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Abhilash Mohanty

I wouldn’t have answered this- but a certain “decorated IAF veteran” recently turned up on
my posts and unleashed such a spiel of abuse & curses that my frozen black heart melted
over into golden pools of love for these ever-high heroes of the Officer’s Mess.

-Some grate heron of the Endian Air Force

As such, I felt it worthwhile to demonstrate the true heroism of these valiant men.

The Armed Forces of India are mercenaries, once serving the Angrej and currently
contracted to the Republic, who lack both Civilizational pride as well as Ideological
Integrity. As the Partition and the succeeding years have shown us well, the only ideal they
possess is Wealth and Hedonism, and in that pursuit, they’ve slaughtered countless Hindus
and stood by twiddling their thumbs as their spiritual brothers- such as the Jihadis of LeT-
did worse. They do so as per the tenets of the Constitution of the Republic that pays them;
once the Demography flips- read Rodney Stark BTW- they’ll be only too glad to extend the
current soft-Apartheid against Hindus to something a lot more concrete.

But who cares for Hindus?

So instead I’ll talk about a bunch of avowedly non-Hindu folk; I’ve heard it’s cool to cry over
marginalized minorities.

Back in the 50s, the Republic was in the throes of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY and
GETTING RID OF STUPID PAGAN SUPERSTITIONS. In pursuit of this, the Gormint under our
great Prim Minister Chacha Nehur cut down forests (Refer to Billy Arjan Singh’s Tiger!
Tiger!) and blindly built “Tempuls for Modern India” (Refer to

So when the Congress Gormint of Assam started receiving panicked messages from some
random districts to the Far East, their decision was to mock the poor, uneducated,
unsophisticated villagers and send them packing. Hordes of rats the size of dogs? Entire
Mountains eaten up by Vermin? Sacrifices to strange goddesses in hilltop ponds? Bounties
on rodent tails in random border villages announced by the Mighty Angrej Raj from distant

“Absurd!” said our glorious educated, sophisticated, sapiosexual Babus and Uffasars, and
went back to their Scotch and Whiskey in their Messes.

Thing is- what some very smart people haven’t learnt yet, some very humble people usually
still remember.

The Rats came.

I’m not sure how many Mizos died in the 1958 Mautham. I don’t know. I don’t think anyone
does. Hundreds? Thousands? Tens of Thousands? It’s all just a guess. The Republic and
their lackeys in the Army claim, even now, only a mere hundred or so died- but they’re liars.
I’ve personally spoken to folk who say they’d lost entire branches of their families back

There was no help at all. Even after the Rats died off- on their own accord, no thanks to the
Gormint- there was no help forthcoming for the Famine that’d ensued. Nothing at all.

The Mizos revolted.

And what did our valiant heroic uffasars of the Sky- the brave men who’d distinguished
themselves in the skies above China and the mess-rooms of Ranikutir do in response?

“It took us by surprise that the government had the courage to deploy jet fighters to bomb
Aizawl that it dared not fly inside China or Pakistan. Well, charity begins at home.”

-Remruata, a village council member & MNF member, speaking to Outlook

Man, I’d love to meet this Remruata guy. Far more than I want to meet any high-flying,
much-decorated Uffasar of the IAF. Dark Humour is like food in Nehur’s India; few get it.

…at 11:30 am on March 5, the air force attacked Aizawl with heavy machine gun fire. On
March 6, the attack intensified, and incendiary bombs were dropped. This killed innocents and
completely destroyed the four largest areas of the city: Republic Veng, Hmeichche Veng,
Dawrpui Veng and Chhinga Veng.

Locals left their homes and fled into the hills in panic. The MNA melted away into
surrounding gorges, forests and hills, to camps in Burma and the then East Pakistan. The air
force strafed Aizawl and other areas till March 13…

-Abhik Barman, The Economic Times

The Uffasars of the Air Force wouldn’t even acknowledge that they’d bombed Indian
territory until the mid 80s. I don’t think they’ve even released the original documents; all the
sources of the time describe our valiant Uffasars dropping “rations”.

“Rations”. Hilarious.

Anyway- my grouse isn’t regarding the fact that the Uffasars of the Indian Air Force
managed to get over their hangovers long enough to bomb an Indian City into the Stone
Age; when people rebel, they suffer. That’s how Life is.

My point is- where on Earth was this great dedication to National Integrity as- a mere two
decades later- Mizo terrorists wiped out and forced into exile the Bru Hindu Population? I
mean- it’s not like the Indian Air Force seems to have had any compunction over murdering
innocent Mizo civilians in cold blood in the late 60s- so what stopped them in the 80s?

Where on Earth was all the Valour when almost every Hindu in Kashmir Valley was
slaughtered or driven out? Barely ten years ago, the last Jain Temple in Kashmir was torn
down. No sorties took off then.

Where on Earth was this great Air Force and its heroic Uffasars- as Mr Remruata above
remarked- when the Chinas were marching onto Guwahati?

What on Earth happened to all the grandstanding and patriotism of these “great” Airforce
Uffasars who go around spewing venom in the comment thread of random people:-

“… (You are)… unemployed, or under employed or non employable - Sir, you have lost your
mind… Without any concept of nation hood, just existential knowledge of Hinduism, a huge
sense of self worth added to a possible dim witted academic degree from a third rate college
makes a very potent combination.”

-Some grate heron of the Endian Air Force

Patriotism? Valour? Don’t make me laugh!

This particular chap’s claim to fame is flying a glorified glider across the World. Good job.
No, really, it’s a great achievement. but what on Earth does this have to do with “Patriotism”
and “Valour”? “The Air Force only does what the Gormint of the Republic tells us; they’re
Professionals!” some cry. How damn convenient- so why does everyone get worked up
when someone describes them as the Gormint dogs they are? Even a dog is better; no dog
ever carpet-bombed an Indian City because its Master couldn’t be bothered governing it.

As I’ve said earlier- the Armed Forces of India are NOT your Friends.

They’d gladly wipe out your entire Town, as long as the Gormint in Delhi deposits their
salaries regularly in their bank accounts. No Landsknecht in the Thirty Years War or Pindari
in the Maratha Campaigns was as vicious or dangerous.

Abhilash Mohanty

I'm on holiday now, and as it happens, I am visiting my grandparents at this moment.

Being relatively less experienced in such matters, I just now put this question to my
(maternal) grandmother who's wise in the ways of the World and is more Woke than all of
Chaiwallah's lackeys put together.

Apparently the going rate at this point of time in the North is six to seven times the
difference between the guy's annual salary and the girl’s. It's around ten times of that if the
guy owns a house (or more realistically, a flat ).

“That's very interesting, grandmother,” I said. “But why do people have such strange dowry

“Because child,” answered my grandmother, “If such systems aren't in place, no girl will ever
marry any guy who's not a millionaire and we will all be seeing harems around us while the
majority of guys don't get a wife. But in these modern days, the thinking goes that Reality is a
meaningless concept and can be dispensed with so Dowry is banned. Now eat your
breakfast and don't visit stupid sites anymore.”

I hope this answers your query. But remember, biradar, Dowry is banned in the Republic.
Don't indulge in it. Ciao.

Abhilash Mohanty

What are the controversies in Sanskrit literature?

The greatest “controversy” that can be stated with regard to Sanskrit, as we know it, is the
so-called debate over the antiquity of Sanskrit & Tamil- which stems directly from the
absurdity known as the AIT- the theory that a bunch of blonde blue-eyed Nazis came riding
into the Continent atop their Panzerhorses- (which were yet to evolve into Warhorses BTW) ,
attacked and destroyed the massive walled Cities (despite having zero experience or skill
with Siege warfare), and forced everyone to flee South (even though even Sangam Literature-
as MT demonstrated years ago- is as “Aryan” as they come) where they did basically nothing
of note until the early Iron Age.

The proof for this is that there are no horses in the Seals made by the Harappans (even
though absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, there’s no way in Hell our eminent
intellectuals have dug up even 0.0001% of all Seals ever made, and they don’t feature other
common animals like monkeys, peacocks, deer, or most importantly- Lemurs either).

As such, it is less of a “Controversy” and more of the typical Communist degeneracy. Great
thinkers, even in these degenerate times, such as Augusto Pinochet and Joseph McCarthy
have long demonstrated to us all how to deal with such situations but the less said about
the Gormints of the Republic, the better. Soon, both Sanskrit and Tamil will be extinct and
replaced by <<REDACTED>> anyway.

Why is the language generally perceived as being religious/non-secular?

Because of the Public’s ignorance- which is their general state of mind. Men are not equal,
and this shows in every aspect of Existence; in the eternal war between Hedonism,
Nihilism, and Traditionalism, the final victor was always predetermined. It is not for nothing
that the Shastras state:-

Be Fearful! In the Age of Kali, Cows will be slaughtered, Women will lose their Chastity,
plants will not bear fruit, Mlecchas will dwell on the banks of the Sindhu, the Vedas will be
mocked, false Sages will roam around, Brahmins will be oppressed and act as Mlecchas
themselves, Sages will be persecuted, unseasonal droughts and rains will plague Mankind,
and various other horrors will arise.

All this will happen owing to the decline of Dharma among Bharatas.

-c. 2nd Millennium BCE

The light of Dharma flickers, Order vanishes, and even Human IQ is decreasing from all
estimates. This state of affairs- duly noted in detail in recent years by fringe Firang
philosophers calling themselves “Neoreactionaries” (read more :- Leninism and
Bioleninism)- has been a well-known and observed phenomenon since the Bronze Age and
stems from the corrupting influence of Kali Yuga. The method to slow this decline of
Humanity is the eternal Dharma as laid down in the Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita;
nonetheless to slow it is all we can do- and the end of the World is as inescapable as it is

It is not surprising that in these dying days of the Earth, that Scholarship and learning soon
fade out of existence. That more of the Shastras pertaining to the affairs classed as
“religious” by the Firangs, contrasted to “secular”- even though there is no difference
between the two to Aryas since all stems from and is a sacrifice to the immortal gods,
from the first great Sacrifice from which was born the World- stems directly from this
decline in Dharma.

In the Dasakumaracharitra, Vishruta recounts the scholarship necessary for a King- among
them the six thousand verses in the twelve books of Political Science. As far as my
awareness goes, only four of these survive- among them the Arthashastra. Medharudra, at
one point, recounts the names of multiple poets and accounts himself of but little worth
compared to them; not one of them- clearly considered the greatest of their times- is known
to us in any manner. Asvaghosha describes the Sixteen basic texts of rhetoric. Not even
one is known to us today; all available texts date from medieval times.

Modern Shastravidya is clearly an early medieval text with excerpts from Classical times;
what happened to the twenty eight schools of Sword-fighting and the five basic texts on
Mace-fighting a described by the Classical scholars? Treatises on Cosmetics, discussions
on Medical instruments, love poetry and astronomical records, algebra, comets, vegetation,
the nature of rivers and forts and woods, works on Architecture, a hundred Law Codes for
the Nations of the Bharatas across the ages- and what does this all boil down to for
modern educated sophiscated sapiosexual Quorans?

Debates over how many litres of oil should be used to burn the Manu Smriti.

We know that as a child, Madhava roamed the length and breadth of the Continent-
salvaging texts from ruined cities and universities- upon which he founded the
Mathematical Schools of Kerala. Forget the original texts he had collected in the early 14th
Century, even Madhava’s own writings survive only in fragments. The last known complete
records were destroyed by the orders of the great secular liberal Tipu Sultan since they
called upon Ma Shakti for wisdom.

Nearly 4 million of Sanskrit texts lie rotting in warehouses of the Gormint across the
Continent; hundreds of thousands of Oriya texts from the earliest medieval times- history,
geography, political science, Imperial records, every conceivable mode of Polity and
Science. How many have been translated? How many even remain intact after decades of
neglect and ruin? That the Shastras survive is due to the dedication of the, often poverty-
stricken and- by the standards of modern educated sophisticated sapiosexual Endians-
illiterate, Brahmins and Ascetics in nameless temples and monasteries across the land.
And the gods only know how many “religious” texts were lost when Pakistan and
Bangladesh were stolen from Bharatas!

This is the nature of all things during the Kali Yuga- to decline, to crumble, to fall apart-
amidst the ignorant laughter of the educated hordes. Anyway- I’ve said my part. As for you,
as Shri Krishna once said:-
Deliberate on this fully, and then do what you wish to do.

Abhilash Mohanty

There is no general reason as such. The core texts upon which Dharma is based take no
note for generic practices which are assumed to be handled according to the cultural
customs of the nations in question. Funerary rites come under the tag of such “cultural
customs”- along with laws of inheritance, marriage norms, law and order etc- and such
were left to the jurisdiction of whatever local authority exists in the land.

Cremation appear to have been the norm, nonetheless, since the late Iron Age at least.

Of course, here the norm refers to an area roughly the size of Europe, and so readers are
kindly desist from posting anecdotal stories about random graves here or there. And no,
Ma Durga doesn’t become a prostitute despite what a few dozen tribals in some dead-end
forest, the educated sophisticated sapiosexuals of India, and the intellectual professors
from the big colleges say.

Anyway- cremation appears to have been the norm, except for cases such as for pre-
pubescent children, people dying of “water-related causes”- such as snakebite, certain
diseases, childbirth, disembowelment etc (where there’s an interesting parallel between
Aztec and Hindu beliefs), Ascetics of several sects, some general schools of thought etc. Of
course, such conditions varied across the Continent.

Do note that I’m generalizing a lot though.

Of course, Hindu cremation practices vary in significant ways from most other cultures’.
Grave markers are supposed to be avoided- though of course, modern Hindus don’t do this.
Coffins aren’t to be used- though of course, modern Hindus don’t do this etc etc. In general,
the basic decline in adherence to the Shastra prevails, as is the basic state of affairs during
the Kali Yuga.

Abhilash Mohanty

In brief, it implies that the Eminent Historians of India would have to give up on either one of
their long-cherished ideals:-

1- That the people of the Harappan were bunny-hugging all-loving neo-Ambedkarite

peacenik Buddhist Dravidians who were haplessly butchered by the cruel violent militaristic
Hindu Aryan.

2- That the “Aryans” and “Dravidians” were relatively recent players, and that the Cities of
the Saraswati Valley were raised millennia after their counterparts elsewhere and the so-
called Aryan Invasions barely predated the establishment of Roma.

Think over this- and you’ll realize just how lucky that the Chariots were discovered in the
Ganga Valley and not in the Sindhu Valley. Even a find from the Saraswati Valley could’ve
been painted as “proof” for the “invading” Aryans. As it is, the sheer antiquity of the Chariot
finds proves that that silly Hrithik Roshan movie was more accurate than every single
Eminent Intellectual in the World put together- that Horse-drawn chariots were a regular
sight in Harappan cities if their supposed dates for Mohenjodaro are true.

BTW- guess in whose Cities horse-drawn chariots were a regular sight as well? That’s it-
moi great Aryan ancestors’. Rolfmao.

Consider the absurdity here! Here you have a great Bronze Age civilization with great
achievements in Infrastructure, Agriculture, and Urbanization but seemingly no ability in
Literature, Military Sciences, or Philosophy. In the EXACT SAME PLACE, you have a great
Bronze Age civilization with great achievements in Literature, Military Sciences, and
Philosophy but seemingly no ability in Infrastructure, Agriculture, or Urbanization.

Only in India and India alone, will it be even seriously considered that both weren’t the
same Culture.

As it is, the Saraswati-centric Traditionalists (like me) claim on the basis of geological and
astronomical evidence that the Rig Veda actually predates the establishment of the great
Harappan Cities. To which the counter goes that the river Saraswati didn’t exist- and that
everyone was just building cities along a random line in the desert for lels and that
everyone was high, composing poems to a river that didn’t exist.

Anyway- so what has been the Scholarly response to the Baghpat finds?

“We should first obtain clarity on why ASI is calling them ‘chariots’. It isn’t uncommon for a
late Harappan site to have bullock carts. There is already evidence of such terracotta carts…
There is no evidence to suggest these are chariots.”

-Ruchika Sharma, Eminent Historian

Yes, those slender things with rich copper decorations, narrow horse-yokes, expensive
bronze swords were actually being used to plough a field.

BTW- in case you’re wondering whether this Ruchika Sharma was the same chick who was
once gushing eloquent on how women in Khalji’s harems were so skilled in “politics,
theology, science, mathematics” etc while calling accounts of women studying in (pre-
Peaceful) Bharata Universities “exaggerations”… don’t.

She is.

Abhilash Mohanty

Since joining Quora this month, I’ve had a total of 4 answers and 3 comments collapsed. I
expect even more to be similarly reported and collapsed as well. Of my four censored
answers, one has been collapsed for “poor readability” while two others have been
collapsed for “not being in English”- because I used a Sanskrit quote in one and a German
reference- with a translation alongside- in the other. All Appeals till date, have failed.

I am, now, half-minded to report every answer I do see on this two-bit Site with even a
single word not in the Angrej language. Somehow I doubt any action will be taken on non-
Bharatas. After all, we are aware of how things work here: Suryanarayanan R's answer to
Does Quora discriminate against Hindus?


The other BNBR-ed cases are more interesting. One of my first answers on this Site was
banned because I quoted a rather unpolitically correct line by a certain 15th Century Oriya
general after the objects of his ire sacked a town, raped the women, murdered the men, and
carried off all survivors into slavery. This general had… not been amused, and had
expressed so in rather… strong words. Alas- his words, faithfully reported by moi, were
judged far too extreme and thus my post was collapsed. In case of the three comments,
two saw a similar pattern.

What was interesting was thus. I have strong reason to suspect the majority of those
reporting my posts were fellow Oriyas.

As such- I am aware that my answer will not be kosher among among modern secular
broad-minded Oriyas, let alone the typical young Indian. It would be easy to write a popular,
much-up-voted, “safe” answer; with enough references to “rich Jagannath culture” and
“remote location of Orissa” and “Orissa was pointless for larger kingdoms”, it’d be easy for
me to both avoid the attentions of the ever-virtuous Quora Moderators, and garner the
cheers of both our ever-progressive Oriya youth and our chirruping Indian bourgeoisie.

But it won’t be an Arya act.

When I joined Quora, I had a choice, a fork in the road. One was the easy road- to flaunt my
educational degrees, to display my real image, to preach love and joy and success, to take
refuge in white lies and soft nothings. Others have done it; others have succeeded.

But it won’t be an Arya act.

What gives our choices resonance, is what we chose to give up for them. I have made my
choice- and it cost me. So be it.

At the time of writing these words, I do not expect this answer to stay up for long . Neither
do I expect it to avoid the attentions of the ever-virtuous Moderators and ever-progressive
educated sophisticated modern Indian and Oriya youth; soon it’ll be reported, collapsed,
and forgotten. And even those who bother to read it will forget; so be it.

That I spoke the truth will be enough for me.

This is, for the first time in the English language, a short history of the Oriya peoples and
the struggle of our noble ancestor in defence of our lands, our gods, our peoples against
the might of the Mughal tyrants.

May these feeble words of mine be worthy of telling their tale.

“The inhabitants of Orissa are fierce peoples, and they posses a considerable degree of
personal courage… (they) are seldom of peace, and are exceptional fighting men.”

-Excerpt from Leckie’s Journal on Orissa, published 1690 from the original 16th Century text.

After the great defence in the distant North was broken in the late 12th Century, certain
aliens - presumably Martians- swept into the Continent slaughtering and destroying at will.
They were stopped in their tracks by the then High-king of Orissa- Anangabhima III
Chodaganga, marking the beginning of almost four hundred years of fierce combat, Atrocity
and counter-Atrocity, and one of the single greatest examples of existential conflict ever
seen in the history of the Bharatavarsha.

Read more: The Lakhnauti Campaign : The Wars That Will Not be Named ― Kapil Routray
[WeReform News]

The great war dragged on for centuries; generations of Oriyas lived and died under the
shadow of constant war.

Out of the crucible of Struggle, arose what one can convincingly argue was the single
greatest high-point of medieval Hindu polity. For Centuries, outnumbered Oriyas- with
limited fertile land, few perennial sources of water, and almost entirely surrounded by foes-
kept up a heroic struggle in the defence of our lands, our gods, our people, and our faith.
Against every town sacked, every village plundered and enslaved, every single Oriya
tortured or murdered or raped, every single atrocity committed by Martians which we are
not allowed to name even now, the umbrella of justice and the sword of retribution was
extended - be it under the Bull standard of the Chodaganga or the Solar banner of the

One key aspect in this form of warfare that leaps out is the fact that Oriyas- almost
uniquely among medieval Hindu states- practiced cruel and vicious forms of warfare- as
vicious as the Martians themselves, possibly inspired by the enemies our ancestors fought
so long and so bitterly. This wasn’t without parallel; individual lords among other Hindu
counterparts of Orissa at the time- such as the Empire of Vijayanagara- are known to have
committed similar actions. Emperor Krishnadeva Raya himself was noted for erecting
pyramids of Martian skulls at times.

However in consistency of such atrocities, both as a reply to Martian ones as well as
Imperial policy, Oriya forces stand apart from any organized Hindu polity of the time.
Modern conceptions of “bhakti” and “inclusiveness of the Jagannath faith”
notwithstanding, it is evident that the hallmark of Oriya piety under the Golden Age of
Orissa was written in blood and fire.

As the forts and cities of Madhyadesha burnt, Oriya troops under Gajapati Narasimhadeva I
and Bhnudeva I Chodaganga sallied out and took city after city across Bengal and Bihar-
crushing all resistance and liberating the East for almost half a century.

As the Yadavas in the hills and forests of the Vindhyas fell, Oriyas under Gajapati
Bhanudeva II Chodaganga impaled defeated invaders on the walls of Raibania fortress, on
eternal vigilance against the hordes of Delhi.

As Madurai burnt, Oriyas under Gajapati Narasimhadeva II Chodaganga crushed one of the
greatest armies ever raised in history- flaying alive those of that once-great Martian horde
who didn’t drown int the waters of the Subarnarekha.

Gajapati Kapilendradeva Routray sacked Bidar. Jagamaladeva Ratha flayed alive his
Martian prisoners. For every year more endured, Oriyas grew steadily more and more single-
minded in our efforts to keep Srikhetra free of any alien strain, no matter what the cost.

To brook the growth of alien colonies in the shadow of the Oriya gestalt, the Oriya state?

Not for the Oriyas the prospect of being swamped by treacherous “loyal Martian” like in
Vijayanagara nor for Oriyas, the threat of being swallowed alive in our own lands as in
modern-day Kashmir. The Oriyas brooked no “poor refugees”, “no hard-working migrants”,
“no loyal mercenaries for hire”, nothing. Orissa was the realm of Jagannath; and to be part
of the Empires of the Oriyas- be it the humblest of tribal hunter-gatherers in the forests of
Mahakantara or the Gajapati himself in his gilded halls of Cuttack- was to bow to our
undying Lord.

“Every Afghan who took part in the campaign, obtained as booty one or two gold images. Our
Lord destroyed temple at Puri which contained 700 idols of the Kaffirs, made of gold, the
biggest of which weight 30 Mans (~650 kilograms)”

-M A Rahim, quoting from the notes of N’imat Allah in the Historyof the Afghans in India AD

But to live in Kali Yuga is to decline, shrivel and die.

Such was the fate of the Empires of the Oriyas as well. in our glory, our power, our wrath,
we Oriyas grew arrogant- and were punished for it. Brother killed brother; Generals rose in
revolt, the Empire tottered and reeled like a drunk on the streets, unaware of his
approaching death.

Riven by Civil War, Factional conflict, and the treachery of those like the general Mukunda
Harichandan, Raghubhanja Chhotaray, and the dog Rajiblochana Ray- the thrones of Orissa
tottered. Cuttack fell. The Srimandir was set ablaze. It was, as if, it was sunset already for
Oriyas- soon the temples of our gods would’ve been but dust, the memory of our ancestors
forgotten forever, us few Oriyas swamped by waves and waves of the hordes from the
North where scheming Martians waited to devour Dharma.

What an ignominious end to a thousand years of self-rule under our Lord Jagannath!

The sceptre of this horror was- for a time- broken by Gajapati Ramachandradeva I Routray
of the Bhoi lineage. As Cuttack was lost, he rallied Oriya forces at Khurda- barely forty
kilometres away- and struck back.

“He shattered the forts of the Turakas and drove them beyond the river”

- Chaininka Chakada

… and shortly the countryside had been cleansed of the Martians- be they soldiers or

By 1570 CE, Orissa was free again. Yet again, it seemed that Oriya arms had carried the
day in defence of Dharma.

But alas- it was not to be.

As always base treachery had achieved what strength of Arms had kept at bay for so long.
The Arch-traitor Man Singh in service of the Mughal Emperor Akbar was invited in Orissa by
defeated rival factions in the Oriya Civil War. Man Singh- with his superior Artillery tore
through the defenses along the Subarnarekha- already weakened in the long Civil War and
the Afghan invasions- and marched south with an Army, far greater than anything Oriyas
could muster.

In desperation- Gajapati Ramachandradeva I and his generals- Bira Bala Bikrama Singha
and Srikrushna Vidhyadhara- stitched an alliance with the Afghans, and after a failed
attempt at a peace treaty by the prince Birabaradeva, clashed against the Mughal Empire.

The War was brutal.

For two years, the battered forces of the once-great Oriya State clashed again and against
the hordes of the Mughals. The Mughals had numbers of half a Continent on their side;
Orissa-never the most populous of states- had lost hundreds of thousands in the Civil War
and the Afghan Wars. the Mughals had some of the finest Artillery in the World; Oriyas had
been without even a centralized military command for over twenty years. The Mughals had
countless allies and n lack of traitors in their service; the only support Oriyas had was from
the aliens we’d been fighting barely an year ago. One after the other, the Gadajats of Orissa
fell. One after the other, the Zamindaris of Orissa were smashed to dust. Famine, Want, and
Death swept our lands. Sahajpala, Kharagarh, Kalupada, Bhumal, Konon, Lonagarh,
Bhumala- all fell; and then even Cuttack fell- barely three years after being reconquered by
our ancestors.

And yet, the War went on.

Mughal camps were set afire at night. Martian zamindars would be appointed lords over
empty hamlets one morn- and their corpses and that of their families would be found in
their beds the next. From within forests and hills and empty riverbeds and barren fields, the
struggle-bloody and brutal beyond all accounting- went on.

And Oriyas won.

Against all odds, against all but certain annihilation, against the might of Mughal Empire,
against all the hordes an uncaring Yuga and a lost Continent could throw at this final
bastion of Dharma upon Earth- our ancestors won.

“…During Chandana Jatra, King Man Singh proceeded towards Puri… the Priests of the
Jagannath Temple asked Man Singh to whom he would offer the Power and Authority of the
King of Orissa, Man Singh took up Khadi Prasada from the priests and offered it to King
Ramachandradeva proclaiming him as the king of Orissa…”

-Ganesh Chandra Ratha, quoting from the Madala Panji

It was a hollow victory.

Gajapati Ramachandradeva I had brought an end to nigh thirty years of constant War and
ensured a stable Oriya rule over Oriyas- but he had managed this only b y accepting Mughal
Overlordship and, even worse, denying the ultimate authority of Jagannath as the Lord of
Orissa. The Zamindars seethed and Priests grumbled- but Oriyas were, after all, still too
weak to voice much dissent in public. Nevertheless, the turbulent and war-like nature of
Oriyas, along with the genocidal warfare being practiced in the lands, made it imperative
for general Man Singh himself to stay as the governor of Orissa- partly because of his
massive military might as well as on account of his being a Hindu.

Once he left, trouble began.

Emperor Akbar had, as good policy and as he was the only sane Mughal to ever take the
Throne, allow King Man Singh to mostly leave Orissa and Oriyas to our own account. Taxes
were low, Administration was being brought back on track, and Law and Order was strictly

Not so under the new regime.

“Mughal rule in Orissa practically began during the reign of the Emperor Jehangir, when he
appointed Subahdar in 1607 CE for Orissa>”

-R D Banerjee

Taxes, more and more onerous, sprang up. Temples were being regularly desecrated,
oppression of priest and peasants grew ever greater, when the Martians at Golkonda
invaded Orissa and ripped off Rajahmundry, the Mughals did nothing to aid us Kaffirs. Even
more worryingly, the trickle of Martians entering Orissa had grown into a flood, and there
were fears that Mughal-occupied Cuttack- the centre of Martian Power and an insult to the
memory of the city of kings Markata Keshari and Anangabhima III- would turn into another

The protests of Oriya zamindars grew ever more- but our Gajapati Purushottamadeva
Routray kept his patience, ever mindful of the treaties he’d signed and the horrors he had
seen in his youth during the First Oriya-Mughal War.

The the Mughal Governor Hashim Khan and his dog Kesho Das Maru, a Rajput, went and
sieged an unprepared Khurda, desecrated the Sri Mandira, and forced the Gajapati to
surrender his own daughter to the accursed Jehangir’s harem and pay over INR 300,000 as
tribute and INR 100,000 as tribute. Complaints brought some sense to the tyrant Jehangir
though- and Hashim Khan was recalled, replaced by King Kalyan Mal. Nonetheless, the
dhimmi proved worse than the Martian- and after one too many clashes, a Mukarran Khan
was installed who began his governorship by attacking the temple of Sakhigopala and
mass-settling Cuttack district with his Martian kin.

“Mukarram Khan, son of Muazam Khan, was appointed Governor of Orissa in 1617 CE… He
created a reign of terror by his iconoclastic activity. Out of panic, the sevak and priests of
Jagannath temple took away the image of Lord Jagannath to Gohapadar…”

-Mohammed Yamin, Islam in Orissa

Protests and remonstrations by the Gajapati lead to this vile treacherous creature accusing
Gajapati Purushottamadeva for rebellion, occupying Khurda, and committing such murders
and atrocities upon Oriyas that the general Husain Ali Khan was asked to intercede by Oriya

However, Oriyas were betrayed again; the semi-sane Husain was asked to resign by the
Mughals- and another villain by the name of Ahmed Beg was raised to governorship in
1621 CE.

The same year, the second Oriya-Mughal War started.

A few years earlier, the Mughal lackey Abu Fazl had estimated Orissa’s fighting strength as
nearly 100,000 Men under an estimated 3000-odd zamindaris; out of which the Gajapati
maintained personal control over 32 of the biggest and 73 fortresses. This was plain
exaggeration; there is no evidence that Oriyas- even at the height of our strength- ever had
a professional force of more than 50,000 men. This great power had been the bulwark of
Orissa across the many centuries of our wars with the countless foes rushing at us from
Morocco to Dhaka- and, though it’d been devastated during the Civil Wars, the Afghan
Wars, and the Mughal Campaigns, the 30-odd years of Peace had more than made up the

It was this Force that clashed with the Mughal Governor Ahmed Beg- Oriya Heavy Missile
Cavalry and Light Infantry against Mughal Cavalry, Artillery and Musketry- the finest in the

Mughal barracks were razed to the ground, Martian settlers were scourged off the State or
asked to convert back to the worship of the true gods, army after army sent by the Mughals
was crushed. The gharwapsi of converted Oriyas was in full swing, and new Brahmin

Shasanas and village grants was started. Matters grew bad enough for fresh armies to be
sent from Bengal; but they were wiped out by Oriya zamindars. At the height of the conflict,
Gajapati Purushottamadeva breath his last. He was 67.

At this point, the Mughals took advantage of the confusion to rally new armies. Fresh forces
from Mughal allies in Golkonda and Bijapur sped north. Gajapati Narasimhadeva appealed
for a respite- and was ignored. A force of over 200,000 troops from all across the Deccan
and Bengal speed to Khurda; and was wiped out.

The War entered a fresh round of brutality Orissa hadn’t seen since the height of the
Routray Empire. For every Oriya village burnt, an entire Mughal Mansab was flayed alive.
For every Oriya town sacked, a Martian community was wiped off the map.

“From Khurda to Cuttack, every major crossroad was festooned by the carcasses of the

-M J Borah (Guwahati 1936), quoting from the Cakoda Pothi

Not many records of this great War exist- but the damage upon Oriya zamindari as well as
Mughal and Deccani might must’ve been incredible; for within four years, both Gajapati
Narasimhadeva and the villainous Ahmed Beg were on their knees.

It was at this point that the rebelling Mughal Prince Khurram- the future Emperor Shah
Jehan- entered Orissa.

The War was ended upon Khurram’s intermediation- and soon-after accession to the
Throne. Taxes upon Orissa were reduced; from 1628–36 CE, Orissa paid barely INR
50,13,625 as taxes according to the Riyaz-i-Khusbui when we had to pay INR 31,43,316 in
1594 CE alone. Ahmed Beg was re-appointed but a broken reed now, he did nothing as
Gajapati Narasimhadeva I and his zamindars virtually bullied out all Martian settlers and
soldiers from all of Coastal Orissa and restored Temples and Rituals all over our land.

A short spiel of tyranny during this time was the career of Muhammad Baqar Khan, who
served from 1628 CE to 1632 CE.

“(Baqar Khan)… was a cruel and oppressive administrator. (Under trickery), he imprisoned
and tortured the zamindars… 700 prisoners were killed…”

-Mohammed Yamin, Islam in Orissa.

Incensed at the treacherous murder of nearly a fourth of their numbers, Oriya zamindars
again rallied our banners under the leadership of Prince Balabhadradeva, brother of the
aging Gajapati Narasimhadeva, leading to the intervention of Shah Jehan again.

The continued defiance of Oriya zamindars had now lead to a period of almost 50 years
of semi-constant Civil War. The province of Orissa barely generated any revenue for the
Mughals, outside their control over the pigrim taxes of Puri itself. Mughal Armies were over-
stretched, the Gadajats of Mahakantara were defacto independent for all purposes- and
low-key murder and terror campaigns by ordinary Oriyas made settlement of Martian
civilians outside the cities impossible.

A key example of the sheer instability of Mughal rule over Orissa can be seen as follows:-

The province of Orissa typically generated a revenue of INR 50,00,000 per annum. However
the truth was that, no one knew how much exactly was meant to be levied or how much
was being collected or what exactly was happening. For Mughals, their only surety was their
own might of Arms; beyond the walls of Cuttack and Bhadrak lay only Death for the
average Martian.

“…The annual revenue which was collected by the Mughal government is difficult to
ascertain. At different times various authorities have mentioned different figures as revenue of
Odisha… However, the revenues sent from Odisha from time to time to suggests that
sometimes they were sent together for more, than one year. So no information about the
revenue of Odisha is available for consecutive years. It can well be inferred that almost all the
figures in any way do not refer to the annual standard revenue but only the intermixture of the
heavy arrears of some past years as well as current revenue…

It appears in many cases, the revenue went unpaid for years. Also, very few zamindars in the
Gadajat Areas are known to have paid taxes. Frequent revolts and peace treaties also made it
difficult to ensure collection of taxes. While Orissa had a revenue of INR 56,39,500 in 1654
CE alone, the province was asked to pay only an estimate of INR 45,05,000 revenue in the
years 1638–56 CE, according to the Farhang-i-Kardani, however the rebellious Oriya
zamindars barely paid the Mughal Empire a pittance of INR 11,02,625 according to Sujan Rai
(Passim)- and only after massive campaigns by Shah Shuja himself…”

-Abhijit Sahoo, Lecturer in History, KIIT School of Social Sciences (KSSS) (Partly

The Mughals, having failed in military efforts, now attempted treachery. Gangadharadeva, a
nephew of Gajapati Narasimhadeva, was propped up by governor Mutquad Khan. In one of
the most gory incidents in modern Oriya history, he was flayed alive and nailed to his own
door under the command of the new Gajapati, Balabhadradeva. A short brutal clash
between Oriyas and the Mughals under Mirza Balaki at Andhari led to another Oriya victory;
a relief Mughal Army arrived weeks later to find an empty ruin of a Fort and thousands of
impaled Corpses.

Shortly after, Dharmadeva Rajaguru, Minister of Gajapati Mukundadeva, declared Oriya

independence in the year 1658 CE. For the second time in a century, Oriyas breathed once
again in a free Orissa.

And then came the hordes of Aurangzeb and began the Third Oriya-Mughal War

“…Khan-i-Dauran was sent to deal with the Odishan zamindars and the king of Khurda. He
killed many recalcitrant zamindars and proceeded towards Khurda… Abu Nasir, one of the
sons of Sayasta Khan marched to Jajpur and Jhankada and broke the temples, establishing
mosques nearby…”

-Manas Kumar Das, The Modern History of Orissa

Oriya blood flowed across our lands like water. Entire towns were wiped off the map,
villages swept off the Earth like Hemanta storms chastising autumn leaves. So many
Oriyas died in the Northern provinces that they became majority Bengali-speaking.
Aurangzeb’s hordes- who were still to draw swords against Shivaji Maharaj in the West-
had come in full force against our Ancestors- and the litany of murdered, raped, and
enslaved kinsfolk of mine would drive even a stone to tears, but given what degenerate
times we live in and the nature of our modern Oriya youth, I will neither waste words nor

Eighty thousand men had descended upon Orissa under the Khan-i-Dauran; another sixty
thousand under Ihtisham Khan, yet another fifty thousand under Abu Nasir. Even Shivaji
himself would face fewer when he would clash against Shaista Khan at Pune two years

What was the Oriya response?

