.07412 2.07393 -0.00044 0.00000 2.07393
Polynomial Equations force us to develop other
methods which are more suitable to solve such
The roots of polynomials follow these rules:

, For an n -order equation, there exist n roots, out of which some or all may be repeated (i.e., multiple

, Out of n roots, m(0 < m < n) roots may be real and remaining n − m roots may be complex.
roots with same solution value).

, If n is odd then there is at least one real root.

, For √an equation, if complex roots exist then they always exist as conjugate pairs (i.e., λ ± µi where
i= −1).

Bracketing Methods as well as Open Methods are very viable methods if only real roots exist. However,
when complex roots exist Bracketing Methods cannot be used because of the obvious problem that the criterion
for defining a bracket (that is, sign change) does not translate to complex guesses. Also, the problem of finding
good initial guesses complicates both the bracketing and the open methods. Furthermore, the open methods
could be susceptible to divergence.
In this section, we will discuss methods which specially excel in finding the roots of Polynomial Equations.

2.5.1 Muller’s Method

Muller’s Method is an inspiration from Secant Method. Instead of drawing a Secant which passes through
two suggested points, Muller’s Method suggests three points on the function curve, x0 , x1 , and x2 , and passes
{£¡ WU ©¢ X] gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN
h¤{¨¡ W_ x©© ©¢ u©ªRs0ª¡{ j){0©ª WSZ_ x©© ©¢ ©§­ª©«0{§ j){0©ª

a parabola through these three points (see Figure 2.10 on page 21). Definitely, the equation of this parabola is
a quadratic equation.
The Muller’s Method consists of deriving the coefficients of the parabola that goes through the three guess
points, x0 , x1 , and x2 . These coefficients can then be substituted into the quadratic formula of the parabola
to obtain the point where the parabola intercepts the x-axis – that is, the estimated root, or next guess, (call it
x3 ). The equation for parabola passing through a point (x2 , y2 ) should take the form:

y2 = a(x − x2 )2 + b(x − x2 ) + c, a, b, c are coefficients of the equation (2.17)

The three points, x0 , x1 , and x2 , must satisfy Equation 2.17. Hence,

y0 = a(x0 − x2 )2 + b(x0 − x2 ) + c (2.18)

y1 = a(x1 − x2 ) + b(x1 − x2 ) + c (2.19)
y2 = a(x2 − x2 ) + b(x2 − x2 ) + c (2.20)

Equation 2.20 results in:

c = y2 (2.21)

Substituting Equation 2.21 in Equations 2.18 and 2.19 yields:

y0 − y2 = a(x0 − x2 )2 + b(x0 − x2 )
ui (2.22)
y1 − y2 = a(x1 − x2 ) + b(x1 − x2 )

di q (2.23)

Equations 2.22 and 2.23 can be solved to give the values of coefficients a and b as:

a =+
(x0 − x2 )(y1 − y2 ) − (x1 − x2 )(y0 − y2 )
Si d (2.24)

a n
(x0 − x1 )(x1 − x2 )(x2 − x0 )
(x0 − x2 )2 (y1 − y2 ) − (x1 − x2 )2 (y0 − y2 )
b =−
(x0 − x1 )(x1 − x2 )(x2 − x0 )


Parabola 2.17:

d A
The parabola also passes through the point (x3 , y3 ) = (x3 , 0). Substituting this point in the Equation of

me 0 = a(x3 − x2 )2 + b(x3 − x2 ) + c
As Equation 2.26 is a quadratic equation, it can be solved for x3 − x2 as:

x3 − x2 = √ (2.27)
b± b2 − 4ac
o h −2c

M x3 = x2 +

b2 − 4ac
Both Equations, 2.27 and 2.28, are useful because they allow to calculate the error:

 x3 − x2 
ε =   (2.29)
The above procedure completes a single iteration. To proceed
to next iteration, substitute x0 = x1 , x1 = x2 , and x2 = x3 , and
calculate the new values of x3 and ε. Repeat the process till
ε > tol (or, in other words, stop the process as soon as ε < tol)
A very important point (which may have been overlooked
and ignored) with regards to calculation of values of y0 , y1 , and
y2 , is that their values are calculated by substituting values of
x0 , x1 , and x2 , in the given function f (x), respectively. This
is possible because the points (x0 , y0 ), (x1 , y1 ), and (x2 , y2 ), lies
simultaneously on the parabola as well as the curve of given
function f (x), and hence satisfy equations of both curves (i.e.,
parabola and given function).
Use of parabola, when compared to secant, results in very
rapid convergence, using Muller’s Method.
Example 2.7 : Solve x3 − 13x − 12 = 0 using Muller’s
________ k0£)¡ MWSVUN – h©ª}¡¨ ©¢ t)§§¡L t¡¤©~

gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN tfy {£¡ WV ©¢ X]
WSZ_ x©© ©¢ ©§­ª©«0{§ j){0©ª h¤{¨¡ W_ x©© ©¢ u©ªRs0ª¡{ j){0©ª

z{|§¡ MWS]N – t)§§¡L t¡¤©~_ y©§(¡ x3 − 13x − 12 = 0

Iteration x0 x1 x2 y0 y1 y2 a b c d1 d2 x3 − x2 x3 ε

1 4.50000 5.50000 5.00000 20.62500 82.87500 48.00000 15.00000 62.25000 48.00000 93.79461 30.70539 -1.02351 3.97649 0.25739
2 5.50000 5.00000 3.97649 82.87500 48.00000 -0.81633 14.47649 32.87801 -0.81633 66.46721 -0.71119 0.02456 4.00105 0.00614
3 5.00000 3.97649 4.00105 48.00000 -0.81633 0.03678 12.97754 35.04975 0.03678 70.07226 0.02725 -0.00105 4.00000 0.00026
4 3.97649 4.00105 4.00000 -0.81633 0.03678 0.00002 11.97754 35.00004 0.00002 70.00007 0.00002 0.00000 4.00000 0.00000

Use Muller’s Method with initial guesses of x0 = 4.5, x1 = 5.5, and x2 = 5, to determine a root of the equation

x3 − 13x − 12 = 0

Solution : To solve the equation, prepare Table 2.8 (as shown on page 22), and repeat the process till ε falls
sufficiently below a reasonable accuracy (for example, below 10−4 ). In the table, columns d1 and d2 pertain to
the denominators of x3 − x2 :
d1 = b + b2 − 4ac and d2 = b − b2 − 4ac (2.30)

While calculating the values of x3 − x2 and x3 we always pick up either d1 or d2 whichever has the largest
absolute value.

3Beginning of Chapter
di q ⇑ Table of Contents

Si d
a n
h s
d A
h am
M o

{£¡ WW ©¢ X] gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN


3.1 Vectors and Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2 Elementary Properties of Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Orthogonality and Orthonormality of Vectors and Matrices . .
Norm of Vectors and Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ui .
Linear Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Systems of Linear Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.i q.
Numerical Methods to solve Systems of Linear Equations . . .
Numerical Methods to solve Systems of Non-Linear Equations

. d.

a n
Important Note: Dear Students, these lecture notes are “Supplementary”, which means, they are not meant to replace your text book,
but only provide supporting material to the classroom lectures, in a summarized manner. You should gain enough knowledge from other

sources to be in a position to elaborate the topics and material presented here 1

3.1 Vectors and Matrices
d A
A vector v is an ordered set of n scalars, v1 , v2 , . . . , vn , written as
 

 v2 
 

v= . 
 .. 

M o
More precisely, this is a _______________
column-vector (a.k.a ________________
column-matrix). Instead, if the scalars v1 , v2 , . . . , vn , are
written in a row
v = v1 v2 ... vn
then it would become a row-vector
(a.k.a row-matrix).
The count of scalars in the vector is known as the
order of vector or size of vector . Hence, in the example above, size of vector v is n. Individual scalars of
the vector are known as elements or members or terms of the vector. Hence, v1 is first element of vector v,
and vn is nth element.
When consecutive vectors are arranged sideways or stacked, it makes a matrix :
 
a11 a12 . . . a1n  
 a21 a22 . . . a2n  2 3 3
 
A= . .. .. ..  eg. a 3 × 3 matrix: P = −1 2 4 
 .. . . .  5 0 −3
am1 am2 . . . amn
This is a ________
Matrix, where, size of each row of matrix, m, matches with size of any other row, and
similarly, sizes of all columns of matrix are same, n. In a matrix, if the size of at least one row (or column)
is different than size of another row (or column) of the matrix then such a matrix falls in to the category of
Sparse Matrices. Sparse matrices have special applications and they are not of interest to us in this course.
Hence, we will concentrate on regular matrices, and, as such, in this text the term “matrices” would refer to
“regular matrices” only (unless otherwise mentioned explicitly).
XSW_ j§¡«¡ª{­ ©¨¡0¡ ©¢ t{0}¡ h¤{¨¡ X_ t{0}¡ {ª~ y­¡« ©¢ j){0©ª

The size of matrix or order of matrix having m rows and n columns is m × n. In a matrix, A, the
element at i th row and j th column is denoted by aij . (For example, in the above matrix P, element p32 = 0.)
Also, m is the ________________
first-dimension ___of ________
matrix A (i.e., the count of rows in the matrix) and n is the
second-dimension (i.e., the count of columns), and as such, A is a _________________
two-dimensional___ (or_____
2D) _______
matrix. Higher
dimensional matrices, such as 3D matrices, are possible, but, in this course, we will limit ourselves to 2D
A 2D matrix of size n × n is known as a Square Matrix . Consequently, saying “matrix of order n” means
same as “matrix of order n × n”. A “non-square matrix” is known as a Rectangular Matrix . The elements
a11 , a22 , . . . , ann in a square matrix of size n form the Principal Diagonal of matrix. In the display below,
principal diagonal of matrix A is shown in bold-characters:
 
a11 a12 . . . a1n
 a21 a22 . . . a2n 
 
A= . .. .. .. 
 .. . . . 
am1 am2 ... amn
The sum of elements of principal diagonal of a matrix is known as Trace of matrix.
A diagonal matrix is a square matrix which has all it’s elements as zeros, except that at least one of the
elements on it’s principal diagonal is non-zero. A diagonal matrix of order n which has all the elements (on
it’s principal diagonal) as ones, is called Identity Matrix of order n denoted by In . A null-matrix (a.k.a
zero-matrix ) has all it’s elements as zeros, and a unit matrix has all it’s elements as ones.

di q

 0
 0

1 0 0 ... 0
0 1 0 . . . 0


0 0
... d 0

1 1 1 ... 1
1 1 1 . . . 1

1 1 1 . . . 1

 0 a33 ... 0  In = 0 0 1 . . . 0  0 0 ...   
 ..   .. .. .. . . ..   .. ..   .. .. .. . . .

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
 . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 
0 0 0 . . . ann
Diagonal Matrix
0 0 0 ... 1

Identity Matrix (of order n) s 0 0 0 ... 0
Null Matrix
1 1 1 ... 1
Unit Matrix

d A
If O is the m × n zero matrix and A is any m × n matrix, then A + O = A. Thus, Null Matrix O is the

Additive Identity for matrix addition. Now that the Additive Identity for matrix addition is defined, we can
observe that the matrix −A, which can be obtained as (−1) × A, is the Additive Inverse of A, in the sense
that A + (−A) = (−A) + A = O.

A square matrix of order n which has all the elements above it’s principal diagonal as zeros is known as

Lower Triangular Matrix (shown as matrix L below). Similarly, a square matrix of order n which has

matrix U below).
M o
all the elements below it’s principal diagonal as zeros is known as Upper Triangular Matrix (shown as

   
a11 0 0 ... 0 a11 a12 a13 . . . a1n
 a21 a22 0 ... 0   0 a22 a23 . . . a2n 
   
 a31 a32 a33 . . . 0  U=
 0 a33 . . . a3n 
L=  0 
 .. .. .. .. ..   .. .. .. .. .. 
 . . . . .   . . . . . 
an1 an2 an3 . . . ann 0 0 0 . . . ann
The operation of exchanging rows of matrix with it’s columns (and vice-versa) is known as Transposition
of matrix, and the new matrix produced is called transpose of original matrix. Transpose of matrix A is
denoted by AT or A . Hence
   
a11 a12 . . . a1n a11 a21 . . . am1
 a21 a22 . . . a2n   a12 a22 . . . am2 
   
A= . . . .  =⇒ A =  . .. .. .. 
 .. .. .. ..   .. . . . 
am1 am2 . . . amn a1n a2n . . . amn

3.2 Elementary Properties of Matrices

The Scalar Multiple αA of matrix A by a real number α is the matrix obtained by multiplying each
entry of A by α.
{£¡ WY ©¢ X] gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN
h¤{¨¡ X_ t{0}¡ {ª~ y­¡« ©¢ j){0©ª XSW_ j§¡«¡ª{­ ©¨¡0¡ ©¢ t{0}¡
   
a11 a12 ··· a1n αa11 αa12 · · · αa1n
 a21 a22 ··· a2n   αa21 αa22 · · · αa2n 
   
αA = α  . .. ..  =  .. .. .. 
 .. . ··· .   . . ··· . 
am1 am2 ··· amn αam1 αam2 ··· αamn
If u1 , u2 , · · · , um are vectors and if a1 , a2 , · · · , am are scalars, then the vector
a1 u 1 + a2 u 2 + · · · + am u m
is called a Linear Combination of u1 , u2 , · · · , um .
Product of matrix and vector : If A is an m × n matrix and x is a (n × 1) column vector then the product
Ax is defined as
    
a11 a12 · · · a1n x1 a11 x1 + a12 x2 + · · · + a1n xn
 a21 a22 · · · a2n   x2   a21 x1 + a22 x2 + · · · + a2n xn 
    
Ax =  . .. ..   ..  =  .. 
 .. . ··· .   .   . 
am1 am2 ··· amn xn am1 x1 + am2 x2 + · · · + amn xn
Note that, this product is not commutative, and as such Ax = xA. But, this product is distributive, i.e.
A(x + y) = Ax + Ay, and, similarly, (x + y)A = xA + yA, where x and y are column vectors.
Row Echelon Form : A matrix is said to be in Row Echelon Form if the first non-zero entry in every row
is to the right of the first non-zero entry in all the rows above.
Following matrices are in Row Echelon Form:

−9 0 0 0

di q

2 −5 3 9
0 7 −2 4

0 0 −1 0 ,

6 0 −3 4 0 8
0 0 0 −2 3 −7 ,

 0 7 0 4

 0 0 3 8

 0 0 0 2

Si d
0 0 0 2
0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0

 0 0 0 0

a n
0 0 0 0
The first non-zero entry of each row is known as the Pivot Value or Corner Value .
A matrix in Row Echelon Form which has all it’s Pivot Values as 1 is said to be in

Row Echelon Form.

Reduced Row Echelon Form , or simply Reduced Form . Hence, all the Identity Matrices are in Reduced

Elementary Row Operations (ERO) : The three EORs that can be performed on any matrix are as

1. EROs : Row Swaps: interchange two rows

2. EROd : Row Dilations: multiply a row by a non-zero real scalar

Mohammed Ahsan Siddiqui

M o
3. EROt : Row Transvections: add a multiple of another row to a row
It is interesting to note that Any matrix can be transformed into an equivalent reduced form by a
(not unique) sequence of elementary row operations. We will denote the reduced form of an m × n matrix
A as Ared .
The Rank of an m × n matrix A is the number of non-zero rows in Ared .