“… Raja Krishna Chandra, Chief of Mayurbhanja, established his hold over the territory from
Midnapur to Bhadrak. Raja of Keonjhar, Lakshminarayan Bhanja, occupied the fort of
Panchira by driving away the Mughals. The zamindars of Hinjli,… Ranpur, Sarangagarh,
Dompada, Malipara, and Khallikote indulged in rebellious activities… Raja Mukundadeva,
the Raja of Khurda, was the most powerful of the Rajas of Orissa. Other zamindars worshiped
him like a God and any disobedience to him was regarded as a sin…Ihtisham Khan was sent…
to restore Mughal authority…unable to succeed, hardly after one year, he was recalled…”

-Mohammed Yamin, Islam in Orissa.

From the Subarnarekha to the Godavari, scarcely one district was there which didn’t see the
construction of pyramids of human skulls. Scarcely one Mughal camp remained which
hadn’t been faced with the sceptre of its soldiery flayed alive. Famine struck, trade
vanished, blood flowed like rivers. The Khan-i-Dauran, declaring a puppet Gajapati with the
captive Bhramarabaradeva, younger brother of Mukundadeva. marched south. He slew
King Krishna Chandra Bhanja at Jaleshwara, sacked the capital at Khurda itself, and forced
the surrender of most Oriya forces under the general Jayaramadeva Bhanja at Remuna.
Slowly, over the course of two years of grinding attritional warfare, the Kings of Ganjam and
Keonjhar were crushed, and the zamindars of Ranpur, Malipara, and Dompara pacified.

After three years of horrible warfare- with all Orissa in ruins, our Gajapati Mukundadeva had
to accept Mughal suzerainty again, paying a war indemnity of around INR 35,00,000. After
six years- six wondrous, bloody years, we Oriyas were slaves again.

Gajapati Mukundadeva Routray of the Bhoi lineage- the last free king of the Oriyas- died
soon after of small pox and sorrow.

By now, nearly two centuries of near-constant warfare had taken their toll. Oriya cities
were but ruins, trade was a thing of the past, farms were barren, and few Oriyas remained
across vast territories. In the north, the now Oriya-minority areas in Jaleshwar Sarkar were
merged with Bengal Subah while in the South, the Nizam quietly occupied most of the
Godavari mouth. Neither Oriyas nor eve the Mughal Governors had either the ability nor the
attitude to oppose. Far too many men had died; for the first time in history, Oriyas were too

weak to protest much and regular taxes- around INR 35,00,000 per annum (mark the fall
from the earlier estimates a century ago; how much devastation did our ancestors go
through!)- began to be collected from our lands.

The Maratha Wars in the west had removed the crisis of Martian migration into Orissa as
well. Under the Gajapatis Dibyasinghadeva I, Harekrishnadeva, Gopinathadeva and the
Mughal Governors Murshid Quli and Shuja-ud-din, Oriyas and Martians settled into an
uneasy piece…

Read more: Abhilash Mohanty's answer to In the Mughal Dynasty, only Akbar allowed for
the re-conversion of Muslims back to Hindus. Is this true and why did he do so?

Which ended with the tragic saga of Gajapati Ramachandradeva II Routray- whom the few
true Oriya Hindus reading this might recognize as the subject of the novelist Surendra
Mohanty’s historical epics- Nilasaila and Niladri Vijaya, thegreat doomed hero for Orissa
and Oriyas in the Fourth and Last Oriya-Mughal War.

Eleven years, it lasted. Eleven years of tears and blood and grief and rage. Eleven years of
shattered dreams and fleeting wishes and terrible longing and the terrible grief of such

Had the gods given me the skill and the tongue and, my witless fingers, the magic of
poetry, I would’ve spoken to you- even though these unfeeling texts- of the dignity of the
Gajapatis of the Bhoi line who ruled over us so long and left their mark so deep. Had the
gods given me the art to do so, I would’ve told you of my home, of winter storms and silent
stone. I would’ve sung to you of the morning mist over the rivers and white flowers, the
smell of rain in the month of Ashada and half-forgotten temples in hidden coves on
nameless hills.

Had the gods looked down upon me. laboring silently and praying for this voiceless prose
to please, they would’ve given me the tongue to give tongue to the countless Oriyas who
once died in service to our blood and our gods, our lands and our faith. They would’ve told
me to sing of the field of Khurda- of blood red earth underneath a blood-red sky as Bakshi
Rai and Nilambara Harichandan were swept from the field. They would’ve told me to sing
of Athagarh, and soft rains weeping over the silent forests and knives in the dark, of
treachery and of mercy, of Rathigarh and of Barabati, of tall men standing atop ramparts
amidst fierce Kartika storms and prince Bhagirathideva and the line of my people,
stretching back into the ages…

They would’ve bade me sing of love, of valour, of last stands and heroic deeds, of Fathers
and Sons and Family and Necessity and the choices we must make, of Love and Lovers
and the World and the weight of the World, of Men and Gods and Duty and the Sacrifices
we make for them.

Gajapati Ramchandradeva II Routraya committed suicide in 1736 CE, the last of his line
and arguably one of the greatest.

The World had changed since.

The Mughal Empire was dying, flickering brightly here and there at times but dying all the
same. With the ascent of Alivardi Khan, even the pretensions of Mughal Imperial Rule was
done with- and put to rest.

Provincial lords were of more account than even the powers of Delhi, and none so mighty
as the rising might of the Marathas. Angrej proliferated on the shores. And slowly, Orissa
fell into a waking dreamless dream… Further horrors were yet to come, and they did come
as the Marathas, Bengali Sultans, Nizam, and the Angrej tore our beloved land apart…

But no longer would the hills and valleys of Orissa echo with the shrieks of bellowing war
conches and the clarion calls of war trumpets. No longer would there be seen Elephant
Standards and Wheel Standards and the icons of the once-invincible Oriya zamindars,
rising like mist on battlefields. No longer would the trumpeting of Oriya war elephants fill
the horizon nor the whistling of Oriya rocketry echo in the sky. Gajapati Padmanabhadeva
bowed out within three years and Gajapati Birakishoredeva stayed at the helm for fifty two-
but neither would really rule over Orissa- once so proud and free and unbowed under the
Earth, from the Ganga to the Godavari to the very reaches of Amarkantak, sleeping a deep
deep sleep quietly from which, I fear, we will never wake again.

Is it mercy? Or is it tragedy? I know not.

There lies a blue mountain in the distance where he dwells and in its shade, lies the World.

Abhilash Mohanty


I’ve read Iravatham Mahadevan’s theories that the Harappan Script is based on “Old Tamil”
but I see very little to sanction his views. At this point of time, my personal views for the
Harappan Script point me to some sort of proto-Brahmi using a proto-Sanskrit base.

Of course, I’ll never have the time or resources or sanctions to study the Seals first-hand.

Some of Mahadevan’s work is praiseworthy but, in my opinion, he suffers from the same
problem as almost all Eminent Intellectuals of India do- the inability to comprehend the
value of Time. This isn’t surprising considering that the average gormint meeting in this
joke of a Republic starts after a delay of an hour or so. Mahadevan doesn’t seem to grasp
the idea that Scripts might change over a period of a millennium or that Scripts might vary
in form and nature across large distances, and thus has no issues lumping together Seals
from Early Lothal with late Mohenjodaro and calling it a day.

The best that can be said about him is that he’s not a trained historian ( though he’s a Civil
Servant for the Endian Gormint- which is bad enough) and thus not one of the Salma-Sabrina
types. The bad thing is that he’s a Lemurian by ideology. Then again, the Harappan World is
a giant blank slate upon which any nonsense can be written and so there’s no real point in
doing any real research upon it as such.

Abhilash Mohanty

Tomtoming the dubious virtues of “Peace” is a nonsensical manner of viewing History. If I

did have to answer, though, my vote would’ve gone to the five century long dominion of the
Gupta Empire- no absurd insurgencies, no ranting liberals on the streets, rioters and raiders
alike given their just desserts, heretics crushed by Elephants, malcontents torn apart alive,
criminals branded and exiled, self-policing by Cities and Guilds.

Imagine a Gupta general on the scene during one of the usual “ Bharata tere tukde tukde
honge” galas.

Imagine the likes of Sthambeswaradeva Das or Ksemadeva Datta on the spot with a Prtana
of Heavy Cavalry. There’d be no absurd rhetoric, no puerile debate, no calls for Students’
Rights, nothing. Orders would’ve been given and a hundred thousand screaming
secessionists would’ve been a hundred thousand bloody lumps of maggot-feed by the end
of day. Their properties would’ve been forfeit, their so-called teachers exiled, and the very
memory of Kommunism wiped from the land. There are far more deserving and humble
loyalists to the Empire and Dharma who can benefit from those assets.

Maybe the journalists and NGOs would’ve come up to whine then; they’d have their
cameras and documents stuffed up their arses for the rest of their (short) misbegotten
lives. Then the Guptas would’ve have realized that these journalists were the scum of
existence and thought up some more horrible tortures and edited the Dharmashastras to
reflect this (there’s no punishment or torture so horrible as to make a journo act like a
Human but we can but try). By the time the dust settled, the Gupta Mahamandalam would’ve
made Putin’ Russia look like a Hippie Paradise.

Forget the Guptas. Imagine the likes of the Routray Collector of Mayurbhanj, Jagamaladeva
Ratha if faced with the <<REDACTED>>-loving goons in Kashmir. Within a week, the entire
State would’ve been uplifted- impaled upon 10 feet poles. Anyone who didn’t praise
Jagannath by dawn would be thrown into Dalma Lake by dusk.

These people held out against all the hordes Delhi and all of the House of Peace could
throw at them for the almost half a millennium; they weren’t in the habit of joking around.

Like one of my old Profs used to say: “ Dog is a faithful animal. Man is an unfaithful animal. If
you give a dog a roti, it’ll wag its tail and play with you. If you give a man a roti, he will stab
you in the back. Don’t give the man a roti, give him lashings with a cane.” He gave us all
lashings with his cane and we all turned out well and in the succeeding years, I’ve observed
that dogs are better than humans in general so I think he was probably right.

Peace is guaranteed by the will of the towering Heavens, the music of the eternal Vedas,
and the blood-soaked steel in the hands of the Arya. Any State that violates these realities
is an abomination and doubtless, will be destroyed by the time of the turn of the next
Spenglerian Cycle.

Abhilash Mohanty

Difficult to pinpoint down a single day, as such.

But the birth of the suppose Prophet of the <<REDACTED>>- a certain Yeshu (if he actually
existed)- should qualify as such, in my opinion. According to the texts of the
<<REDACTED>>, this Yeshu guy was a notorious rebel and thorn in the sides of the
legitimate governments of the land- the Roman Empire and their Jewish subordinates in

In the centuries since, the <<REDACTED>> have got up to such hilarious high-jinks such as-
well- where to begin?

If all that wasn’t enough, the Cult of the <<REDACTED>> served as an inspiration for yet
another “FEMINIST” from the same accursed desert whose own fan-club have spared no
effort in being as loving and peaceful as the <<REDACTED>> themselves.

As it is, these <<REDACTED>> groups have already all but won the entire Earth- save for the
race of the Chinas (and I’m not very optimistic about them either TBH)- and thus, even
criticizing them by name is all but impossible for me.

Then again, we already knew this is Kali Yuga.

Abhilash Mohanty

If I actually made my real views on modern Hindus or my core ideas on what they ought to
be learning, public on Kora, I’d be mass-reported by own followers.

Nonetheless- I’ll just post a short censored gist.

I don’t think much of modern Hinduism. I loathe the Republic most modern Hindus seem to
idolize. And no amount of words that describe my utter disdain for the institutions they
often glorify- the Bureaucracy, the Kantishun, and the Wigged lot I can’t name in public or
I’d be arrested.

Nonetheless- there’s one thing that modern Hindus must realize (but they won’t).

These people…

… are NOT your friends.

The Armed Forces of the Republic of India are paid mercenaries, once contracted to the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and currently hired to defend the financial and
territorial assets of the Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic of India- an
Apartheid State that is possibly the single greatest threat to the continued existence of the
largest population of Hindus in the World at present. Behind the absurd facade of
meaningless pseudo-words like “Desh Prem”s and “Vande Mataram”s is the plain truth that
few organizations in the World have slaughtered more Hindus than the Armed Forces of
India or present a greater threat to our continued existence. The average Laskhar Jihadi or
ISIS terrorist is less dangerous for Hindus than these uniformed goons.

How many times have our valiant Indian Army fired… actually fired… at the JNU goons or
the Kashmiri stone-pelters in the past year? How quick were they to fire at the shmucks
protesting that Dera chap’s arrest? How often have you encountered a story where
<<REDACTED>> go amok running around murdering and raping with no end in sight- but the
minute a Hindu group forms to protect their live & property, the Army turns up like magic to
gun them down? But, A, they’re just following orders, you protest. The Gurkhas at
Jallianwala Bagh were also just following orders, weren’t they? And at least they were
following the same orders for everyone; no children of a lesser god in the Angrej Sarkar!

Gormint order or no Gormint order, the Safeties on the Indian Army-man’s gun come off
real fast when it’s a Hindu in his sights!

When one reads the modern history of the Republic, one can’t help but note that the Indian
Army is great at defending Endia, but either can’t or won’t- lift a finger when it comes to
Hindus and Hindu lives. Be it Hindus in 80s & 90s Kashmir or Hindus in 70s & 80s Punjab or
Hindus in the NE over the past decades, the Indian Army has truly distinguished itself by
its… well, what to say? Hundreds of Thousands of Hindu Brus were kicked out overnight
from Mizoram. Hundreds of Thousands of Hindu Kukis were murder-raped out of their
lands. The Indian Army took ABSOLUTELY NO notice of their pains- until they were all
chanting praises to this Jewish Carpenter chap,

Maybe they’re all Carpentry enthusiasts?

Oh- you’re saying it’s the Gormint of Endia’s prerogative, eh? The Endian Army doesn’t wash
dirty linen in public, eh? Well- I bet they were just shopping for new threads here:-

For quite some time in the past few years, I’ve interacted with no few Army personnel. Here
I’d like to make something clear- while I am a professional cynic and pessimist, I typically
do try to seek some degree of virtue among the people I met- and as things go, I often do
find it. Whether it be farmers on silent Uttarakhand hillsides or carpenters in remote
Meghalaya villages or truck drivers in drought-struck northern Karnataka, I’ve found a
degree of wisdom and clarity of thought within the humble Bharata that I’ve yet to see
within any Indian Intellectual from one of our big colleges.

The thing is- I can’t and I won’t go into details- but in brief, the Army folk were some of the
most clueless dimwits I’ve ever had the misfortune of interacting with in my life.

You know who aren’t dumb? Back when I was a kid, I used to be a real curious kid, hanging
around forums and the like. Remember Orkut? Fun times! I remember there was once this
ex-Pakistani military chap who was part of this group we had on medieval history, real
gentleman. Far Rightwing- like me- and we loathed each other so naturally we understood
each other. The guy was part of the “great Peace” between the 70s & 90s- so not many
“military tales”- but by the Gods! The Clarity he had! I’ve only seen the like from a few
Indians like KR & AP since. If there exist a dozen more like him, I’m sure they’d eat all our
think-tanks alive. Maybe they already have- read that recent book, the jugalbandi between
an ISI chap & the RAW guy. The RAW guy’s daughter “has a close friend from Karachi .” The
RAW guy has “helped a bright young man leave India during the complications of 26/11 .”

My head was spinning when I read those lines. Probably because of all the noise from
Kautilya smashing his head against a wall in Indra’s Golden Halls.

Anyway- the point is, recently I’d read a statement- this was on Kora BTW- by an Indian
military guy that a very common “rumour” about the Pakistani military is false; you might’ve
read it yourself. It’d gone viral. This Army chap had said that with great confidence and
there were no few young educated Kora sapiosexuals, mostly girls interestingly, gushing
over his words.

Thing is- that rumour is TRUE. Our Indian guy on Kora had just accepted that it was false-
because some one had told him so in a diplomatic environment. Incre-fucking-dible.

Believe me- the only reason the Pakistanis haven’t wiped out the Indian Military is because
of resource constraints. Ideologically and Strategically, the average Pakistani Army-man is
so superior to his Indian counterpart that it isn’t even a joke. They’re like the Nazi Germany
to our Soviet Union- and I’m sure Stalin is turning in his grave at the idea of his beloved
USSR being compared to utter shmucks like us!

I’ll quote from a post recently made by a semi-famous chap I know:-

… (Indian Army) are the successors of the BRITISH Indian army. They have no sense of
history, and have nothing "Indian" about them. People Gen. Cariappa or Maj. Gen. G.D.
Bakshi are an anamoly. Most of them are just camo wearing Brown Sahibs. You have to
understand that those Sepoys fought for the interests of their Gora masters against the natives
from Buxar to Boxer. Their modern day successors are no different… I hope that you guys
remember the incident when the RSS chief made a statement in which he stated something like
that the RSS is ready and willing to fight or assist the Army in case of a warlike situation. He
also said that since the RSS people are highly discipled folks, it won't need much time for
them to be battle ready or something. Nothing offensive, right?

My oh my! That balding chump Gaurav Arya ridiculed him and the RSS people so severely for
that statement. The RSS has done so much for those sepoys, donating blood, and defending
their actions unconditionally! And look how he treated them just for earning some brownie
points from the liberals.
The so-called "Indianization" of the armed forces is impossible.

-Not mentioning the Name here for obvious reasons but some of you who are mutual friends
with both him & me on FB might’ve come across this.

The minute there’s the slightest… THE SLIGHTEST… change in the Demographic balance,
these Khaki-clad Mercenaries will be coming for YOU.

I’ve seen some heroes on Kora joking about how the People’s Army is not a “real” Army
since it’s sworn to the CPC and not the Chinese. Hilarious! At the end of the day, the
People’s Army is a Han Army sworn to a Han Government governing a Han People. The
Armed Forces of the Republic are sworn to… what exactly again?

Abhilash Mohanty

There were no “Delete revolts” in the “Ancient and Medieval” periods because there were
no Deletes before the Republic, in its crazy attempts to wipe the Continent off the map,
lumped in all sorts of random Castes into a single meaningless term.

Apologies- there is a meaning to the term now.

This guy defined it. In this very thread, there are bunch of his disciples pontificating around.
Doubtless after Hinduism is wiped out, they’ll be found cleaning the toilets and furnishing
sex slaves for the House of Peace.

Any self-respecting Country would’ve hanged the traitor Jogi Ali from the biggest public
crossroads- but the Republic is a joke upon Hindus. I suppose the charlatan died peacefully
in bed; I doubt he spared one moment’s thought for the millions he’d condemned to death
and slavery. His idiocy and degeneracy still find ample resonance, not least among modern
Oriyas. My brethren would be hard-pressed to name ten kings of our ancestors but they’re
experts when it comes to mocking my Blood.


If you’re asking why “lower” Castes “never” rebelled against “Higher” Castes, then it
becomes a different question. I’ll tell you why.

You see- “Lower” and “Upper” signify “ Relative Position”.

A “Lower Caste” was typically perched atop dozens of other Castes. They all hated each
other and would’ve stabbed each other in the back. And this went down to the absolute
bottom- through leather-workers, sandal-cobblers, tanners, etc- where it’d turn out that the
least Caste would be ranked twenty places up in the Totem Pole in the next District, and
they’d be pissed if any change was to be made in either. And every Caste would’ve had its
own traditions, its own taboos, its own beliefs- and gods help anyone who violate even a
single one of them. Caste hierarchies were fixed not only by doctrines, but also by history
and position- which would be always changing. They weren’t always monolithic either;
Classical Era Executioners were “out-castes” who possessed the same rights as the
highest Landholding Castes.

What bound them all?

Well- Brahmins.

You see- Brahmins are THE OUTSIDERS when it came to Hindu Society.

“Ordinary” Castes could rise or fall in position. An Agricultural Caste could gather and
become Landholders. A Swine-herder Caste could monopolize Meat Production and thus
become Merchants. A Landholding Caste could be driven away from their lands, and
become nomads. Such changes often took place over decades and centuries; the Jats
were on such a trajectory before the censuses of the Angrej Raj cemented the Caste

This DOESN’T happen with Brahmins.

The only way a Brahmin can “change” his Caste is by Exile. So, they don’t have the
problems with falling down the Totem Pole other Castes do- but the issue is that is that
Brahmins have to take- or used to take- horrible vows. Poverty. Renunciation. Self-
Discipline. Learning.

Hell- the phrase “poor learned Brahmin” was a meme in Classical times.

As such, Brahmins were the keystone for upholding Dharma. All Castes were dependent on
Brahmins for legal interpretations. All Castes were dependent on Brahmins for Arbitration.
All Castes were dependent on Brahmins for Cultural iconography. As individual Brahmins
were emblematic of their Ethnicity, they were both ambassadors and gate-keepers for
Ethnic Power among Castes of a particular region. Do any of you even realize just how
many records we lost when the Periyar and his pack of Lemurians went on their rampage
against “Aryan” TamBrahms?

Anyway- since Brahmins had no hereditary political or mercantile powers in theory, they
made for suitable vehicles for Cultural preservation and Learning.

Now don’t give me shit about how awesome Learning is. They tell me 90% of all the
sapiosexuals of the Republic are unemployable; I can see for myself just how much
everyone is learning. Read more:- Indian youth are simply 'unemployable': Report. Only a
little while ago, I read a post where someone was complaining about how evil the old
Zamindars were for making everyone slave in the fields.

Clearly they were on to something because the Stats are saying 90% of Indians are only fit
for slaving in the fields.

You lot tell me that “Brahmins stopped us from learning the Vedas ”. Well- the Gormint of
Endia doesn’t. Hasn’t done that for 70 years now; why are you still a liberal heretic? “But,
but, the Vedas are in Sanskrit!” Then learn Sanskrit! Do you think I was born knowing Game
Theory? “But, but… because my Ancestors didn’t learn the Vedas, we now reject Dharma! ”
Your Ancestors would’ve impaled you alive if you’d been around to say such nonsense
then. I know this because my own ancestors were also denied the Vedas and they
belonged to a bunch notorious for impaling heretics. Read more: Abhilash Mohanty's
answer to How was life in Odisha during the Mughal rule (16th-18th century)? Hell- I’ve read
the Vedas since; why not you? “We are now modern and read Kommunism and shout
Bharata tere tukde tukde honge inshallah”.

I correct myself. You need Pinochet, not Dharma.

The Cartelization of Castes and the introduction of Preferential Policies not only cemented
Oppression Politics but also made Social Restructuring IMPOSSIBLE. A lobotomized Gorilla
could’ve predicted it- but our worthy leaders such as Nehru and Ambedkar were clearly
above such plebeian concerns.

Dr Sowell is laughing his sides off at us somewhere .

Instead of cementing the Classical Bharata ideal of a constantly and slowly changing
totem pole of Ethno-centric Castes in a Dharmic framework where Cultural frameworks
were protected by an external body, the idiots of the Republic have created a soup across
Ethnic AND Caste lines that’ll never go away (as Dr Sowell had said decades ago) while
demonizing and secularizing “Brahmins”. And I’m asked why I don’t approve of

Caste will go. Of course, it will. Jogi Ali Babu showed us how.

Hindus in Pakistan went from 15% to less than 2% in 50 years or so. Soon, it’ll be 0% in the
House of Peace- and you won’t have “Lower” or “Upper” Castes among Hindus because
there’ll be no more Hindus.

NB:- Refer to the First Comment I’ve posted. Kora Mods collapse my Posts if I link my
banned answers to them. This one- one of the, if not the best, ever written about Caste- was
banned for “Not being in English” because I used a Sanskrit Quote. I deleted it and appealed-
whereupon the Ban was still upheld. Then again, hatred for Hindus is standard for Kora & its

Abhilash Mohanty

They did.

The term “Rajput” denoted a specific feudal(ish) motif that arose in the Late Gupta Empires
and its successors- possibly as a result of the Empire scaling back its Bureaucracy and
Operations in the face of worsening climatic conditions, global decline in Trade, and
Pandemics. And since the Continent was essentially one Government- despite what the
Eminent Intellectuals bray- it was this model that replaced the Classical Bureaucracy from
Kubha to Kanyakumari. The term seems to roughly date from the 8th Century though
families who'd historically used the title for themselves have been dated back to the 4th
Century at least- among them, the Gurjara Lords of Khambavati such as Yitadeva (early 5th
Century) and Prashantadeva (mid 5th Century). Their forbearer- Datta- even described
himself as a Samanta of the Empire.

In the 9th Century CE, almost every major family or Clan from Samtata to Tuluvadesha
would've described itself as Rajput or some equivalent local term.

So what’s going on with “modern” Rajputs?

Well- part of the reason I often praise “feudal” practices so highly is because Feudal
systems such as Zamindari make for, what are probably, the most stable and peaceful (not
that Peace) social structures during times of Crisis. But feudalistic structures, while great at
preserving what already is, typically lack the power and dynamism to effect concrete
change over vast areas.

As such, as things get worse, Society goes into a spiral of problems that promotes such
structures who are unable to counter the problems in question which just enforces the
need for such structures.

Early Medieval Bharata (c.1000 CE to c. 1400 CE) was a time of massive political changes;
my own land of Orissa became an effective Theocracy. In the South, Vijayanagara made an
attempt at a return to Classical norms. Mithila tried to fight back by simply “withdrawing”
from the World. What all these areas had in common is that they, as with the Firangistans
in the distant West, were relatively distant from the epicenters of “Peace”- such as the
accursed city of Delhi (there's actually a curse on the place, a really bad one ) or Lucknow.
The regions that weren't, developed a continued sequence of feudalization which came to
be associated with the extension of a once-bureacratic position into Ethnic Conglomerates.

As it happened, certain such Ethnic groups- such as the Sisodia Clan- came to be known
among all Hindus of the Continent for their unparalleled devotion to Dharma and Dharma
and hatred for the Mleccha. Of course, there were plenty of traitors as well- for example, the
House of K ( ask a Rajput friend who this lot are ), but traitors are one group Bharata has
never lacked and so we choose to look at the bright side of things.

Nonetheless, these Ethnic groups centered around the Malwa-Marusthali belts not only got
through the Peaceful times with their Pagris intact, they were also - by pure luck- too weak
for the Angrej to actively target when they turned up and so managed to beat out vassal
age deals instead of being wiped out root and branch like what happened to several other
Nations. After the murderers and looters, came Scholars and Poets however and the likes
of Todd did much to defend their Cultural memory. On addition, Rajputs were also too sane
to fall into nonsense like Lemurianism which is likely to swallow the South (though there's
lot of disturbing news these days from the West as well).

Of course an independent Rajput Ethno-centric identity was also partially useful for the
Liberals - since then they could dream up whatever theories of Yavanas, Chinas, and Hunas
they wanted. I've seen lots of modern Rajput kids claiming to be “descended from
Caucasia”. The Saraswati Vilapa prescribed Exile, preferably to Asipatravana, for similar
nonsense back in 15th Century Orissa but alas Kali Yuga has grown stronger since.

Abhilash Mohanty


I’ve read Iravatham Mahadevan’s theories that the Harappan Script is based on “Old Tamil”
but I see very little to sanction his views. At this point of time, my personal views for the
Harappan Script point me to some sort of proto-Brahmi using a proto-Sanskrit base.

Of course, I’ll never have the time or resources or sanctions to study the Seals first-hand.

Some of Mahadevan’s work is praiseworthy but, in my opinion, he suffers from the same
problem as almost all Eminent Intellectuals of India do- the inability to comprehend the
value of Time. This isn’t surprising considering that the average gormint meeting in this
joke of a Republic starts after a delay of an hour or so. Mahadevan doesn’t seem to grasp
the idea that Scripts might change over a period of a millennium or that Scripts might vary
in form and nature across large distances, and thus has no issues lumping together Seals
from Early Lothal with late Mohenjodaro and calling it a day.

The best that can be said about him is that he’s not a trained historian ( though he’s a Civil
Servant for the Endian Gormint- which is bad enough) and thus not one of the Salma-Sabrina
types. The bad thing is that he’s a Lemurian by ideology. Then again, the Harappan World is
a giant blank slate upon which any nonsense can be written and so there’s no real point in
doing any real research upon it as such.

Abhilash Mohanty

Because the protagonists of the latter two events- or those claiming credit for them- are in
Power and you aren’t.

A “real” Empire affects not only the mortal World around it, but Reality itself. When it does
so, it’s not surprising to find fantastical situations where a bunch of Germano-Viking-Celtics
lay claim to the achievements of the ancient Hellenic nations or to find modern Endians
wailing how the noble, freedom-loving Angrej had to leave the Continent on account of the
ingratitude of their former slaves.

Unlike what many think, Truth is a zero-sum Game. So is Life and Civilization.

In order to glorify the Angrej- here, described by the actions of their Slaves and “Ancestors”-
it is necessary that all others be cast down and marginalized, especially their enemies.
Which is what has happened. As a bonus, the “enemy” here has also been a historical
enemy of the present Republic’s spiritual predecessors among the <<REDACTED>>.

It’d have been more surprising if the defence of Pavan Khind had been popular.

Abhilash Mohanty

“Vigorous Expansion Policy” is a weird euphemism for the massive bloody campaigns
waged by the <<REDACTED>>. There are obvious reasons to it which will just earn me a
BNBR ban if I discuss them at length so I won’t.

But ti’s true that Political expansion by Hindu States was usually slower than by the
<<REDACTED>>. Why was that, then?

Because Hindu States were primarily Ethnostates, based around one Highking ruling over
several kings and warlords in a contiguous geographical and cultural area. Even now,
borders of States in India follow easily distinguishable physical features. This wasn’t a
Dharmic ideal though- which was always that of a single Emperor over the Continent- but
that’s how things were. Conquests were difficult since rooting out the settled local rulers
was difficult, and slow amalgamation of occupied lands could take centuries of alliances
and marriages. For example, the Sailodbhava Kings of Orissa formally claimed Radha
Province in modern Bengal and set-up their administration there- but the Province itself
wasn’t to be considered “Oriya” territory until two dynasties and four centuries later.

In addition, conquests by Hindu States was also a fairly challenging prospect. The afore-
mentioned Ethno-states maintained Professional Armies of Maula, backed by Guild and
City troops. Destroying an organized Army is always a daunting prospect. Co-opting them
as a whole was also difficult; a section of Maula might betray their overlords can come
over but the Ethno-cultural differences would usually be too stark. Sacking, Raiding, and
Pillaging was not only frowned upon according to the Shastras, it’d have alienated Guilds
and the Brahmins, and so Hindu Kings typically avoided putting any more stress on the
territories they marched through than the usual chaos an Army’s passage would entail.

Thus, it wasn’t just possible for a Hindu Army to pillage its way through entire States.
Without a massive bureaucracy backing it, large Campaigns were unfeasible for most part.
It’s no surprise that the most significant Campaigns in Classical Bharata were those by
Emperor Samudradeva in the 4th Century- only after his ancestors had taken almost all of
the North- gaining control of one of the two-&-half hinterlands of the Continent- and had a
massive bureaucracy to drive his armies or that by the 6th Century post-Gupta lords who
were using the dying embers of the Gupta Administration to fuel their massive wars for
control of the Empire. Hindu Armies took massive amounts of wealth to maintain, which
was another constricting factor since the Shastras only allowed for general tax rates of
16% (excluding some guild-specific ones for a rough maximum of 30% or so).

You have cases of warlords operating very far from their homelands- such as Kalinga
Magha’s wars in Sri Lanka- but these were isolated cases involving independent warlords
who had ditched their States, gathered mercenaries & drifters around them, and were likely
exhorting money & food from the hapless free cities around them.

In contrast, <<REDACTED>> States were essentially raider economies. Guilds vanished,
Trade went into a spiral, Cities go from the planned organized examples we see in Vatabhi
to the chaotic mess typical of Old Delhi. Massive Cities- some of the greatest in the World-
like Prayaga were wiped off the Map. The <<REDACTED>> invasions of India laboured
under none of the restrictions Hindu kings used to place upon themselves; millions were
slaughtered, Slavery became the sole major industry, Universities and Temples were
pillaged and destroyed. Armies ballooned in size, thanks to the mercenaries and nomads
pouring in, all of whom demanded more and more loot and pay all the time- but Supplies
ceased to be an issue because now Raiding was the defacto mode of operations. Forget
cities and towns, even villages were being abandoned. Once individual States were so
mighty that even Emperors of the likes of Ajatashatru Haryanka were given pause at the
fierceness of the Resistance. By the time of Babur, 500 years of savagery and pillage had
so sapped the Hindu civilian’s willpower that the “merest hint of danger will have entire
villages vanish into the forests.”

Contrast Babur’s descriptions of North India with the exact same territories Huein Tsang
passed through; where are the massive prosperous cities? Where are the fertile farms and
orchards? Where are the wide roads and avenues? Babur said- and I paraphrase- “The only
thing in abundance in India are slaves.” There used to be slave groups whose sole purpose
was to hold lamps while their owners were writing.

A centralized Administration isn’t necessary in such a case- and thus, none was utilized.
Until the Emperor Akbar, the only major bureaucracy in the North was that run by the
Chodaganga and Routrays in Orissa. Tax rates were incredibly high- 50% under Akbar and
50% plus “extras” under his successors; things were far worse in earlier times where loot
and pillage were more typical of a “bureaucrat's” duties compared to the desk-work it’d
have been under the Guptas or the Mughals. I’d once seen a question asking why Historians
distinguished between a “Mughal” Empire and a “Sultanate” even though both were alien to
Bharata. A good point, but we must recall that- despite what the Eminent Historians might
say- the Mughals- though often inept and tyrannical, to say nothing of the heroes like
Aurangzeb- were trying to run a State in the Continent; the Sultanate was just a collection of

And all that’s before we come to “kill the Kaffir wherever you find him.”

For the sake of jihad, Babur became a wanderer (his own words)- and he wasn’t the only
one to be wandering about.

As an end-note, do mind that while Eminent Historians and our intelligentsia and Gormint
love coloring the Continent this and that- the reality was often far different. That’s why you
have mentions of Malik Kafur’s raids into South India being counted as “Conquests” when
they were nothing as such- or, this is particularly amusing- find a sliver of Tughlaq “Empire”
extending into Coastal Orissa as far as Khurda (the furthest his Army got before Gajapati
Bhanudeva II wiped them out) in a crazy attempt to paint a few weeks worth of murder,
rape, and looting as a “Empire” lasting centuries. Rolfmao.

Anyway, we live in every Fascist times now. Soon, they’ll be writing in NCERT that Hindus
didn’t have States before the <<REDACTED>> came to civilize us and the Republic’s Army
will kill those who disagree and all will be right in the World.

Abhilash Mohanty

I have a record of the rolls of The East India Company’s troops in the Bengal Presidency
alone around the early 19th Century. While I don’t have it in my hands right now, I recall that
even back then, the number of enlisted Officers (for a dingle Presidency) was easily
upwards of a thousand.

In 1857, the EIC had over 40,000 Angrej troops on its rolls and the Angrej population in the
entire Continent, including civilians and families and mercenaries, was easily a few hundred
thousands. Half a century or so later, there were easily upwards of ninety thousand Angrej
troops- which grew to around three hundred thousand IIRC during World War I (after many
left to serve in the European Theatre), backed by roughly two hundred thousand doctors,
engineers, administrators etc. This is excluding Angrej employed by the erstwhile Princely
States or those in the Continent of their own accord for reasons of health or investments.

“Nine hundred” would’ve been more akin to the Angrej population (excluding families) in a
single district in India. In comparison, the modern Indian Army- with the four-fold increase
in population- has roughly 1500 men for every district.

Abhilash Mohanty

Because they were there. Bongland, for reasons that wouldn’t be politically-correct to state
on Kora, is the quintessential punching bag of a State and I’m hard-pressed to think of any
Medieval or Modern Gormint that hasn’t taken a shot at genociding Bengalis.

The Bengali campaigns by the Marathas were bloody and vicious by all accounts; the 18th
century was the one of the worst periods in the history of Bharata (though that can be said
for everything after the 10th Century), and Bengal would’ve been no exception to the general
devastation being experienced by the rest of the Continent.

Part of it was because the Maratha Nobility and Pune took relatively little interest in them.

Owing to the crisis in the North- where the Afghans were regularly invading and
slaughtering at will as south as the Vindhyas- most professional Maratha troops were
deputed around Malwa. In addition, the entire Ganga Valley was overrun by “local” Afghans
and Turks of various allegiances, and there was confused fighting well inside Assam as
well. The Maratha solution to all this was to blindly hire mercenaries- called Pindaris, send
semi-retired generals into the field with letters of Grant rather than active troops, and bet
that local Tax revenues would serve to prop up these pseudo-states until they were able to
free up the Professional Armies again.

This never came to be; as it was, apart from the brief period of Peshwa Madhavrao Ballal
where the Hindu Pad Padshahi was once again the prime focus- the Empire lost course and
the “pseudo-states” became legal realities. But that’s another story.