Example 3.1 : Reducing a matrix using Elementary Row Operations


Following example demonstrates transformation of a matrix into it’s equivalent reduced form (Rx denotes
x):     
2 8 7 (ERO :) 1 R 1 4 72 1 4 2 (ERO :)− 1 R2
(EROt :)R2 −4R1 ,R3 −3R1
4 5 6 −−−−−−−−→ 4 5 6  −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ 0 −11 −8  −−−−−d−−−11−−→
d 2 1

3 2 9 3 2 9 0 −9 − 32
     
1 4 7/2 1 4 7/2 22
(EROd :) 111 R3
1 4 7/2
(EROt :)R3 +9R2
0 1 8/11  −−−−−−−−−−−→ 0 1 8/11  −−−−−−−−−−→ 0 1 8/11
0 −9 −3/2 0 0 111/22 0 0 1

Elementary Matrices and Row Operations

It is interesting to note know that Elementary Row Operations can be written in the form of matrices.
These matrices are known as Elementary Matrices .
To understand Elementary Matrices let us write an m × n matrix A, more elaborately, as follows:
gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN tfy {£¡ WZ ©¢ X]
XSW_ j§¡«¡ª{­ ©¨¡0¡ ©¢ t{0}¡ h¤{¨¡ X_ t{0}¡ {ª~ y­¡« ©¢ j){0©ª
 
a11 a12 ··· a1i ··· a1j ··· a1n
 a21 a22 ··· a2i ··· a2j ··· a2n 
 
 .. .. .. .. .. 
 . . ··· . ··· . ··· . 
 
 ai1 ai2 ··· aii ··· aij ··· ain 
 
A= . .. .. .. .. 
 .. . ··· . ··· . ··· . 
 
 aj1 aj2 ··· aji ··· ajj ··· ajn 
 
 . .. .. .. .. 
 .. . ··· . ···. . 
am1 am2 · · · ami · · · amj · · · amn
To perform EROs (Row Swap) on rows i and j, we can  multiply matrix A with the following matrix:
1 0 ··· 0 ··· 0 ··· 0
0 1 · · · 0 ··· 0 · · · 0
 
 .. .. .. .. .. 
. . · · · . ··· . · · · .
 
0 0 · · · aii = 0 · · · aij = 1 · · · 0
 
Es =  . . .. .. .. 
 .. .. · · · . · · · . · · · . 
 
0 0 · · · aji = 1 · · · ajj = 0 · · · 0
 
. . .. .. .. 
 .. .. · · · . ··· . · · · .
0 0 ··· 0 ··· 0 ··· 1

The Elementary Matrix Es to perform EROs on rows i and j is obtained by modifying Im (the m × m Identity
Matrix) such that now aii = 0, ajj = 0, aij = 1, and aji = 1. If matrix A is a square matrix of size n × n then

i q
Elementary Matrix Es to perform EROs on rows i and j is obtained by modifying the Identity Matrix In such
that now aii = 0, ajj = 0, aij = 1, and aji = 1.
 perform the matrix multiplication Es A we
Hence, if we
a11 a12 · · · a1i · · · a1j · · · a1n
 a21 a22 · · · a2i · · · a2j · · · a2n 

Si d
 obtain a new matrix A1 as:

 ..
 .

. · · ·
. · · ·
. · · ·

a n .. 
. 

 aj1 aj2 · · · aji · · · ajj · · · ajn 

A1 =  .
 ..

. ···
. ···
. ··· s .. 
. 

 ai1 ai2 · · · aii · · · aij · · · ain 

 .
 .. ..
. ···
. ···
d A ..
. ···
.. 
. 

am1 am2 · · · ami · · · amj · · · amn
which is a transformation on original matrix A, such that, rows i and j of original matrix A are swapped (or
interchanged) to produce the new transformed matrix A1 .

To perform EROd (Row Dilation) on row i, with a factor of d, we can multiply matrix A with the matrix Ed ,

as given below:
 

Ed = 

M o
1 0 ···
0 1 · · ·
 .. ..
. . · · ·
··· 0
· · · 0
· · ·
.. 

0 0 · · · aii = d · · · 0
 
. . .. .. 
 .. .. · · · . · · · .
0 0 ··· 0 ··· 1
The Elementary Matrix Ed to perform EROd on row i, with a multiplication factor of d, is obtained by modifying
Im (the m × m Identity Matrix) such that now aii = d. If matrix A is a square matrix of size n × n then
Elementary Matrix Ed to perform EROd on row i, with a factor of d, is obtained by modifying the Identity
Matrix In such that now aii = d.
Hence, if we
 perform the matrix multiplication  Ed A we obtain a new matrix A2 as:
a11 a12 · · · a1i · · · a1n
 a21 a22 · · · a2i · · · a2n 
 
 .. .. .. .. 
 . . · · · . · · · . 
A2 =  
da da · · · da · · · da 
 i1 i2 ii in 
 . . . . 
 .. .. ··· .
. .
· · · .
am1 am2 · · · ami · · · amn
which is a transformation on original matrix A, such that, row i of original matrix A is dilated with a factor of
d to produce the new transformed matrix A2 .
To perform EROt (Row Transvection) on row i using row j, with a factor of t, we can multiply matrix A
with the matrix Et , as given below:

{£¡ W[ ©¢ X] gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN
h¤{¨¡ X_ t{0}¡ {ª~ y­¡« ©¢ j){0©ª XSX_ v¤©£©ª{§0­ {ª~ v¤©ª©«{§0­ ©¢ ¡}© {ª~ t{0}¡
 
1 0 ··· 0 ··· 0 ··· 0
0 1 · · · 0 · · · 0 · · · 0
 
 .. .. .. .. .. 
. . · · · . ··· . · · · .
 
0 0 · · · aii = 1 · · · aij = t · · · 0
 
Et =  . . .. .. .. 
 .. .. · · · . ··· . · · · .
 
0 0 · · · aji = 0 · · · ajj = 1 · · · 0
 
. . .. .. .. 
 .. .. · · · . ··· . · · · .
0 0 ··· 0 ··· 0 ··· 1
The Elementary Matrix Et to perform EROt on row i, using row j, with a multiplication factor of t, is obtained
by modifying Im (the m × m Identity Matrix) such that now aij = t. If matrix A is a square matrix of size n × n
then Elementary Matrix Et to perform EROt on row i, using row j, with a factor of t, is obtained by modifying
the Identity Matrix In such that now aij = t.
Hence, if we perform the matrix multiplication Et A we obtain a new matrix A3  as:
a11 a12 ··· a1i ··· a1j ··· a1n
 a21 a22 ··· a2i ··· a2j ··· a2n 
 
 .. .. .. .. .. 
 . . ··· . ··· . ··· . 
 
 aj1 aj2 ··· aji ··· ajj ··· ajn 
 
A3 =  .. .. .. .. .. 

 . . · · · . · · · . · · ·
ai1 + taj1 ai2 + taj2 · · · aii + taji · · · aij + tajj · · · ain + tajn 


ui 

. ···
··· ami
. ···
··· amj
. ···
di q

factor of t, using row j, to produce the new transformed matrix A3 .

Example 3.2 : Reducing a matrix using Elementary Matrices
Si d
which is a transformation on original matrix A, such that, row i of original matrix A is transvected with a


a n
Following example demonstrates transformation of a matrix into it’s equivalent reduced form (Rx denotes
Row x): 
2 8 7
4 5 6

h s
31 2 9  
0 0
2 8 7A  
1 4 72

Ed on R1 with d= 12 2
−−−−−−−−−−−−→  0 1 0 4 5 6 = 4 5 6 

Et on R2 using R1 with t=−4

m 0 0 1  
1 0 0
3 2 9  3 2 9  
1 0 0 1 4 72 1 4 7

Et on R3 using R1 with t=−3 2
−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→  0 1 0 −4 1 0 4 5 6  = 0 −11 −8 
−3 0 1  0 0 1 7  3 29 0 −9  −2

o h 1
Ed on R2 with d= −11
−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ 0 −11
1 0
0 1 4 2
0 0 −11 −8  = 0 1
1 4 7/2
8/11 

Et on R3 using R2 with t=9
−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ 0 1 0 0 1
1 0 0
0 1 0 −9 −
1 4 7/2
2  0 −9 −3/2
1 4
8/11  = 0 1 8/11 

 0 9 1 0
 −9 −3/2  0 0 111/22
Ed on R3 with d= 22
1 0 0 1 4 7/2 1 4 7/2
−−−−−−−−−−−−111 −→ 0 1 0  0 1 8/11  = 0 1 8/11
0 0 111 0 0 111/22 0 0 1
It is not hard to understand that the above six elementary matrices can be combined as a product into a
single ____________
Elementary ___________
Reduction _______
Matrix as follows:
1        1 
2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0
 0 1 0  0 1 0 −4 1 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 0  = −4 − 11 1
0 
22 22
0 0 1 −3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 9 1 0 0 111 −3 9 111
 1 the complete reduction
 can
 be performed in
 a single product as:
2 0 0 2 8 7 1 4 7/2
−4 − 1 0  4 5 6 = 0 1 8/11
−3 9 111
3 2 9 0 0 1

3.3 Orthogonality and Orthonormality of Vectors and Matrices

Orthogonal Vectors : Two vectors x and y are said to be orthogonal if x·y = 0. For example, two vectors
−1 and 2 are orthogonal, because their dot product (1)(2) + (−1)(2) + (0)(4) = 0. Vector 0 is orthogonal
0 4

gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN tfy {£¡ W\ ©¢ X]
XSY_ u©« ©¢ ¡}© {ª~ t{0}¡ h¤{¨¡ X_ t{0}¡ {ª~ y­¡« ©¢ j){0©ª

to every vector.
A set of non-zero vectors {v1 , v2 , · · · , vk } is said to be Mutually Orthogonal if vi · vj = 0 for all i = j.
For example, the standard basis vectors e1 , e2 , e3 are mutually orthogonal.
Unit Vector : A Unit Vector is a vector of length 1. If it’s length is 1, then the square of it’s length is also
1. So, v is a unit vector ⇐⇒ v · v = 1. For example, all the standard basis vectors e1 , e2 , e3 are unit vectors.
Normalization of Vector : The process of replacing a vector by a unit vector in it’s direction is called
Normalization of Vector. An arbitrary non-zero vector w can be normalized by calculating:
w w
1 1
For example, if v = y then v = v2 v =√ v.
z x2 +y 2 +z 2

Orthonormal Matrices : A matrix Q is Orthonormal if QT Q = I. Few examples of Orthonormal

Matrices are given below:    
1 0 1/3 −2/3
0 1 , 2/3 −1/3
0 0 2/3 2/3
Orthogonal Matrices : A square orthonormal matrix is known as Orthogonal Matrix. Hence, if Q is an
Orthogonal Matrix then QT Q = I. But, we known that Q−1 Q = I. As such, it implies that, for an Orthogonal
Matrix Q, Q−1 = QT . It also implies that if Q is orthogonal then QT as well as Q−1 are also orthogonal.
Following are some examples of Orthogonal Matrices:

0 0 1

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2

di q
1 0 0 ,
0 1 0
cos θ − sin θ
sin θ cos θ
1/2 −1/2 1/2 −1/2

1/2 1/2 −1/2 −1/2
1/2 −1/2 −1/2 1/2

Si d
The matrix

1 1 

a n
1 −1 is not an Orthogonal Matrix. But we can adjust it to make it an Orthogonal Matrix:

1 1
2 1 −1
. (Such matrices are known as Matrices with Equi-norm columns. Observe that each column-vector
in this matrix has same l2 -norm.)

A h
3.4 Norm of Vectors and Matrices
e d
Norm of Vector x, denoted as x, is any real number which satisfies the following properties:

1. x > 0, if x = 0, (i.e. at least one element of x is non-zero)
2. kx = |k|x, for any real scalar k

o h
3. x + y  x + y, for any two vectors x and y
As you can see, based on this definition, Norm of Vector is just a real number associated with a given vector.
As such, there are many possibilities to calculate Norm of Vector. But, out of those many, we usually use one

of the following three norms: (a) l1 -Norm (b) l2 -Norm (c) l∞ -Norm. For a vector x of size n, these values are

defined as follows, respectively:
x1 = i=1 |xi |, where |xi | denotes the absolute value of xi
, √
x2 = + xT · x = +
2 T
i=1 xi , where x denotes the transpose of vector x
, x∞ = max |xi |

Example 3.3 : Norm of vector


As an example, the three norms for the vector v = (1, −2, 3, −4) are:

l1 = |1|
+ | − 2| + |3| + | − 4| = 10
l2 = + (1)2 + (−2)2 + (3)2 + (−4)2 = 5.477
, l∞ = max(|1|, | − 2|, |3|, | − 4|) = 4
Norm of Square Matrix A, denoted as A, is any real number which satisfies the following properties:
1. A  0
2. A = 0, if and only if A = 0, (i.e. A is a zero matrix)
3. kA = |k|A, for any real scalar k
4. A + B  A + B, for any two matrices A and B
5. AB  AB, for any two matrices A and B
Just as in case of vectors, based on this definition, Norm of Matrix is just a real number associated with a
given matrix. As such, there are many possibilities to calculate Norm of Matrix. But, out of those many, we
usually use one of the following three norms: (a) l1 -Norm (b) l2 -Norm (c) l∞ -Norm.
For a square matrix A of size n × n, these values are defined as follows, respectively:
{£¡ W] ©¢ X] gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN
h¤{¨¡ X_ t{0}¡ {ª~ y­¡« ©¢ j){0©ª XSY_ u©« ©¢ ¡}© {ª~ t{0}¡

, A 1
= max ( i=1 |aij |), where |aij | denotes absolute value of aij , element in ith row j th column of A

, A

n n 2
2 =+ j=1 aij

, A
∞ = max ( j=1 |aij |)
Hence, l1 -Norm is “maximum absolute column sum”, which means, we sum the absolute values along each
column and then take the largest answer. And, l∞ -Norm is “maximum absolute row sum”, which means, we
sum the absolute values along each row and then take the largest answer.
l2 -Norm is also known as Euclidean Norm , and as such, also denoted as lE -Norm (or, for a given matrix
A as AE ).

Example 3.4 : Norm of square matrix

 1 −2 3

As an example, the three norms for the matrix A = −4 5 −6 are:
7 −8 9

1 = max(|1|
 + | − 4| + |7|, | − 2| + |5| + | − 8|, |3| + | − 6| + |9|) = 18
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 = + (1) + (−2) + (3) + (−4) + (5) + (−6) + (7) + (−8) + (9) = 16.882

∞ = max(|1| + | − 2| + |3|, | − 4| + |5| + | − 6|, |7| + | − 8| + |9|) = 24

Matrix Inversion

i q
A square matrix whose rank is less than the count of rows in the matrix is known as a Singular Matrix .

For any non-singular matrix M of size n there exist another non-singular matrix M −1 of size n such that
M −1 M = In . We say M −1 is the Inverse of matrix M .

Si d
For a given non-singular matrix M the corresponding inverse M −1 can be found by systematic application
of Elementary Row Operations on M . The procedure can be best illustrated with an example.