Thus, this combination of low finances, local mercenaries, and weak, often absentee,
generals lead to complete anarchy in Bengal. We have letters from Raghuji Bhonsle to
Sadashivrao Bhau- the head of operations in the North- and by extension, Bengal- where
he’s always complaining about three things:- his own failing health & inability to command
in person, the indiscipline of his forces & lack of reinforcements, and lack of finances. I’ll
quote one letter from Sarkar’s Fall of the Mughal Empire: “You (Raghunath) had yourself
settled the peace regarding Bengal and yet his (some random nawab) is now disturbing the
administration. Now all my men are quarreling in my own jurisdiction again. Please write…”

Sadashivrao, on the other hand, was preoccupied with the War in the North and clearly
wasn’t paying much attention as well. Given the sector of operations he was dealing with-
an area easily the size of Western Europe- against a foe superior to him in numbers and
artillery and with plenty of local support against the Kaffir, I’d be surprised if he was taking
anything more than a cursory interest in the East. Kulkarni’s Solstice at Panipat leads me to
believe this view is correct.

Thus- with unpaid mercenaries, lack of professional support, little money, aging generals,
and the absence of Sadashivrao himself, it’s no surprise the Campaign quickly turned into
bloodbaths. Raghuji Bhonsle was in his 50s himself and extremely ill; he would die within a

decade of the time mentioned. He was still taking the field at times- which were marked by
significant Maratha advances- but in general, he spent the Bengal Campaigns in diplomatic
overtures while his “army” of local pindaris ran amok murdering and raping without any
professional troops to supervise them.


I don’t doubt that there were massacres by the Pindaris in Bengal; what I do doubt is that
the Angrej or the Nawabs weren’t as brutal or that the chief source of attacks on the
Marathas- the Maharashtra Purana- isn’t blatant propaganda, especially when one finds Ma
Durga coming to tell Hindus to obey their PEaceful rulers.

As it is, the most recent attempts at the destruction of Bongland have been by… Bongs
themselves. I live in Bongland and, unlike many Bengali bourgeoisie, I regularly visit & have
friends who regularly visit rural Bongland; things are FAR worse than you might’ve heard
(and ignored, if you’re of that political disposition).

The Gormint of India and Bongland and its Communists have murdered something like 60K
people (officially) and 200K (unofficially) in around 20 years between 1977 and 1996 with
highlights including feeding a mother her own sons’ flesh & blood, murdering sadhus in
broad daylight. firebombing villages, slaughtering refugee camps etc etc. The real number
of deaths due to persecution, starvation, unemployment, naxalism can easily be double or
triple of the figure mentioned. Industrial development is as dead as an hilsa fish in the
drains masquerading as rivers in the State. Which is probably part of why they’re serving
Cat and Dog meat these days in the restaurants; Calcutta has made me a vegetarian (and
presumably a China-hating racist according to the intelligentsia.)

But enough of modern politics.

But the fact is that I find it perplexing (not) that so much vitriol is expended on the Maratha
raids into Bengal while there’s such a loud silence on the others. Gajapati Narasimhadeva
Chodaganga in the 12th Century clearly made note of massive episodes of persecution by
<<REDACTED>>, accounts that are reciprocated by several accounts both among Hindus
and <<REDACTED>> records. As late as the 15th Century, Gajapati Kapilendradeva Routray
and Purushottamdeva Routray were setting up refugee camps for Bongs fleeing
<<REDACTED>> persecution.

Aurangzeb himself, while a Prince, referred to a deputation to Bengal as going to a “Hell

with bread”- or “being given meager rewards for facing horrible situations”. And spare me
any talk of “taxes” either. The Maratha tax rate never topped 35%; the Mughal tax rate was
50%- and that was before the “extras” came in; read Eraly for more details on how exactly
“Mughal extort… taxation” worked. Anyone suggesting the <<REDACTED>> ruling Bongland
after the Mughals were any better disposed to Kaffirs than Aurangzeb himself are clearly
<<REDACTED>> in the mind. As for the Angrej… well, the less said the better.

An India-rubber conscience that wakes up only when the guy in question has Shri Rama’s
name in his is hardly better than having non conscience at all. But that’s just my opinion.

Abhilash Mohanty

“Ancient Warfare” is rather vague a term since styles of Warfare varied considerably across
the Continent (for obvious reasons, I’m not considering areas foreign to us).

Ancient Armies probably varied significantly in composition and make-up- from the
Professional Armoured Armies of the North to the Seasonal Levee ones in the South but
I’m personally skeptical an individual general ever commanded more than a few thousands
at a time- who’d be fighting in units of specific sizes. A decisive assault- be it on foot or
horse or elephant- which could wipe out two or three infantry units or possibly kill a high-
ranking Officer or King or General- would have a good chance at breaking the Foes and
putting them to rout.

Our Eminent Historians would rather cut off their noses than do anything similar but Firang
Scholars have opined that Armies typically routed once 5%-10% of their strength was lost,
and the evidence from Medieval Bharata gives me little reason to suspect otherwise. In
other words, the destruction of a single Prthana could put an entire Anikini of almost 10,000
men to flight. Of course, more disciplined and professional forces could probably stand
their ground longer; and the great Forces under Emperors such as Samudradeva wouldn’t
have taken much note of individual heroics.

But even in the most professional forces, individual heroism was prized and of great
importance. One brilliant ample of personal bravery in the face of incredible odds is that of
the events post the treacherous murder of the would-be (Late Classical) Highking of
Kashmir, Sussala of Lohara, following which the entire Army virtually crumbled- except for
the king Kalyana Mishra who- “fell fighting with his face forward ”.

Things went poorly for him (& for Kashmir in general afterwards)- but not for the others; in
the 2nd Century CE, the Emperor Siri Pulumayi gave major land grants not only to his
victorious generals but also “soldiers of extraordinary merit who instilled vigor into men’s
arms by their deeds.” Earlier, the Arthashastra recommended rich rewards for troops
displaying personal courage as well, with the killing of Generals and Unit Commanders
fetching rich rewards; an enterprising soldier could earn the equivalent sum as the cost of
four full coats of mail for killing the head of an infantry gulma.

Later around 150 BCE, the warlord Velapari won fame by personally leading his troops
successfully against the invading Cholas. In the 1st Century BCE, the following poem was
composed for an unknown hero hailing from the City of Kannur:-

“ (His deeds in battle, for Ayandiran who leads in murderous war, the blooming of lotuses on
winter ponds would be as limitless as the heads he has taken in service.”

-Regarding a warrior (name undecipherable) in the armies of the Tamil warlord Ayandiran of

Even more interesting was the tale of the 5th Century BCE (Haryanka, most likely) Siege of
Varanasi where a single elephant- after its warriors and mahout had been slain and fellows
driven off- braved storms of arrow-fire and pikes to smash down the Gates and rout the
guards, allowing the infantry to march in and thus, “winning the City for his King .”

Thanks to his deeds, even a mere Elephant has been remembered for more than twenty-five
centuries while almost all of us will be forgotten a few years after we are gone.

Abhilash Mohanty

I’ll quote Dr Konrad Elst here: “ Nathuram Godse and the farcical idea of Gandhian non-
violence were both hanged to death on 15 November 1949.”

Gandi’s sons- Manilal and Ramdas- had appealed for commutation of his sentence and it
had been reported- thought never verified in Court documents (not surprising since most of
the trial transcripts haven’t been released yet despite Prof. M. Sridhar Acharyulu’s ruling in
late 2017)- that the then-Law Minister BR Ambedkar had suggested the same as a
“Gandhian ideal” during the first of his three visits to the Trial Court.

All such pleas are known to have been rejected by all the principal actors including
Nathuram Godse himself and the Gormint of India. The Government of the Dominion of
India under its king George VI had absolutely no desire to keep him alive at any point and
even the appeals formerly described weren’t given much emphasis. After Nathuram Godse
was sentenced to death, his family members had appealed before the privy council in
London and had also sought mercy from the then governor-general C Rajagopalachari,
which was rejected under advice of the then-Indian Government under Prime Minister
Jawaharlal Nehru.

As for the defence itself, you can read more at Bala Senthil Kumar's answer to Why is the
Indian media silent on Nathuram Godse's last speech in the court, "Why I killed Gandhi"?

Abhilash Mohanty

Sometimes when I read such questions, some of my old aggression and ardor return; my
nostrils inflame, my breath grows loud, my blood quickens, and without even trying, my
mind springs forth in a flourish of metaphors that would blast apart the feeble arguments
of any detractor.

But then I recall the words I’d once read, as a child when the World was still filled with
Wonder, warning of what had come and what is yet to come.

Thus withered the red rose of the joy of painting and illumination that had bloomed… For
painting itself was abandoned and artists painted neither like Easterners nor Westerners. The
miniaturists did not grow angry and revolt, but like old men who quietly succumb to illness,
they gradually accepted the situation with humble grief and resignation… It was mercilessly
forgotten that w had once looked upon our World quite differently…

-Orhan Pamuk, My Name is Red

One day- soon, Hindus will go the way of the Turkish Miniaturist, as described by Shekure;
the idea of a Hindu World or a Hindu History would also go that day. The idea saddens me-
but if it stings, it stings like an old wound that I have learnt to live with- and thus the
passions that had once stirred my blood now barely do more than animate some degree of
black humour. Yet Passions they are, and must be entertained- if only for my own sake.

At first, I’d thought of merely posting this Article: but

at the time of my writing this (1204 IST, 3rd June 2018), the link is down. Thus I suppose I
might as well quote sections from old backups I’d taken of the same.

I’ve commented on the rapid decline of Maratha military elsewhere so I will not repeat
myself- but the gist is that by the late 18th Century, the Marathas had adopted several of
the vices of their former foes, the Mughals. As it was, most contemporary Maratha armies
were preceded by hordes of mercenaries and looters- often raised from the local populace.
As such, Maratha generals rarely, if ever, were able to exercise much control over such

It was one such group of Lamaan who had attacked and sacked- not demolished, despite
the fantastical claims of several Liberals- Sringeri.

The Maratha response was swift.

“Lamaan and pindaris from Dadasaheb’s army went and looted lakhs worth from the Sringeri
math, including an elephant. I have written to Dada to confiscate the goods’.”

-Dispatch dated early April

“…the looters have been apprehended and a jambura and elephant belonging to the math
taken over. The principal ten or twenty culprits were arrested. Just then Dadasaheb wrote that
he will take action against them as they are his men. The men and the elephant were then sent
to him’…”

-Dispatches dated Mid April, both by Neelkanth Appa

As can be seen, the events at Sringeri were not only unsanctioned by the Marathas- and
carried out by forces outside the Maratha professional military, the Marathas themselves
took swift action to apprehend the Criminals and restore the Premises.

Before the army crossed the river Tunga, lamaan and Pindaris had reached Shimogga. They
went and looted the Swami’s math at Sringeri. The danda (staff) and kamandalu (vessel) of the
swami was also taken. Nothing was left. Women were assaulted (and raped). Many women
committed suicide. The Swami’s idol, linga etc was looted. The elephant stable was emptied
and brought by the lamaanis. The Swami performed austerities and fasted for five days, giving
up his life… ‘When father learnt of this loot, he sent the cavalry to arrest the lamaan. The
elephant was taken over. Remaining stolen items have not been found’

-Letter in early May from Trimbakrao, son of the general Raghunathrao Dada, to his Uncle

The last about the Swami giving up his life was not correct BTW- as Kulkarni points out.
Which is further sign of how quickly the Maratha leadership- at the time operating over an
area half the size of Western Europe (again, my anguish at how I have to use comparisons
with Firangistans to get my message across)- were reacting to events. Here is another
letter, with the general Raghunathrao himself communicating messages from the Peshwa:-

…lamaans and looters looted the Sringeri math; this news reached the court. All details must
be sought. You wrote ‘the looters came from all four directions. You have taken action and
others must similarly act against the culprits’. Nana has sent this reply, ‘The Swami’s math
was looted and the Swami is therefore fasting. This does not auger well for the kingdom; the
Swami’s displeasure is not good….. Taking stern action the Swami must be compensated and
his pleasure solicited….

-Dispatch dated early May to Dadasaheb from Raghunathrao

I’d take accusations of barbarism and cruelty upon the Marathas more seriously if the
same persons demonizing them weren’t so obsessed with championing the cause of a
certain Peaceful usurper whose chief achievements include the enslavement of his “own”
kingdom’s nobility, the destruction of thousands of temples, the massacre and forced
conversions of countless Hindus, and general devastation of the land.

But such considerations are a moot point now and, possibly, soon to be criminalized by our
Eminent Historians. It took a certain ex-Chai-seller more than four years to make the most
minor of changes in a few random schoolbooks; expect them all to be “reformed” within
four months of a certain ex-Waitress coming to Power. In a few years, it’d be a miracle if
anyone even acknowledges that the Maratha Empire even existed.

Abhilash Mohanty

One can prevaricate and hem-haw as much as they want about royal fratricides among
Hindus but the truth remains that such succession crises among Hindus were relatively
rare and as likely to be among cousins as among half-brothers. Neither do cases like that
of the Emperor Ajatashatru- a tyrannical psychopath known for having persecuted both his
own father and his son and “struck down by the gods ” (which I suppose is code for “his own
generals & priests assassinated him before he could purge more of the Continent”)- count in
such matters.

Every single generation in the history of the House of Babur was plagued by Fratricides,
Rebellions, and possible Patricides. I’m hard-pressed to think of a single stretch of more
than six years which didn’t have one Prince or the other in arms. The Mughal Empire, for
most of its existence, consisted of vast stretches of desolate wastelands punctuated by
Peaceful Cities at constant Civil War with each other while Hindu rebels hid in the
countryside attacking anyone they saw.

Why so?

Because if you were a Mughal Prince, you’d be most likely rebelling as well.

If there was Hell on Earth during the late Medieval/ early Modern period, it was in a Mughal
harem. Thousands of women from all corners of the Earth- Nihon to Angrejistan to Zhirkesh
to Misr, to say nothing of the nations of the Bharatas- were brought in, every day, like so
much livestock.

Akbar had 5000 women in his harem. Jehangir was served by a new slave girl every night,
Shah Jehan retained his love for pretty women even in his old age …It is interesting to note
that the Moghul emperors married for life and never practised talaq or divorce. The widows
were not allowed to remarry and passed their time in the Sohagpura (house of eternal
matrimony), which existed both in the Agra and Delhi forts.

-R V Smith, On the Mughal Harems

Keep in mind that this was a time when the bare subsistence wage was around 3–4 rupees
in the Provinces; in the Capital, it’d have been twice of this. With 2–3 attendants, the
Mughal harem would’ve easily been a city in itself with entire generations of queens, sex
slaves, servants, eunuchs, castrated homosexual slaves (those who weren’t murdered at
puberty), princes, princesses, cooks, maids- and guards. During the reign of Emperor
Jehangir, the harem alone was a significant chunk of Delhi’s population and easily larger
than entire European cities at the time.

This vast City created nothing, contributed nothing, produced nothing- except fear, grief,
tears, expenses, and except for a handful of favourite queens and princes, a vast seething
mass of perpetual suffering. A Hindu princess would’ve been expected to be put to work
learning Finance, Siegecraft, and running a Castle from her earliest days and then to assist
her Mother-in-law i the same following Puberty. A Hindu Prince would’ve been expected to
be on the battlefield by the same time, serving for years away from his family even in his

This, except for a few exceptions for the sons (never daughters) of favourite wives, wasn’t
the case for the Mughals.

“The Salatin quarter consists of an immense high wall so that nothing can overlook it. Within
this are numerous mat huts in which these wretched objects live. When the gates were opened,
there was a rush of miserable, half-naked, starving begins who surrounded us. some men,
apparently eighty years old, were in a state of nature, who from earliest infancy had been hut
up; other young men, sons whose mothers had either died or were not in favour… other young
children who had the space within these walls to look forward to as their World. The utmost
allowed was a few blankets during the cold weather, distributed as if by the King (Mughal
Emperor) but in fact by a private act of charity of the Seton.”

-Dalrymple, the Last Mughal

Worse, for every suffering “Mughal Prince”- living in a state of deprivation the average
Hindu Sadhu would’ve found horrifying, he’d have lived in the knowledge that his Mother
was similarly rotting away in some airless dungeon in the basement of some spectacular
“Harem” (or possibly murdered to save space and costs, as many rumours claimed about the
Mughals) and his sisters being sold off to minor soldiers in lieu of an year’s wages or so. No
few Mughal Princes became slaves themselves; young boys were always in demand. Those
Princes who did enjoy a certain degree of power would, on the rise of some half-brother or
the other or a new favourite slave girl or eunuch of his father- would be quickly cast down
and a new favourite raised to Power.

As I’ve often said- the Mughal Bureaucracy was a non-entity that died in the middle of
Emperor Jehangir’s reign, the Mughal Army post-Akbar was almost entirely a horde
dependent on superior numbers & local Peaceful support for victory, and Mughal
Commerce a joke. A further issue was what I just described- the rampant r-selectionesque
inheritance laws- contrasted to the Discipline and Dharmashastras prevalent among

The answer for the average Mughal Prince was simple. For the Brave- to rebel and win or
die or remain alive in such horrors as to defy description. For the rest?

Slowly, the ruin of a man crept out from his collapsed hovel. He was exceedingly thin in frame
and clad in the barest of rags like a Hindoo Sadhu- but unlike the faithful charisma of the
typical example of the latter, had hunted eyes that even now darted here and there (in fear of
the Chief Eunuch)

-H G Keene, on one of the sons of Aurangzeb

Abhilash Mohanty

If you’re asking how extensive the traditional extent of Bharatavarsha is, it extends from the
Vakshu valley to the Mali-Irravati valley, and from the Himavat to the Great Southern Ocean.
Its “modern” borders would extend from the Taklamakan deserts to the Shan plateau to the
Makran hills to the Torkestan mountains.

Something like this:-

At nearly 6.5 million sqkm, the Continent is roughly a tenth as large as neighboring Asia
and slightly smaller than Europe.
Needless to say, things haven’t gone well for Bharatas- or Hindus, for that matter- since. At
present, there are no Hindu nations in the World- so in a technical sense the Empire of
Bharata sages have asked Bharatas to aspire to, doesn’t exist.

If by “India”, you’re referring to the state called the “ Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic
Republic of India”, then you ought to be aware that said State is an abomination according
to the Shastras and comparing it to Bharata would’ve been anathema to the Classical
Bharatas. Of course, the vast majority of modern Indians appear to return the favour as
well, so I suppose it all evens out in the end.

Abhilash Mohanty

Tamils and Nortn Indian Hindus don't get much coverage either but OP is right in his
contention that they're far better known in pop history, such as it is, than other Southern

Why is that then?

Well, the reasons are three-fold, and like with most of Indian historiography- or lack thereof-
have to do with the usual suspects.

Tamil Nadu had the (mis?)fortune to be conquer by the Angrej far earlier than most places
in the Continent. Unlike their Peaceful counterparts, the Angrej had relatively less interest in
vandalism and book-burning (relatively, as much as they try to hide the facts in recent days,
the fact is that the Angrej were no slouches when it came to desecrating Temples and
burning libraries). Nonetheless they did their bit - a far larger bit than any Endian Gormint
has since- in studying Hindu history. Madras lucked out; Hyderabad and Pune didn't.

Soon after came a period of region-wide insanity wherein a bunch of Tamils, having
concluded that the Vedas were evil, and a certain Jewish carpenter was THE Tamil God,
decided to go around burning books, beating up Brahmins, fucking teens, and opposing
“Aryans”. Nevertheless the chief vandals of the time - desperate to build their own local
historical narrative- invested heavily in studying the more “flexible” parts of Tamil history.
They couldn't actually appropriate most of it- since then they'd have found just how Hindu
Tamil states were (like all Bharata states) but their violence and vandalism did isolate Tamil
Nadu from the third great mitigating factor…

The Liberals. The Liberal narrative of Bharatas being tree-dwelling, long-tailed, raw cow
meat-eating, tongueless savages- before the Peacefuls civilized us, of course- would not
have passed muster in the brave new past brave new Tamil Nadu was building (except for
the parts on cow murder). Further the two groups shared similar goals- the annihilation of
Hindu society and history, among them- and so there came a tacit idea that while the
Eminent Historians north of the Vindhyas would maintain an appropriate silence on the
South, their counterparts on the Kaveri would restrict themselves to periodic bile-sweeping
on the North in their local tongue.

The rest of the South thus, kind of, fell by the side.

It's no wonder that most substantial pop/academic history texts on the Rashtrakuta or the
Satavahana or the Kakatiya or the Kadamba have come from the 30s-50s which was
probably the only time in history a Hindu School of History existed, led by greats such as

Of course, even then Tamil historiography was primarily occupied by those trying to find
links between Assyria and Lemuria and Galilee and Mars, for all I know- so even then the
study of the “non-Tamil South” remained a “Fascist Hindu Nazi” endeavor, which the
Liberals quickly put an end to as they grew in strength. As it is, Tamil history will be
forgotten the day “Fascist Hindu Nazi” history is forgotten.

After all, who even cares what pre-Christian Poland or pre-Islamic Yemen were like?

Abhilash Mohanty

They didn't, for most part. Not directly.

Law in Hindu States depended on the Dharmashastra in vogue within the State in question,
which in turn, was often based on legal commentaries such as those by Narada or Manu or
Yagnavalka. The last was the most famed and widely used for most of Classical history.

Law codes, however, were meant to comply with the Vedas. In general, the considerations
for such texts were sharing of Powers across Castes, defence of wandering Ascetics and
Cows, protection of Property rights, and Maintenance of Law.

Abhilash Mohanty

Medieval: - Spears.

Nothing else even comes close.

Early Modern: - Spears, again.

Though you might argue in favour of a Halberd as well. Most people in the Continent didn't
wear much Armour by the late 1600s TBH except maybe a jacket of light mail. Against the
few that did, Muskets and Pistols served well enough.

The key with fighting Armoured opponents wasn't to one-shot them like you see in the
movies. They'd be wearing very heavy padding underneath their Mail- to say nothing of the
possibility of having iron plates sewn to their shorts or coats.

In general, it was to loop off limbs; medieval Bharatas often ditched protection on their legs,
if on foot, or on their arms, if using bows. Else they'd try knock the guy down or jam his
limbs or something, then come in close and stab them with a punch dagger of some sort in
the neck or the big arteries in the groin or armpit. I've read an account of a guy blinding his
foe with a tiger’s claws as well.

Abhilash Mohanty

Long story short, yes.

However there are various caveats that need to be taken into consideration, especially
around the idea of Dual Citizenship of the inhabitants of J&K. The Gormint of Endia, in its
infinite wisdom, has given blanket approval for the citizens of J&K to be part of the Republic
but not vice versa. At the same time, it claims authority over Pakistan Occupied Kashmir or
Azad Kashmir or whatever you call the place.

As such, a girl marrying someone from Pakistan won't automatically entail Indian
citizenship for them but it will entail J&K citizenship as long as the guy is from…well, the
other side of Kashmir. The same doesn't apply in case of India- or if it's a Kashmiri guy
marrying a girl from outside.



Because real Countries aren't dumb enough to follow the Republic’s absurd line that men
and women are the same.

Complain about it as much as you want, the truth is that women marry up, men marry
down, women education nukes the fertility rate, men take decisions that benefit the long-
term stability of communities, and that countries that run too much behind… ahem, “rights”
usually end up dying in short order. Men and Women are different, were different, and will
always be different and it's extremely disturbing that in our madern bharld, something so
basic as to be obvious to 3 year olds is now anathema.


I was wrong.

9 month old kids show ingrained knowledge of gender differences. Read more: Infants
prefer toys typed to their gender, says study

Indians refuse to accept this. Kashmiris- and I'm not including those that left 30 years ago
in this- don't.

Who's more in sync with Reality? Who will inherit the World? It's obvious!

After 50 years, there'll be no India and- something that looks increasingly likely- no Hindus
either. But Kashmir and Kashmiris will remain. And they don't need uppity women who've
left the land coming back to disturb the Peace. A woman moves out after Marriage, it is

Abhilash Mohanty

Ancient Empires?

That’s the Maurya and the Nanda and the Haryanka- though, TBH, they’d all have been
called the same Empire if they were either China or Firang. i’m not including the Kuru and
the Suryavamshi and others because they’re far too old to properly study such matters.

Elephants and Artillery were the only branches of the Land Forces to be supplied and
armoured entirely by the State. Imperial Governors, City Heads, and Vassal Kings were
responsible for equipping Troops on their own Incomes- though it does seem that they
were using Imperial guidelines for most part; there’s a stunning degree of similarity in the
Armour of Maurya Successor States in areas as far apart as the Niligiris and the Terai. The
Governors paid the Generals, and the Bureaucrats kept an eye on them, and the Spies kept
an eye on the Bureaucrats, and the Wandering Spies kept an eye on the Spies… So I
suppose it was a fairly stable system.

The Superintendents of the Armories were paid fairly high- as much as the most
experienced Mahouts and half as much as the Head Physician of the Army. Head
Blacksmiths were paid as much, and probably had 3–4 Guildsmen under him. Blacksmiths
are a rather funny group when it comes to “normal” Guild operations in Ancient and
Classical Bharata, for reasons too subtle and complicated to discuss here, and thus we
lack much information about them. In general, they were under retainer by the Imperial
Bureaucracy- or vassal powers- for years at a time, and if we were to use “normal” Guild
operations as guide, might have been part of the many conflicts between the Imperial
Bureaucracy and the local Vassal Powers.

Chakrabarti- who’s often unreliable though, IMO- estimates a cost of 2000–2500 Panas for
a “Maurya-style” Coat of Armour- which would be Lamellar but Mail and Scale were
common and well-known as well. That’s a pretty stiff cost- especially since the annual
salary of a “Trained” Soldier in the Arthashastra comes to only around 500. Given that a
private citizen is said to have got by comfortably with two-hundred-odd, I suppose an
infantryman could’ve saved up for a Suit in 8–10 years but I doubt this was common.

Abhilash Mohanty

Neither. I am a normal guy and by “normal”, I mean the “NORM”- which would, in
liberalesque, translate to Cisgendered Heterosexual Male.

I have neither any clue what these made-up “XYZ-sexual” terms are, and nor can I
understand why everyone is defining themselves as a “Sapiosexual” on Quora. What on
Earth does “Attracted to Intelligence” even mean? These “Sapiosexuals” post their IQ scores
on Tinder? They date only MENSA members? I don’t even know know what my IQ is! I’d say
it was 84 - but I hate Murakami and I hate his writing, and I’m willing to bet part of the
reason Mishima killed himself was so that he wouldn’t have to spend his dotage listening
to yuppies and millennials gushing over that insufferable cat-abuser.

And what on Earth is a “Demisexual”? “Half-sexual”? They’re in love with their right hands?
We just call them engineering students. On second thoughts, I’m being unfair; some of them
have girlfriends and others have discovered they can buy one for the night at a few places.
Or maybe Demisexuals are actually attracted to Demitasses? They’re Demi Moore fans? Or
is it actually Demigryphs?

For the sake of blessed Sigmar, someone please

call the Witch-hunters.

Abhilash Mohanty

The Vijayanagara Empire did well enough for 40-odd years following Emperor Krishnadeva
Raya’s death, so I fail to see the truth behind the query’s contention.

Also, to remind the sapiosexuals of Quora, 40 years is the period within which the Republic
they're so proud of nearly died thrice. Methinks the Tuluva Emperors knew something the
modern Liberal Sapiosexual Intellectuals of the Republic don't…


Thing is, in case of both Vijayanagara and Orissa - the two leading Hindu powers of the Late
Medieval period, the 15th Century was a disaster for more reasons than one.

Hindu states are trade states; they have low taxes - 16% plus a few trades-based ones,
according to most Shastras- and heavy guild autonomy. Thus as long as a critical mass for
market size is maintained, a Hindu state or coalition of such can throw off any number of
challengers. I, by means of various statistical and metaphysical calculations, have
determined the Continent to provide for two and a half such conglomerates of adequate
criticality. The rest have to be supplied by- either commercially, politically, militarily, or
through Dharma- dominating lands outside the Continent. In this aspect, the Late Classical
period with the dominion of the Gurjara Empire would rank as the most prosperous period
in the history of the Continent, closely followed by the Age of the Imperial Guptas.

In contrast, Peaceful states are raider-slave states, dependent on sucking the wealth out of
societies. Don't take my word for it- though from what I see on Quora, Sapiosexuals have
no problems doing so if the Poster lacked enough melanin- look up the history of the
Ottomans. Or read Eraly’s views on the Mughal Economy.

As a result, both Vijayanagara and Orissa were running out of Trade steam by the late 15th
Century, especially compounded with the spread of Peace in SE Asia.

The decline in Trade, continued Militarization, Collapse in Guild Autonomy and Market
potential- all of these led to ever-decreasing Bureaucratic acumen in order to compensate
for the reducing Incomes, and as a consequence what we can call “feudalization”. It's no
surprise that in case of both Orissa and Vijayanagara, the mid 15th Century was marked
with struggles between the Feudal Nobility and the once-Centralized but now increasingly
Feudalistic Military, with the Bureaucracy lying impotent in the Middle.

This is not to imply that Feudalism is bad; it isn't, especially when one considers the
alternative in Peaceful States, rule by Force and Mercenaries. But there's a reason why the
Shastras recommend the Dharmic Empire over Bharatavarsha to be the highest ideal.

Emperor Krishnadeva Raya was a typical Militaristic Emperor of the time, more Warlord
than Administrator despite his skill in both.

His Empire, like that of Gajapati Kapilendradeva Routray a generation before him, was
driven by the ever-increasing need for Conquests to demonstrate Imperial Might and the
Mandate of the Gods to an increasingly fractious State. That he - like Gajapati
Kapilendradeva before him- succeeded was because of the prevailing political situation
that led to his rise- and ensured the fall of anyone who hadn't had similar experience first-
hand, like his nephews or Gajapati Kapilendradeva’s grandsons.

Could the Empire have survived?

Very likely. A coalition between the Empires of Vijayanagara and Orissa could be provided
them a territory of critical mass, possibly enough to take over the remaining one and half
sections in the West and Northern plains respectively. But they didn't - for various reasons
that are beyond the scope of this post.

I might've ended this answer with an exhortation to the Hindu youth of today to learn from
the mistakes of these two great Empires but I'm not an idiot like I used to be in the Past and
so will restrict myself to quietly waiting for the end of Dharma and this misbegotten

Abhilash Mohanty

Drugs, Peacefuls, Terrorism.

Standard state of affairs where the Peacefuls are concerned. I wouldn’t recommend it for
anyone’s health. Thailand will be where India is in 15 years, and will be facing all-out Civil
War by 2050- maybe sooner since the Republic isn’t going to be lasting much longer either.

Abhilash Mohanty

This is a weird question since every pre-modern Civilization worth the name possessed
Armour of some sort; how does it matter when they developed it?

However, if you were to ask about the earliest mention of Armour in pre-modern Bharata,
the answer is obvious- the Rig Veda. Its dating, however, would be contentious since we
Hindus are fairly sure about the right date- which would be 6500 BP-7000 BP, well in the
glory days of the Great Mother Saraswati, whereas Liberals are adamant that it was written
a few months ago by certain Hindu terrorist groups- of which they accuse those like me to
be members- in Nagpur who then used unemployed Brahmin IT Engineers to forge back-
dated references in historical texts.

Of course- I can’t post the exact verses since Quora Moderators- in their constant War
against Hindus and Dharma- have been collapsing my answers where I quote relevant texts
in Sanskrit and other tongues of the Bharatas (I put in translations as well- so dogooders
can scram now). And you can’t exactly translate Sanskrit into Angreji either- so, needless to
say, there’s no point to posting mere translations in the first place, no matter what Thapar
and Doniger and Griffith and the rest of the charlatans say.


Resembling a thundering Storm-cloud, the Mail-clad Warrior seeks the heart of Battle,

Protected by the girth of his Armour, let him be unwounded; let him be victorious!”

-The Rig Veda, Mandala VI, Hymn LXXV

Mandala VI is important since it is one of the “Family Texts”- the oldest Core of the Vedas,
describing the prayer hymns of some of the first clans of the Aryas who first brought
Civilization to the Earth. However there are multiple other mentions such as:-

“Let the Cow-manger be prepared, from where our Warriors can drink, Let Coats of Mail be
stitched for them, Many in number and Broad in body;

Let us make Forts as Iron, secure from all Assailants; Let us girth our Pitchers so that they do
not leak.”

-The Rig Veda, Mandala X, Hymn CI

And of course, the constant allusions to Armour to be the gift of Agnideva, as would be
proper onto Bharatas…

You are our Father, who cares even for the weakest, and wisest, who teaches even the

Agni, you have given gifts onto your priests, you have guarded us on all sides like well-fitting

-The Rig Veda, Mandala I Hymn XXXI

Stunning how despite all the ten of thousands of mentions of Armour- Mail and Scale alike,
Weaponry, and unparalleled hosts of Men in all the texts of the Bharatas- from the very
dawn of history to the Classical period, our Eminent Historians have failed to discover even
a brass buckle in all their “excavations”. More uncharitable observers would claim that no
such “excavations” have ever been done or that our eminent intellectuals aren’t even trying
to do their job- but the more sapiosexual among Indians know that sch accusations are
plots by Hindu terrorists and that our eminent scholars from the big colleges merely have
more important tasks at hand, like shouting “Bharat tere tukde tukde honge, inshallah” on
the streets every second day…

Abhilash Mohanty

As it is, Tamil Nadu was rarely united for most of its early and classical history, as
evidenced by its own poetic works.

“The kings with great armies (Cholas or Pandyas, most likely) came against the hill in war,
ignorant of how difficult it would be to prevail against Pari, he who wielded a sharp spear, he
who was the master of abundant toddy.”

-On the chieftain Velpari, c.150 BC

The noted blogger Manasataramgini (whom I don’t always agree with ) describes the near-
constant warfare between these minor hill chieftains and the early Cholas/ Pandyas as an
example of the clash between the indigenous populations and the Sanskriticized or -
“Aryanized”- Tamils, implying that the Early Sangam Culture or, for that matter any post-
megalithic Tamil Culture, was an “Aryan” one. Which would be hilarious. Anyway…

While the Deltas and Coasts were dominated by the two big kingdoms, they were
essentially City States with limited authority over the hilly forested hinterland where
chieftains like this Velpari held sway- alternately allying, bowing, or waging war with the Big
Two. With limited development in Fortifications, Armour, and essentially no Cavalry worth
the name, early Tamil Kingdoms were primarily dependent on the vast masses of infantry
they could field- which, in turn, made their massed forces seasonal ones and their few
professional troops de-facto inconsequential raiders. Further, these Tamil bureaucracies
would’ve been geared to managing centralized and urbanized agrarian lands and would’ve
had little experience in managing the broken hills and forests around them controlled by
their Oriya and Karnata rivals.

Read more: Rohit Patnaik's answer to Why is it that the largest of the empires in the Indian
subcontinent, Ashoka's, Tughluq's and Aurangzeb's, did not contain the southernmost tip of

The change likely came with Northern invasions- specifically that of the Gupta Empire and,
later, the Gangas and other Karnata powers.

A great deal of what follows is my personal reasoning and conjecture based on years of
reading historical and historiographical texts- thus I’m open to suggestions and counter-
arguments, if presented properly. Of course, I’ll take no notice of Lemur-like screeching and
Commie talk.

The Satavahana would’ve been focused on dominating Madhyadesha and rarely come
South in force. Thus it was with the campaigns of Emperor Samudradeva, that Classical
Tamils would’ve been first exposed to true professional armies backed with vast numbers
of heavy infantry, heavy cavalry, armoured elephants, and advanced logistics. This would’ve
been followed by the hilarious “Kalabhra phase”- alternately celebrated by Dravidianistas as
“Liberation from oppressive Brahmins and Hindus” and bemoaned as “the Destruction of
Classical Tamil Culture”. In reality, these so-called Kalabhra were clearly Ganga lords-
whether operating independently or under the Ganga rulers at Kolar who, themselves, might
or might not have been under Imperial overlords in North or Central Karnataka.

The early Classical Karnatas seem to have been enthusiastic users of North Indian military
doctrines- which would a key reason for their continued Imperial successes well into the
medieval period, and their influence would’ve been yet another factor in the continued…
Lelwut, this is getting better by the minute… “Brahmanization”/ “Aryanization” of the Tamil
Military and Bureaucracy.

This would ultimately reach its crescendo with the Military Reforms of King Uttama Chola-
for the first time, creating Armoured Professional Heavy Infantry among the Tamils.

Thus- Tamil Nadu joins the Imperialistic ranks among the nations of Bharatas very late in
history- easily a millennia after its Oriya and Karnata neighbours- and nearly two millennia
after the Biharis. And lacks the corresponding years of experience. This is, nonetheless, not
a crippling factor- given the great campaign of the Emperor Rajendra Chola to the north
where he successively overran the lands of the Andhras, Oriyas, and Bengalis- albeit during
a period of Spenglerian crisis in these regions. However, it is all but likely that his
Campaigns were all tied with entirely sea-based logistical chains- they’d have been
cheaper, easier to set up, well out of way from the impenetrable forested strongholds of
Oriyas and Andhras in the Continental interiors, and far more familiar to the Tamils than
land-based systems.

Here- it might be worthwhile to remind readers that a Tamil Campaign to the North would
be the equivalent of managing a logistics chain from London to the borders of Russia- a
feat that even the Emperor Napoleon had difficulty with, a sad state of affairs though hardly
as sad as my having to use allusions from the Firangistans since modern educated
sophisticated sapiosexual Indians on Quora would be hard-pressed to recognize any from
the history of us Bharatas.