Example 3.5 : Matrix Inversion

a n

Let us find theinverse of matrix A, as given below:

A = 3
−1 1 1
2 4

A h
To start, we write:
1 −1 0

e d
Now, we perform a series of Elementary Row Operations on both the matrices, simultaneously, on either side

of the middle bar, as follows:    
−1 1 1 1 0 0

o h 3
 2 4
1 −1 0

 0 1 0
0 0 1

M E on R with d=−1
−−d−−−−1−−−−−−−→ 3 2

1 −1 −1

1 −1 0
 

−1 0 0
  0 1 0
0 0 1

   
Et on R2 using R1 with t=−3 1 −1 −1 −1 0 0
Et on R3 using R1 with t=−1  7  
−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ 0 5   3 1 0
0 0 1 1 0 1
   
1 −1 −1 −1 0 0
Ed on R2 with d= 15 0 1 7   3
−−−−−−−−−−−−→  5   5
5 0
0 0 1 1 0 1
   2 1 
1 0 25 −5 5 0
Et on R1 using R2 with t=1 0 1 7   3 1
−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→  5  5 5 
0 0 1 1 0 1
   4 1 
Et on R1 using R3 with t=− 25 1 0 0 − 5 5 − 25
Et on R2 using R3 with t=− 5 0 1 0 − 4 1 − 7 
−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→    5 5 5
0 0 1 1 0 1
As can be observed, the aim was to reduce the left matrix (i.e. A) to Identity Matrix, I. While reducing the left
matrix A to I, the EROs transformed the original I on right side of bar to A−1 .
 −1 1 1  − 45 51 − 25
Hence, the inverse of matrix A = 3 2 4 is A−1 = − 45 51 − 75
1 −1 0
1 0 1
gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN tfy {£¡ W^ ©¢ X]
XSZ_ s0ª¡{ j){0©ª h¤{¨¡ X_ t{0}¡ {ª~ y­¡« ©¢ j){0©ª

3.5 Linear Equations

The subject of algebra arose from studying equations. Simplest general form of Linear Equation is
ax = b. The letter x is the variable, and a and b are arbitrary constants (i.e. fixed numbers).
For example, consider 4x = 3. The solution is x = 3/4. In general, if a = 0, then x = b/a, and this solution
is unique. But, if a = 0 and b = 0, then, there is no solution, since the equation says 0 = b, which, of course, is
absurd. And, lastly, for the case where a and b are both 0, every real number x is a solution.
This points out a general property of linear equations. For any given linear equation, with regards to it’s
solution, there are only three possibilities, and they are mutually exclusive: (i) Either there is a unique solution
(i.e. exactly one), or (ii) There is no solution, or (iii) There are infinitely many solutions.
Equations such as z = x2 + xy 5 and z 2 = x + y 4 represent Non-linear Equations , which, compared to
linear equations, are difficult to solve; their theory involves highly sophisticated mathematics.
ax = b is monomial form of linear equation. When more than one variable is involved, i.e. a1 x1 + a2 x2 +

· · · + an xn = b, we call it a ____________
Linear __________

3.6 Systems of Linear Equations

We discussed in above paragraph, a single linear equation. When there are more than one linear equation,
all referring to the same set of variables, we call them as a System of Linear Equations .
A general linear system consisting of m equations in n unknowns will look like:
a11 x1 + a12 x2 + · · · + a1n xn = b1
a21 x1 + a22 x2 + · · · + a2n xn = b2
di q
.. .
. + .. + · · · +
= ..
am1 x1 + am2 x2 + · · · + amn xn = bm
Si d
The case where all the constants bi are zero is called Homogeneous System of Linear Equations .

Otherwise, the system is said to be Non-homogeneous System of Linear Equations .

h s
Hence, a system of linear equations can be represented as Ax = b, where A is the Coefficient Matrix, x is
the Variables Vector,

and b
a11 a12 · · · a1n
is the Constants

d Aand they are

 
as follows:

 a21 a22 · · · a2n   x2   b2 
     
A= . .. .. ..  , x =  .  , and b= . 
 ..  ..   .. 
. 
amn xn bm

h am
The Augmented Coefficient Matrix is written and defined as:

a11 a12 · · · a1n b1
 a21 a22 · · · a2n b2 
 

(A|b) =  .
 ..
.. .
.. .
.. 
. 
··· amn bm

3.6.1 Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to System of Linear Equations

Suppose we have m equations in n variables, then we can write such a system of linear equations in matrix
form as Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix, x is the variables vector, and b is the constants vector.
Clearly, the sizes of A, x and b are m × n, m × 1 and m × 1, respectively. For this system, to have a solution
exist, ranks of A (the coefficient matrix) and (A|b) (the augmented matrix) must be same. (It should be noted
that rank cannot exceed the minimum of m and n.)
 example, consider
 thefollowing system of linear equations:
1 2 3 x1 1
4 5 6 x2  = −2
7 8 9 x3 5
Thereduced form of these
 equations
 is:
1 0 −1 x1 −3
0 1 2  x 2  =  2 
0 0 0 x3 10
Here, the rank of coefficient matrix is 2 (recall that rank is number of pivot values in reduced form), but
the rank of augmented matrix is 3. Hence, this system does not have a solution (which is also evident
from the third equation, which is says 0 = 10, which is, of course, absurd.) Such systems are known as
Inconsistent Systems .
{£¡ XU ©¢ X] gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN
h¤{¨¡ X_ t{0}¡ {ª~ y­¡« ©¢ j){0©ª XS[_ y­¡« ©¢ s0ª¡{ j){0©ª

On the contrary, Consistent Systems (where ranks of coefficient matrix and augmented matrix are equal)
have one or more
   solutions. For example, consider the following system of linear equations:
1 2 3 x1 1
4 5 6 x2  = 2
7 8 9 x3 3
Thereduced form  of these
 equations is:
1 0 −1 x1 −1/3
0 1 2  x2  =  2/3 
0 0 0 x3 0
Here, the rank of coefficient matrix as well as augmented matrix is 2. Hence, this is a consistent system and has
more than one solutions (actually, infinitely many.) To find the solution, we must express any two variables
of the system in terms of third variable. Suppose we decided to express x2 and x3 in terms of x1 , then, the
solution is x2 = −2x1 and x3 = x1 + 13 , ∀x1 .
Practically, we are much more interested in systems of linear equations where coefficient matrix is of size
n × n. When coefficient matrix is a square matrix then it’s rank can reach a maximum value of n (and,
similarly, the rank of augmented matrix also can reach a maximum value of n). Hence, for a given system of
linear equations, if the rank of coefficient matrix is n then, obviously, the rank of augmented matrix is also
n. Such a matrix falls into the category of Non-Singular Matrix (Also, determinant of Singular Matrix is
zero). If the coefficient matrix is non-singular, then, not only solution exists but it will be unique.

 example,
 consider
  the following system of linear equations:
1 8 7 x1 5
2 9 6 x2  3
3 4 5 x3 1
i q u
Thereduced form     equations
of these  is:

1 8 7 x1 5
0 1 8/7  x2  1
0 0 48/7 x3 6

a n
Here, the rank of coefficient matrix as well as augmented matrix is 3, which is also the size of matrix. Hence,
this is a consistent system and has unique solution. To find the solution, we solve the reduced form of equations,
to get, x1 = − 98 , x2 = 0 and x3 = 78 .

h s
Ill-Conditioned Systems of Linear Equations: We have seen that Singular Matrices impose non-

d A
existence of solution. But, equally dangerous are Ill-conditioned Matrices (which consequently imply Ill-
conditioned Systems of Linear Equations) whose determinant is close to zero. Such systems are very sensitive

to small changes in values of individual variables of equations, which means, even a small change in value
of a single variable will change the determinant of the coefficient matrix drastically, and as such, it becomes
very important to check whether a given solution produced by some numerical method is acceptable or not.