Read more: Abhilash Mohanty's answer to In Europe, Poland is 23 hours away by car from
the UK. What are similar places within India’s cultural reach?

Nevertheless- such a system is no way of maintaining an Empire- and thus, the Tamils had
great success oversees in South-East Asia, where they could take advantage of their
professional “North Indian- Lel” military, superior sea-based logistics, and limited strategic
depth of their island-based rivals to overrun any opposition. In addition, the Tamils probably
enjoyed a stranglehold on the islands’ economy even before their military campaigns-
unlike their short-lived North Indian conquests where their conquered populations could
simply resupply from overland Continental sites, cut the fragile Tamil supply lines, and wipe
out the isolated Tamil forces with similar, if not superior, military forces. Also recall that
colonizing the conquests with Tamils would’ve made little sense as well- considering that
Colonization and Settlement are easier on an East-West Axis, rather than a North-South

It’s no surprise that the Chola Empire enjoyed greater success overseas than within the

Abhilash Mohanty
For the same reason the Gangas could live in Orissa while my homeland was still under the
Gupta Emperors.

They accepted Imperial control, let in Imperial Bureaucracy into their lands, paid the
required taxes, and helped the police and Bureaucrats maintain the Law.

I'll never understand modern educated sophisticated sapiosexual Indians. They say Bharata
didn't have feudalism. They say Bharata didn't have bureaucracy. Thry say there was no law

So how on Earth do the sapiosexuals think Bharatas lived? In the trees?

Abhilash Mohanty

The joke of a Republic modern Indians are so inexplicably proud of has barely managed to
survive for a mere 70 years- and is increasingly looking likely to balkanize before it
completes a Century, and the freedom-lovers that sustain it have the temerity to question
the achievements of the Guptas and the Chalukyas and the lineages of our noble ancestors,
the likes of whom will never be seen on Earth? Lelwa.

But I am generous and, unlike my civilizational foes, I am honest as befits as an Arya- not
that I claim to be one. I admit that the misbegotten Republic has also had its day; being a
direct continuation of the Company Raj and Angrej Sarkar, it boasts of a legacy of more
than two hundred years as a political entity which is, again, perfectly within the norm for
Empires or, rather, Imperial-esque bodies. As much as the Republic of India- or for that
matter, any such organization- be it the Totalitarian Neoconfucianists of People’s Republic
of China or the Militaristic Oligarchies of the United States of America- might pretend
otherwise, they are Empires.

It all boils down to pride.

Italian city states, post-Christian Central Europe - all wanted to claim at least cultural
successor-ship to Rome's legacy. Rome was that one girl everyone wants to have but cannot.
Rome therefore got remembered in annals as that continuously coveted girl whom everyone
wanted to sleep with, some did, some did not and some raped her because she plainly refused
but then again - they all got what they wanted.

Now contrast with the Gupta Empire - A people who hate their own past will not tend to
remember it like some prize woman coveted over times, nor will they try remembering it as a
time when they were the best. It boils down psychologically to the fact that while Rome
became European invaders' trophy courtesan, the Gupta period became the forgotten whore
of history.

Empires are not called empires because they recorded themselves as such in history.
Empires are called empires only because its peoples' descendants choose to recognize
history that way.

For instance, the Mughal 'empire' got destroyed and de-facto abolished many times before its
dynastic end had actually arrived and yet - books call it the Mughal empire. Reason - the
people who wrote those books would rather remember Turko-Mongol Islamic rule as a
continuous prized memory of history rather than whatever your status explains.

Psychology of people remembering history is normally the answer to questions pertaining to

later interpretation of history as well.

-Kapil Routray, Kapil Routray's answer to Why is the Gupta Empire considered as the Golden
age of India and not the Mauryan Empire or Harsha Empire? What factors led to historians
making such conclusions?
Family lines may persist for Centuries, given there are sons to perpetuate them- and given
the family is but the extension of a People, it is obvious that Kingdoms persist likewise,
often for millennia. A stable Orissa- the Three Kalingas inhabited by Oriyas, for instance,
has been known since the dawn of the Iron Age and, as a unified political entity, has had a
continued existence for the better part of three millennia by now. But Empires are different;
the projection of a Civilization’s gestalt living upon the Earth through a suitable medium.
And like any living being, a Civilization has its dawn and its death- and this projects upon
the Empire it has birthed.

On average, an Empire lasts for around 250 years- a single season of a Great Cycle of
around a millenia- through which it plays its leitmotif to an uncaring World.

The Marathas of the Hindu Pad Padsahi of the Bhonsles, notwithstanding their valiant- and
in many ways, successful- effort to save Dharma from extinction, were as much prisoners
of Fate as they were of the great Autumn Cycle of this Age- and this was portrayed in their
gradually taking on the aspects of the Evils they’d sworn to destroy- Factionalism,
Mediocrity, Corruption, Civil strife, Stagnation, and the law of Causality. The Seeing can see
the rot within the Republic even now- the putrid utilitarianism and unthinking arrogance of
the bourgeoisie, the blind corruption and brute aspect of the smug bureaucrats, the servile
mercenarism and inherent cowardice of the Military- and the less said of the Masters
above us all, the better. The Maratha Hindu Pad Padshahi suffered in Autumn as the
Mughals did- but the Republic is the child and glutton and whore of Winter like the Angrej
colonial tyranny whose illegitimate heir it is, and it shows.

The Empire is what it is- and this cannot be denied.

The Empire is what lasts. Not the People- despite what the Commies might claim, not its
Families- despite what Thapar and her ilk might claim, not its Institutions- despite what
Acermoglu and Co might claim. The Empire lasts by pure force of its own Existence; and
as Rohit Patnaik remarked, it changes the very fabric of Reality by the mere truth of it

The legacy of the Gupta Empire, in particular, is the most debatable in this regard. Here is
the foundation of the Reality of Bharata, as we still know it- shouting in silence at its
maggot-like heirs in our customs, our beliefs, from the festivals we celebrate, the clothes
we were, the gods we choose to worship- and the silence over it is deafening. In terms of
Civilizational impact, it might equal even the Career of Emperor Vikrama. To challenge its
legacy is absurd; to deny it, heretical- and yet the Republic has hardly shied away from the
challenge. What other proof can be required that the Republic, twisted and unnatural as it
is, is a true Empire in its own stunted manner?

There's a defacto omerta among India's Eminent Historians when it comes to the Gupta
Empire. The only reason they don't actively deny that it existed is because a lot of the original
research had been already done by the Angrej and the early Indian ASI and it'd have been
unfeasible to bury the evidence.

As such, the great scholars and the Educated classes expend no little effort in trying to wipe
out the idea of a Gupta Empire - or the Empire of the Gurjara- from public sources.

It's for this reason that excavations on Classical sites has been at a virtual standstill from the
one at Kaushambi in the 60s; why you only hear of digs from Harappan sites or Ancient
period locations- because they can be conveniently dismissed off as “Dravidian” or

It's for this reason that not one - one- piece of Armour or pane of Glass- save the ones at
Kopia found by the Germans- or even a fucking cup from the Gupta period has been found in
the past 50 years. Even the coins you hear about are only “discovered” when local villagers
donated massive caches they discover all the time…

Kaushambi had eleven meter walls build over eight meters high platforms, and it wasn't even
a military center. There used to nine storey buildings built for pilgrims. Keshavadeo at
Mathura, built by Emperor Chandra II, would've towered half as big again as Sri Jagannath
at Puri- and it predated the latter by more than five centuries. A purification system capable of
handling two million liters was discovered back in the 70s. Huein Tsang saw copper statues
over a hundred feet tall.

Ever read a word about the Gupta Bureaucracy? Anything about the Military organization or
Police system? Yes, there was a Police system.

-Abhilash Mohanty's answer to Why is the Gupta Empire known as the “Golden Age”?

The Roman Empire that is routinely bandied around as an example of longevity went
through multiple dynasties; with the final four hundred years spent as a rump state
scarcely bigger than Madhyadesha. Emperor Harsha might’ve been descended from the
Guptas, had Gupta Kings in his Court, and was succeeded by Gupta Emperors- but find me
one- one - historians who would describe “his” Empire as part of the greater Gupta
Imperium. You hear of absurdities such as the “Later Guptas”- what on Earth is a “Later
Gupta”? The same iconography, the same bureaucracy, the same family- but the gods
forbid we associate any form of continuity which might glorify the Guptas any more than
the original Angrej and Alamana historians might have!

It is for this reason that there’s this absurd “Civil War” which crops up during Emperor
Samudra’s reign- because of the “pretender Kacha” coins. There was no “pretender Kacha”;
he was a High-King- we know this because Emperor Samudra wrote this himself- the guy
was his grandfather! But admitting that the “pretender coins” were legitimate would imply
that the Guptas were already dominating almost all of North India outside Punjab decades
before the “accepted” start of the Empire in 320 CE with advances in metallurgy, coinage,
and military easily more than a half century ahead of the “schedule”- and we can’t have
that, can we?

it is for this reason there’s zero talk of Gupta armour, Gupta trade, Gupta texts, or anything
that might point to a Gupta World. Nothing- the Guptas were “ a feudal” Empire. “A Feudal
Empire”? Even Feudal Empires require Bureaucrats! And the Gupta Bureaucracy was, even
with the scarce data we have, far more extensive and detailed than anything until the British
Raj. Even now- without any of my notes with me, I can write ream about the Gupta
Bureaucracy- and it didn’t just end with the Guptas, did it? The Palas were using Gupta titles
and Gupta official terminology centuries afterwards.

But damned if anyone after Radhabinod Dutta could be half arsed to study it. BTW how long
since the poor man passed away? 50 years? 60?

-Moi the A, of course!

But, Abhilash, the Guptas left no records! Surely they were but savages!

How many records did the Sassanids leave, pray? I count one; the other one in question
was a medieval translation made by a Zoroastrian priests from translations made by the
scholars studying political science at the University at Vallabhi- but I see no one challenging
them over their supposed “illiteracy”- even with the silence on… well, you know who.

Read this: Did the Chinese Empire and the Persian Empire know each other? What was their

Imagine- that there’d been a similar question about the Guptas and China. Imagine there’d
been a similar query on what the Chinas thought of Bharatas and Bharata trade and
Bharata life in general. Does anyone- ANYONE- remotely think that the Answers would’ve
been as effusive in their praise or detailed in their description?

The only answer in that Page that actually bothers to list down ALL known references to
China-Parsuka relations is Mine- but anyone reading that thread would be under the
impression that the Chinas and Parsukas had nothing to do but fill reams and reams of
papers on “flourishing trade” and “good relations” and what not! One claims that “ …though it
seems counter-intuitive… the Chinese and Persian Empires had greater contact with each
other than the Chinese and Indian Empires had…”.

No, they didn’t!

I count three entire books on Bharata alone, plus multiple mentions and texts. I count
barely five mentions of Parsuka kingdoms in Classical Chinese records- and gods only
know what skulduggery has been done upon them since; half the Chinese texts I’ve seen
appear to have been gone over by a particularly imaginative poet during the Ming and Qing
periods, not that the Song didn’t do their share of embellishment as well. The entire period
from the Jin to the Tang dynasties reads like a Fairy Tale! I’ll be laughed at if I tell you the
account of Matsyendra travels in the Land of Women, his abandonment of his charges by
the King, and how his student Goraksa kidnaps him and turns the pursuers into birds before
delivering his account to the Court at Pataliputra- but it’s all kosher if some China chap a
thousand years ago gets hold of a magic deer and tells everyone it’s a horse.

And there’s another key aspect of how we perceive “Empires”.

For our eminent historians, hard-headed accounts of Emperor Adityasena’s Officers
working along the river Sutlej are “fantastical” and “clear exaggerations”- but for the
Chinas, every account of girls turning into will’o’wisps and generals summoning wind spirits
is the shining romantic facade that encloses a kernel of prosaic historical fact to be
ascertained- and rightly so.

But you scions of the Republics have already rejected not only Dandin’s novels and
Medharudra’s poetry but also Mitamisra’s laws and Someshvara’s military sciences- and
why not?

The Communist Party of China is, after all, a China Organization. No one in their right minds
would claim the Republic is anything more than a bastardized Angrej Colonial State, down
to the marginalization of Hindus as “effeminate tricksters with no honour” to quote
Suthcliffe. Why shouldn’t the Republic loathe the Guptas or try tear down the aura behind
them? And this would’ve been obvious to all- if the Republic’s lovers weren’t as wise as the
Frogking and as keen-eyed as Sishupala’s seabirds.

1- The Guptas were orthodox brahmanical puppets with total blind belief in the Shastras
but they were also forging Hindu texts to prop up their own government. So- what were
they? Opportunistic defacto Atheists skilled in realpolitik or hide-bound superstitious

2- The Guptas ran a loosely-held government which effectively ended outside the walls of
Pataliputra but they were also skilled in brain-washing their vassals into surrendering their
cities to them at the merest request, forcing an absurd Imperial calendar upon them that
even the Gupta Emperors appear to admit was a shoddy rip-off of the Vikrama Samvat, and

3- The Guptas possessed a papier-mache army whose troops had no organization, no

equipment, no training, no skill, nothing expect sheer force of numbers which they used to
dominate others who just fell like ninepins at the mere sight of a Gupta Army over the
horizon- but they apparently had no issues marching this- what was it?- 600,000-strong
military from Kanyakumari to Kubha to Samtata, a logistical feat that would have had
Napoleon committing Seppuku in the streets of Paris out of shame.

Oh- sorry- just remembered that these days we deny that the Gupta ever reached
Kanyakumari; all those declarations were all “clearly” exaggerations- but we are all sure that
the Mughals ruled all of the Continent- even though I’m hard-pressed to name any Oriya
king in the “Mughal Empire” over Orissa who wasn’t rebelling, resigning, or being dragged
out of bed, flayed alive and nailed to his own door by his own troops for obeying the
<<REDACTED>> so-called Emperor.

There is only one Emperor over Orissa- and his Realm will last till the breaking of the
World. Jai Jagannath!

For the better part of seven hundred years- almost three Seasons of a Great Cycle, a single
Empire stretched over the Continent- from Kubha to Samtata, stretching from Kanchipuram
in the south to the snow-clad mountains of the North- almost of the equal of the Realm of
Emperor Bharata himself. Oriya kings in modern-day Andhra sealed their letters with Gupta
notations. Gujarata merchants buried caches with hundreds of coins stamped with
Emperor Skanda’s frame. Tamil lords were named after Gupta Emperors; the Gurjara lords
grew under the shadow of the walls of Ujjaini- the western Capital and seat of Emperor
Chandra II himself. Even now- Hindus lift their voices for the restoration of the shrines the
Guptas had raised in Ayodhya and Mathura.

Even now- in his heart of hearts, the humble, poor, unread Hindu, accursed by all nations of
the World and the educated elite of his own land- whether he knows or not or even
recognizes the name, dreams of the restoration of the seven Centuries-long Gupta
Mahamandalam, of the Guptas and the Pushyabhutis and the Gurjaras- Lords of the Eagle

And why not- did you believe it was a coincidence that Eagles perched atop the Imperial

I am Manu, I am Surya, I am the enlightened sage Kaksivan;

I am the sage Kutsa, son of Arjuni, I am fire-like luminous Usana!

I have bestowed the Earth upon the Arya, & rains upon those bringing Sacrifice!

I have poured forth the roaring limitless waters and before me, stand the Devas in attendance,

I have shattered the ninety nine forts of Sambhara, and the hundredth in aid of Divodāsa

Marutas, I present to you this swift-winged Eagle, Supreme among Raptors, Best of Birds,

Mighty of wing and unyoked by Chariots, it has brought to Manu oblations for Sacrifice loved
by the Devas!

-Indra, Rig Veda

The very image of the Guptas- and the ones who followed in their footsteps- came from the
most overt political and imperialistic iconography in the eternal Vedas. To them was given
the Eagle, to them was given silver-wheeled Chariots, to them were given Rains. Upon them
was bestowed Aryahood, and thus they dwell in the Golden Halls of Indra, untouched by
grief or sorrow or doubt. We dwell on this accursed Earth, accursed before the eyes of the
lines of our Ancestors. Who will bemoan us now?

Read more: Suryanarayanan R's answer to Why historians call Samudragupta India's
Napolean not Napolean as Europe’s Samudragupta?

Abhilash Mohanty

The same way most Missile Cavalry carried their bows. In bow cases at their waists.

Here’s a depiction of an assault upon some Persian Fortress in modern-day Afghanistan by

the Mughals in the late 16th Century. The Troops near the General are all bearing
Composite Bows in their bow Cases.

Also- note the zig-zag Trenches radiating out from the Parallel Master Trenches, predating
Vauban by decades.

Abhilash Mohanty

Hindus are Pagans. Case closed.

The word “Pagan” refers to the rustic villagers who held out in the villages and hamlets of
the Roman Empire, refusing to convert, as Christians gained control of the Bureaucracy and
Army. Th word is meant to be an insult, the equivalent of a Amriki Liberal calling someone a

This has been extended to all of us who don;t worship the Abrahmic god; consider it the
Christian version of the Islamic “Kaffir”.

BTW- OP is probably mistake about NE India. Most people in NE India are Christian; soon all
of them will be- and they’ll all be denying that they ever were Hindu in the first place- like
many Kukis and Keralites do now. Or maybe they’ll convert to Islam in Assam? How will a
Islamic Brahmaputra Valley surrounded by Christian Hills act?

Meh- all this is pointless debate that doesn’t concern Hindus since we won’t be around

Abhilash Mohanty

Incorrect. Both Emperor Akbar and Jehangir allowed- or rather, turned a blind eye- to the
gharwapsi of Hindus.

The reason was simple- the Mughal Empire, as it was, depended almost entirely on Hindus
for its Economy, its Administration, its Agriculture, its Trade, and increasingly- its Military.
<<REDACTED ON ACCOUNT OF QUORA BNBR RULES>> were mostly in the government
service, religion, or some military sinecure or the other, while the rare few embraced some
craft- but trade, agriculture, professional warfare, finance, and workmanship- all the
economic considerations were invariably under the control of Hindus.

First they are the leading merchant and jewellers… Next they are workmen for practically all
the work is done by the Hindus, the Moslems practicing scarcely any crafts but dyeing and
weaving… Thirdly they are clerks and brokers: all the business of the lords’ palaces and of
the Moslem merchant is done by the Hindus- book-keeping, buying, and selling. They are
particularly clever brokers, and consequently generally employees as such throughout all
these countries…”

-Pelsaert, regarding the Hindus of Mughal India

All the great merchants were all Hindus or Jains- the periodic destruction of the trade cities
by <<REDACTED>> would just have distant relations of the ruined merchant clans swoop in
to rebuild after a generation or two. The great zamindars outside the control of the City
Walls were invariably Hindus - all too often the <<REDACTED>> armies would drive out a
Zamindar from his zamindari- and the very next month, he would return with fire and sword
from the forests and his villagers- who’d have served his line for centuries, if not millenia-
would open the gates and Delhi would lose another lackey. The Hindu endured under
adversity- and once he got the barest semblance of a fair field, won.

For the Arya, adversity was where he shone the brightest.

Here’s Aurangzeb writing a letter, praising the actions of his Turani mercenaries under the
general Afzal Khan against a certain someone named Shivaji Bhonsle…

“….The Turani people have ever been soldiers. They are very expert in making charges,
raids, night-attacks and arrests. They feel no suspicion, despair or shame when commanded to
make a retreat… a hundred stages remote from the crass stupidity of the Hindustanis, who
would part with their heads but not leave their positions…”

-Regarding the Pratapgarh Campaign of Afzal Khan

Long story short- Afzal Khan lost his head, the Turanis fled at the first sign of trouble, and
Aurangzeb lost his Army, his non-existent honour and ultimately his misbegotten Empire.

Here- undoubtedly some educated intellectual will pop in to say: But, A, this shows how
clever the <<REDACTED>> were to do retreats and such while you Hindus are so silly with
your Dharma and Saman.

To which, I say- who exactly was famous for guerrilla warfare, eh? Us or them? Who exactly
was famous for all sorts of outnumbered last stands? Us or them? Who exactly was
famous for running stable governments and not backstabbing our own fathers and
brothers and sons at the first chance? Us or them?

Hell- who remained standing in the end? Us or them?

At the end of Pratapgarh, the heads of Afzal Khan and his Turani mercenaries were getting
a first-hand tour of Asipatravana while the Bhajwadwaja still flew over Bharatavarsha. A
united Hindu Polity over Bharatavarsha, led by a true Arya Emperor , is the greatest force of
Earth, capable of facing the hosts of the Devas and Asuras alike on equal terms- and deep
down, the saner Mughal Emperors realized this.

Philosophically, the Vedas are superior to all the texts of the Mlecchas and the genocidal
rants of their non-existent god. Economically and Intellectually (not talking about the
eminent educated lot, of course), Hindus were and are second to none. Martially, a united
Hindu force can shock any who come against us. Was it not Sshivaji Maharaj who said:-

We possess strength in our arms. Let us draw the sword in defence of our sacred religion,
liberate our country and acquire new lands and wealth by our own effort. Are we not as brave
and capable as our ancestors of yore? Let us undertake this holy mission and God will surely
help us. All human efforts are so helped. There is no such thing as good luck and ill luck. We
are the captains of our fortunes and the makers of our freedom."

-Shivaji Bhonsle, High King of the Marathas and Emperor of Hindus, at age 15 on the eve of
the Assault upon fort Torna.

Was it a surprise that Gharwapsi of not only forcibly-converted Hindus but also that of
<<REDACTED>> whose family lines had been lost to Dharma for long centuries since the
advent of Kali Yuga was known throughout the Mughal period?

Under a famed case under Jehangir, twenty three <<REDACTED>> girls of Agra fell in love
with Hindus and married them in public; the matter was escalated to the Imperial Court
itself when the local Ulema protested and the matter settled with a Hindu victory. The trade
might and martial strength of Hindus prevented any violence.

Under Shah Jehan, (several) Muslim girls in Kashmir married Hindu boys and became Hindu.
Muslim women married to Hindu men and, sometimes Muslim men married to Hindu men,
reconverted back to Hinduism…”

-M. L. Roychoudhury, The State and Religion in Mughal India

Roychoudhury BTW is wrong here; Kashmir was probably the only place in Bharatavarsha
outside Afghanistan where the religion of <<REDACTED>> wasn’t in the decline.

Every single non-military attempt to end Gharwapsi is known to have failed- be it by as
circumspect a person as Emperor Jehangir or as much of a wastrel as Shah Jehan.
Emperor Akbar, by all accounts, just ignored these as long as the peace was kept within the

“…When Shah Jahan returned from Kashmir, in the sixth year of his reign, he discovered
that Hindus of (modern-day northern UP)… marrying Muslim girls and converting them to
the Hindu faith. At death these women were cremated according to the Hindu rites. Jahangir
had tried to stop this practice but with no success, and Shah Jahan also unsuccessfully issued
orders declaring such marriages unlawful. Four thousand such conversions are said to have
been discovered. Many cases were also found in Gujarat and in parts of the Punjab. Partly to
deal with such cases, and partly to conform to his early notions of an orthodox Muslim king,
Shah Jahan established a special department to deal with conversions. After the tenth year of
his reign, he seems to have ceased trying to prevent the proselytizing activities of the Hindus.

There are several later cases of the conversion of Muslims, not recorded by the court
historians. A number of Muslims—including at least two Muslim nobles, Mirza Salih and
Mirza Haider—were converted to Hinduism by the vairagis, the wandering ascetics of the
Chaitanya movement, which had become a powerful religious force in Bengal.

There were also cases of conversions from Islam to Sikhism. When Guru Hargovind took up
his residence at Kiratpur in the Punjab some time before 1645, he is said to have succeeded in
converting a large number of Muslims. It was reported that not a Muslim was left between the
hills near Kiratpur and the frontiers of Tibet and Khotan. His predecessor, Guru Arjan, had
proselytized so actively that he incurred Jahangir's anger, and, as Jahangir mentions in his
autobiography, the Hindu shrines of Kangra and Mathura attracted a number of Muslim

-R S Sharma, Religious Policies of the Mughal Emperors

In Sindh, gharwapsi was common due to proliferation of Hindu saints and the local Amirs
turning a blind eye to successive policies by Mughal Ulemas on account of their disdain for
the brutal conquest of the place by Emperor Akbar. Malwa and Rajasthan were semi-
independent under local Hindu overlords. In later years- as the tyranny of Shah Jehan and
Aurangzeb grew, provinces as far apart as Punjab and Orissa seethed with rebellion even at
the best of times; being a <<REDACTED>> outside the city walls in Mughal India was not
only inadvisable but also actively risky- something that’d almost every Firang observer
notes at the time.

I’ve described the economic policies of the Mughals at length elsewhere- or will do so- but
in general, it made philosophical, economical, and social sense- and across multiple
Mughal provinces, once Emperors Akbar and Jehangir and their sane governance was
gone- plain self preservation to embrace the true god and the eternal Vedas.

Dharma could spread by Fire and Sword- as fiercely as any Mleccha superstition- but it
could spread by Word and Reason and Love and Logic as well; Dharma spread on account
of it being Dharma- and as long as Hindus had the courage to stand up for it, its triumph
was certain.

We Hindus now labour under tyranny far more oppressive than even the height of Shah
Jehan’s clumsy degeneracy, a tyranny which can only be matched by the slow destruction
of our Faith by the Angrej and the vicious cruelty of Aurangzeb. Our own kin- our own
mothers and sisters and wives and lovers- loathe our Faith, our own Siblings prefer to
cavort with Lemurs and all sorts of unnatural creatures than sit alongside us as Bharatas.
We are dispossessed of our Shastras, our Arms, our Beliefs- tyranny even the merciless
Aurangzeb was too respectful of the proper Laws to enforce. Night draws, the Day of the
Hindu wanes. We crawl like maggots in the mud, too feeble and unthinking to comprehend
the ruins we writhe under. What the massacres of Aurangzeb and the taxes of Shah Jehan
could not accomplish, our Scholars and Intellectuals and Liberals and Military and Rights
and Democracy have achieved- the utter annihilation of Dharma across the Continent.

Alas, what has come of us?

Abhilash Mohanty

The Guptas were not part of “ Ancient India”. They were Classical-era Bharatas, closer to us
than they were to the reign of Shri Rama- though I’m afraid it’s trendy these days to deny
the very existence of the Suryavamsha, who cares that the last direct descendant of
Emperor Raghu died long after the birth of the Shakyamuni?


Define “Capitalism”. You can’t; the term is vague enough as it is, and for every political
opinion around, you’ll find a different definition. As it is, “Capitalism” as we- usually, if not
always- know it, refers specifically to the form of Mercantile Capitalism that sprung up in
the Firangistans in the 16th to 17th Centuries CE (of course the “Capitalism” then had little
in common with the “Capitalism” of the succeeding centuries). As such, using the term
outside the ambit of a restricted time-space continuum is an absurdity.

One can broadly describe the Bharatas of the Gupta Mahamandalam as believers in
“restricted Free Trade” with a strong base of Market Capitalism- free-trade among local
communities and towns- and Corporatism- based on both the Clan-level as well as pan-
Indian degrees- but “Capitalists” they weren’t, by a long shot.

In general, opportunities for “Free Trade” were primarily restricted to the Middling and
Lower Castes; Brahmins could and did trade but- from my studies it seems they were
restricted from forming Guilds or any form of Corporate bodies as well as from trading in
several items such as Meat, many Spices, raw Iron, Utensils etc- thus reducing the reach
and influence of a potential mercantile Brahmin family. There doesn’t seem to have been
similar restrictions on the employment of Brahmins within Guilds though and they did rise
to high positions within, though I personally skeptical whether the positions of “First
Merchant” and “Executive Officers” were ever given to outsiders to the Clan in question.

Guilds enjoyed fairly significant power- in social, political, and economic spheres- with
Seals of Guilds and Corporate Officers sometimes found alongside that of City Governors
and Imperial Officers, assuming they were, often, the one and the same. First Merchants
are known to sit in Imperial Councils, and have rights to maintain men in Arms- and
enjoyed freedom from the king’s and even Imperial law on certain points which would
sometimes backfire upon them, as demonstrated in the tale of the merchants Wise and the
Wisest in the tale of Kuta Vanija, where their disdain for Imperial law and the
Dharmashastras nearly led them to grief. Imperial Officers are advised, in certain cases as
diverse in time as Kautilya and Mitamisra, to divert Guild activities in newly-reclaimed
forests and marshes and recently-subdued territories in order to both reduce their power as
well as that of contending political rivals or forest tribes who’d otherwise have vexed the
Empire itself.

But “Capitalists” they were not.

Dharma does not allow for “Capitalism”. Dharma is Dharma; it guarantees for Freedom, but
it assures Order above all. The base pursuit of Consumerism and unbound “growth” is as
antithetical to Dharma as the any ploy of the Mlecchas and the Asuras.

Abhilash Mohanty

Such questions cannot be answered, to be honest.

In general, life expectancy would’ve been low by modern standards- but this would primarily
have been account of the high infant mortality and childhood diseases; probably half of all
children born grew up to see their coming of Age.

Those that did reach their puberty, appear to have lived for what we’d describe as moderate
lifespans- in my estimate, from the mid 50s to 70s, in general- with many frequently living
up to 90s. It is likely that a few even crossed a hundred.

In nearly a millennia of the existence of the Ganga family line- from the mid 5th Century to
the late 15th Century, the average length of reign for each king was around 25–30 years.
Assuming the Kings were coming to the Throne at middle age- with a rough long-short
sequence which would be too complicated to describe here, there’s more than enough
evidence to fix the average life expectancy of Orissa’s kings at around the 60s. Many,
though, seem to have enjoyed fairly long reigns- such as the great 6th and 7th Century
rulers- feudatories under the Empire, Indravarman II and Indravarman III- grandfather and
grandson- who ruled for a combined length of 96 years, after the later’s father Danavarman
appears to have died prematurely. Neither does it appear that Indravarman II came to the
throne as a boy king; both his father and grandfather ruled over around 20–30 years as

The “normal” man would’ve possibly lived longer- given just how many of our kings- such as
the (medieval) Gajapati Kaluadeva Routray- died on the battlefield all the time.

Abhilash Mohanty

Theories are there in plenty but of course, evidence for any of these has and never will be
found. Lelwut.

The truth is that the Maurya, who successfully ruled over the entire Continent for over 50
years after Emperor Ashoka and, with a total dynastic extent of more than 150 years, were
incredibly successful in their time - notwithstanding the Brothelwood-esque talk of “corrupt
Bureaucracy”, “weak rulers”, and “revolts”, and what not. Combine this with the typical
apathy towards scholarship by our Eminent Historians and it's not surprise that the Maurya
are nothing more than a rubber stamp to seal off the usual criticisms of post-Iron Age
Hindus by our scholars and intellectuals.

BTW guess how we do know of the Maurya Empire?


Inscriptions and Stellae are all fine but they aren't exactly how one pieces together an
Empire - no matter what Thapar might say. Only two Maurya Emperors even left such
physical evidence that we have discovered ; maybe there were more- but later
<<REDACTED>> and <<REDACTED>> would pull all sorts of highjinks - such as the chap Sir
Alexander Cunningham mentioned who was using a Maurya pillar, now (obviously) lost, as
a road roller.

Anyway- Hindu texts, Hindu Fortresses, Hindu Shastras- such as the Puranas- are the
primary and, usually, only sources on the Maurya lineage. It is “Hindu” sources that do list
exactly what happened to the Maurya as well- their final descendants on the Konkan Coast
were wiped out sometime in the 12th Century during naval campaigns against

In my opinion, the Maurya declined primarily on account of the usual metaphysical reasons
that have, in recent years, been defined by Spengler and Glubb. The military- given the ones
Maurya successor states inherited- was clearly top-notch. Clearly population must've been
increasing; Short civil wars aren't as devastating as other forms of conflict. The economy
was clearly not in a crisis given Samprati’s reign.

So possibly Metaphysical reasons…

An account that makes most sense if one looks at the Maurya Throne as a continuation of
the Nanda Empire, rather than the romantic but extremely absurd story of Emperor Chandra
I starting from Trigartadesha.

All the successor states of the Maurya- the Shunga, Saka, Mahameghavana, Satavahana-
were clearly either ex-Maurya Bureaucracy or claimed descent from the Maurya so it might
appear to be consequence of weakening Central Authority, possibly in the aftermath of the
theorized Maurya Civil War- where the devastation of Madhyadesha while sparing the rest
of thewould've crippled the Imperial Bureaucracy forcing them to delegate more and more
power to the Provincial Governors who took advantage of the chaos of the Shunga

We can't be sure though, there's not much evidence for why the Maurya fell- but plenty for
what happened after…

Madhyadesha went to Hell shortly after as the Shunga appear to have collapsed almost
immediately with the other three fighting over the spoils for the better part of 200 years.

But that's a story for another day.

Abhilash Mohanty

I won't.

My fleet will have nothing but SLBM-armed Nuclear Submarines, Attack Submarines, and
Submarines with Military Drones. Actually I'll just load every Submarine with at least 1-2

Aircraft Carriers are primarily meant to bully tinpot dictators, and to impress the Media and
Intellectuals. If I can afford to have a personal Aircraft Carrier, I can damn well liquidate the
Media and Intellectuals, and I know the Republic- as it is (a joke)- can't afford to bully tinpot
dictators like the Amriki or the Angrej can.

So I'll just focus purely on naval military might in which case the trifecta of Submarines,
Missiles, and Drones is perfect.

Abhilash Mohanty

“North” would've meant something very different for the Classical and Early Medieval
Bharatas than it means to us.

Broadly, the center of civilization was Madhyadesha - broadly the upper and mature Ganga
Valley, incorporating most of modern UP and MP over which the great powers of the time-
typically Ujjaini (MP) and Pataliputra (Bihar)- fought while secondary powers like Orissa,
Andhra, Punjab, Karnataka, and Maharashtra looked for opportunities. States like Assam,
Tamil Nadu, Sindh, and Afghanistan were regional powers who rarely interfered politically in
this key territory. You'll note that the “North” wasn't as politically relevant to the nations of
Bharatavarsha at the time, as it were.

Over the Late Classical period, we see three primary political movements- the emergence
of a Bengal polity centred around the Ganga Valley (the Hooghly is a remnant river after the
bulk of the flow shifted eastward to what is now the Padma channel in modern Bangladesh),
the continued decline of the Pataliputra-centric loci of power, and the Supremacy of what
we may call post-Gupta powers who likely served under the Gupta Emperors prior to their
final collapse in the early 8th Century.

As such, the Late Classical period was dominated by the Ujjaini, once the western capital of
the Gupta Empire- primarily the Pratihara Gurjara families (who nearly equalled the Empire
over the Northern Plains, at least) and later, the families gravitating or growing under the
sphere of their Mandala - the Solanki, the Chahamana, and Gahadavala- or Gujarat/ MP/
Mewar, Marwar/Punjab, and modern UP.

Out of these, the Solanki- having inherited the Ujjaini heartland- were the most illustrious
with their great Port cities, magnificent Universities, and rich Trade. However it is the sole
“Northern” kingdom- by Classical standards- Chahamana (or as the modern corruption
goes- Chauhan) who have been the most storied since- on account of their long doomed

Abhilash Mohanty

I've said this often earlier and I'll say it again.

You cannot calculate Economic parameters from modern economic theories in context of
pre-Late Modern Societies.

Stop reading or taking Madison seriously.

As for general economic development under the Mughals and the Angrej, this is a very
subjective question depending on the time periods being discussed. Judging by raw
economic data is neither logical nor possible, so in my opinion, the best method would be
instead to measure the quality of governance, potential for public development, growth in
Middle class, general freedom etc.

The Early Mughal Empire (under Akbar and Jehangir) was arguably a better period for
Indians in general than any point under Angrej Raj. There was a fairly robust, though
threadbare, Administration but Security, Trade, and Bureaucracy were improving every day.
Economic output and Socio-economic parameters might've been lacking by modern
standards but they were on the rise and, after the development of a proper Middle Class- a
process that'd already begun- would've developed fully by the 1700s.

Instead we got… well, you know what.

I'd be hard pressed to choose between Shah Jehan and the 19th Century but it's
unquestionable that the Angrej Raj was superior to Aurangzeb’s Reign of Peace, Secularism
and Tolerance.

Abhilash Mohanty

As I always write every time there's a question like this- we don't exactly know. Someone
burnt down most universities and libraries, sacked most towns and cities, and killed off a
massive chunk of the intelligentsia around the early medieval period. Probably the

Anyway as it is, we have lost most records.

The only two lines about the Romaka I do recall from Classical Indian records are as

“…Romaka are Mlecchas but are skilled at Astronomy…”

-Treatise on Astronomy by Bhaskaracharya

And they were fairly up to date on Romaka affairs as well. During the last years of Emperor
Chandra II’s reign, there's a reference probably to the sacking of Syria and Anatolia by the

“…He dragged the Mleccha Chiefs behind his chariots like they had dragged the Chiefs of
Mandavya, Tukhara, Tala, Hala, Asvaka, Kuluta, Strirajya, Romaka, and Khasthah…”

-One of the two poems remaining to us by Aparajita

Nothing else remains, everything else ever written or theorized is conjecture. The Sanskrit
would be more informative in several ways but Quora's trolls and mods- not that there's any
difference- collapse my posts if I use Sanskrit quotes. I wonder how Japanese, Korean,
Chinese etc quotes remain standing- but I doubt they're blessed with the Feminists we are…

P ersonally I doubt we will ever discover anything else either, considering how complete the
Martians invasions were and the likelihood of a fresh paroxysm of violence removing us
Bharatas from the equation altogether around 85-90.

Abhilash Mohanty

No, they didn't.

The vast majority stayed home and learnt to do productive work like run the house and
bring up the kids to ensure Dharma remained fighting for another generation. Some of the
landed classes would teach the girls finance, rhetoric, and siege warfare so that they'd be
ready for the worst if their husbands fell

But no one was stupid enough to go around teaching women “higher level of scholarship”-
and thank the gods for that or instead of poetry by the likes of Aparajita of Ujjaini or
princess Gangambikadevi, we'd have been reading medieval style post-modernist nonsense
about how getting raped by Turakas over the corpses of their fathers, brothers, and
husbands- like that Arab savage did to that Jewish kid- was the epitome of women's rights
in Hindu history, and why Hindu men were the scum of the Earth and deserved to be wiped

Apologies- no such document would've ever been read.

Because in that case, not even the few scraps of Dharmic Bharata that still miraculously
survived would have remained at all. As Kavi Bhushan once remarked: “Kashi would've been
barren and Mathura would've been a Mosque.”

If that pisses you off, feel free to quit Dharma and wear a hijab. The more pus we drain out
of our wounds, the better.

Abhilash Mohanty

I am aware of only two texts that have survived till date from Imperial Parsuka- and one of
them is an early medieval translation of a Sanskrit document by a Bharata Brahmin on
Parsika practices from the now-destroyed University of Vallabhi by someone who was
probably a Parsika priest trying to restore some of his faith’s early legacy. The other is an
annal of legal records- not laws- records. Sometime in the 8th Century, someone destroyed
all the Parsu Universities, sacked all Parsu cities, and appears to have wiped out the

A mystery who did it; I presume it was invading Martians.

Interestingly, however- no one ever accuses the Parsu of “ lacking a sense of history” the
way they often brand Bharatas as “ignorant” for not having “adequate” records from
Classical times (you see- the Martians also destroyed our Universities, sacked our cities, and
tried to wipe out our intelligentsia)- so they seem to have got that going for them which is

With China accounts, the situation is better since the China were never invaded by Martians
who burnt down their Universities, destroyed their Temples, killed off their Mandarins, and
all round tried to wipe out the memory of their Civilization- but on account of time, the
general unrest of the Spenglerian Cycle of Civilizations, and shoddy record-keeping by
successive generations of transcribers, their records are also far from satisfactory

Even so- we have to make do, entirely with China accounts.

But there’s a problem with most China accounts as well; the major commentators weren’t
specifically interested in Parsu polity per se but in obtaining Sutras from schools of the
Shakyamuni’s philosophy. Fa Hein mentioned not one word about the Gupta Emperors,
even as he used the hostels they were funding for Chinese pilgrims. A similar case exists
with the China travelers and pilgrims travelling the lands of Parsuka. Even the Parsu
scholars of Dharma who did visit & settle in China to propagate the teaching of the
Shakyamuni such as An Shigao had no interest in recording lay matters and restricted
themselves primarily to the translation and interpretation of texts from the Monasteries
and Universities in Bharata.

But what do the Chinese travellers themselves had to say?

The main centre of Anxi (Parthia) is the town of Hedu . It is 25,000 li (10,395 km) from
Luoyang. On the north, it is bordered by Kangju , and on the south joins Wuyishanli . It is
several thousand li across. There are several hundred small towns. The households, people,
and men able to bear arms are extremely numerous. On its eastern frontier is the town of
Mulu, which is also called Little Anxi, and is 20,000 li (8,316 km) from Luoyang.

In the first zhanghe year [87 CE], during the reign of Emperor Zhang, this kingdom sent an
envoy to offer lions and fuba. The fuba looks like a female unicorn but it doesn’t have a horn.

In the ninth yongyuan year [97 CE], during the reign of Emperor He, the Protector General
Ban Chao sent Gan Ying to Da Qin (the Roman Empire). He reached Tiaozhi next to a large
sea. He wanted to cross it, but the sailors of the western frontier of Anxi (Parthia) said to him:

“The ocean is huge. Those making the round trip can do it in three months if the winds are
favourable. However, if you encounter winds that delay you, it can take two years. That is why
all the men who go by sea take stores for three years. The vast ocean urges men to think of
their country, and get homesick, and some of them die.”

When (Gan) Ying heard this, he gave up his plan.

In the thirteenth year [101 CE], the king of Anxi (Parthia) named Manqu again offered lions,
and some of the large birds of Tiaozhi, which people call ‘Anxi birds’.

From Anxi (Parthia), if you travel 3,400 li (1,414 km) west, you reach the Kingdom of Aman.
Leaving Aman and travelling 3,600 li (1,497 km), you reach the Kingdom of Sibin. Leaving
Sibin and travelling south you cross a river, then going southwest, you reach the Kingdom of
Yuluo, after 960 li (399 km). This is the extreme western frontier of Anxi (Parthia). Leaving
there, and heading south, you embark on the sea and then reach Da Qin (Romey). In these
territories, there are many precious and marvellous things from Haixi (‘West of the Sea’ =

-Zhang Qian’s account in the Hou Hanshu, On the Western Regions

A study of the Weilue reveals much of the same information, which is unexpected
considering that the texts are almost verbatim copy save the account of the Romaka Trade
Envoy to China through Champa- which is clearly either an exaggeration by the Envoys in
question on account of the fantastical details noted- even remarked upon such by the
compiler, Fan Ye.

Another contemporary account is more hard-headed but again, clearly heavily inspired by
second-hand accounts of hearsay from travellers, since here they’re confusing Parsuka
coins by the Sassana for either Bahlika coins from over a century earlier or Romaka coins
from further west.

The capital of the kingdom of Gan-seih is the city of Fan-tow, distant from Ch'ang-an 11,600
li. It is not under the control of the Governor General. The country joins K'ang-keu
[Soghdiana] on the north, Woo-yih-shan-li [Khorasan] on the east, and Teaou-che [Persia]
on the west. The soil, climate, productions, and customs of the people are the same as those of
Woo-yih and Ke-pin. They also have a silver coinage, with the king's head on the obverse, and
a woman's head on the reverse. When the king dies, they immediately cast new coins. The
country produces ostriches. They have several hundred cities great and small. It is a kingdom
of the largest size, being several thousand li square. As the country extends to the Wei (Oxus)
river their traders traverse the adjoining kingdoms both by land and water. They write on
skins in horizontal lines, in which manner they keep their records.

When the Emperor Wu-ti first sent an envoy to Gan-seih, the King commanded a general to
take 20,000 cavalry to meet him at the eastern border. The eastern border is several thousand
li distant from the metropolis. Proceeding northward, they passed several tens of cities on the
way, all the people of which were allied to each other. On this occasion the King sent an
envoy to follow the Han envoy home to China. He took with him ostrich eggs and Li-keen
jugglers, which he presented as offerings, and with which the Emperor was greatly delighted.
To the east of Gan-seih is the country of the Ta Yue-she

-Of unknown Han provenance

And that is it. No known China account of proven veracity directly mentions the Parsu
again. I will however, quote sections that do mention Parsuka in passing.

“….Chung T'ien-chu (Bharata), they carry on much trade by sea to Ta-ts'in (Romaka) and Ar-
hsi (Parsu), especially in articles of Ta-ts'in, such as all kinds of precious things, coral,
amber, chin-pi, chu-chi , lang-kan, Yu-chin and storax. Storax is made by mixing and boiling
the juice of various fragrant trees; it is not a natural product. It is further said that the
inhabitants of Ta-ts'in gather the storax plant, squeeze its juice out, and thus make hsiang-
kao; they then sell its dregs to the traders of other countries; it thus goes through many hands
before reaching Zhongguo, and, when arriving here, is not so very fragrant. Yu-chin only
comes from the country of Chi-pin…”

-Liang-shu, describing events from the early 6th Century in the 8th Century

I am not sure what place this Chi-pin is- but it’s probably Gujarat or Sindhu, given they grow
turmeric there and trade extensively with the West.

And the last mention of Imperial Parsuka- before its destruction comes as follows:-

“The country of Fu-lin (Eastern Romaka), also called Ta-ts'in (early China name for
Romaka), lies above the western sea [Indian Ocean]. In the southeast it borders on Po-si

-Chiu-t'ang-shu, recouting travels from the late 7th Century in the early 11th Century

So- there is the gist:-The only relationship the Chinas and the Parsus had was one of
indifference and apathy- save for the occasional exchange of diplomatic gifts and
curiosities via travellers, except for when the Parsu prince Firoz III fled to the Chinas and
asked them for aid in freeing his Parsuka from the invading Martians. He and his
descendants, with the aid of the China Emperor, made several unsuccessful attempts to
liberate his suffering Parsika brethren and restore the Imperial Standard of Mother Anahita
for the restoration of the Parsuka Empire, but that is another story…

There was extensive trade contact- but primarily through intermediaries such as the various
city-states and kingdoms that dotted Central Asia, and we know that there were
communities of merchants from either land in the major trade Cities of the time on the
borders, but in general, there was little contact and little communication. Of course, it’s
more than likely that more documents and records existed- but given the vast gulfs of time
and Martian invasions, they’ve all been lost.

Abhilash Mohanty

Once upon a time, the Shakyamuni, while in Sabha, was accosted by a certain malcontent-
probably a time-travelling Post-Modernist Educated Sapiosexual Quoran- who proceeded to
fire at the Buddha the products of his putrid “logic” such as whether the World was eternal
or not, or whether it was finite or not, and so on forth, concluding that if dissatisfied with
the answers given- he would leave the Sangha. The Shakyamuni responded that anyone
who demanded the elucidation of such meaningless questions without meditating on his
own development was merely wasting everyone’s time- and that, as no one had asked said
malcontent to join the Sangha, no one would miss him if he left.

While I disagree with several of the Philosophical tenets of the schools that base their
teachings on the Shakyamuni’s words- there is no doubt that the Buddha had the proper
response to queries such as this one.

Were one to ask the typical Post-Modernist Educated Sapiosexual Quoran his perception of
the nature of Order and Society, for instance, or the story of his noble ancestors or
regarding the lineage of the kings of his nation’s people (contrasted with those of the
Emperors of Bharatavarsha and the Bharatas- of which Civilization which his nation forms
merely a part) or even the name of his great-great-grandfather, I wonder whether a
satisfactory answer will be forthcoming. Neither will he see the need to ever debate upon
the behaviour of Red Giants or the working of Plate Tectonics or the Cavalry tactics of
Polish Hussars.

Nonetheless he will have no compunctions about demanding answers to epistemological

matters for which our noble ancestors judged the devotion of millenia of scholarship by
generations of learned brahmins inadequate to answer. Upon which he will likely receive no
answer- since the vast majority of Indian Quorans being as incorrigible and deracinated as
him, seek nothing but the validation of their own ignorance forged in the so-called great
universities and colleges of this dying land.

The subtleties of Rudra would, thus, be beyond his grasp even if explained to by someone
from the non-brahmin classes like myself- who, on account of my learning, understand that
these matters are not to be discussed by those of my Caste- or a true Brahmin, as yet
uncorrupted by the base nature of this Age- whose number, unfortunately, can be counted
on the fingers of one hand on Quora and are typically disinterested to entertain such
meaningless questions.

Even if I describe the nature of the polycentricity of Faiths- where it are the underlying
nature of Reality that are discussed in the form of the immortal gods, or the essential unity
of Truth which, in the form of Rudra, takes the form of Nature and Man’s place in it, Laws of
Men and Gods, Storms and the coming of Storms- it would be completely meaningless. As
meaningless as Quorans coming up to ask who among Indra, Maruts or Rudra is the Lord
of Storms or why the Vedas describe everyone of the Devas as the greatest of the gods or
why the identities of Indra and Vishnu merge and coalesce into each other throughout the

As was once said- such queries are meaningless, not because they cannot be answered-
which I just did, if the readers have the skill to discern the meaning- but because their
resolution will be beyond the understanding of the questioners who, were he perceptive
enough, would’ve never needed to ask it in the first place.

Abhilash Mohanty

“Maula” - which would roughly translate to “from the roots”-for Classical Bharata.

It referred to the land-holders, bureaucrats, and other such personnel who served as
professional troops for Classical Armies, as opposed to “Sreni”- troops raised by the trade
guilds and commercial interests- or “Suhrd”- militia and other city troops (as opposed to
State ones)- or “Atavi”- forest tribal troops from within the borders.

These were the most highly-prized of fighting Personnel, on account of their training, length
of service, often hereditary skill, and specialized equipment (the minimum paper cost of
which Rohit Patnaik once calculated as costing the equivalent of INR 45 lakhs today). In
general, they fought as either Missile Cavalry or Mounted Infantry, with many also serving in
the Elephant corps- which were typically state troops, helping lead Militia and City troops
for the State in battle, or in the personal guards of important officials and Royals.

Somesvara accounts the loss of one Maula to be the equivalent of losing three trained guild
soldiers or ten militia.

Lots of the educated sophisticated sapiosexuals would likely write random inanity like
“Kshatriyas” or “crool Cashte systemo” or “Hindu Fascism” for such a query, but it is on
account of their hatred for learning and association with similarly ignorant SJWs,
Ambedkarites, Communists, and other assorted dangers to Society and Hindu existence.
We cannot be party to this since the eternal Vedas are clear that Purusha will bestow
immortality upon us if we are learned.

Kshatriyas refers to a group of Varnas who may or may not have had exclusive military
duties sometime in the Iron Age; it’s been more than three thousand years since. The same
Ambedkarites and Liberals who tell us to “get over” our families being wiped out or our
farms destroyed less than a century ago should follow their own advice regarding events
that happened before Rome was founded.

“Maula” refers to only the members of the Professional State Military, of whatever Caste.
They might've been Kshatriya but not exclusively so. Merchants, Large Land-holders, rich
Farmers - all could serve. They were often landed, but not necessarily given State
Bureaucratic service could also qualify one as rich and notable enough to serve as such.

It is a matter of record, from a Pratihara inscription I recall reading years ago, that even
Mutilators - who'd be classed among the “lower castes”- qualified as Maula and had social
privileges on account of their Office, even managing district militia. The remnants of an old
Kadamba temple demonstrate that even foreigners- such as a Sassanid mercenary- could
settle and establish himself as a Maula.

The system seems to have lasted into the late Classical period, though places like Orissa
which avoided destruction in the initial years of the Peaceful conquests- retained a
bastardized form in many ways until recently years - such as some of the Karana castes.
Unfortunately the decline which set in appears to have even wiped out the memory of
Classical military organization.

Abhilash Mohanty
You could’ve become a Mughal Officer during AURANGZEB as well. It was easy enough.

There were 1866 total posts in 1596- not much of a bureaucracy, is it? Lelwa- which rose to
3057 in 1620, and then to 8099 in 1647 CE, finally culminating in 14,449 by 1690 CE. At this
time- after the high watermark of the Mughals under Akbar & Jehangir- everyone was
rebelling, from Jats to Marathas to Rajputs to Sikhs. There were 112 Amirs with a rank of
more than 3000 under Jehangir, something around 90-odd under Shah Jehan- and it kept
falling under AURANGZEB- who for some reason my phone keeps auto-correcting to
Orange unless I type in all Caps so I’ll just stick with calling him so for this answer.

So- what exactly was happening?

Thing is- the Mughal Army under Orange was almost non-existent. If Orange himself wasn’t
there to oversee things or didn’t have personal pets overseeing the situation, things got
really bad. And with Shivaji Maharaj killing off every big-shot coming up against him, the
pool of potential pets Orange had was restricted. And Orange seemed to choose his pets
on basis of how much they hated Hindus or how many wives they had- which often lead to
hilarious situations such as:-

“Lutfullah Khan Sadiq, although he held the rank of 7,000 never entertained even seven asses,
much less horses or riders on horses.”

-William Irvine

In fact, if Orange’s creatures excelled at something, it was shitting at running an Economy-

not that the Mughals had much of one in the first place.

“The (Chief Qazi of the Empire) Chancellor, Abdul Wahab sold the subordinate Qazi-ships of
the Cities for money and took bribes n every case he tried. At the same time, he made profit by
engaging in secret trade in rich stuff and jewellery.”

-Jadunath Sarkar

When the Collector of Sirhind was at Court, he amassed a fortune of over 1.2 million
rupees- apart from valuables and land- in just two years of attendance upon Orange.
Official appointments were being openly sold- some by Orange himself upon which Eraly

“The Standard Premium was six and half times the annual Salary of the Post, one-fourth of
which had to be paid on receipt of the deeds of Office and the balance in Installments.”

-Abraham Eraly.

In other words, Orange himself was ensuring and knew that his appointments will have no
way to survive without being corrupt and exploiting their positions themselves- but he just
didn’t care as long as he was getting the money to run his little military expeditions upon
far-off lands… such as Varanasi in the heart of the Mughal Empire where he had every
temple razed, every building torn down, Hindu men slaughtered, and Hindu women carried
off as slaves.

It wasn’t surprising that when his son, Akbar, rebelled, one of his main charges was against
Orange’s policies.

The Officials trade, buying and selling Offices at Court. (At the Imperial Court), when done
eating, they break salt-cellar and pay (the servants) with ingratitude.”

-Akbar, in his public declaration against the Emperor

As it is, it is rather ironic that the Officers were trading- since the Traders themselves
couldn’t. When Thevenot was travelling. he recorded passing sixteen posts in a route
twenty-three leagues long- that’s one every seven kilometres. And then there was the
Rahdari- “Road Tax”- and the Pandari- “Trade Tax”. And we’ve already seen just how many
bribes were required, even at the Imperial Court itself.

But of course- what did the Empire do in return of these taxes?

Well, Orange did order his troops to destroy Jagannath Temple in return from the money he
extorted from Oriyas… but in general…

“There are many private men in cities and towns, who are merchants and tradesmen… it is
not safe for them so, so to appear lest they should be used as fill’d sponges (by Mughal


Of course, it gets even better…

(Extortion) awes (Hindus) to great secrecy in their commerce… for would the Mughal’s
Officers see the chest and bags of gold and silver carried publicly here, as they are in the
streets of London, they would be apt to change their owner and be delivered to him who calls
himself the Original Proprietor”


Thing is- the Mughal Empire wasn’t much of an Empire at all. The Mughals remained mostly
within their Cities or “pacified” territories such as Kashmir where most of the population
was Peaceful. Travelling outside City Walls meant risking death by bandits, rebels, and
peasants- and why not? Wherever the Mughals were in force, they exploited- and exploited.
Under Orange…

(Officials) collected Ferry tax even from people crossing dry river beds. They taxed the sale of
cowdung cakes, leaves and brambles used by the poor as fuel. Hindus had to pay a fee for
bathing in their holy rivers and for depositing the bones of their dead into the Ganga… (also)
a tax in the birth of every male child…

-Shihabuddin Talish

Why did I write all this?

Why did I note down so many Quotes, barely saying anything myself, barely reporting
anything by my own right?

Because I know most readers will contest my claims. Most readers will pass by without an
up-vote, fearing to demonstrate their “Hindu Fascism” by clicking that button. And if they’re
Liberal- Women, Peacefuls, Christians- they might even report my answer for insulting
“Islam” or the “Mughal Empire” or so. Maybe they’d have even read Audrey Truschke and
would be posting “arguments” to that length. And thing is- no one cares for such posts;
there’ll be a hundred questions asking the same query as this- and this one will be forgotten
and no one will read it.

I don’t expect my efforts to be fruitful. I write as some crazy sense of obligation to my

ancestors; in my own mediocre way, this is my ode to my ancestors, to Savarkar, to
Spengler, to Mishima.

Mishima disembowelled himself for the soul of Japan- or maybe because he took one look
at the new kids like that brainless hedonist Murakami and decided to have none of it. I don't
know- but I see the intellectuals and sapiosexuals around myself and I think I understand.

I am writing for the Dead and, partly for that, I have let the Dead speak for me here.

And what do the Dead say?

1- That every second man with any wealth back then was a Mughal Officer.

2- Every man who wasn’t a Mughal Officer was putting his neck on the line if he left home-
or had sex- or burnt a branch- or was a Hindu- or etc etc…

So, it was imperative that any Hindu trader or merchant or zamindar get a position in the
Mughal Bureaucracy just to ensure that he or his commercial agents /friends/
associatescan get through “sixteen posts, each charging 5% tax on goods, in 23 leagues ” or
avoid it when some other Mughal Officer was “apt to change their owner” if he was carrying
money on a long trip.

The first half of Orange’s reign had significant entry of Hindu Officers since every big trader
who could manage it, simply bought an official position. And they were right to, considering
how bad things got later. As such- it wasn’t like they had to raise armies- refer to Lutfullah
Khan’s example- or even appear at Court- given that Orange himself was so rarely there. But
because of their position as Mughal Officials- no matter how minor- they got a degree of

security from the rapacious Mughal non-government. To say nothing of the many guards
they can now maintain at peace without having to border about “offending” some Rohilla or
Turk or Persian or local Peaceful on the temerity of a Hindu Trader in Arms.

“Yet another merchant of Agra was escorted by 500 soldiers hen he went on a pilgrimage to
Puri… (Another) maintained some 2000 men as retainers…:

-Eraly, on Traders’ Retainers

In later years though, the chef entrants into the ranks mostly became Marathas- at one
point, making up 16% of all new positions- but that was not account of any “secularism” but
because that was Jai Singh’s Strategy against the Marathas- bribing them, not fighting
them- and it was the only Mughal Strategy that’d worked! No wonder that continued- until it
failed given Orange’s crazy shot at putting Shivaji Maharaj under House Arrest at Agra and
illegally detaining him.

His strategy against Shivaji was primarily based on offering endless promises of high mansab
and money to all his chief officers and allies. After he had capitulated, Shivaji was allowed to
keep part of his estate as a zamindar, while his young son Sambhaji was granted the rank of
5,000 zat. Later, Jai Singh succeeded in enticing Shivaji to court... As he observed himself:

All the zamindars of the Karnatak and the wild people of Barkol and Kanul etc. have sent their
agents, just as one captured deer draws many wild and forest deers. And they are waiting for
hints and signs and for the sake of the Bijapur expedition it is absolutely necessary to
conciliate them and give them hope to get their watan (homeland).

-JJL Gommans, quoting Jai Singh I’s letter to Aurangzeb in the second half

Read more:- Abhilash Mohanty's answer to How would you describe the military
administration of Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj?

At no point of time, were the high posts of the Government- the positions of Chief Minister
or Finance Minister or so, under the Authority of Hindus.

At no point of time, were the big Mansab ranks- ans this was the era of inflated Mansabs
after all- under the Authority of Hindus. Shaista Khan was ranked higher than every battle-
hardened Rajput at Court, even after he’d lost everything Orange had given him.

At no point of time, was there even a hint that Hindu considerations mattered or that Hindu
views mattered or that anyone even talking about the benefit of the Hindu subjects- such as
the rebel prince Akbar- counted in the Empire at all!

And modern Hindus are expected to make merry because a bunch of Hindu merchants had
to purchase with their own gold, lots of low and middling ranks just to ensure they could get
some sense of Peace in the so-called Mughal Empire? Why not just ask us to open our
mouths so that Liberals can spit into us, like back in the days of Ala-ud-din Khilji?

How typically Liberal!

Abhilash Mohanty

The best person to ask such stuff is Aashrai Arun but he hates such meaningless queries
more than even I do and won’t talk with Quorans anyway. AFAIK- the first mention of the
word “Sanskrita” as direct reference to the Language itself is from the Ramayana; the word
itself used to just be a “descriptor” earlier in context of the language, which meant
“Refined”- as with others. Examples of the latter would be something like “Tongue of the
Gods”, or “Distinguished Tongue” etc.

I’m not posting the words themselves since my posts are being collapsed for whatever
absurd reasons the Mods can think of; it’s probably a particular Chinese troll or some of our
local worthy Feminists at work. Here’s an example from today:-

Edit:- Even if I could post the original sources Chandra was discussing, I have no incentive
to- given that Quora’s Hindu-hating Mods are all too eager to pander to Feminists and
Chinese Trolls who’ve been going around collapsing my answers for stuff like:-

This has happened twice already. How the ever-loving fuck am I supposed to write Sanskrit in
“English”, eh, or ask long-dead Oriya generals from whose writings I quote to not “violate

-Abhilash Mohanty, Abhilash Mohanty's answer to How did they measure seconds (or short
periods of time in general) in ancient times?

Now- when was the Ramayana written, then? Well, Witzel and Thapar and all are convinced
it was probably written in the 5th Century or the 9th Century or maybe we Hindu
Traditionalists were writing it last month before brainwashing the rest of India into thinking
it’s an Iron Age text from the 15th Century BCE.

Of course, these days it’s in fashion to say Shri Rama was a “ misogynist rapist” or that Ma
Sita should’ve slept around (like a big TW on Quora does) or that “Sanskrit is not an Indian
language and should be rejected” like the educated classes from the big colleges do… So I
suppose you can just make up whatever theory you have and it’ll work as long as it spits on

Abhilash Mohanty

Now I recently came across mentions of this guy:-

I’d heard of him long ago- during the Shootings- but I’d not paid much attention to him until
he was brought back to my notice by some recent posts on Quora.

What do I think about Elliot though?

He, kind of, reminded me of a poem I’d once read- by Sauda Nisar, who was once the Court
Poet of the Nawab of Lucknow back in the early 18th Century or so. It’s very weird poetry
TBH- you see, Urdu hadn’t really developed yet, even Mir Muhammad Taqi was yet to be
born. You won’t find many flourishes or flying metaphors; see this:-

“I wish I had died that day under the Moon,

Than live in dreams under these glittering lights.

My Heart died in Jahanabad long ago,

But I have buried myself in pleasurable Lucknow alive.”

-Mir Muhammad Taqi, on his exile in the Court of Lucknow following the destruction of
Delhi, Late 18th Century

You’re not going to find that in Sauda’s poetry. Back in his time, Urdu was still the language
of military camps and pyramids of skulls and slave markets- so there was this very direct,
pointed, fresh tang of blood and semen and truth in those early poems that no amount of
gratuitous Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb can hide in many ways- even today. You read Mir
Muhammad, right? Here’s Sauda chronicling a local ditty; I think it’s a local ditty- probably a
soldier’s marching song- since Sauda would’ve to be insane to write some of what he wrote
given where he lived (Hell- I can’t post the full poem here else Quora Power Users here will
hang me for “BNBR” and <REDACTED>>-ophobia):-

“The Dervish marches in search for <<REDACTED>>,

The Court and the <<REDACTED>> for the cry of the Muezzin,

The <<REDACTED>> for the soft thighs of boys, and the <<REDACTED>> for goats,

But all Men march first for ZAR, ZAN, ZAMEEN!

-Sauda, Court Poet of Nawab Shuja-ud-daula, Early 18th Century

Now- back in the day, a lot of us Hindu Traditionalists were constantly talking about the
nature of Propaganda and the Need to build a working model for a Mass Movement. It’s
bullshit, I realize this now; we lost long ago- but I digress…

Thing is- chant as much as you want about Nationalism or Faith or History, there are far
more Proles than there are Bharatas. And as Sauda noted nearly 300 years back, they
aren’t going to march for anything less than Zar, Zan, Zameen- “Gold, Women, Land.” Once
upon a time, it used to be a great puzzle for me why we would hear of public molestations
or daylight vagrancy or, in extreme cases, stuff like Germans shaken by New Year attacks
on women in Cologne - but there just wouldn’t be any response from the Men around .

Okay- we will just swallow the Feminist line that all Men are scum- but are we guys getting
off to seeing girls get assaulted in broad daylight? I don’t think so- most Cultures back in
the day were Patriarchal AF but the average “eve-teaser” in- say, 19th Century Pune-
would’ve had his balls fed to him by the local men, and I’m pretty sure it’d have been the
same in… what’s the name, Cologne… as well.

So what’s actually going on?

As it is- there are certain basic incentives that Men- all Men- respond to, that they’ll fight for.
They might say they’ll fight for Feminism & Liberalism & the “defeat” of the “Patriarchy”-
and I’m sure they’ll only be too glad to turn the screws on any “Nazi” who might’ve cracked
a “Male Chauvinist” joke sometime around the Water-cooler- but they’re not going to go any
further than retweet something online or add their name to petition or something. A
hundred of the Petition-makers can go up against one of Sauda’s “Zar, Zan, Zameen”
troopers and they’ll be eaten alive.

But what do you know, Abhilash! You’re just the typical Hindu Fascist Nazi Brahmanical
Patriarchal Male Chauvinist Pig Unemployed Engineer Brahmin!

Ok- maybe that’s all true, save the Brahmin part- I’m a Karana, but guess who isn’t a
Brahmin either?

… For long-term mates, women not only place greater value on social status and resources
than men do (Buss 1989, Buss and Barnes 1986, Hill 1945, McGinnis 1958, Sprecher
Sullivan and Hatfield 1994)… but they also prioritize having a minimum level of Social Status
in their mates in both long-term and short-term relationships (Li Bailey Linseimeier 2002, Li
Kenrick 2006)… leading to a decrease in both the number of eligible men for long-term
relationships as well as a corresponding decrease in fertility… (Li Valentine and Patel 2011)

-Norman Li, Lee Kwan Yew Fellow and Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Social
Sciences, Singapore Management University.

Now- Elliot here was a half-Asian, half-American which is a entire conversation on it’s own-
but anyway, that mean that he was- despite whatever the confident winners and liberals on
Quora might say- as a short-term relationship prospect statistically as attractive “as a dog’s
fetid corpse”. Read more: The Race Dynamics of Online Dating: Why Are Asian Men Less

The kid looks doesn’t look like he’s got much in the muscle department either- unexpected
given his build- and he clearly wasn’t earning enough (and was too young and short) to be
what Dr Li called a “long-term mate”- and judging from the statistics in the Li, Valentine and
Patel Paper, probably isn’t the only one feeling. In fact, I’ll go ahead and say he’s at least
the norm for millions- though far more narcissistic.

So in comparison- and speaking from the utilitarian angle- what do “normal” men in Elliot’s
position do? Well- Most decide to pitch for mainstream popularity and social conventions-
which are, as always, playing for the least common angle- read “Socialism”- hoping to get
some money and qualify as ,in Li’s words, “short-term mates”.

Those who are on the Middle- like most of whom the Media calls “Hindu Fascist Nazis”
grumble and mutter about how Hinduism actually promotes Feminism- while being
constantly tarred and insulted by said Feminists, then marry some girl they met at work or
their parents choose- again while being insulted to the end; the statistics say around
10,00,000 of such men were slapped with a 498a Charge between between 2006–2015-
sending them and their parents and siblings and dogs and nephews and nieces into prison
to cool their heels for years until… one in seven of them is finally found guilty by our
feminist Courts…

And then there are Spenglerian Nihilists like me relaxing in ennui as the World burns around

So- what’s the solution?

Well- there’s always the Mishima route… But if you can’t yet let go of this dying unreal

Here’s a blurb from one of the Reviews:-

François, Michel Houellebecq’s narrator in his novel, Submission, is a middle-aged professor

of literature at the Sorbonne III. His life is mostly devoid of meaningful human interaction…
visiting YouPorn and prostitutes allows him his solitude while testing the strength of his

He is a miniature of French society—the welfare state whose denizens are so pampered that
they can’t be bothered to have children and have no connection to their parents. He is the
Last Man, the thing of Straussian nightmares, the barely-there listless observer.

And Islam offers itself to him as a rescue from this; and a very good rescue it seems to be:
tempting precisely because its diagnosis is so accurate, and its solutions so nearly spot on.

But it’s a rescue that can only appeal because François—and by implication France—has
chosen against Catholicism. It’s only by that choice that he is empty enough to make Islam a
fairly easy yes. The culture of the fin-de-siecle isn’t strong enough to stand against it; neither
is the old bourgeois order which the Decadents had rejected…

It is not only the appeal of peace that Ben Abbes offers—it’s also a genuine appeal of
wholesomeness, of a society rebuilt along conservative lines that would warm the heart of
Allan Carlson (and indeed Ben Abbes specifically cites Belloc and Chesterton’s distributism
as the inspiration for his relocalized, family-centered economic plan).

A major theme throughout the first part of the book is François’ absolute disconnection from
family of all kinds—he has no children of his own, of course; but he is also completely and
heartbreakingly separated from his parents. Themselves divorced, they are marginal figures
in his life; he wonders, at one point, somewhat distantly, whether he will see either of his
parents again before they die. Spoilers: he does not. The Islamic society that Ben Abbes
brings in is one of warm, intergenerational family ties, cemented by custom, law, and
economic interest. It is one of stable—if plural—marriages. And it is one which promises
generations of Frenchmen in the future—secularism, it is clear, does not make people who
make babies; Islam will.
-Sussanah Black, A Surprising Darkness: Review of Houellebecq’s Submission - Providence

Here’s the key thing people often forget about Sauda’s Armies of Ghazis and Iqtadars that
so horrified my ancestors in the Ganga and Routray Empires- and the mere memory of
whom keep so many Hindu Traditionalists today awake at night.

They were Men too.

Yes, they raided and pillaged entire nations. Yes, they massacred hundreds of thousands
and turned cities into mausoleums. Yes, they carried off hundreds of thousands of women
into mass rape-camps.

But then they settled down with their sex-slaves in the hovels they’d created. Maybe they
even married some of their slaves, they had kids- as Black notes. They had Architecture- not
the five hundred feet towering structures the Classical Bharatas once built- but Architecture
nonetheless. They had Laws- most on the pricing of Sex Slaves, yes- but Laws,
nonetheless. They had Hospitals- yes, the old Hindu Sages who’d created Plastic Surgery
and Cataract Operations and Smallpox Vaccinations were all dead- but they were Hospitals
of a sort.

They had kids. They had wives. They were alive.

And it’s up to kids like Elliot to choose how to live their Lives. That’s what Houellebecq’s
point is- now that you’ve forgotten your ancestors, turned your nation into a consumerist
wonderland, and sacrificed your faith on the altar of freedom and post-modernism- why
not? Life has to go on, without or without you, your life, your nation, your faith, your people.
Life will go on. Life goes on. Life went on.

But Elliot’s didn’t.

Abhilash Mohanty

Going by the scriptural- read, real- account since we are not brain-addled modernist
scholars like the chap Whatshisname who wrote Asura, the answer is…


The Mahabharata was composed by an Ascetic, who'd come to Enlightenment and Fame
long before the birth of the Kuru generations featured in the Mahabharata. While it was
publicly recited at a gathering initially organized by the Kuru descendants, the recitation
happened after the Sacrifices were (unsuccessfully) done by the same Ascetics who'd
helped stop the Sacrifices and break up the Gathering. Ascetics wouldn't be Ascetics if
they weren't Ascetics.

The themes of the Mahabharata are broadly Four-fold.

1- The inevitability of Fate and Man's Struggle against It.

2- The horrors of Civil Strife and the ruin of States.

3- The Nature of Aryahood and What it means to be one.

4- The Necessity of Dharma and how it must be upheld, no matter what the Cost is.

All this in the backdrop of the Collapse of the Kurus, the annihilation of most of their
Empire- and that of their Vassal Kings and Allies, and the idea that despite all their might
and glory- they'd failed to check the entry of Kali Yuga.

This is the Core lesson Hindu Traditionalists are to learn from the Mahabharata. Classical
scholars and Brahmins however understood that the Masses are incapable of appreciating
such nuance and thus diverted them into celebration of the heroics in the Epic.

Which turned out to be a bad idea because the Classical chaps forgot that they were in Kali
Yuga and their ideas are corrupted from the start. Shortly after, the Masses started calling
for Liberalism, Secularism, Freedoms, Feminism, Post-modernism, etc etc, garlanded Shri
Rama with shoes, saying that Ma Sita should've slept around (a big Quora TW said this
BTW), going around spitting on the Immortal Gods while worshipping random 7th Century
Arab slavers, the Paedophile Periyar who was marrying teens in his 80s, and that Kashmiri
chap who double-crossed Netaji.

Abhilash Mohanty

I fixed the English, Topics, and the Question Structure for you, OP- no need for thanks. I’m a
font of virtues like that.

Anyway- I’ll just copy-paste from a similar conversation I was having yesterday on this very

Medium users are yet to achieve Critical Mass globally like those from India or the US alone
already have on Quora. Medium isn’t going to knock off potential Power Users even before
they’ve got Critical Mass. Medium, right now, gets something around 25 million views per
month, IIRC- which means the Reality is closer to 10 million or so. I alone have got over
100,000 views in the two odd weeks on Quora since joining. Some of my old articles on
rather niche sites have got 50,000+ views within a day.

Thing is- once media channels go critical, they undergo the effects of two factors called the
Iron Law of Oligarchy and O’Sullivan’s First Law.

The Iron Law of Oligarchy states that “In any organization the permanent officials will
gradually obtain such influence that its day-to-day program will increasingly reflect their
interests rather than its own stated philosophy.”