To measure this sensitivity we define Condition Number, κ for a given system of of linear equations (in

terms of it’s coefficient matrix A) as follows:

M o κ(A) = AA−1 

Condition number is always greater than 1 (∵ κ(A) = AA−1   AA−1  = I = 1). Values of
the condition number close to 1 indicate a well-conditioned matrix whereas large values indicate an
ill-conditioned matrix .
the concept
4of Ill-conditioning, let us take the following example of system of linear equations:
1 104 x1 10
−1 2 x2 1
To make the situation practical, let us assume that our computer has precision for first three significant
digits only (and it neglects the fourth digit and above as round-off error.)
the reduced
form 4 of these equations is:
1 104 x1 10
0 104 x2 104
This happened because our computer approximated the calculation 2 + 104 ≈ 104 to the third significant digit
(instead of the correct value 2 + 104 = 10002 in which precision is involved at fourth significant digit.) Solving
the reduced set of equations yield x1 = 0 and x2 = 1. For sure, this is a poor approximation of true solution.
So, let us see what is the condition number for this set of equations:
κ(A) = A 1 A 4 
 1 10   1 2 −104 
 −1 2   2 + 104 1

4 1 4
= (2 + 10 ) × 2+104 (1 + 10 )
= 10001
The large value of condition number is clearly indicating that the system is ill-conditioned.
gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN tfy {£¡ XV ©¢ X]
XS\_ u)«¡0}{§ t¡¤©~ © ©§(¡ y­¡« ©¢ s0ª¡{ j){0©ª h¤{¨¡ X_ t{0}¡ {ª~ y­¡« ©¢ j){0©ª

3.7 Numerical Methods to solve Systems of Linear Equations

As shown in Figure 3.1 (on page 32), Numerical Methods to solve Systems of Linear Equations are divided
into two categories: Direct Methods and Indirect

k0£)¡ MXSVN – h{¡£©0®{0©ª

©¢ u)«¡0}{§ t¡¤©~ © ©§(¡ y­¡« ©¢ j){0©ª

A direct method computes the solution by performing a predetermined number of operations. These
i q
methods transform the original system into an equivalent system in which the coefficient matrix becomes

an upper-triangular matrix, a lower-triangular matrix, or diagonal matrix, thereby making the new system
much easier to solve.

Si d
Indirect methods use iterations to approximate the solution. The iteration process begins with an initial
vector and generates successive approximations that eventually converge to the actual solution. Unlike direct

not known in advance.

a n
methods, the number of iterations, and thus the number of operations, required for convergence of solution, is

Among Direct Methods we will study __________

Gauss-Jordan Method. And, from Indirect
Cramer’s _________
Methods we
Method, Gauss

will cover s
Elimination Method and
Method and Fixed-Point

_______________________ __________________ ____________
Iteration Method.

e d
3.7.1 Cramer’s Method
h am
Cramer’s Method is systematic approach to solving system of linear equations. It can solve only non-
singular system of equations.

M o
To use Cramer’s Method write the given system of equations as a1 x1 + a2 x2 + · · · + an xn = b, where
xk (∀k, 1  k  n) are the variables of the equations, and ak (∀k, 1  k  n) are the column-vectors for
coefficients of corresponding variable xk (∀k, 1  k  n), and b is the column-vector for constants (RHS of
equations). Call matrix A as [a1 a2 · · · an ], matrix A1 as [b a2 · · · an ], matrix A2 as [a1 b · · · an ],
and so on. To generalize, call matrix Ak as [a1 a2 · · · ak−1 b ak+1 an ], which is the modified matrix
A in which the column corresponding to ak ,the coefficient column-vector of xk , is replaced by constant column-
vector b.
The solution to the system of linear equations is given by:
|A1 | |A2 | |Ak | |An |
x1 = , x2 = , · · · xk = , · · · xn =
|A| |A| |A| |A|
where |Ak | denotes the determinant of matrix Ak .

Example 3.6 : Cramer’s Method for Two Equations


Solve the following system of equations using Cramer’s Method:

2x1 + 3x2 = 5
3x1 − 4x2 = −12
Solution : Write down the matrices
and vectors:

2 3 5 5 3 2 5
A= b= A1 = A2 =
3 −4 −12 −12 −4 3 −12
Solve the variables:  
 5 3 

|A1 |  −12 −4  (5)(−4) − (3)(−12) −20 + 36 16
x1 = =   =
 = =−
|A|  2 3  (2)(−4) − (3)(3) −8 − 9 17
 3 −4 
{£¡ XW ©¢ X] gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN
h¤{¨¡ X_ t{0}¡ {ª~ y­¡« ©¢ j){0©ª XS\_ u)«¡0}{§ t¡¤©~ © ©§(¡ y­¡« ©¢ s0ª¡{ j){0©ª
 2 5 

|A2 |  3 −12  (2)(−12) − (5)(3) −24 − 15 39
x2 = =   =
 = =
|A|  2 3  (2)(−4) − (3)(3) −8 − 9 17
 3 −4 

Example 3.7 : Cramer’s Method for Three Equations


Solve the following system of equations using Cramer’s Method:

2x − 3y + 4z = 1
x + y − z = 2
−x + z = 1
Solution :  Write down the matrices
 and vectors:

2 −3 4 1
A= 1 1 −1  b =  2 
−1 0 1 1
Solve the variables: 
 1 −3 4 

 2 1 −1 
 1 0 1  (1)(1)(1) + (−3)(−1)(1) + (4)(2)(0) − (4)(1)(1) − (−3)(2)(1) − (1)(−1)(0)
x =  =
 2 −3 4  (2)(1)(1) + (−3)(−1)(−1) + (4)(1)(0) − (4)(1)(−1) − (−3)(1)(1) − (2)(−1)(0)
 1 1 −1 


 2 1
0 1 


 1 2 −1 

 −1 1


di q
(2)(2)(1) + (1)(−1)(−1) + (4)(1)(1) − (4)(2)(−1) − (1)(1)(1) − (2)(−1)(1)
y = 


2 −3 4
1 −1 
0 1


Si d
+ (−3)(−1)(−1) + (4)(1)(0) − (4)(1)(−1) − (−3)(1)(1) − (2)(−1)(0)

 2 −3 1 
a n
 1 1 2 

 −1 0 1  (2)(1)(1) + (−3)(2)(−1) + (1)(1)(0) − (1)(1)(−1) − (−3)(1)(1) − (2)(2)(0)
z =  = =2

 (2)(1)(1) + (−3)(−1)(−1) + (4)(1)(0) − (4)(1)(−1) − (−3)(1)(1) − (2)(−1)(0)
 2 −3 4 
 1 1 −1 

 −1 0 1 

e d
3.7.2 m
Gauss Elimination Method

h am
Gauss Elimination Method uses systematic approach to transform the Augmented Coefficient Matrix


M o
of System of Linear Equations into it’s equivalent Reduced Row Echelon form. This process is known as
Elimination Process.
Once in it’s Reduced Form we can start solving for the equation with single variable, then substitute the
variable’s value in the equation with two variables and solve for the second variable. By substituting these
two variables in the next equation (with three variables) the third variable can be solved. Continuing this
process results in resolution of all the variables. This step is known as ___________ Substitution.
Hence, solution using Gauss Elimination Process involves the two steps : Forward Elimination process and
Backward Substitution process.

Example 3.8 : Gauss Elimination Method for three equations


Solve the following system of equations using Gauss Elimination Method:

2x − 3y + 4z = 1
x + y − z = 2
−x + z = 1
Solution : Write down the Augmented Coefficient Matrix and start Forward Elimination Process:
 
2 −3 4 1
 1 1 −1 2 
 −1 0 1 1 
Ed on R1 with d= 21 1 −3/2 2 1/2
−−−−−−−−−−−−→  1 1 −1 2 
 −1 0 1 1
Et on R2 using R1 with t=−1 1 −3/2 2 1/2
Et on R3 using R1 with t=1
−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→  0 5/2 −3 3/2 
0 −3/2 3 3/2
gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN tfy {£¡ XX ©¢ X]
XS\_ u)«¡0}{§ t¡¤©~ © ©§(¡ y­¡« ©¢ s0ª¡{ j){0©ª h¤{¨¡ X_ t{0}¡ {ª~ y­¡« ©¢ j){0©ª
 
Ed on R2 with d= 25
1 −3/2 2 1/2
−−−−−−−−−−−−→  0 1 −6/5 3/5 
 0 −3/2 3 3/2 
Et on R3 using R2 with t= 32
1 −3/2 2 1/2
−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→  0 1 −9/5 3/5 
 0 0 6/5 12/5
Ed on R3 with d= 56
1 −3/2 2 1/2
−−−−−−−−−−−−→  0 1 −6/5 3/5 
0 0 1 2

Now start the Backward Substitution Process:


6 3 3 6
y− z= ⇒ y= − (− )(2) = 3
5 5 5 5

3 1 1  3 
x − y + 2z = ⇒ x= − (− )(3) + (2)(2) = 1
2 2 2 2

Example 3.9 : Gauss Elimination Method for five equations


Solve the following system of equations using Gauss Elimination Method:
2a − 5b + 4c − 9d
a + b + c + d −
= −7
e = 14
di q
a + 2b + 3c + 4d − 10e = 36
8a − 5b − 3c
a − 3b + 3c − 7d −
+ e = 10
e = −4
Si d
Solution : Write down theAugmented Coefficient Matrix
and start Forward Elimination Process:

2 −5 4 −9 0 −7
 1 −1 14 

 1 1 1 
 1 2 3 4 −10 36 

 8 −5 −3
 1 −3

d A
3 −7 −1 −4
1 10 

Ed on R1 with d= 12
−−−−−−−−−−−−→  1

1 −5/2
 1 1
2 −9/2
4 −10
0 −7/2
14 
36 

 8 −5 −3 0 1 10 
 1 −3 3 −7 −1 −4 

o h
Et on R2 using R1 with t=−1
Et on R3 using R1 with t=−1 
1 −5/2
 0
2 −9/2
7/2 −1 11/2
0 −7/2
−1 35/2  

−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→  0  9/2 1 17/2 −10 79/2 
Et on R4 using R1 with t=−8 
Et on R5 using R1 with t=−1
 0 15 −19 36 1 38 
 0 −1/2 1 −5/2 −1 −1/2 
1 −5/2 2 −9/2 0 −7/2
 0 1 −2/7 11/7 −2/7 5 
Ed on R2 with d= 7 2  
−−−−−−−−−−−−→  0  9/2 1 17/2 −10 79/2  
 0 15 −19 36 1 38 
 0 −1/2 1 −5/2 −1 −1/2 
1 −5/2 2 −9/2 0 −7/2
 0 1 −2/7 11/7 −2/7 5 
Et on R3 using R2 with t=− 92  
−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→  0  0 16/7 10/7 −61/7 17 
Et on R4 using R2 with t=−15 
 0 0 −103/7 87/7 37/7 −37 
Et on R5 using R2 with t= 12
 0 0 6/7 −12/7 −8/7 2 
1 −5/2 2 −9/2 0 −7/2
 0 1 −2/7 11/7 −2/7 5 
Ed on R3 with d= 7  
−−−−−−−−−−−−16→   0 0 1 5/8 −61/16 119/16 

 0 0 −103/7 87/7 37/7 −37 
 0 0 6/7 −12/7 −8/7 2
1 −5/2 2 −9/2 0 −7/2
 0 1 −2/7 11/7 −2/7 5 
Et on R4 using R3 with t= 103  
−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−7→  0 0 1 5/8 −61/16 119/16 
Et on R5 using R3 with t=− 67
 
 0 0 0 173/8 −813/16 1159/16 
0 0 0 −9/4 17/8 −35/8
{£¡ XY ©¢ X] gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN
h¤{¨¡ X_ t{0}¡ {ª~ y­¡« ©¢ j){0©ª XS]_ u)«¡0}{§ t¡¤©~ © ©§(¡ y­¡« ©¢ u©ªRs0ª¡{ j){0©ª
 
1 −5/2 2 −9/2 0 −7/2
 0 1 −2/7 11/7 −2/7 5 
Ed on R4 with d= 8  
−−−−−−−−−−−−173 −→ 
 0 0 1 5/8 −61/16 119/16 

 0 0 0 1 −813/346 1159/346 
 0 0 0 −9/4 17/8 −35/8 
1 −5/2 2 −9/2 0 −7/2
 0 1 −2/7 11/7 −2/7 5 
Et on R5 using R4 with t= 94  
−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→  0 0 1 5/8 −61/16 119/16 
 
 0 0 0 1 −813/346 1159/346 
 0 0 0 0 −547/173 547/173 
1 −5/2 2 −9/2 0 −7/2
 0 1 −2/7 11/7 −2/7 5 
Ed on R5 with d= 173  
−−−−−−−−−−−−547 −→  0 0 1 5/8 −61/16 119/16 

 0 0 0 1 −813/346 1159/346 
0 0 0 0 1 −1
Now start the Backward Substitution Process:
e = −1

813 1159 1159 813
d− e= ⇒ − −d= (−1) = 2
346 346 346 346
5 61 119 119



c+ d− e= ⇒ c= − (1) − (−1) = 3

8 16 16 16 8 16
2 11
b− c+ d− e=5
⇒ b=5− −
(3) +
(1) + −
(−1) = 4
7 7 7 7 7 7
5 9 7 7 5 9

Mohammed Ahsan Siddiqui

a − b + 2c − d = − ⇒ a=− − − (4) + (2)(3) + − (1) = 5
2 2 2 2 2 2

a n
h s
Numerical Methods to solve Systems of Non-Linear Equations

d A
Systems of Non-linear Equations can be solved numerically by using either Newton’s Method (for small
systems) or the Fixed-Point

Iteration Method

(for large systems)

Newton’s Method to solve System of Non-Linear Equations

h am
Newton’s Method to find roots of equation was discussed in Section 2.4.2 (on page 18). An extension of that
technique can be used for solving a system of nonlinear equations. Let us solve first system of two nonlinear

M o
equations, followed by a general system of n nonlinear equations.

Solution to System of Two Equations

A system of two (nonlinear) equations in two unknowns can generally be expressed as

f1 (x, y) =0
f2 (x, y) =0

Suppose (xa , ya ) denotes the actual solution so that f1 (xa , ya ) = 0 and f2 (xa , ya ) = 0. We begin with an
initial estimate of solution as (xe , ye ). If xe is sufficiently close to xa , and ye is sufficiently close to ya , then, by
Taylor’s series expansion (ignoring second and higher order terms):
∂f1  ∂f1 
f1 (xa , ya ) = f1 (xe , ye ) + ∆x + ∆y
∂x (xe ,ye ) ∂y (xe ,ye )
∂f2  ∂f2 
f2 (xa , ya ) = f2 (xe , ye ) + ∆x + ∆y
∂x (xe ,ye ) ∂y (xe ,ye )

where ∆x = xa − xe and ∆y = ya − ye .
After substituting f1 (xa , ya ) = 0, f2 (xa , ya ) = 0, and rearranging the terms, the above two equations can be
written in matrix form as:  
∂f1 ∂f1    
 ∂x ∂y  ∆x −f1
 ∂f ∂f2  =
2 ∆y −f2 (x ,y )
e e
∂x ∂y (xe ,ye )
gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN tfy {£¡ XZ ©¢ X]
XS]_ u)«¡0}{§ t¡¤©~ © ©§(¡ y­¡« ©¢ u©ªRs0ª¡{ j){0©ª h¤{¨¡ X_ t{0}¡ {ª~ y­¡« ©¢ j){0©ª

Now, system of nonlinear equations is transformed into equivalent system of linear equations! Hence,
Cramer’s Method or Gauss Elimination Method can be employed to find the values of ∆x and ∆y.
This means that we should be able to find the correct solution (xn , yn ) from the approximate guess
(xe , ye ) by substituting (xa , ya ) = (xe + ∆x, ye + ∆y). But, because we did not consider higher order
terms while expanding f1 (xa , ya ) using Taylor’s series, we will get only a better approximate guess as
(xa , ya )  (xe + ∆x, ye + ∆y).
But, also, surely (xe + ∆x, ye + ∆y) is nearer to correct solution (xa , ya ) as compared to our initial guess
(xe , ye ). This suggests that we can repeat the process iteratively to find even better guesses, and reach a final
guess which is close enough to the correct value within an allowed tolerance.
Hence, re-initialize the next guess as (xe , ye ) = (xa , y
a ) and calculate new (xa , ya ) using Equation 3.1 (on
page 35). In every iteration calculate  = (∆x, ∆y) = + ∆x2 + ∆y 2 and repeat till  > tolerance.
Example 3.10 : Newton’s Method to solve system of non-linear equations
Example : Solve the following set of nonlinear equations using Newton’s Method with a tolerance of 10−3 .
3.2x3 + 1.8y 2 + 24.43 = 0
−2x2 + 3y 3 = 5.92
Solution : Let us name our equations as follows:
p = 3.2x3 + 1.8y 2 + 24.43 q = 2x2 − 3y 3 + 5.92
Also, let us name the derivatives as follows:
∂p ∂p ∂q
ui ∂q

a = = 9.6x2 b = = 3.6y c = = 4x d = = −9y 2
So, our aim is to solve the matrix equation :
∂y ∂x

di ∂y

a b

c d (x
e ,ye )