O’Sullivan’s First Law states that “All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over
time become left-wing.”

The reason is simple:-

One of the reasons for this is leftist intolerance versus right-wing tolerance. Conservatives are
willing to hire openly left-wing employees in the interest of fairness. Left-wingers, utterly
intolerant, will not allow a non-Liberal near them, and will harass them at every opportunity.
The result over time is that Conservative Enterprises are infiltrated by leftists but leftist
enterprises remain the same or get worse.

-Melville Udal

Because Quora is a Silicon Valley Site, its Administration, and thus Moderation and
prevailing Voice was already full-on Liberal and thus, any Critical Mass that arose would’ve
been and- was- Liberal as well. At which point- they started self-policing within their own
communities, mass-reporting any rising Conservative voices and getting rid of them for the
most vacuous of reasons. Here’s an example- my own experience just today:-

Edit:- Even if I could post the original sources Chandra was discussing, I have no incentive
to- given that Quora’s Hindu-hating Mods are all too eager to pander to Feminists and
Chinese Trolls who’ve been going around collapsing my answers for stuff like:-

This has happened twice already. How the ever-loving fuck am I supposed to write Sanskrit in
“English”, eh, or ask long-dead Oriya generals from whose writings I quote to not “violate

-Abhilash Mohanty, Abhilash Mohanty's answer to How did they measure seconds (or short
periods of time in general) in ancient times?

Which is why the only large RW Indian Power Users you’d see these days are those from
before 2013–14 before the “Indian Critical Mass” was reached- and filled, as unexpectedly-
with Liberals; Quora isn’t going to kick out the likes of Balaji Vishwanathan or BSK- too
many fans. Everyone else who joins is scouted out and mass-reported before they can get
big. I’m not just talking of hard RW folk like myself but old grandfathers aged 70 as well. In
contrast, Vietnam has no Critical Mas- and so Vietnamese RW users have slightly more
freedom to manoeuvre.

So- unless OP plans to start his own Site- keeping O’Sullivan’s First Law in mind, I see it
going the same way as Quora has and Medium soon will. Cheers!

Abhilash Mohanty

Genghis Khan won, Hitler lost. That’s all there is to it .

If Hitler had won, there’d have been Nazis on Quora going around posting stuff like “ Why
can't Hindus understand that their idols can't hear their prayers?”, folk steadfastly
maintaining an omerta on the genocides perpetrated on Indians by the Angrej, even
defending the Occupation of India at multiple points…

Wait a minute…

Abhilash Mohanty

Chandrapida1 on Twitter was once discussing this with a group of us. Unfortunately I don't
have access to the conversations right now but Jain monks in the 1st Century CE were
interested in measuring small time scales for various Epistemological and Philosophical

To this end, they designed successive water clocks which they then reconciled with
modified armillary sphere-like devices to make even more accurate devices- in the process,
carrying extensive research into the nature of logarithms so that they could actually spot
the minor time spans. One of the names mentioned by Chandra was the Vyavahara khanda
of the Sthanaga sutra which Puttaswamy’s book informs me was a discussion on Applied
Arithmetic. Those of you on Twitter can ask him directly though I can;t guarantee he’ll
answer to non-Hindu Trads. TrueIndology is friendlier- but anyway…

Thanks to their research, they- the 1st Century Jain Monks, not modern Twitterati, I mean-
managed to design a device that would mark oscillations of 8 nimeshas - around 0.75 of
our seconds.

I can't seem to find to find a description of the Yantra itself but then again you can't find
anything real about Bharata online after all which is why folk like the great moi, Trilochana
Rout, Aashrai Arun, Satyarth Bro, and Kapil Routray are needed. I know what I said isn't
much, but right now, I've got nothing better. I'd go ask the monks at the local University
near my hometown but someone sacked the place, murdered the lecturers and students,
and burnt it down back in the 1200s, and we haven't actually managed to recreate anything
close to it since.

Edit:- Even if I could post the original sources Chandra was discussing, I have no incentive
to- given that Quora’s Hindu-hating Mods are all too eager to pander to Feminists and
Chinese Trolls who’ve been going around collapsing my answers for stuff like:-

This has happened twice already. How the ever-loving fuck am I supposed to write Sanskrit in
“English”, eh, or ask long-dead Oriya generals from whose writings I quote to not “violate

Abhilash Mohanty

Since the Bronze Age, Chariots have been important for three major reasons:-

1- You can load it with all sorts of slashy stuff and charge them into infantry blocks to send
the poor schmucks to Asipatravana.

2- You can stuff it with all sorts of throwy stuff like bows, quivers, javelins, bolts, discusses,
pebbles etc and fling them at others.

3- You can mount some of the really big Artillery pieces upon it- like Arrow-launchers and
Ballistae- and transport them from one place to the other on the battlefield easily without
having to drag in bullocks or whatever everywhere.

There were other advantages too- you didn't need Standard Bearers since you could just put
up a Flag pole on your Chariot. You could have friends alongside you to defend you
because Armour back then sucked. You could load up your effects like War Conches and
lucky Charms and whatever, go around shouting and the Noise and the Charms and the
Chariots will make it easy to spot your great rival of the Ages on the opposite side and you
two can have a bloody duel to the death in peace.

Then things changed…

The reason Chariots were necessary was because horses back then weren't much of
horses, as we know horses today. They couldn't carry much weight, neither could they run
very far. Also since they were so tiny, horsemen couldn't exactly wear much Armour or
carry much gear while riding. And the beasts were small so they'd die in combat because of
how delicate they were.

It's one of the reasons I don't really buy the early nomads story. Even the medieval Mongols
under Genghis Khan would dismount to shoot during Archery duels; foot archers can easily
deal with Mounted Archers. But that's another story…

OP has written “Gupta period” but I'm fairly certain that Chariot Warfare was being phased
out by the 3rd Century BCE itself, nearly 500 years before the Guptas began their spree of

For one, Maurya Armour is pretty impressive in itself. In fact, there’s a line in the
Arthashastra where it recommends that Chariots be dealt by troops armed with “Armour,
Spears, Axes, and (sling) Stones”- which’d make a lot of sense while dealing with Armoured
Chariots. I suppose early Mauryan warfare was very different from Late Mauryan warfare-
with the Mauryan Civil War probably seeing a lot of the innovation then. There's a very nice
Satavahana piece of an Elephant in what’s likely a Cotton Gambeson with two Scale-
armoured dudes on top of it bearing longbows…

Thapar calls them Greeks, Abhilash!

Hmm… There’s also two brilliant examples- this time from Shunga-ruled Madhyadesha-
with almost similar Amour but with one of the guys in question wearing Pteriges and
bearing a Nishada sword as tall as he is…

Of course, he’s also a Greek, Abhilash!

Carrying on… So is the Crossbowman sculpture they found in Mathura. And the two
bandana-wearing Satavahana guys in Scale they found nearby- probably one of either
Emperor Kanha I or Sri II’s offensives into the North in their endless wars with the

Greeks! They’re all Greeks!

Oh, for the gods’ sake! Te Mahameghavanas have also left a few brilliant examples of Early
Classical Armour such as the example in Udaygiri of a figure in a long overcoat and boots
over trous…

That guy’s a Greek as well!

It’s a fucking chick! And so is the one at Khandagiri!

They were slaves, Greek slaves, Greek chick slaves that sexually depraved Indians imported
in the hundreds of thousands and raped and oppressed and tortured like it says in the Vedas
and gave swords and out to guard them while they were sleeping because the Greek chick
slaves were too brainwashed to murder them because the Vedas are also secretly mind-
control texts and thus Hindus are actually Na…

Well- isn’t it fucking brilliant that every single guy back then was just carving Greeks all
day long and didn’t leave ONE- ONE- fucking Statue of an Indian around?


At any rate, Chariots were on their way out towards the end of the Mauryan Empire- though
obviously, they must’ve remained in vogue here and there for quite some time in my
opinion, especially as a mount for Artillery.

Of course- the position of Chariots as a mode of Transport probably never ceased- neither
did its position as a seat of Power and Prestige. As late as the 16th Century, some Rajput
King whose name I can’t recall surrendered his Chariot to the Mughals as a sign of his
submission; gods only know what happened to the thing. Earlier in the 11th Century, the
Chola Emperor Rajaraja I had his chariot shipped and sent to some South-East Asian
Kingdom as a symbol of his Authority.

Don’t bother with much background reading outside though, no such writings exist as far
as I know. Wait for my book if I ever get the motivation or drive to write one. As it is, there’s
little point given how close 2025 is. In fact, I’d advice readers to quit thinking about such
matters and concentrate on reading the Shastras. Knowing about chariots isn’t going to get
you much Soma in the Golden Halls of Indra, provided you’re going there in the first place.
We don’t live in the Gupta Age- the last hurrah of the Bharatas- and the end is near…


And I hope it comes soon…

Abhilash Mohanty

First -Story time!

It’s 1380 CE- and, yet again, the Peaceful rulers of Delhi have decided to send a fresh horde
of Peace to massacre Oriya men, rape Oriya women, sack Oriya cities, raze Oriya temples,
and enslave Oriya children. The Gajapati- being a Brahmanical Patriarchal Hindu Fascist
Nazi or as we Hindu Traditionalists call it, a “Rayta”- decides to rally his Brahmanical
Patriarchal Hindu Fascist Nazi army instead of opening the borders and greeting the
Peacefuls with flowers and incense.

Soon, his heralds turn up at a District Collector’s- a young Karana Landholder.

“Glory to the Three Kalingas! Raise your District, Sir! Where are your Levies?”

“There aren’t any, guys. You see- ever since the Gajapati started that School near the pond,
none of the local peasant girls have been looking twice at the dunderheads we have in our
district. It’s all about the next bullock-cart to Cuttack these days. No marriage, no kids, no
cannon-fodder levies. For fuck’s sake- half of the peasants are now bandits in the woods!”

“That’s preposterous! What about the Guildsmen!”

“There aren’t any, guys. You see- ever since the Gajapati ratified that law on female
membership in Guilds, none of the local merchant-house girls think it makes sense to give
dowries to any local guildsman of the same status as herself. It’s all about “making it big in
Cuttack” these days. No marriage, no kids, no professional troops. For fuck’s sake- half of the
Guildsmen are now drunk all the time!”

“You must be shitting me! What about the Landholders!”

“There aren’t any, guys. You see- ever since the Gajapati allowed that weird Delhi Drama
band to perform all over the land, none of the local landholder girls think it makes sense to
marry dodgy, pudgy, stupid, old Oriya Landholders like us in the first place. It’s all about the
cool, dashing, dangerous young men of Peace from Delhiwood these days. No marriage, no
kids, no Landholders or Warlords or Generals for you! Now if you’d excuse me- fuck the
Hordes, I’m off to join my friends in rebellion against the Gajapati.”

-Grandpa Pegun’s Outrageous Oriya Stories for Overtly Obsequious Teens.

OP asks:- Why is Islam so strict on Women?

Because every Civilizational Motif worth the name has been “strict” on Women.

Those that weren’t- well, we don’t like to say such things in public these days- but they had
this very interesting little tendency to die out.

This is not surprising- the overwhelming trend in all Human Societies has been for Women
to “marry up” and Men to “marry down”; we call this “Hypergamy”. The entire business of
“being strict on women”- by which I assume OP is referring to actions like restricting female
education or denying women employment opportunities or denying them sexual choice
through family-approved marriages- is essentially a mode to “lower” the status of women in
an effort to control afore-mentioned Hypergamy so that Societal stability is maintained-
Men are more productive and consume more resources if they have families, Children are
more in number in Societies that encourage Marriage, etc etc.

According to the Sunday Times, a study carried out by the Center for Work-Life Policy has
revealed that 43 per cent of university-educated women from Generation X were child-free.
This is despite about three-quarters of them being in long-term relationships and living with
their partners.

Read more:


But- Abhilash, surely it’s just a reaction to Male Supremacy by the newly enlightened
Women? Surely, things will settle down once they’re given equal rights?

Well- congrats, mate! You’ve hit upon the Expert’s View!

Demographers say that a far better investment would be to support women juggling
motherhood and careers by expanding day care and after-school programs. They say recent
data show that growth in fertility is more likely to come from them.“If you look closely at the
numbers, what you see is the higher the gender equality, the higher the birthrate,” said Reiner
Klingholz of the Berlin Institute for Population and Development.

Read more: Germany Fights Population Drop

Trouble is- the idiot’s view seems a lot more sound from where I stand…

…the impact on fertility of a 1999 reform that reduced litigants’ rights for Muslim women in
certain states of Nigeria… I find that, where enforced, the Reform increased the yearly
probability of giving birth by 0.026… The change in marital status alone may explain 60% of
the total increase in fertility. I also find that the enforced Reform increased women's labour

-Raphael Godefroy, How women's rights affect fertility evidence from Nigeria


As it is- there’s a specific trend that appears in every case of a Civilization not being “strict”
on women- that of constant turmoil in sexual and societal dynamics, a continued rise in
women’s apparent status closing off more and more men from the so-called marriage
market, the ensuing drop in fertility leading to smaller societies with more turmoil in sexual
and societal dynamics and so forth. This isn’t a new observation; the Shanti Parva
described something exactly of the sort back in the Iron Age. Spengler- gods keep his soul
in the Golden Halls of Indra even if he was a Mleccha- said something very similar less
than a hundred years ago.

Consider the average Islamic society- or for that matter, any “traditional” society. Why on
Earth would they not desire to mitigate such afore-mentioned problems?

Some of you might be Oriya- how many kids do you think the average Oriya bourgeoisie
woman in BBSR has these days? Any recent married men among you- how many times
more is your salary compared to your wife’s? Heard any of the 498a horror stories? I know
three such cases first-hand; none of the guys and their families would hurt a fly- and don’t
you dare tell me “maybe they were all closet serial killers, Abhilash! ”

Consider the average working class “traditional” man- not necessarily a Muslim- anyone.
Would he wish to marry a feminist who can divorce him at will and vanish with home, his
dog, and half his car? Would he wish to live in a World where cracking some stupid joke
with a friend can make him the target of a global witch hunt by a woman who heard the
conversation in passing? Read this- Anonymous's answer to What is a secret which you
would not tell anybody in real life, but would on Quora using anonymity?

Thing is- I’m a Corporate wage slave myself. This stuff happens. All the time. Everyone
knows this. Hell- I know worse. I’ve seen worse. I refuse to believe that everyone on that
comments section- virtue-signalling like Hell, mocking OP, saying “his genepool will be
destroyed”, deriding his views, denying his experiences- haven;’t experienced or even heard
of similar incidents. That they’ve responded- and responded so- is purely a fixture of the
Brave New World we have made.

I guess you- an educated sophisticated sapiosexual Quoran- might be a tad offended now.
Well- I suppose Life is full of little disappointments- such as when the Premier of Ontario
whatshername had been put to sit in a corner like a naughty schoolkid while everyone was
doing real work unlike her.

Look at her face.

All that power! All that Freedom! All those Rights! All the might of the State! And it’s “ wear
that hijab and sit in that corner quietly until the Men are done praying”!

She can ruin any number of men with a word, she can scorch their businesses, she can
hound them out of their jobs, she can tear the very memory of rice from their tongues- but
she can only do it to a particular type of Men .

Would the Meta-Psyche of a Civilization- call it Faith, call it God, call it anything- ever be
content with the slow undermining of its base tenets, the gradual decline in its scope, the
ever-emptying schools and the ever-declining milieu?

Hell no!

And Muslims do have a Meta-Psyche. It’s Islam.

And guess what?

Oriyas don’t.

Deep down- I don’t think even one in ten young Oriyas believes in Jagannath.

The gods are real, mate. I know you young atheists on Quora love to mock them- but they’re
real. Far more real than you and me. For more than five hundred years, young Oriyas would
march off every year to fight against an enemy against which each of them knew they’d
stand no chance. During the invasions under the wretch Balban, the Peacefuls had 300,000
men. Oriyas, probably 40,000. 50,000-tops. They threw back Delhi’s hordes. Gajapati
Bhanudeva II threw them back- the way Gajapati Bhanudeva I had and Gajapati
Narasimhadeva I had and King Anangabhimadeva III had and like Gajapati Bhanudeva III
and Gajapati Kapilendradeva and the others would.

Oriya cities were sacked, Oriya temples were razed. Orissa was brought to its knees.

But as long as those ancient Oriya men knew that behind them, stood their gods and their
women, they kept on at it- each year, every year, for almost five hundred years until the final
Collapse of our Nation. But what’s the point now? Where on Earth is even the point? For
decades, Hindu Traditionalists argued who was right- Nietzsche or Spengler.

Neither! It was fucking Houellebecq all along!

Now you tell me- why is Islam so strict on women?

Abhilash Mohanty

This question was posted after I asked Siddharth to do so, on account of a full explanation
of the matter being beyond the scope of a Comment. However- the original point was
whether post-Vedic texts mention Harappan “ruins”. As the matter rests, it is known to all
well-read Hindu Traditionalists that the society of the Bharatas of the Vedas and some of
the later texts are the same as the one of the so-called Harappan people.

BTW I’ve sourced most of this post from the work of a certain someone whose style of
writing the few keen-eyed Hindu Traditionalists still on Quora can easily recognize.
However it would be… unwise… to share his identity here and thus, I would ask my brethren
to refrain from doing so.

I wrote the above lines only to portray that the following isn’t my personal discovery and
that- great as I am (I’m not one for faux modesty), I am dependent on the works of those
still greater in many ways than myself.

Now- there are multiple accounts of Mother Saraswati in the Vedas, and the description of
the great Mother of Rivers would leave none in doubt that the mortal realization of the
Eternal Vedas came about at a time before the Kali Yuga when Mother Saraswati- Mother
of Floods, Great River, Who has made the shores of the Sea boil over, who has made the
middle of the Sea boil over, she of Soma-like Milk-white Waters, Of a Thousand Channels and
a Thousand Streams, Best of Mother, Best of Rivers, Best of Goddesses- had yet to leave us
in this sad dying World.

There are theories regarding the reason behind her leaving dealing with geomorphology
and climatology- but the real reason is that the burden of the sin in the Kali Yuga will
gradually leech Rta from the World, and the absence of Mother Saraswati- Upholder of Rta-
is barely one facet of such tragic times. With bright swords and unbowed heads, Aryas can
still uphold Dharma- but alas! The Aryas, to whom the immortal gods gave Rain and the
Eagle and the great Earth with her lands and oceans and storms, are long gone and so are
Bharatas, lords of Silver Chariots, and we- the lame and wicked and fallen- walk around,
seeing with sightless eyes and hearing with deaf ears.

Those who have read the requisite Shastras are aware that all has happened as was
revealed at the dawn of the birth of this World and all the Worlds before this, and will be
revealed hence in Worlds yet to be born hence.

Through the cunning metal eyes of wondrous artefacts, we observe how the first of the
children of Mother Saraswati to live without the roar of her waters must have survived.
Adrift they were- but they were Arya still- and we observe how they bowed to Mother Ganga
and received her bounty and raised mighty Cities in memory of the ones now lost to them.
But they remembered.

The Brahmanas and the Itihaas lament tirelessly the disappearance of Mother Saraswati,
the Mother of Waters. In the Panchavimsha Brahmana, in the Aitareya Brahmana, and the
Jaiminiya Brahmana- on account of the performance of the Sarasvata sattra and the
Aponaptriya, we find description of a Pilgrimage to be conducted by Aryas- tracing the
shores of the now-vanished greatest of Rivers.

“… the Sattra is performed to the south of the place where the Saraswati river vanishes
starting on a new moon day. Then they move up the course of the Saraswati, along the east
bank performing Devayajana as per the new moon and full-moon models, and depending on
the Parvan culminating in a Goshtoma or Ayushtoma…”

-Regarding the Sarasvata sattra

Here- the Aryas would’ve reached the great dry valley where once the river known as
Drishadvati joined the Saraswati- where they’d offer a plate of boiled rice at a place they
called Praksha Prashravarana by which time it’d be appropriate to terminate their rites with
a Sacrifice, an Ishti to Agni Kama- at a great pool…

“…located to the north of a large ruined town where (those) like… Nami Sapya are supposed
to have had their Avabhrita bath…

-Regarding the Sarasvata sattra

The mention of the King Nami Sapya is extremely noteworthy here. In the Shastras, Nami
Sapya is known for being a wanderer and an ally of Indra who aided him in the defeat of the
Asura Namuci. Of him, it is written:-

‘…Manifold is the Prosperity of him who is weary (of wandering),

So have we heard, O Rohita,

Evil is he who has stayeth among Men,

Indra is the ally of the Wanderer…”

-Indra speaking to the Prince Rohita, son of King Harischandra

But more importantly- Nami Sapya is known as the founder of the Kingdom of Videha- after
he had to leave his home after Agni burnt the rivers of the land.

“Mathava, the Videgha, was at that time on the (river) Sarasvati and Agni thence went
burning along this earth towards the east; and Gotama Rahugana and the Videgha Mathava
followed after him as he was burning along and he burnt over all these rivers…

… Mathava, the Videgha, then said, 'Where am I to abide?' 'To the east of this (Gandaki river)
be thy abode!' said Agni. Even now this forms the boundary of the Kosalas and Videhas; for
these are the Mathavas…

-Concerning the Sacrifices of King Nami Sapya of the Mathavas, Satapatha Brahmana

But why Videha?

Because as the Map shows- the entire Upper and Middle Ganga Valley was heavily
populated by the time of the Mature Phase of the Harappan Civilization.

The would-be King Nami Sapya would’ve found few places suitable for the re-settlement of
his uprooted people and the establishment of a new City until he reached the once-forested
lands of the Lower Ganga Valley. This is not surprising- since there is enough evidence that
the so-called Indus Valley Civilization extended over the entire Continent. “Indus Script” has
been found in caves in Kerala, in grottoes in Orissa, on pottery along the banks of the
Yamuna, and undoubtedly represents merely the first iteration of the many scripts which
will find fruition in what we call early Brahmi- the font of all Bharata language scripts.

As it is- the location of the place from where Nami Sapya began his wanderings and gave
away a “thousand cows” according to the Panchavimsha Brahmana - “a large ruined town”
- tallies uncannily, given the time frame of the travel depicted in the Shastras and the
position of the Site at the confluence of the Saraswati and Drishadvati rivers, with a
Harrapan Site we now know as “Kalibangan”- which features, among others, multiple Fire
Altars as well as Bathing Pools.

The site known as Kalibangan- and possibly to the Aryas as “ Praksha Prashravarana”- was
abandoned sometime around 4000 BP to 3900 BP.

The estimated dating of the Panchavimsha Brahmana is, in my estimate, the start of the
Late Iron Age- c. 3500 BP, 500 years after the death of the greatest Civilization of the Aryas.

Gone is Mother Saraswati- Mother of Rivers, Greatest of Rivers. Gone are the great cities
the Aryas once built by her banks. Gone too are the mighty nations they raised in the Valley
of Ganga- and gone are the Empires that subjugated them- and then the Empires that
conquered those. Thus is the way of all in the Kali Yuga- to fragment, to shrivel, to die, and
to be forgotten.

Seek refuge in the Vedas for the End is Near and His Descent is at Hand. Glory to
Jagannath! May his tireless steeds trample this degenerate World swiftly!

NB: Fluvial landscapes of the Harappan civilization

Abhilash Mohanty

It wasn’t.

Anyone who says otherwise is either maliciously lying or mistaken. I don’t mind that in
general but they usually prefix their fallacious posts with some verbose inanity about India’s
“rich history” and “culture” that gets my gall up.

I haven’t read one- even one- reliable Dharmashastra from a suitably enough period of
antiquity which states any tenet which might prevent or discourage Hindus from travelling
wherever the Hell they wanted. Even the finest medieval legal text from the most staunch
defenders of Dharma during one of the darkest periods in Hindu history- the Saraswati Vilas
of the Routray Empire- says nothing about any random laws “forbidding Hindus from
crossing the Seas”.

From my reading of Kane, it strikes me that all such mentions of laws invariably stem from
periods after William Jones’ “compilation of the Manu Smriti” .

Truly a puzzling coincidence, I’m sure.

Of course, I’m also sure it’s also a massive mystery how this “Manu Smriti” seems to
contradict itself every second page or how none of the Commentators- be they Ancient or
Classical or Medieval- seem to note the constantly changing nature of the Manu Smriti’s
‘laws’ or how every single book on Dharma written by the Eminent Intellectuals seems to
have this ‘Manu Smriti’ down as some sort of divinely ordained law used by every Hindu

In fact- I’ll just lay out a guide for why William Jones’ Manu Smriti isn’t even a Smriti but a
heretical assault on Dharma that ought to have been answered with cold steel.

IIRC it was the great saint Sri Sri Nimbarka who laid out these guides but then again, the
development of Early Medieval Rhetoric among Hindus isn’t my field of Expertise so I might
be wrong; as such, I’ll just post the three which I even remember. Aashrai Arun could’ve
cleared things up since he’s a brahmin unlike moi and by rights, I shouldn’t even be writing
this stuff since my Caste doesn’t allow me to do such interpretations in place of a true
brahmin- but surprise! Quora has banned him as well! Looks like the modern degenerate
World will drag the great moi into Asipatravana along with it. Wonderful how every Hindu
worth the name seems to end up banned here, eh?

See how I risk my seat in Indra’s Golden Halls to bring young Liberal kids on Quora to the
light of Dharma?


1- Laws can’t be contradictory since all legal laws must be derived from the Vedas and the
Vedas are sacrosanct. Those laws which contradict this are heretical since they question
the Truth of the Vedas.

2- Laws that question the essential nature of the Brahman and Ishvara, Reality and
Unreality and A-reality and how they are defined with each other in defiance of the Vedas
(I’m sorry- I don’t have the words or the patience to define this stuff; ask a learned Brahmin
or preferably don’t. Half our troubles started when we started educating and empowering-lel-
everyone.). Anyway- those laws which contradict this are heretical since they question the
Truth of the Vedas.

3- Laws can’t deny the ultimate Authority or the Divine Truth of the Vedas, nor provide any
supposition or raise any Doubt regarding the Vedas. Those laws that contradict this are
heretical since they question the Truth of the Vedas.

The William Jones’ Manu Smriti is as contradictory as some Schizophrenic Agnostic’s

rants, vacillates on essential philosophical matters like a ball of dog turd rolling on the
ground, and what’s truly unforgivable- is claimed to be the ultimate authority in Law for
Hindus, above and beyond the eternal Vedas.

So, it’s clear that this William Jones’ Manu Smriti is a heretical text that would’ve given
even the most dimwitted scholar across the entire history of Bharatavarsha into a
foaming aneurysm. Maybe fragments of the Manu Smriti did exist until the Angrej got their
hands on it and maybe local communities of Brahmins had social conventions regarding
Sea travel for whatever personal reasons they might’ve had and don’t concern us- but there
are no laws and especially no universal law regarding such for Hindus on the topic of Sea

Argue away if you wish- but not before presenting the proper arguments sourced from the
Vedas, explained and validated by a suitably ancient School of Rhetoric and Debate. Even if
you do so, I’ll take no notice of it anyway since if your arguments had any merit in the first
place, they’d have been considered by the Brahmins of Srikshetra at Puri during the Routray
Empire back in the 1400s and noted down as such. But they didn’t and you’re wrong and
any further arguments and debate are meaningless.

Jai Jagannath!

Abhilash Mohanty

Given that folk like Trilochana Rout, Saswat Routroy, Rohit Patnaik, and Kapil Routray have
all been banned, I well might be the only one with any sense on this Site.

See- there’s a very nice way to determine just how tall and well-built the average Indian
soldier was. Just get out every bit of gear- armour, clothes, saddles, weaponry- they’d been
using and churn out the average.

Now, I can’t be expected to do the hard work since- guess what- no one pays me to do this
stuff… Lots of people don’t seem to get this; you don’t pay me for writing stuff here. I write
out of the goodness of my heart- and I am a misanthrope so pray for the continued health
of my Heart, will you? Accept what I write or downvote and move on. I don’t care


… And the Eminent Historians of Endia can’t be bothered to dig one flipping bent sword out
of the muck because getting into a trench will ruin their Khadi Jholas and leave them no
time for shouting “Bharat tere tukde tudke honge, Insheloi!”…

So, you’re STUCK with moi, aren’t you?

As it happens, I’ve seen no need of gear in my time- and nothing I’ve seen leads me to think
that the Ancestors were any particularly shorter than us. Neither were the Peacefuls, as a
matter of fact. Thus, comparison with existing sources should serve us in this regard…

For one example, Gajapati Narasimhadeva I Chodaganga- conqueror of Bengal and Bihar,
and hero of the Lakhnauti Campaigns against the Peacefuls- was at least six feet tall,
judging from the sculptures of him kneeling to the gods with his three feet long Patissa
Khanda at their feet.

But, Abhilash, you Hindus are illiterate Kaffirs. Isn’t it well known that Hindus were midgets
with midget hands and used midget handles?

Viking Swords also have similar tiny handles- notwithstanding what Firang historians and
re-enactors get up with their day-dreaming but never have I heard anyone describe the early
medieval Vikings as midgets.

But, Abhilash, Hindus are well-known to be savages who would’ve had a hard time separating
rice from the chaff if not for the glorious Angrej who showed you Pagans how to light a fire

Even “Savages” can be armed, and if the choice is in front of me to be either a Christian or a
Savage, I’d chose to be a Savage every time. This Savage’s Ancestors were building great
cities, towering temples, and massive canals when the angrej and their nation of
Angrejistan won’t even be born for a thousand years.

But, Abhilash, you Hindus are grass-eating vegetarians who don’t get enough nutrition and are
clearly dying of malnutrition. You should eat cows and drink alcohol and snort ecstasy like us
civilized folk!

I am not Mohan Gandhi to swallow such nonsense like a dhimmi and neither am I some
Mleccha. As such- such discussions cannot be settled online- not when Liberals are free to
use whatever insults they wish while Mods openly persecute Hindus. As such, anyone who
still wishes to contest my points even now is free to block me and leave.

As it is, there is a pictorial example which I’ve posted- NOTE THIS, OUT OF THE GOODNESS
OF MY HEART, and not because I have any real interest in educating you. Read my other
answers- and you’ll know, maybe even understand if you have the requisite intelligence, my
policy on Universal Education.

So, Nick up there (I don’t recommend his show but he’s the most tolerable and least ignorant
of the HEMA geniuses who seem to infest YouTube these day. Anyway, I don’t watch his
show but I won’t discourage you from watching it) in Angrejistan is wearing what he calls a
“Mughal Armour”- probably one of the pieces captured by the Angrej during the Third Anglo-
Maratha War.

Now, we know at least three separate cultures used it because he says it was taken at the
Siege of Adoni in the late 17th Century- so it was clearly featuring in the successful Mughal
Campaigns against the various splinter factions of the Bahmani Deccan by the general
Firoz Jang- who nevertheless, well how to put this politely, spent most of the later half of his
life getting humiliated by the Marathas and…

As he says- the design is extremely conservative because “ innovation is a sin, music is a

sin, sculpture is a sin, not raping chicks your right hands possess is a sin, etc etc etc…”

So- for the better part of at least three Centuries, this Armour was captured at least twice
and, barring small modifications, seems to have served its wearers satisfactorily. That’s
three centuries of Indian soldiers almost of height with Lloyd himself who describes himself
as “Six foot Three… the Man who wore this was slightly smaller… not enormously… An
Armour I can wear”. And these weren’t clearly in the upper strata of soldiery; Lloyd’s Armour
features no ornamentation, no filigree, nothing at all. There’s not even a sign that such ever
formed apart of the design. By all appearances, it was one of the standard suits
commissioned and successively worn by folk in the ranks with middling ranks at best.

As it is, almost all examples of medieval Indian Armour I’ve seen in various museums and
armories across the Country- and I must’ve seen dozens- were clearly worn by Men roughly
around my height- six feet give and take one-two inches, with some being even taller. Are
there “smaller” examples? Yes- but even the smallest examples stood at around 160–165
cms, and might’ve well belonged to Hindu teenagers and women- who regularly fought
during Sieges during the time.

In conclusion, we might as well present a snippet from the great Kapil Routray’s posts:
Kapil Routray's answer to How fit were ancient men?

1- Gajapati soldiers are described as lifting with weights up to 10 paddes (approximately 90

kilograms. They are also depicted as exercising on cross bars, while holding weights between
their thighs as well. This is equivalent to weights and exercises used by moderately-competent
gym rats today.

2- There are accounts of jumping exercises involving distances of over 20 feet. For contrast,
the current World record for long jump stands at approximately 29 feet. A certain Mahapatra
is also known to have jumped 26 feet- which is more than the inaugural long jump record in

3- Apart from wrestling and boxing bouts, Gajapati soldiers would also repeatedly attack
mud brick walls while wearing steel gauntlets to toughen their kicks and punches. The
Amayuktamalyada, incredibly enough, depicts such walls shattering during morning

-Kapil Routray

Abhilash Mohanty

HiSometime ago, I saw a Quoran- non-IIM BTW- post this in context of the perception of
Kashmiri Brahmins among Kashmiri Peacefuls.

OP was extremely concerned about how “even IIM grads” bear such hatred for Hindus.

The truth is far worse.

Kids like that Hussain chap are the NORM in the IIMs and XLs and SPJs of India. Hatred for
Hinduism, disdain for Dharma, and antipathy for even the slightest association with Hindu
culture is a fixture in the big B Schools.

The “Hindus” this Hussain is attacking are probably the few who still stick to Dharma in
those deracinated liberal colleges, and they're treated like Filth by the educated
sophisticated Elite of our B Schools- facing constant hatred, mockery, insults and back-

Q: But, Abhilash, kids in big B Schools are always hard at work…

A: We aren't machines and, truth be told, the Coursework at IIMs is merely taxing, not
particularly challenging. Skip two nights sleep a week and you'll coast by easily. As such,
Political views and Discrimination towards Conservatives don't require much “investment”
of Time and Effort in the first place.

Q: But, Abhilash, Liberalism and Atheism are the way to creating a Superior Human Race.

A: Liberalism and Atheism are well on track to creating Dar-ul-Peace in Jammu, Bengal, and
soon across the entire Republic. As it is, we are better off without any ideology that
promotes laughing at Hindu customs, demonizing Hindu beliefs, and hatred for Hindu

Q: But, Abhilash, they're the creme-de-la-creme of India…

A: So?

Smug faces, Smooth lies, and Complete Nehruvian hatred for Hinduisn and Hinduism -
these define IIMs and India's great colleges in a nutshell. OP just noticed this chap since
he's a Kashmiri Peaceful. But for every one of his kind, there are hundreds of “Hindu” B
Schoolers doing the same.

Abhilash Mohanty

The Pagri is a Helmet in itself, Rolfmao.

The Late Classical Hindu would wear a Pagri to signify his readiness for War and a Shikha
to stabilize his Shipra if he wore one. There were regional variations to this; Marathas and
Rajputs would else at Earrings, Oriyas wore Towels around our necks.

I still remember how my grandfather- a Zamindar- hung one over his left shoulder at all

The Sikh Khalsa began as a militarization of certain North Indian communities, and thus
they adopted most of the military and social paraphernalia then in vogue. And not being
idiots, they'd skip the Pagri for proper Helmets like everyone else whenever they got the

As for those questioning how a Cotton Pagri could serve as a Helmet?

Cotton Armour is extremely effective against most weaponry. Wet Cotton can repeal Sword
Strikes easily, and has been known to stop early musket fire. Most Indian troops would
wear Cotton Jackets under and above their Mail with a silk undershirt below it all.

Abhilash Mohanty

OP tagged this question with “Medieval India” but neglected to specify as such in his
question itself. I've made the necessary changes.

Now, if the question is about the death tallies in major battles, then an accurate count
becomes an iffy proposition in itself. Thing is- the Peacefuls consider every facet of Kaffir
civilizations as the House of War, and make little note of the difference between civilian
and combatant.

In that respect, a good contender for the Bloodiest day in medieval Indian history would be
the Sack of Sthanishvara.

Sthanishvara, it must be noted, was not a military city- despite being the birthplace of
Emperor Harsha. It was never a major political center and it was clearly smaller and less
important than either Kanyakubja or Prayaga or Ujjaini or Kaushambi. It was, however,
extremely rich both as a pilgrimage Centre as well as Trade hub.

The Tarikh-i-Yamini records “The blood of the Kaffirs flowed so copiously… that the stream
(river Ghaggar) was discolored notwithstanding its purity, and people were unable to drink it…
many were slain, taken or drowned… Fifty thousand men were killed at the spot.”

The total death toll on that day would've easily been in excess of 50,000, possibly as much
as 100,000 given that the standard Peaceful policy was to massacre elderly Kaffir women
over the age of forty-odd and aggressive teenage boys as well. The younger women
would've been gangraped. Those who survived and children would've all been taken as
slaves. There are ancillary mentions that as many as 200,000 Hindus were enslaved on that

A city with a population of easily in excess of 300,000 people- one of the greatest cities in
the World. Wiped out. In one day.

Is that “bloody” enough?

Even now, modern day Thaneswar is less than half the size of its Classical counterpart.