(xe ,ye )
Si d
For easier reference let us define following three matrices:
a b
c d
Cx =
−p b
−q d
h s Cy =

d A
It is critical for convergence of solution to start with an initial guess as close to the actual solution as
possible. A good approach for initial guess is to plot the graphs of the functions and guess the initial value

approximate to their point of intersection (Any software application, such as MATLAB or Microsoft Excel or
FreeMat, will do the job of plotting). In this case, the graphs show that the solution is somewhere near to
(−2, 2).
p = 3.2x3 + 1.8y 2 + 24.43 q = 2x2 − 3y 3 + 5.92
z{|§¡ MXSVN – j¬{«¨§¡_ u¡'©ªL t¡¤©~ © ©§(¡ ­¡« ©¢ ª©ª§0ª¡{ ¡){0©ª

H xp
yph a b c d p q |C| |Cx | |Cy | ∆x ∆y xn yn 































































































































































As shown in Table 3.1 (on page 36), we were able to converge to the actual solution as MRWSU^^^QVS\UUUN
in Y iterations with a tolerance of USUUV.

Solution to System of n Equations

A system of n (nonlinear) equations in n unknowns can, in general, be expressed as:
f1 (x1 , x2 , · · · , xn ) =0
f2 (x1 , x2 , · · · , xn ) =0
.. .
. = ..
fn (x1 , x2 , · · · , xn ) =0
{£¡ X[ ©¢ X] gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN
h¤{¨¡ X_ t{0}¡ {ª~ y­¡« ©¢ j){0©ª XS]_ u)«¡0}{§ t¡¤©~ © ©§(¡ y­¡« ©¢ u©ªRs0ª¡{ j){0©ª

Following the same approach as used in the case of two variables, and choosing (xe1 , xe2 , · · · , xen ) as the initial
estimate, we arrive at:
 
∂f1 ∂f1 ∂f1
 ∂x1 ∂x2 · · ·    
 ∂f ∂xn 
  ∆x1   −f1 
 2 ∂f 2 ∂f 2 
 
 
 

 ···   ∆x2   −f2 
 ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂xn  . = .
 . .. ..   ..   .. 
 .. . ··· .  
 
 
 

     
 ∂fn ∂fn ∂fn  ∆x n −f n (x ,x ,··· ,x )
e1 e2 en
∂x1 ∂x2 ∂xn (xe1 ,xe2 ,··· ,xen )
We can solve this equation to obtain the vector [∆xk ], 1  k  n, which can be used to find the next estimate
     

 xa1   
 xe1  
 ∆x1 

 xa1 
  
 xe1   ∆x2 
 
.. = .. + ..

 . 
 
 .  
 . 

 
 
   
 

xan xen ∆xn

The process can be iterated till  = ||(∆x1 , ∆x2 , · · · , ∆xn )|| = + ∆x21 + ∆x22 + · · · + ∆x2n > tolerance, every

time substituting (xe1 , xe2 , · · · , xen ) = (xa1 , xa2 , · · · , xan ).

Convergence of Newton’s Method

i q u
The determinant: 
 ∂f1 ∂f1


 ∂x1 ∂x2 · · ·
 ∂f ∂xn 
 2 ∂f2 ∂f2 
 ∂x ∂x ∂x n

J(f1 , f2 , · · · , fn ) =  1 2

 .. . .

.. ···


 ∂fn ∂fn
is known as __________

Jacobian of (f1 , f2 , · · · , fn ).

d A
Convergence of Newton’s Method is not guaranteed, but it is expected if these conditions hold:

, me
f1 , f2 , · · · , fn and their partial derivatives are continuous and bounded near the actual solution.
J(f1 , f2 , · · · , fn ) = 0, near the solution.
The initial solution estimate is sufficiently close to the actual solution.

Fixed-Point Iteration Method to solve System of Non-Linear Equations
The ____________
Method to solve a single equation can be extended to handle System
rewriting the system as a set
x1 =
of Auxiliary Functions
as follows:
g1 (x1 , x2 , · · · , xn )

x2 = g2 (x1 , x2 , · · · , xn )
.. .. ..
. . .
xn = gn (x1 , x2 , · · · , xn )
Choose (xp1 , xp2 , · · · , xpn ) as the initial estimate and substitute into the right sides of the Set of Auxiliary
Equations. The updated estimates are calculated as:
xg1 = g1 (xp1 , xp2 , · · · , xpn )
xg2 = g1 (xp1 , xp2 , · · · , xpn )
.. .. ..
. . .
xgn = g1 (xp1 , xp2 , · · · , xpn )
For the next iteration, these new values are then re-used in the right sides of Set of Auxiliary Equations
to generate the new updates, and so on. The process continues until convergence is observed (i.e.  =
||(∆x1 , ∆x2 , · · · , ∆xn )||  tolerance, where ∆xk = xgk − xpk , ∀ 1  k  n).
Example 3.11 : Fixed-Point Iteration Method to solve System of Non-Linear Equations

Using the Fixed-Point Iteration Method, with a tolerance of USUUV, solve the following nonlinear system of
3.2x3 + 1.8y 2 + 24.43 = 0
−2x2 + 3y 3 = 5.92
gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN tfy {£¡ X\ ©¢ X]
XS]_ u)«¡0}{§ t¡¤©~ © ©§(¡ y­¡« ©¢ u©ªRs0ª¡{ j){0©ª h¤{¨¡ X_ t{0}¡ {ª~ y­¡« ©¢ j){0©ª

Use (−2, 2) as your initial estimate.

Solution : First, rewrite the equations as equivalent auxiliary functions as follows (this is only one
possibility; other auxiliary functions may be possible):
1.8y 2 + 24.43
x = −
2 1
2x + 5.92 3
y =

or, to be precise:
1.8yp2 + 24.43
xg = g1 (xp , yp ) = −
2x2p + 5.92 3
yg = g2 (xp , yp ) =
Using these auxiliary functions we iterate to generate Table 3.2 (shown on page 38):
z{|§¡ MXSWN – j¬{«¨§¡_ k0¬¡~R©0ª n¡{0©ª t¡¤©~ © ©§(¡
ª©ª§0ª¡{ ¡){0©ª
H xp yp xg = g1 (xp , yp ) yg = g2 (xp , yp ) 






USU[^W q









Si d



a n
As seen in Table 3.2, we were able to converge to the actual solution as MRWSVUUUQVS\UUUN, in Z iterations,
with a tolerance of USUUV.

h s
Convergence of Fixed-Point Iteration Method

d A
As was the case of convergence of Newton’s Method, similarly, convergence of Fixed-Point Iteration Method

, e
is not guaranteed, but it is expected if these conditions hold:

Auxiliary functions g1 , g2 , · · · , gn and their partial derivatives with respect to x1 , x2 , · · · , xn are

continuous near the actual solution.

  +  ∂g1  + · · · +  ∂g1   1

o h  ∂x1 




 +  ∂g2  + · · · +  ∂g2   1


 ∂x1   ∂x2   ∂xn 
.. .. ..
 .  +  .  + ··· +  .   1
 ∂gn   ∂gn   ∂gn 
 ∂x1  +  ∂x2  + · · · +  ∂xn   1

, The initial estimate (x p1 , xp2 , · · · , xpn ) is sufficiently close to the actual solution (xg1 , xg2 , · · · , xgn ).

3Beginning of Chapter ⇑ Table of Contents

{£¡ X] ©¢ X] gSy}S Wª~ S MhvjN

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