And Thaneswar was lucky. The great city of Vichi vanished- simply vanished- of the face of
the Earth. Kaushambi with its eleven meters high walls atop eight meters high foundations
was torn down. Prayaga- far far greater in size and scope than even Sthanishvara- was
destroyed in entirity. Even now, the Republic mocks us with the mockery of a name they
call that most holy of cities! Varanasi was destroyed again and again and again, and yet we
Hindus rebuilt it again and again and again and again. Cities that had stood since before
the Iron Age and mentioned in some of the earliest texts of Man, all gone…

Who did such horrors? Can I even dare speak their names? Can I dare challenge the Liberal
powers that be? Can I raise my voice against the educated sophisticated rich folk of the

You tell me.

Abhilash Mohanty

Here’s a Physical Map of India depicted with the traditional borders of Orissa (red), as well
as the ancillary provinces (maroon) of the Routray Empire (black)- which is here being
referred to by their dynastic name of “Suryavamshi Gajapati”.

This Image is a representation of the greatest extent of the Empire for a period of 20–25
odd years under Gajapati Kapilendradeva Routray. His successor Gajapati
Purushottamdeva lost most of the Deccan- but regularly projected power beyond Kanchi.
The Core territories remained unchanged until the final collapse of the Orissa towards the
end of Akbar’s reign; the northern provinces were lost following a Mughal Civil War between
Governors during Shah Jehan’s reign; the southern during the periodic wrangling between
he Mughals, Nizam, and the Marathas in the early 18th Century.

See the problem?

In modern times, Oriyas number around 30 million in total at present and, in my personal
estimate, around 5–7 million of this number aren’t actually Oriya by blood but ancillary tribal
peoples who use the language as a lingua franca. Even considering in the lands stolen

from us Oriya in modern day Bengal and Andhra, we arrive at an equivalent population of
roughly 40 million Oriya speakers of whom around only 30–32 million would’ve been Oriya
by blood.

The population of Bharatavarsha excluding Kubhadesha at present is around 1750 million.

In other words, Oriyas- at our height- likely made up no more than 1.7% of the Continent’s

During this time, Oriyas would’ve been ruling over an Empire consisting of approximately
20% of the Continent’s population, at near-constant War with over 65% of the Continent’s
population, and at genocidal degrees of Total War with 45% of the Continent.

Remember- Orissa has been a de-facto THEOCRACY since the king of Cuttack and Puri,
Shri Shri Anangabhima III Chodaganga’s renunciation of the Throne in the early 13th

The Gajapati himself is merely one of the many kings in service to Jagannath. He rules
Orissa merely as a servant and representative of the true gods. Often you’ll find
malcontents of various forms- be they propagandists or liberals or even modern Oriya
youth- preaching the “secular tolerant” nature of the Oriya Empires. Nothing can be more
absurd! Even until the late 20th Century, Oriya elders from good families would refuse to
walk on the same side of the road as a Peaceful! The one Lord of Orissa is Jagannath- and
we will not neither brook nor endure any false gods before him.

Jai Jagannath!

The blessings of Jagannath, though infinite, are unfortunately subtle and difficult to
understand. Far be it for me to criticize the noble ancestors who have preceded us- but One
might wonder whether they might not have been a tad… over-optimistic about their personal

capacity to carry out the spread of the word of the Bhagavad Gita, as sung by our Lord.
Possibly- they should’ve reached out to other Hindus instead of trying to accomplish
everything by themselves?

As it is- the Routrays, and Oriyas in general, were almost permanently over-stretched and
running on fumes. Oriya agriculture was superior to the Peacefuls’ owing to lower taxes
and better administration but Oriya lands were always smaller and less fertile and have no
real perennial rivers (you can wade across Kuakhai near Bhubaneswar, twenty kilometres
from the Mahanadi itself, during most of the year, rolfmao). Orissa had always been a
primarily Trade-based Empire but the centuries of Peaceful rule had lead to greater and
greater impoverishment of the Country and Collapse of all real Industry and Trade- save
that in Slaves- something neither the immortal gods nor Oriya lords would brook.

And here’s a description of Oriya military doctrine by the famed Kapil Routray, historian and

1- Orissa, being the last bastion of the Classical India of the Guptas and the Pratihara- was
arguably the best organized State in Bharatavarsha, with its superior administration and
bureaucracy allowing Oriyas to trade blows on equal terms with vastly more populous and
powerful Enemies.

2- The vast Elephant corps of the Oriya Armies. Despite several Eminent Historian’s
dismissing War Elephants as useful- partly because their parroting Graeco-Roman
propaganda accounts against their Persian foes or on account of their ignorance of Military
Science, War Elephants represented the heaviest form of Cavalry available in the World and
could also be used as Siege weapons or Siege Weapon platforms.

3- From depictions in Palm Leaf Manuscripts- here sourced from Dr J P Das’ works or from
Temple Inscriptions and Sculptures, we can rebuild a depiction of Oriya armies then. The
Armies of Cuttack were built around regiments of armoured Missile Cavalry, swift horsemen
who carried lances, longbows, and sabres- riding into melees but dismounting to fight while
loosing arrows. Their longbows gave them greater range and power than the composite bows
carried by their Mohammedan foes while their superior discipline allowed them to dispatch
off greater number of Ghulam and Ghazi enemy troops.

4- Finally- the greatest reason for Oriya success against the Mohammedans- a united
ideology. Under Emperor Anangabhimadeva III, Orissa was restructured as a one united
land, one clenched fist under the kingship of Jagannath himself. As long as Oriyas fought for
the glory of Srikshetra and Dharma on Earth, there could be no defeat for the armies of the
Three Kalingas.

The best way for the Chodaganga lords and generals to take advantage of their centralized
bureaucracy as well as compensate for low Oriya population was, thus, to conduct rapid
invasions into North India, use superior Oriya troops to clear Mohammedan forces before
reinforcements could come- and hold against all comers.

-Kapil Routray, The Lakhnauti Campaign : The Wars That Will Not be Named ― Kapil
Routray [WeReform News]

The problem was that there was a limit to all the heroics Oriyas could get up to. Almost 300
years before the period in question, Gajapati Narasimhadeva I Chodaganga had
successfully conquered Bengal and most of Bihar. His heirs held it for almost half a
century- longer than most French Republics- but had a retreat when a massive drought in
1280 Ce devastated their population. Gajapati Kapilendradeva Routray took Bidar-
smashing down the Bahmani Sultanate that had even held Vijayanagara at bay for
centuries. Jagamaladeva Ratha flayed alive Peaceful prisoners. Ramakanta Patnaik
assaulted positions ten times his size…

It was all immaterial.

The conquest of Bengal alone was a daunting task under the best circumstances. Bihar or
Andhra- an iffy prospect- but pushing forward even beyond that, into the heavily populated
Kaveri or the Ganga valleys with their teeming millions, outnumbering Oriyas in population
more than ten-twenty times over? Against fresh Armies? Facing the full might of not only
Delhi- but also the unending hordes of Dar-ul-Peace? At the end of logistical chains half the
length of Europe?

As the vanguard of a Hindu Army- a true Hindu Army united under one Faith, One Country,
One Emperor, one common purpose, Oriyas could’ve marched around the World in arms
and shock any who came against the word of the Vedas and our Lord Jagannath- but
alone, disunited, embattled, we were few and ultimately worn down.

Despite our magnificent armour, despite our fearsome artillery, despite our great elephants,
despite our glorious fortresses, despite our valour and devotion to the true gods- the Oriyas
of the Routray Empire forgot one important lesson- that before we are Oriyas, we are
Bharatas- first and foremost, heirs to Emperor Bharata- and it was binding on us to herald
not an Oriya Empire- but a Hindu one.

It was impossible for the Routrays- even at their mythic ideal of Suryavamshi Gajapati
State- to take Delhi. If they’d instead marched under the cry of Hindavi Swarajya… who

Abhilash Mohanty

When (the Dutch) arrived at the camp, (Shivaji) could hardly find time to meet him… because
he received so many letters and reports from the more than 1,000 spies in his service. At long
last… succeeded in drawing (Shivaji’s) attention, but only after they had loudly played their
drum and horns (tabalingo en cromhoorns) in a tour around the camp. Even then (the Dutch)
could hardly get down to serious business as (Shivaji) was diverted every minute by the
arrival of one spy or another with some letter or news report…

-On the Dutch Agent Herbert de Jaeger’s visit to Pune

It was a mixture of the then-prevalent (corrupted) Mongol-Persianate practices as well as

clearly book-learnt “Hindu” military administration sourced from Classical Dharmashastras.
The latter is just one of the many points modern secular educated sophisticated degree-
walas pointedly ignore while painting Shivaji as some sort of early modern secular
Socialist. Shivaji was deliberately trying to create a Hindu Government- completely alien
in thought, form, and action to then-prevalent Mleccha norms.

I’m mostly free tonight and am feeling particular verbose so I think I’ll write a real post on
the nature of early Maratha Organization. Again- it’s not actually my field of Study but early
Maratha Military Doctrine is particularly interesting as a parallel to late medieval Oriya
military doctrine and while I’m sure folk like Kulkarni and Soumya from Twitter surpass me
in terms of the particulars, none- save Patnaik- can match my command on historical
Indian Military development.

I’ve got several personal theories on the organization of the early Maratha Army- many of
which probably will never be proved if only because we lack enough reports from the

Then again, there is a real lack of documentation from the period- which, for the ignorant,
would be extremely surprising given just how “obsessed” with documentation and record-
keeping Indians usually where- be they Hindu or Peaceful. Don’t take my word for it- read
Manucci or Hawkins or anyone. Mir Jumla used to write letters by hand himself while
dictating to secretaries for hours every day. So much for the Liberal refrain that “Indians
have no sense of history”.

Shivaji’s political strategy was based on the rising idea of a “Deccan Hindu Zamindari”- and
by extension, “Hindavi Swarajya”- rule by Hindu Aristocracy over a Hindu populace.

What Shivaji had probably realized was that, pound for pound, Hindu States were superior
to Peaceful ones.

Hindu kingdoms hit harder, withstood more, lasted longer, and overall governed better than
Peaceful ones- despite taking often lower taxes, not raiding and pillaging the peasants at
will, and being Hindu. Of course- it’s not kosher to say such things now, especially on sites
like Quora- but it’s common knowledge that even minor kingdoms like Mewar could fight all
of Mughal India to bloody draws. And a real Hindu State like Orissa or Assam could take on
massive amounts of punishment from all sides from massively superior opponents and
still survive for centuries. Shivaji would’ve seen this with his own eyes; look up where he
grew up, with whom he grew up- and the timeline of the Vijayanagara Empire.

The primary advantages Peaceful States had was as follows:-

1- The Mughals had vastly larger armies than any Hindu State- since they not only got
support from the chronically disunited Hindus who, barring a few well-read officers such as
Vijayanagara Emperor Krishnadeva Raya or the Routray Collector Jagamaladeva Ratha, did
not understand the Peaceful philosophy (when they did, they started doing things like
making pyramids of skulls or flaying captured Peacefuls alive)- but could also obtain the
unquestioned allegiance of Peaceful rivals against Hindus by raising the scepter of Jihad.

2- The Mughals sanctioned state-organized loot, partly through putting an end to hereditary
succession as well as inflating military ranks. So, they could not only obtain the advantages
of a military meritocracy but also let sleeping dogs lie for Officers in times of peace- but
pull them up demanding greater services during the rare emergencies.

3- The Mughals did not formalize logistical chains- instead depending on freelance semi-
independent Bargis- Bargi-giri is a Persianate word, NOT a Maratha one - to raid enemies
and thus depended on bringing a single massive force to bear upon enemies in one swift
strike to break defenses. Such a Tactic was exceptionally successful- most famously in
case of Orissa which had withstood Peaceful attacks for more than 400 years; King Man
Singh the Traitor was able to overrun the border Oriya forts and rush Cuttack before the
other Oriya gadajats and zamindars- used to combating slower foes- could assemble.

Daunting- yes- but for everyone of the listed Advantages, there is a counter argument.

1- Hindavi Swarajya. Liberals might deny it as much as they wish, the idea of Hindavi
Swarajya was as iconic and awe-inspiring for every Hindu in the 17th Century as it is for
such few Hindus still breathing in this Republic. Even in the heart of Agra, even in the midst
of Jai Singh I’s household, his own son Ram Singh risked life and status to help Shivaji
escape- despite knowing that he would get NOTHING in return save the tyrant Aurangzeb’s
sword in this worthless and degenerate World and the taste of Soma in the glorious Halls
of Indra in the next.

One Faith. One Country. One Emperor. From the Vakshu to the Irravati- as it was under
Bharata and Vikrama and Samudra. To the Arya has been promised Rains. To the Arya has
been promised the Eagle. To the Arya has been promised the Earth. What do base lies and
petty lies and faux consolation matter to a Hindu out to restore Bharatavarsha and thus
obtain Aryahood?

2- Educated Modern Sophisticated Indians, brainwashed by Communist NCERT, labour

under delusions regarding the supposed evils of Zamindari and Feudalism. Nonsense!
Feudalism is the foundation of Freedom . Land, Weaponry, and the Gods are the foundation
of Civilization- and mindless “meritocracy”- as practiced by the Mughals- promoted nothing
but exploitation by a continued succession of appointed Officers with no interest in
preserving their Lands and People for their Sons. On the other hand, this very concept of
unbridled loot without prospect of long-term development encouraged the deepest
depravities of Men. Those aspiring to Aryahood would thus have to rewarded with Land-
but compensated with Coin- and those who didn’t were of no concern. Whether consciously
or unconsciously, Shivaji- through his deeds- preached the word of the Vedas and the
Supremacy of the Arya.

3- The Mughal War Machine was good for one- ONLY ONE- real strike at an enemy. Break it,
bog it down, defeat it- and the Mughal War Machine would eat itself on the battlefields.
Mughal Success with this Shock-and-Charge Doctrine rested primarily on its Gunpowder
doctrine; similar ideas had been tried by the Sultanates of Delhi as well as Bijapur multiple
times against Oriyas but had ben bogged down by Oriya forts and taken down by us far
fewer Oriyas. But Mughal guns were powerful, highly effective against even the finest Oriya
fortresses and best Oriya armour- and thus carried the day fast enough for Oriya
reinforcements to strike back.

But the Oriya strategy hadn’t been wrong- only the degree of paranoia was. With more
forts, more supplies, and alternate logistical routes, the Mughals could’ve been stopped.
We Oriyas erred in not being obsessive and demanding enough upon ourselves. A similar
case- this time in Sindh- also demonstrated similar traits. The Khan-e-Khana nearly ate his
own army and only won because the Sindhis attacked prematurely.

Thus, was the foundation of the Early Maratha War Machine under Shivaji.

1- Full Landed and Property Rights for Maratha Lords and Generals.

2- Cash Payments for regular troops with Social security for their families.

3- A heavy focus on Attrition Warfare and Logistical Superiority.

4- Local Infantry Superiority on Campaign backed by Artillery Superiority over Logistical


The Maratha Military Administration was on roughly three parallel lines - two State-driven
lines with one logistical and one tactical and both wings reporting to the Commander-in-
chief, and one depending on semi-independent Sardars slowly being incorporated into the
Maratha identity and State. The King and Ministers themselves had separate access to an
intelligence wing. I can’t remember the exact terminology for the posts- but it started with
primarily Persianate terms being used but that’s immaterial since slowly, Shivaji started
replacing them completely and incorporating more and more ‘Sanskrit’ terms into his polity,
going side-by-side with the commissioning of new dictionaries and temples, which served
as a fledgling nucleus of Maratha literary development. Alas, it only come into full flowering
after the destruction of the Maratha Empire itself- but that’s another story.

“{Shivaji)… began by augmenting a series of hill forts to provide a backbone for his authority.
This network of forts provided communication and intelligence advantages over an ever-
increasing territory… Mounted Maratha Units provided Reconnaissance or double up as a
mobile attack force… while (Shivaji’s) power projected to the Sea where Coastal
Fortifications served as bases for his forces and allowed completion of external fortification

-Randolf G S Cooper

Thus we see that, contrary to pop culture and academic perception- Shivaji was primarily
an Infantry Commander utilizing Combined Arms Tactics. And why not- as Ian Raeside
once wrote- Shahaji Bhonsle was himself an infantry commander.

So, the logistical and the tactical heads of each Fortress reported separately to their
respective district heads and in turn up until the word reached the Military Council under
the Commander-in-Chief, a position Shivaji initially occupied himself but could be and was
delegated in later times. As such, military orders remained secret till the last minute, the
risk of bribery could be reduced, and duties could be delegated better. The Logistical heads
were in close contact with the Maratha Navy- initially a primarily Portuguese mercenary
concern but soon developing into a true Maratha affair as Shivaji noted the unreliability of
Mercenaries (an example of Classical Hindu thought changing the prevailing Persianate
ideas; Bharata writers like Kamandaki loathed mercenaries and routinely advocated steps
like treating mercenaries like cannon fodder or killing them at the first opportunity). As such,
the first true Maratha Heavy Siege initiatives were Naval Actions against Portuguese Forts;
things changed later- but that’s another Story.

The Tactical Heads were the primary handlers of the Sardars, Bargis, and Pindaris- with the
latter two groups being constantly incorporated into the more professional Sardars. The
differences were not sacrosanct; Sardars could be formally inducted into the Logistical
Chain or the Tactical Fortress Command- which would have final say over the Cavalry and
Screening Operations, unless Shivaji himself was on the scene.

As such- we see that the Maratha Command was insulated to the three primary concerns
of the Time- Ideological Weakness, Bribery, and Shock-&-Charge. And here’s the key point
regarding the only successful Mughal Campaign against the Marathas under Jai Singh I-
Jai Singh I NEVER militarily defeated the Marathas .

His strategy against Shivaji was primarily based on offering endless promises of high mansab
and money to all his chief officers and allies. After he had capitulated, Shivaji was allowed to
keep part of his estate as a zamindar, while his young son Sambhaji was granted the rank of
5,000 zat. Later, Jai Singh succeeded in enticing Shivaji to court... As he observed himself:

All the zamindars of the Karnatak and the wild people of Barkol and Kanul etc. have sent their
agents, just as one captured deer draws many wild and forest deers. And they are waiting for
hints and signs and for the sake of the Bijapur expedition it is absolutely necessary to
conciliate them and give them hope to get their watan (homeland).

-JJL Gommans, quoting Jai Singh I’s letter to Aurangzeb in the second half

By the mid 17th Century itself- indeed from the very start of Shivaji’s career, the Mughal
military had rendered itself impotent and incapable of facing the Hindu Pad Padshahi on
equal terms. The bribes that had so often formed part of Medieval Indian Warfare were
growing more and more useless, and Jai Singh I almost bankrupted himself paying for
more and more Maratha defections. As it was- the term “Maratha” was encompassing an
ever larger identity- to say nothing of the “Hindavi Swarajya” philosophy.

Jai Singh I’s newly commissioned light artillery did give him early successes militarily- but
as it was, he’d have no way to take the core Maratha defenses successfully. And his new
reforms were incompatible with the existing Mughal logistical doctrine since they required
regular supplies- Maratha style- which the decadent and mostly non-existent Mughal
Administration was and had never been capable of providing. It was only by exploiting the
divisions within the fledgling Maratha identity that Jai Singh I managed to make ANY
progress at all- and the minute the foul Mughals showed their true colours by insulting
Shivaji in court and later putting him under house arrest, the Marathas closed ranks again
and Jai Singh I- now bankrupt and, as is expected, betrayed by Aurangzeb- had to return to
his now much-impoverished kingdom.

The one who remained standing when the dust settled was Shivaji Maharaj, High King of
Marathas and Emperor of Hindus- and even now, the light to which we Hindu
Traditionalists aspire to. Long may his Memory shine in these dark times .

Abhilash Mohanty

From the least brick to the tiniest bone fragment, every single remnant and legacy of the
Harappan Civilization belongs to Bharatas and Bharata alone.

The History of a People is defined not but by one’s noble Ancestors but by how they and
their work matters to their Descendants. Blood tells, one way or the other. Once one has
shorn themselves of the traditions, beliefs, and iconography of their ancestors, the former
might as well as claim descent from the Moon People for all it might be worth. In a
Metaphysical and Civilizational sense, they are already orphans.

The very creation of Pakistan was a statement made by the Peacefuls of India- or at least
89.2% of them- that their co-existence alongside a Hindu populace is as impossible as is
their acceptance of a Hindu way of Life. As such- while they are free to seek kinship with
the Turks or Arabs or whatever random desert nomad tribe in the Sahara, they have
absolutely no right over our Hindu past. As it is, Pakistanis claiming Harappa is absurd in
itself; by the philosophy preached in their own allegedly-holy texts- the “words” of their non-
existent god, the only heritage a Peaceful has is that of the long-dead Arab enslaver and
maha Dushkarmi.

This has been borne out not only in the carcasses of the devastated Temples and Cities
littered, and the appropriated and desecrated shells of the once-magnificent structures that
now serve as mosques to some fairy tale of a god, but also again and again and again and
again within our very lives.

Hatred of the Pagan, the Pagan’s Works, and the Pagan’s History is part and parcel of
Islam- and no matter what politically correct shrieks and Liberal thought-control one tries
to suppress it with, the truths are two and the same:

1- “There is no god but Allah.”

2- “Kill the Kaffir wherever you find him.”

The Right of Pakistanis over the heritage of Harappa is the same as that of the 8th Century
Turks “shitting on the head of the Buddha” - as poetically described by whatever illiterate
passed for a poet among them, following the Sack of Khotan- over the ruins of
Monasteries, Forts, and Universities that litter all of Central Asia and Afghanistan.


NB:- As for the common queries that might arise in some of the educated classes:-

Q: But… but… Abhilash, it is called “Indus Valley Civilization”! It’s not called “Harappan

A: Ignorance might be a fixture among the students of the Big Colleges- but the Dharma
Shastras of all schools frown on ignorance and thus, I make Learning my goal, not base
‘Education’. The so-called IVC was centered around the greater Mother Saraswati- Mother
of Floods and Greatest of Rivers, who will not be seen on Earth during this foul Kali Yuga-
and stretched from Kalinga in the east to Kerala in the south to Kubha in the west. A better,
more suitable name will be that of the Vedic Civilization.

Q: But… but… Abhilash, Aryan, Dravidian, Oppressor, Invader, Wah, Wah!”

A: He who is fearless and upright, worshiper of the immortal gods, a drinker of Soma,
performer of Sacrifices, is an Arya. Upon his Standard, perches the mighty Eagle- unyoked
by Chariots. Upon his Sacrifices, have been granted Rains and Storms. Upon him, has Indra

bestowed the Earth. How absurd to claim that any but the Aryas- lords of Silver Chariots
under the Storm-dark Skies- have built the cities in question, as they’ve built so many others

Q:- But… but… Abhilash, Periyar… and Nehru… and Thapar… and Jinnah…

A: Can rot in whatever Hell they are.

Abhilash Mohanty

Since Quora’s moderation has seen fit to reject my merging this question with another similar
one here: Why is the Gupta age regarded as the Golden Age in Indian history? , the only
alternative is to re-post my answer on that page here. I suppose persecuting Hindus is too
demanding a job for the Powers-that-be on Quora to actually do their job of managing this

Good sir, you must be dreaming. There's a defacto omerta among India's Eminent
Historians when it comes to the Gupta Empire. The only reason they don't actively deny that
it existed is because a lot of the original research had been already done by the Angrej and
the early Indian ASI and it'd have been unfeasible to bury the evidence.

As such, the great scholars and the Educated classes expend no little effort in trying to
wipe out the idea of a Gupta Empire - or the Empire of the Gurjara- from public sources.

It's for this reason that excavations on Classical sites has been at a virtual standstill from
the one at Kaushambi in the 60s; why you only hear of digs from Harappan sites or Ancient
period locations- because they can be conveniently dismissed off as “Dravidian” or

It's for this reason that not one - one- piece of Armour or pane of Glass- save the ones at
Kopia found by the Germans- or even a fucking cup from the Gupta period has been found
in the past 50 years. Even the coins you hear about are only “discovered” when local
villagers donated massive caches they discover all the time. Compare Roman coin find
patterns with Gupta ones; and you'll see just what level of skulldruggery is going on behind
the scenes.

Kaushambi had eleven meter walls build over eight meters high platforms, and it wasn't
even a military center. There used to nine storey buildings built for pilgrims. Keshavadeo at
Mathura, built by Emperor Chandra II, would've towered half as big again as Sri Jagannath
at Puri- and it predated the latter by more than five centuries. A purification system capable
of handling two million liters was discovered back in the 70s. Huein Tsang saw copper
statues over a hundred feet tall.

Ever read a word about the Gupta Bureaucracy? Anything about the Military organization or
Police system? Yes, there was a Police system. But not according to the Eminent
Historians; it was a “feudal” Empire. Even Feudal Empires require Bureaucrats. And the
Gupta Bureaucracy was, even with the scarce data we have, arguably far more extensive
and detailed than anything until the British Raj. But damned if anyone after Radhabinod
Dutta could be half arsed to study it. BTW how long since the poor man passed away? 50
years? 60?

It's for this reason that the sheer size and scope of the Gupta Empire is routinely lowballed.
Emperor Harsha’s own grandmother was a Gupta, his heirs were Guptas, and it's very likely
he inherited all of Central and Eastern India save Kanyakubja and Bengal instead of
conquering it. But you won't learn this from our Eminent Historians. Gupta remains have
been found as south and late as 7th Century Orissa (which traditionally extends well into the
modern “Deccan”) so the Empire was likely extending well into the Godavari basin, which
was essentially one great forest then, but good luck finding this in public sources.

It's for this reason that you have an absurdity called the “Later Gupta”. What the hell is a
Later Gupta? How about I spit on my noble Ancestors and call myself a Later Mohanty? Did
Emperor Adityasena call himself Adityasena Later Gupta? And he's also a prime candidate
for lowballing; described as a “king of Magadha” when its known for a fact that he was
holding court at the banks of the Gomati and directing officials as west as the Sutlej basin
were using Gupta titles.

People ask why Indian history, especially in the Classical period, is so patchy. Why
shouldn't it be? There was one great Superstate all this time, from around the mid 3rd
Century CE to the 9th Century CE, extending all over the North and reaching South as far as
Kanchi at multiple points. And there's pindrop silence, and often blanket denial over its very

“Golden Age”? There's no greater Dark Age in the history of the Continent, and it'll remain so
given I expect this country to balkanize by 2040 and Hindus to go the way of the dodo
shortly after, all the while preaching tolerance and human rights.

Abhilash Mohanty

There are three “religions” in the World- Judaism, <<REDACTED>>, and <<REDACTED>>.

The first among the three believe that the desert creature they have as an imaginary friend
told them to kill everyone in the vicinity who didn’t have him as their imaginary friend and
take over the place- which came to be called “Israel”. They accomplished this sometime in
the Bronze Age and, save that bout of genocidal insanity, have remained mostly at peace
with the World since- but that’s another story.

<<REDACTED>> and <<REDACTED>> have gone one better, and want to wipe out everyone
all across the World who doesn’t have the same aforementioned imaginary friend. It’s in
their books; look it up.

So- the initial distinction between “religion” was for the later two groups to make out whom
to murder-rape-genocide-pillage next. No one else had the concept as such; thus tagging
on an “-ism” made little sense to anyone who wasn’t out on a horse with a sword in one

AS far as I’m aware, the first time the term “Buddhism” was used anywhere in the World
was in the late 1830s or early 40s- by Sir Alexander Cunningham. Even if he wasn’t the one
to coin the term, then he was clearly one of the first ones to use it in “popular”- for a given
degree of “popular”- parlance. John Keays probably even narrowed down one of the
encounters which might’ve impacted Cunningham's ideas- an unknown pilgrim from
Myanmar praying to the Bodhi Tree at Gaya while being unaware of the local deities.

Now, Cunningham had been in a quandary at the time… here, I’ll quote from one of Rohit
Patnaik’s articles:-

Cunningham — because of his primary field of work being the Stupas at Sarnath and Bharhut
— and in order to take advantage of the Continental interest in the Buddha’s teachings —
focussed primarily on similar relics to the detriment of Classical remains; and as a result
Indian text books, to this day, maintain a suspicious silence on post-Ashoka history.

-Rohit Patnaik,

As it was, Cunningham ended with a totemo alien- and inaccurate- manner of viewing what
he called “Buddhism”. You see- a key factor in the study of Indian history among the Angrej
was the continued demonization of Hindus as “Demonic and Vulgar”- as was once told to
Princeps about his own research- and thus, Cunningham had a vested interest in ‘cleansing
Buddhism off its Hindu influences’.

In other words- no Avalokiteshwara, no Chandi, “Buddhism is Atheistic”, “Buddhism has no

rituals”, “Caste is Hindu tyranny”, etc etc. I guess you can see from where Ambedkar had
been getting his hackneyed ideas on the Buddha.
As such, the Western idea for Buddhism was particularly geared to be targeted by a very
specific form of one of the many schools of the Buddha’s teaching- what would, in later
years, be called “Soldier Zen”. Following the Meiji Restoration, most Buddhist schools of
thought in Japan had been taking a severe beating for obvious political and ideological
reasons; most primary schools were based in Kansai and Kanto- seats of power for Kyoto
and Edo. The Meiji Restoration, though, was being driven by Imperialists from Choshu and

As such, there were internal reform movements for creating a back-to-the-basics

Buddhism for the commoners- focused on Nation-building and Militaristic-pride which
might find favour among the newly militarized Japanese Empire. Chief among these
movements were the schools of Soto Zen and Rinzai Zen, and thus the monk Soyen Shaku.

Soyen Shaku’s teacher was the famed Imakati Kosen- a noted name among the more
scholarly Hindu Traditionalists- and for obvious reasons. Like many Hindu Traditionalists
today, Kosen was a student of the teachings of the Mito School, among them the works of
the great Aizawa Seshisai. And like many Hindu Traditionalists today, Kosen’s response to
the myriad dangers Imperial Japan faced on a civilizational, religious, and political front
was the stratification of Philosophical and Civilizational Ideology. That Pagan Nations- as
they were & are- are incapable to deal with the insidious character of the Desert Cults, and
thus have to reforged into a Society that will allow them to survive against the Abrahmic
storm- a Traditionalist Ritualistic Upper Class with complete knowledge of Spiritual
subtleties who will exercise control over a more docile mechanistic lower class who will be
taught an Abrahmic-ized form of Shinto-Buddhism which will render them as fanatical and
single-minded as any slavering Hui jihadi or Portuguese inquisitor.

Few Hindus in modern India are aware of the approaching Spenglerian crisis. But
unfortunately, even fewer look beneath the underneath like Nachiketa once did. One
example of this is the so-called Parliament of World Religions where Swami Vivekananda
made his famous- in some Hindu circles- speech.

The truth of the matter is that Swami Vivekananda’s speech was a minor and
inconsequential part of the proceedings. The highlight of the Event were the speeches by a
follower of Soyen Shaku- D T Suzuki.

The Rinzai representative Soyen Shaku befriended the publisher and self-declared monist
theologian Paul Carus, who a year later published his influential work, Gospel of Buddha
(1894), modelled on the Christian New Testament, and a classic for certain Japanese sects
and “Protestant Buddhism.” This is a term used by scholars to describe a modernist
Buddhism that grew in “protest” of Christian aggression and evangelism, but which was in
turn deeply influenced by it…

Suzuki’s Buddhism was a triumphalist vision of Japanese Zen as being superior to every other
teaching there was. Although much of Suzuki’s writings on Zen derived from Romanticism
and Transcendentalism, he seldom gave them any credit. He knew the right people of his time
– Aldous Huxley, Robert Blyth, Dwight Goddard, Erich Fromm, Carl Jung and Thomas
Merton -- through whom his vision of Zen was widely spread through North America, western
Europe and much of English-speaking Asia.

-Piya Tan

This represented not only a massive PR building exercise by the Japanese but also one of
the finest Cultural offensives ever made by a Pagan Civilization made against the West. As
such, the idea of a “Buddhism distinct from Hinduism” was solidified- and not even as the
direct outcome of Kosen’s implementation of the teaching of Seshisai, thus liberating
Japan to not only defend itself from the corruption of the West, but also stand up to it- one
of the many examples of Trilochana Rout’s Imperial Order and Rohit Patnaik’s
Imperiogenesis: “An Empire is an Empire when it begins to change Reality itself
unintentionally and for its own needs.”

A state of affairs that- unfortunately, from the studies of many Hindu Traditionalists- looks
more and more unlikely by the day in the case of India.

But that is a story for another day.

Abhilash Mohanty

Not one line about this “Brahmins refusing to coronate Shivaji Maharaj” nonsense has been
noted in Contemporary records.

Not one person for over 300 years after his Coronation said one word about this “Ebul
Brahmin” nonsense.

Not one line about this nonsense was ever heard of in public before all sorts of
Dravidianistas and Ambedkarites and Wannabe-Firangs and other such Eminent Educated
folk came up spouting their gibberish.

In older times, such lying malcontents would've been swiftly dealt with permanently- most
likely by Shivaji own ministers led by Pant Pingle, a Brahmin himself.

But alas, we are a civilized secular society now and it's permanent open season on Hindus.

Still the same Endians who can't name their own great grandfathers if asked, not only know
how much money Shivaji Maharaj paid Bhatt for the Coronation but also what colour
underwear both of them had on then. Needless to say, I don't even know why I'm wasting
time answering such nonsensical questions since none of the dimwits plaguing the country
will ever see sense or are even capable of it. Doubtless, some Periyar-worshipping creature
will turn up soon to screech “But… but… Where is the proof Brahmins DID NOT hate Shivaji? ”

Dear Periyar-worshiper, there is no proof that your beloved Periyar wasn’t a paedophile
rapist either- but we still give you and him the benefit of doubt, don’t we? Actually scratch
that- Periyar was a paedophile rapist who loved fucking teenage girls right into his doddery
old age. In fact, I’m going to go ahead and accuse him of being a cross-dressing man-
whore who loved bestiality and necrophilia, and the same goes for his followers as well. Go
ahead- prove me wrong. Maybe that’s why Periyarites & Ambedkarites are so pissed at
Hindus in general and Brahmins in particular; all that insistence on “not being a totemo
degenerate” in the Shastras must be galling.

Explains all the obsession with “Relationships” and “Polygamy” we see on this Site as well.

Considering what the average sapiosexual intellectual educated Indian youth on this
sapiosexual intellectual educated website is like, it is obvious why exactly our Ancestors
rightly believed that “Education” should be restricted to only a few.

What is the solution to such a sad state of affairs? Why even ask? We all know.

Abhilash Mohanty

Indian historians, being essentially mindless Commies, have never felt the need for any
logical or systematic historiographical analysis - and this shows in the “Eras” utilized
commonly in both Academia and Pop Culture.

The traditional divisions are based on European historiography - Classical Antiquity,

Antiquity, Late Antiquity, Early Medieval, High Medieval, Late Medieval, Early Modern and so

Trouble is these periods don't necessarily align with an Indian interpretation. The end of
European Late Antiquity doesn't necessarily imply anything unique about the Indian
scenario - there was still a Gupta Emperor in power, there were still great Temples and
Universities being built, nothing really changed.

On the other hand, the 12th to 13th Centuries mark the very annihilation of Classical
Bharata as we know it - but no unique importance is attached to the tine by our English
Educated Hordes. Lamentable.

A “Solution” to this tragicomic state of affairs is to declare that the “Eras” in Indian history
are “different” than those in the West, and thus randomly assign the “Indian Medieval
period” to c. 1000 CE to c. 1857 CE as I recall once seeing in my ICSE book, and so forth.
Probably the brainwave of some Eminent Historian. The entire plan is retarded and ignorant
enough to be one, at any rate.

Moot point though since the end of Hindu India means the end of Hindu history and
historiography itself, and then this talk will be superfluous in all ways.

Abhilash Mohanty

Ignorance among the typical modern Indian educated degreechhap and 50-odd years of
NCERT harping on Emperor Ashoka.

The Mauryan Empire wasn't even the greatest Empire in India during the Middle Puranic
period. The Haryanka arguably accomplished far more at far great odds against them, to
say nothing about the other Superstates such as Kuru and Avanti.

Abhilash Mohanty


Until the 17th Century or so, it took the agricultural productivity of nine human beings
working full time to support ten.

For every ten people thus freed from the constraints of producing food, approximately
three to four would've been engaged full time in one of the two pursuits- either textiles or
pottery. The rest would've been in some sort of trade - again, primarily pertaining to either
food or textiles.

Even in massively fertile flood Plains such as the Saraswati Valley, it's obvious that most of
the population would've been purely agrarian.

Abhilash Mohanty

Rolfmao. The Bible even gets the identity of the true gods wrong, instead preaching the
worship of some genocidal insecure man-child of a “god”, who is of feebler wit and inferior
morals to the average Rakshasha in Arya literature. The Demon King Hiranyakashipu
himself would've lost his lunch seeing at the genocide, rape, sex slavery, and other
assorted merits preached by the desert creature some call Yahweh.

Why seek a lesson on the glories of the Bharatas in them- lest you are some sort of Periyar-
worshipper at war with Sanity and Civilization itself?

Jai Shri Rama.

Abhilash Mohanty

Are Oriyas the made-up spawn of a Scottish Krischan Missionary’s personal Divide-&-Rule
project for destroying the very foundation of our Faith and Birth, mocking our noble
Ancestors, and spiting on the immortal gods of this land?


Oriyas have been in Orissa since the great prince Kalinga of the line of Emperor Mahabali
settled the land and built his great nation here. Oriyas were here when King Bhagirath
brought Mother Ganga onto Earth. Oriyas were here when Emperor Bharata united the
Continent. Oriyas were here when prince Raghu fought Indra to a draw. Oriyas were here
when the Kurus fought each other. Oriyas predate not only Scots and Scotland, but also
Krischans and their Dravidians and their non-existent god.

We are Bharatas, heirs of Emperor Bharata, devoted to the true gods of the Vedas, and ever
observant of the rightful sacrifices and offerings to the immortal gods and the noble
ancestors. The chittering of random degenerate Lemurs and the screeching of the modern
educated hordes concerns us not. This entire business of Dravidianism is clearly some
unholy heresy that must be stamped out the way Gajapati Narasimhadeva I stamped out
the superstitions of the Mlecchas during the Lakhnauti campaigns.

Edit:- Glory to our hero, Kapil Routray- the renowned historian and commentator, who was
so dangerous that Quora banned him without even giving any reason. Ha! Please read- The
Lakhnauti Campaign : The Wars That Will Not be Named ― Kapil Routray [WeReform News]

Abhilash Mohanty

Given that there can be no greater absurdity than claiming that a Proto-Indo-European
language can be “recreated” or “validated after recreation” or that it even existed, one can
confidently claim that the closest language to PIE would be more likely to be Klingon rather
than Sanskrit.

Apart from the impossibility of verifying the reconstructions- since we have no original PIE
texts, the data available from the various existing languages is in itself vague at best.
Consider some of the other answers in this thread; there is a very clear splits between the
“modern scientific” view and the “fascist Hindu” (to quote a Liberal commentator; not my
words) view. I pertain to the later school myself but given that my days of cracking my skull
over such inane nonsense are over, given that the entire controversy is a non-issue that can
only be solved by gunpowder and cold steel- the way the original linguists among the
Colonizing Armies settled it, I see no point in wasting my time.

No one in their right minds will ever attribute an older antiquity to German or Russian or
anything compared to Sanskrit- but i suppose, if one “recreates” one Proto-language upon
another, one can easily obtain some fantastical proto-proto-proto-English that will be
analogous to Vedic Sanskrit, and of course- isn’t it just dandy that this PPPE is actually
closer to PIE than Vedic Sanskrit?

Abhilash Mohanty

What is left to say that the treacherous fool hasn’t said himself?

"In four ways losses have fallen upon me—first my honour is gone, second the districts of my
kingdom have been taken away (by Aurangzeb), thirdly what I spent on this war is gone, and
fourthly—and what is worst of all—my heir's affairs have been ruined.

-Jai Singh I, on his deathbed

I don’t particularly mind the fact that Jai Singh I served the Mughals; given the the nature of
the foe, any Hindu who didn’t - and doesn’t- serve the banner of Secularism and Peace was-
and is- setting himself up for persecution and slaughter. Then again, any Hindu who did -
and does- serve the banner of Secularism and Peace also was- and is- setting himself up
for persecution and slaughter.

Where Jai Singh I stands out is his degree of servility to the Mughal Throne. Compare his
actions with those of Shaista Khan’s Rajput “allies” under King Jaswant Singh who
mysteriously “forgot to see Shivaji” as he was on his merry way to Pune under Mughal

Jai Singh I at least had the integrity to stay on in India and face his just desserts. Most of
his modern counterparts will take the first flight to the West once the chips go down in
India and Serbia 2.0 starts.

Abhilash Mohanty
Looked at the Question Details and I suspect this is going to be a wasted effort- but anyway.

This question is too vast in scope for a proper answer. China and India are two different
civilizations which were experiencing two entirely different political systems at the time.
Peacefuls are so alien to both that they might well be from another planet. As such, it only
makes sense to focus on one single aspect- here, India.

In which case, the answer is simple.

India, from the 15th to the 18th Century, was a corpse of a Continent for most part with
Peaceful kingdoms having zero interest or curiosity in anything outside their mythical
Asmani kitab while the few Hindu Kingdoms left were too hard-pressed from all sides to
care about what was happening outside the Continent.

And Science? Please don’t joke- ‘Science’ in India had been on the decline for almost 300
years by the 15th Century. Arguably the last true University in India was Puspagiri in Orissa,
a few dozen kilometres from my hometown. It was destroyed during Firoz Shah Tughlaq’s
invasion and never rebuilt after we Oriyas managed to kick the hordes out. In fact, I’ll stick
to talking about Orissa- partly because I’m an outright Oriya chauvinist and partly because
Oriyas were the biggest Naval power in India with respect to our size for most of recorded

Hell- Keshari dynasty and Ganga dynasty Orissa were particularly known for their navies.
The Bay of Bengal used to be called the Kalinga Sea; the mouth of the Irravati was an Oriya
colony. Even the Raghuvamsa does on about how Oriyas are a massive naval power
controlling distant islands. Oriya warlords were once waging war in Sri Lanka. Even now,
the word for ‘Indian’ across a lot of South-East Asia is the same as the word for Oriya -
‘Keling’ from the word Kalinga.

But by the time the Routrays come to power, there’s not one ship afloat. None, Zilch, Nada.
Even though the Routrays in the 15th Century have built the single largest Hindu Empire
with a population of 90 million, the first the Continent has seen since Emperor Mahipala’s
death in the early 10th Century. Why is that? Because they were constantly at War on land -
taking on all comers from Turks to Afghans to Arabs to the local Peaceful lot. At no point
of history have Oriyas ever numbered more than 3%-4% of the Continent’s population; even
lesser considering a lot of the population is tribal and not actually Oriya. And Oriyas took on
not only the entire North but also all Dar-ul-Peace from Spain to Bengal with that.

When the aforementioned Firoz came knocking at Orissa’s doors, he had an estimated
300,000 troops. Oriyas had 40,000. 50,000- tops. And Oriyas won that. North Orissa was
ravaged and even Puri was sacked- but the invaders were annihilated. Nice. Brutal. How

long till the next invasion? 20 years. And this business went on for more than 450 years.
The name of the fucking capital of Orissa literally translates to “Fortress”. How on Earth is
any kingdom supposed to build a functioning naval or colonial system in such a scenario?

There’s a very interesting parallel between Orissa and another European State- both were
trade powerhouses, both fielded massive militaries for their size, both had extensive
colonial territories in the early medieval period before declining later. That’s Venice. Most
of Italy, in fact. What happened?

Peace happened.

While the Anglo-sphere and Western Europe in general was free to indulge in their usual
business, Mediterranean States were engaged in genocidal wars against a bunch of
murdering, raping, slaving anti-States with no concept of Civilization or Governance. And
they weren’t being done any favours by the fact that Western Europeans were outright
lovers of Peace. The French were best buddies with the Turks. The Angrej are defacto
Peacefuls themselves. Before post-modern times, they’d deny that Mediterraneans were
even White, rolfmao.

In the 10th Century, a minor Bengali monk named Somadeva once described how he built a
nice garden for his monastery with fountains and cascades and waterfalls using nothing
but the local stream and his knowledge of hydraulics. 17th Century Indian fountains were
using slaves to constantly pump water for fountains.

In the 5th Century, Emperor Chandra II built the Keshavadeo at Mathura, mentioned in
contemporary accounts to be, “beyond description in either word or image” . It was twice as
high as the single tallest building in 17th Century India- the Sri Jagannath at Puri. (BTW-
note how where Puri is. Oriya territory. Hindu territory).

In the 4th Century BCE, the Minister Kautilya talks about taxing windmills. Windmills. 17th
Century India didn’t even have windmills. The Angrej would reintroduce it.

Administration, Faith, even mere Artistry- all go out of the window by the 16th Century- to
be replaced by nothing but War, Rape, Slavery- and Peace.

“Curiosity”. Ha!

Abhilash Mohanty

Since Quora’s moderation has seen fit to reject my merging this question with another similar
one here: Why is the Gupta age regarded as the Golden Age in Indian history? , the only
alternative is to re-post my answer on that page here. I suppose persecuting Hindus is too
demanding a job for the Powers-that-be on Quora to actually do their job of managing this

Good sir, you must be dreaming. There's a defacto omerta among India's Eminent
Historians when it comes to the Gupta Empire. The only reason they don't actively deny that
it existed is because a lot of the original research had been already done by the Angrej and
the early Indian ASI and it'd have been unfeasible to bury the evidence.

As such, the great scholars and the Educated classes expend no little effort in trying to
wipe out the idea of a Gupta Empire - or the Empire of the Gurjara- from public sources.

It's for this reason that excavations on Classical sites has been at a virtual standstill from
the one at Kaushambi in the 60s; why you only hear of digs from Harappan sites or Ancient
period locations- because they can be conveniently dismissed off as “Dravidian” or

It's for this reason that not one - one- piece of Armour or pane of Glass- save the ones at
Kopia found by the Germans- or even a fucking cup from the Gupta period has been found
in the past 50 years. Even the coins you hear about are only “discovered” when local
villagers donated massive caches they discover all the time. Compare Roman coin find
patterns with Gupta ones; and you'll see just what level of skulldruggery is going on behind
the scenes.

Kaushambi had eleven meter walls build over eight meters high platforms, and it wasn't
even a military center. There used to nine storey buildings built for pilgrims. Keshavadeo at
Mathura, built by Emperor Chandra II, would've towered half as big again as Sri Jagannath
at Puri- and it predated the latter by more than five centuries. A purification system capable
of handling two million liters was discovered back in the 70s. Huein Tsang saw copper
statues over a hundred feet tall.

Ever read a word about the Gupta Bureaucracy? Anything about the Military organization or
Police system? Yes, there was a Police system. But not according to the Eminent
Historians; it was a “feudal” Empire. Even Feudal Empires require Bureaucrats. And the
Gupta Bureaucracy was, even with the scarce data we have, arguably far more extensive
and detailed than anything until the British Raj. But damned if anyone after Radhabinod
Dutta could be half arsed to study it. BTW how long since the poor man passed away? 50
years? 60?

It's for this reason that the sheer size and scope of the Gupta Empire is routinely lowballed.
Emperor Harsha’s own grandmother was a Gupta, his heirs were Guptas, and it's very likely
he inherited all of Central and Eastern India save Kanyakubja and Bengal instead of
conquering it. But you won't learn this from our Eminent Historians. Gupta remains have
been found as south and late as 7th Century Orissa (which traditionally extends well into the
modern “Deccan”) so the Empire was likely extending well into the Godavari basin, which
was essentially one great forest then, but good luck finding this in public sources.

It's for this reason that you have an absurdity called the “Later Gupta”. What the hell is a
Later Gupta? How about I spit on my noble Ancestors and call myself a Later Mohanty? Did
Emperor Adityasena call himself Adityasena Later Gupta? And he's also a prime candidate
for lowballing; described as a “king of Magadha” when its known for a fact that he was
holding court at the banks of the Gomati and directing officials as west as the Sutlej basin
were using Gupta titles.

People ask why Indian history, especially in the Classical period, is so patchy. Why
shouldn't it be? There was one great Superstate all this time, from around the mid 3rd
Century CE to the 9th Century CE, extending all over the North and reaching South as far as
Kanchi at multiple points. And there's pindrop silence, and often blanket denial over its very

“Golden Age”? There's no greater Dark Age in the history of the Continent, and it'll remain so
given I expect this country to balkanize by 2040 and Hindus to go the way of the dodo
shortly after, all the while preaching tolerance and human rights.

Abhilash Mohanty

The post-Maurya period is extremely interesting because for the first time, Madhyadesha-
the centre of Arya civilization in recorded history, takes a backseat as former Maurya
dynastic Governors such as the Mahameghavana, Satavahana and the claimants to the
Maurya Empire such as the Saka Emperor Gahadavila rip at the dying Shunga state.
Meanwhile, there’s massive upheaval in contending military traditions, societal
philosophies, political structure, and Imperial organization. The great Epics were drafted
into their final (Sanskrit) forms, the first true regional languages came into development,
Nastika traditions finally fell in line with the greater Arya mould, and the roots for the
development of the Classical Empires of the Kushana and the Gupta-Gurjara Imperium
were sown.

In particular, the finest story would be of the Campaigns of the renegade Buddhist monk
Amrata who lead a genocidal war across the length and breadth of Madhayadesha,
culminating at the siege of Pataliputra where Emperor Mahameghavana Shata breaks his
army before ravaging the land himself.

In the South, the great Empire built by Emperor Satavahana Kanha I is crumbling setting the
stage for its eventual restoration under the Emperor Sri II- while in the West, political
conflicts lead to the rebellion of Saka and Saka-influenced kings and vassals, backed by
Jain monks, against the Emperor Gahadavila.

All this will finally culminate in the rise of Emperor Vikrama of Malwa, Chastiser of Foes, he
who will restore Civilization and Order to the lands of Bharatavarsha- establishing the new
Vikrama Era upon which rests the foundation of modern Hindu Dharma as we know it and
becoming the original ideal for an Arya Emperor that upright Hindu men still aspire to.

Abhilash Mohanty

Good sir, you must be dreaming. There's a defacto omerta among India's Eminent
Historians when it comes to the Gupta Empire. The only reason they don't actively deny that
it existed is because a lot of the original research had been already done by the Angrej and
the early Indian ASI and it'd have been unfeasible to bury the evidence.

As such, the great scholars and the Educated classes expend no little effort in trying to
wipe out the idea of a Gupta Empire - or the Empire of the Gurjara- from public sources.

It's for this reason that excavations on Classical sites has been at a virtual standstill from
the one at Kaushambi in the 60s; why you only hear of digs from Harappan sites or Ancient
period locations- because they can be conveniently dismissed off as “Dravidian” or

It's for this reason that not one - one- piece of Armour or pane of Glass- save the ones at
Kopia found by the Germans- or even a fucking cup from the Gupta period has been found
in the past 50 years. Even the coins you hear about are only “discovered” when local
villagers donated massive caches they discover all the time. Compare Roman coin find
patterns with Gupta ones; and you'll see just what level of skulldruggery is going on behind
the scenes.

Kaushambi had eleven meter walls build over eight meters high platforms, and it wasn't
even a military center. There used to nine storey buildings built for pilgrims. Keshavadeo at
Mathura, built by Emperor Chandra II, would've towered half as big again as Sri Jagannath
at Puri- and it predated the latter by more than five centuries. A purification system capable
of handling two million liters was discovered back in the 70s. Huein Tsang saw copper
statues over a hundred feet tall.

Ever read a word about the Gupta Bureaucracy? Anything about the Military organization or
Police system? Yes, there was a Police system. But not according to the Eminent
Historians; it was a “feudal” Empire. Even Feudal Empires require Bureaucrats. And the
Gupta Bureaucracy was, even with the scarce data we have, arguably far more extensive
and detailed than anything until the British Raj. But damned if anyone after Radhabinod
Dutta could be half arsed to study it. BTW how long since the poor man passed away? 50
years? 60?

It's for this reason that the sheer size and scope of the Gupta Empire is routinely lowballed.
Emperor Harsha’s own grandmother was a Gupta, his heirs were Guptas, and it's very likely
he inherited all of Central and Eastern India save Kanyakubja and Bengal instead of
conquering it. But you won't learn this from our Eminent Historians. Gupta remains have
been found as south and late as 7th Century Orissa (which traditionally extends well into the
modern “Deccan”) so the Empire was likely extending well into the Godavari basin, which
was essentially one great forest then, but good luck finding this in public sources.

It's for this reason that you have an absurdity called the “Later Gupta”. What the hell is a
Later Gupta? How about I spit on my noble Ancestors and call myself a Later Mohanty? Did
Emperor Adityasena call himself Adityasena Later Gupta? And he's also a prime candidate
for lowballing; described as a “king of Magadha” when its known for a fact that he was
holding court at the banks of the Gomati and directing officials as west as the Sutlej basin
were using Gupta titles.

People ask why Indian history, especially in the Classical period, is so patchy. Why
shouldn't it be? There was one great Superstate all this time, from around the mid 3rd
Century CE to the 9th Century CE, extending all over the North and reaching South as far as
Kanchi at multiple points. And there's pindrop silence, and often blanket denial over its very

“Golden Age”? There's no greater Dark Age in the history of the Continent, and it'll remain so
given I expect this country to balkanize by 2040 and Hindus to go the way of the dodo
shortly after, all the while preaching tolerance and human rights.

Abhilash Mohanty
Life is hard. Life is unfair. Life is cruel. Life is Pointless. Life is thankless. Life is Duty. All
that you love, all that you admire, all that you are will fade away, shrivel, and vanish. As
such, it fails me to ascertain just which aspect of this transistory pointless existence
endears you so much as to celebrate the anniversary of yet another random meaningless
birth in the cycle of random meaningless births with so much gusto.

That you labored for a favourable outcome in some random contest of wits was
undertaken because of your duty to your birth, to your parents, to your society, to your race,
to your civilization, and to any descendants that might be in your fate to have. That you
failed in your attempt to obtain a favourable outcome in some random contest of wits was
on account of your failure to undertake your duty. On the other hand, your parents have
neither the duty nor the obligation to waste time and effort in frivolous celebration of
random days of no account in the cycle of Worlds. Their gift to you of your own birth,
though unasked for and possibly unwanted, is enough penance, in itself.

The life of the greatest Human Being means as much as or rather, as little as, the life of the
least Termite. I suggest that you find solace in your own misery, find peace in your own
mediocrity, but most of all find satisfaction in your own duty and faith and kin, for you will
find none even in oblivion.

“…rose from his seat, bared his right shoulder, pressed his palms together, and facing the
Enlightened One, spoke these words: ‘World-honoured One, the Boddhisatva
Avalokisteswara, why is he called Avalokisteswara?’

The Enlightened One said: ‘Good sir, suppose there are innumerable hundreds, thousands,
ten thousands, millions of Living beings who are undergoing trials and suffering, if they hear
of Avalokisteswara and single-mindedly call his name, then at once he will perceive the
sound of their voices and they will all gain deliverance from their trials.’”

Abhilash Mohanty

Again- the Dharmashastras are not the same as ‘Hindu Religion”. They all agree on the
supremacy of the Vedas but it’s neither necessary nor even possible for them to all agree
with each other upon evertyhing.

One of the few things they do agree upon is Abortion. Don’t do it.

It’s Murder. End of Story.

In a functioning Hindu society based on legitimate Dharmashastras, there’d be neither any

need of nor any scope for Abortion unless approved by the relevant scholars and
physicians, only on account of and for the sake of the mother’s life. There’d be especially
no patience with regard to little kids in their teens choking down “50–60 Aspirins” and
crying on Quora that it didn’t induce a miscarriage and asking for abortifacient suggestions.
I read such a post with mine two eyes not an hour ago and not one- one- of our educated
sapiosexuals is worried about her going infertile or what her parents must be thinking or
anything remotely resembling her re-integration in Society. 50 fucking Aspirin pills!

Her blood must be as acidic as toilet cleaner now! She’s basically dissolving that kid inside
her! And who wants to bet the guy she’d be eventually marrying when she’s in her 30s is
going to hear a word about this or will be given a say on the health of any of his kids?
Rolfmao! And for fuck’s sake- just TELL YOUR PARENTS! But that’d be too ‘patriarchal’ for
the enlightened folk of Quora. FML.

Fuck your Gender identity. Fuck your Sexuality. Fuck your Individualism.

Society matters. Family matters. The WORLD matters.

Contrary to what the Educated classes think, the Dharmashastras were and are humanistic
and soft, almost to absurd degrees. This was a civilization that was advocating rights for
prisoners of War and their families when the latter had a modus operandi of systematically
killing every Hindu guy they found above 12 and raping every Hindu girl below 35 they

Most Dharmashastras go to ridiculous lengths to tolerate the nonsense the degenerate

classes got and get into every single day. Birth Control is tolerated. Premarital Sex is
tolerated. All sorts of nonsense is tolerated; it’s not that ANY Dharmashastra approves of
such- but they give it a pass. But now- it’s kosher to murder babies because “my boyfriend
got me pregnant and fled and I’m scared to tell my parents” or “I work as a data coolie and a
salary of 30K a month isn’t enough for fun so I’m not buying a fucking pill.” Hell- I’m not
talking about Dharmic stuff here; it’s plain common sense your parents would tell you if
you’d even bother ask! But it’s all about ‘Free Will’ and ‘Muh Freedumb!’ and ‘Wahmyn’s
Rights’ now!

No. It’s wrong. The Shastras are clear on Abortion. You’re going to be kicked out of town in
this life and kicked into Asipatravana in the next.

Abhilash Mohanty

This question is too vast to properly answer- both on account of the scarce information in
our hands as well as the sheer scale of the Gupta Empire in terms of area and time. As
such, only a cursory view ought to suffice.

A certain Indian writer some of you might recognize- now long-banned on Quora because
of his views on Dharma and disdain for Sickularism- has calculated that it took the
equivalent of INR 45 lakhs to equip a young Gupta warrior. In labour cost terms, the value
would easily be ten times the sum, In terms of economic parity and status, fifteen to twenty
times the amount.

And this was for the average professional soldier- or Maula. ‘Allied’ Suhrd troops or Men
raised from local allies or governors would be less well-equipped in general whereas the
quality of equipment and thus, cost, would be more variable for Mercenaries and Guild
Troops. Dvisad troops- or captured/ bribed troops- were held in the least regard, the same
as Atavi troops- or the ill-equipped locals and tribals who’d be hired temporarily as scouts.

Of course- none were regarded as high as the Maula and their Attendants.

The typical Maula would’ve trained at nothing but War and Administration from birth; as
such, his life would’ve been little different from even the typical Oriya Karana Zamindar kid
from two hundred years ago. What did set the Classical Era apart was in scope of the
equipment they used; the Gupta Maula wore knee-length coats of Mail over thick cotton
padding and silk undershirts. On their legs, they would wear cotton trousers, thick leather
boots, and steel greaves. Their necks were, judging from early Classical remains, protected
by cotton wadding over thin mail, while they protected their heads with conical helmets and
iron masks or mail visors.

The common weaponry, at least among the Maula, appears to have been maces and broad-
axes- once they’d dropped their spears and lances, of course- though nothing came close to
the extent of usage of the Bow. Longbows were more likely to be common among troops in
the eastern and southern reaches of the Empire, while compound and steel bows would’ve
been more common in the northern and western parts. It’s my personal theory that the
development of the Steel bow was an attempt to make mounted archery- which wasn’t
possible with longbows- feasible in more rainier territories as well as on rivers and lakes.

Backing up the Men was the extensive usage of Horses, Elephants, and Artillery. Classical
Indian Armies typically utilized Armoured Horses- though this was probably restricted to
the Maula and the richer Bhrta and Sreni troops. War Elephants have to be Armoured during
battle-s or they can be killed with a single stone crashing into their sinuses. Arrow-
launchers, Ballistae, Flame-throwers, Catapults, “Half-Armed” Catapults (hand-operated
rock throwers) and manual Trebuchets were utilized, often mounted atop Elephants and
Fortress ramparts.

The Indian writer, in question, estimated that the Gupta Empire would’ve been hard-pressed
to raise even 2000–4000 Maula in each province; and that raising a force of around 70,000
men- or a “Chamu”- would’ve required the cooperation of at least 2 or 3 provinces, with
around a fifth of them being Maula with their Maula attendants, Sreni Troops, and Bhrta
making up around half the Army. The other half would be mostly Suhrd with maybe a few
Atavi or Dvisad hired or bribed as the Campaign progressed. Do note that none of these
groups- save the Atavi- are ‘levies’. Maula, Sreni, and Bhrta are all professional troops.
Suhrd are semi-professionals who would be the equivalent of the modern upper middle
classes; they would likely be wearing mail or scale half-shirts over cotton undershirts and
armed with swords, spears, and shields. I suppose the richer among them would have
horses- but I doubt you’d find much cavalry outside the Maula and their Attendants. The
Indian writer in question estimated that Cavalry made up 15%-25% of the typical Gupta

Of course, there are other aspects relating to Military Administration that would come into
play here- but as with my words, there’s no point. The Age of the Gupta is gone, so is the
age of Arya. All that remains is to lounge about as the World descends into nothingness.

This is the age of Ending when the Hindu- drunk on Liberalism and Secularism and Deceit-
will finally choke on his alleged modern civilization. The cities of Endia will fall, jackals and
other unclean creatures will play in the hovels, crows and hawks will fill the skies, the rivers
will turn to poison, the wombs of women to crematoriums, the fields to ash, and the
memory of Aryas and the Vedas will fade away. All that remains for those like me is to seek
whatever momentary pleasures and interesting baubles we can enjoy of this rotting World
before the inevitable end. Save for such, I see little else worthwhile about all this.

Abhilash Mohanty

Extremely formidable.

I think it was Palakapya who declared that “ The Sumeru is the ornament of the Earth, the
moon of the night, learning of Man, Elephants of the Army”.

Not only are Elephants powerful, fast, and extremely resilient to damage, they are very
intelligent and - according to several commentators- the only being, apart from man
himself, to be conscious of the nature of death and, thus, all the more deadly for the reason.
A prime example of just how dedicated and calculating Elephants can be is from the
Sangamavachara Jataka where a Haryanka Elephant during their siege of Varanasi breaks
down the gate, clears the ramparts of archers, knocks down the supporting pillars and
merlons, scatters the infantry behind the gates, and holds the position until the forces of
Rajagriha can reinforce it- after losing its mahout, attendants, and archer contingent.

It’s also a symbol of just how tough these creatures were to take down. Every War Elephant
was, in theory, supposed to be equipped with at least some form of barding, a mahout, two
foot attendants with long kuntas (halberds), two archers, and a boarding party of two to
three armoured infantry. The latter were also often equipped with various incendiaries,
sataghni (arrow launchers), and bells & drums for signalling while the Elephants themselves
would often be carrying tusk-swords or maces and flails with their trunks.

I’ve read about Elephants- usually in Western accounts- ‘stampeding’ or ‘getting confused’-
but this seems VERY unlikely to me, primarily in the pre-gunpowder era.

Elephants can be trained to ignore fire and loud sounds- even while full sober, as any one
who’s attended a Temple Festival even in modern degenerate times will know. War
Elephants, in particular, were often made to drink copious amounts of rice wine to make
them even more ferocious. Nor is “aiming at eyes” going to help. Commentators like Magha
specifically address such problems- have eye-guards on the Chamfrons. Or better yet, get
the Mahout to cover the eyes. Of course, this isn’t to say War Elephants didn’t or couldn’t
panic- as shown by Janakachandra’s defeat of Harsha at Kspitika- but the Ancients were
well aware of the drawbacks and the intricacies of War Elephant usage and took necessary
steps to prevent it.

So- what were their recommendations on facing Elephants themselves?

Simple- more Elephants. Failing that, blocks of heavy Infantry with fortifications which was
Somadeva’s choice. Fire, in copious amounts. Cavalry- if they could break the Attendants
defending the Elephants’ vulnerable feet and joints- could swarm around and disembowel
the beasts; though this appears to have a last resort given how blithely Kalhana dismisses
them- “a good War Elephant is the equal of six thousand horses ”. A counter-charge by War
Elephants could fracture the legs of charging cavalry, as noted by Devanna Bhatta- to say
nothing of the psychological impact it had.

Opposing Elephants could face off such assaults- but clashes of this sort- were well-known
to be horrifying and brutal by their very nature. Riding a Elephant is oddly reminiscent of
travelling on an open boat over a rather choppy lake- and while we lack any detailed
account of what hanging atop a charging Elephant as it barrels into another must’ve felt
like for soldier back then, it is known that Soldiers would snap their limbs, break their
spines, and get thrown several feet high simply from the shock of impact.

We lack any reliable Classical accounts of what such War Elephant Duels looked like-
because someone burnt down every college, university, and library ever built by us Hindu
pagans they could find- but we do have a few medieval records of what Elephant duels
looked like. The Creatures would lock trunks and tucks and try to flip each other onto their
backs- in order to expose the stomach for a tusk-sword thrust. In the meantime, the now-
battered Attendants- if they’d survived the shock of the Charge- would be rushing at each

The side with the victorious Elephant usually won such clashes on account of their better
footing, and not having a multi-ton creature try to stomp on them or crush their skulls while
they were struggling on the ground. But if this wasn’t the case- the Elephant in question
would literally go crazy- thrashing around and trying to get the enemy troops off itself
before the later could get spears and goads out and hammer the entire thing into its brain.

There are lots of such fun accounts when it comes to Warfare in Ancient and Classical,
even Medieval, Indian Warfare. I can tell about the slow development of Elephant Siege
Tactics and how the Classical Indians responded to them. I can tell you about the rise and
fall and rise of Chain Mail among Indian troops, or the intricacies of Bow usage. I could tell
you about the history of Fortifications in the Deccan- and the towering hill forts of Malwa. I
could tell you much of the world that you have forgotten and more that you never knew, but
I think not.

This is the age of Ending when the Hindu- drunk on Liberalism and Secularism and Deceit-
will finally choke on his alleged modern civilization. The cities of Endia will fall, jackals and
other unclean creatures will play in the hovels, crows and hawks will fill the skies, the rivers
will turn to poison, the wombs of women to crematoriums, the fields to ash, and the
memory of Aryas and the Vedas will fade away. All that remains for those like me is to seek
whatever momentary pleasures and interesting baubles we can enjoy of this rotting World
before the inevitable end. Save for such, I see little else worthwhile about all this.

Abhilash Mohanty
This is an absurd question, like most queries regarding Dharma on this site.

Laws are based on the Vedas, however the Vedas themselves do not necessarily concern
themselves with Secular law. As such, your query should be based on Dharmashastras,
preferably a specific Dharmashastra, instead of vague blanket terms like “Hindu law”.
Further what you're referring to is probably “Premarital Sex”, not “Adultery”.

Since the question lacks details by itself, I'll assume that the Dharmashastra in question
refers to 15th Century Oriya codified law- since medieval Oriyas were the strongest and
fiercest defenders of Dharma at a time when all Bharatavarsha was coming apart at the
seams. For reference- Codified Oriya Law is very similar from the original commentaries of
Mitakshara from the 11th Century upon the Yagnavalka Smriti, an early Classical text. I'm
not sure if translations even exist for Oriya texts so unless you can already read either
Sanskrit or Oriya, I suggest you learn then quickly.

In case of premarital sex, the laws are dependent on whether there has been full disclosure
of the facts before marriage. If so, then the entire business is of no concern to the legal

If not so, then it becomes a case of legal fraud and will be dealt with by the cancelation of
the marriage agreement, ritual purification of the girl in question through fasting, abstention
from comforts, and ostracization from social activities for a period of 6 months or longer,
in case the girl is pregnant. If there is an illegitimate kid born- though good luck finding out
who the father really is if a lot of time has passed- the kid is preferably to be put up for

Further a monetary fine of 12, 24, 100, or 500 silver coins depending on the Caste of the
girl’s family is to be paid to the Court.

Abhilash Mohanty

This “Graveyard of Empires” talk is nonsense, penned as Propaganda after the West was
unsuccessful in dominating the place. No such phrase was used after the Soviet War
where it was all about “Proud Peaceful Freedom” or “Self Determination of Peoples” or
“Jihad over Commies”, Rolfmao.

Practically everyone who’s really invested into invading Afghanistan has run roughshod
over it. Of course, this isn't to say the local powers were and are pushovers. They're not.
The Hindu Shahi, the Durrani, local Mughal governors- all defended modern Afghan areas
for centuries successfully. As such, it was like just another State.

The British Imperialists lost in Afghanistan because they were too busy sucking the blood
out of peasants and genociding entire Provinces in India to really devote resources and
manpower to the Wars.

The Soviets lost because they were too concerned about local politics and global
ideological conflicts, to say nothing of said Globalist enemies funding every jihadi crackpot
from Chechnya to Somalia to Bangladesh to hold working lunches at Bamiyan.

Ditto for the Americans, only this time half the sabotage of the War effort is being done by
the American government itself. As it is- the Americans did win in Afghanistan. It's another
matter that American Foreign Policy has been in shambles until Trump.

The last time a State really invaded Afghanistan, they conquered the entire place within a
decade. Look up the Sikh Campaigns there.

Abhilash Mohanty

What an absurd question.

Duryodhana, for all his sins, attempted to pay lip service to the idea of Dharma. He glorified
his nation, kept foreign foes at bay, punished and subjugated Mlecchas, organized
Sacrifices, and worshipped the Immortal Gods. Where he primarily sinned (and erred) was
in his personal morality and disregard for societal and long-term issues.

(NB: The Mahabharata makes a lot more political sense when read in conjunction with the

There is not one public figure in India who even comes close to exhibiting the respect and
defence of Dharma even Jarasandha the tyrant of Magadha exhibited, let alone someone of
the Kuru such as Duryodhana.

It's not for nothing that we Hindu Trads say that it's Kali Yuga and the end of Dharma is
near. See the fireworks after 2025.

Abhilash Mohanty

“Ancient Hindu kings” is so broad a term as to be meaningless in every way possible.

If you want the views of the Dharmashastras upon sex slaves- note that there are dozens of
Dharmashastras with contrasting views on Secular life but all agree on the Central tenets of
the Vedas which hold Personal Honor, Universal Dharma, and Ultimate Stability of Society
as befitting one’s responsibilities as the highest ideal. Thus the very idea of Sexual Slavery
is absurd.

In other words- there are few Hindus left in the World right now, even fewer true Bharatas,
and no Aryas. This was true even in the Past, and especially so in the current degenerate
Kali Yuga. It should, here, be noted that the core Hindu texts like the Bhagavada Gita sew
no reason to obsess over meaningless imanities about how many times someone jerks off
in a day or how many women one can rape on a battlefield or how many Hells are there;
they have bigger concerns.

In a historical sense, I will concentrate on medieval Orissa under the Ganga and Routray
Dynasties - the fiercest and strongest foes of Anarya Mlecchas at the time - on account of
their long preservation of Arya practices as per Hindu Dharma.

Oriya law from c. 1100s CE to the late 1500s CE did not recognize the institution of sex
slaves, discouraged the taking of captured enemy women as sex slaves, and forced
violators of such decrees to return such captured women, if they were Mlecchas
themselves, and even punished their own troops if the women in question were Hindus.
Such instances have been recorded in works by scholars such as Dr K C Dash and Dr Bibek
Pradhan. What Oriyas practiced instead was Bonded Labor or Slavery in exchange for
Wealth for limited periods. Slaves retained most legal rights, they had full rights to marry
and have freeborn kids, and could cancel their slavery contracts prematurely on completion
of their debts.

As no one can doubt the Hindu heritage and accomplishments of Oriyas in defend of
Dharma, it's obvious that centuries of learned Hindu Oriya Emperors, Brahmins, Kings,
Bureaucrats, and Generals were opposed to Sex Slavery in accordance with the Shastras-
unlike what their contemporary Educated and Liberal Counterparts were up to with their
“Slaves your Right hands possess.”

Those who oppose my views are required to provide evidence on how they understand
Dharma better than 500+ years of Oriyas.

Abhilash Mohanty

The first India-Pakistan War happened while Jinnah was in power. I'm sure they'd have
been at least a couple more if he'd lived longer.

For some reason (JK- we know why but can't write it on Quora otherwise we will be blocked
over BNBR), there's a stupid idea that Jinnah was somehow less of a rabid Hindu-hating,
read “India-hating”, Islamist and war-mongering mass-murderer than the rest of the
Powers-that-be in Pakistan.

This is nonsense. Musharaf was more of a peace-lover than Qaid-e-Azam, apple of Pakistan

Jinnah is the guy who orchestrated the entire Direct Action Day killings, he was the central
inspiration and facilitator for half the riots in India at the time, he was the guiding force for
the Kashmir invasion- Liberals will often claim he was “unaware” or “justified” in his
actions. Bullshit. He personally sanctioned the services of as many of the most brutal and
barbarous mercenaries as possible, not that the Pakistan army didn't distinguish itself
when it got there.

This man - this one man- was directly responsible for one of the single greatest mass
slaughters in history, and he was ready to wage war even after that. Just what about his life
or career spells “Peacenik” to anyone who isn't a liberal?

Abhilash Mohanty

Arya refers to the righteous and meritorious folk who follow the gods of the Vedas and the
path of Dharma, upon whom Indra has bestowed the Earth and Rains, conditional on the
offering of Sacrifice.

On account of heretical and Anarya races such as the Parsu, Druhyu, and others deviating
from such righteous paths, Emperor Sudas of the Bharatas crushed their hosts and cast
them out of Bharatavarsha to dwell among the Mlecchas, as befits Anaryas.

Thus, the Parsis who are descendants of the Parsu are not Arya unless they return to the
worship of the Immortal Gods, the performance of Vedic sacrifice, the veneration of the
Heavens, Earth and Ancestors, and the defense of Dharma.

Abhilash Mohanty

1- Kshatriyas were a group of castes, not an Army.

2- The Government of India and its Troops will massacre any Hindu Organization that even
bears gunpowder arms, let alone raises a proper army. Please read up on the Arms Act of
1878- one of the most draconian and tyrannical pieces of legislation ever penned in modern

Abhilash Mohanty


Educated Indians often underestimate just how vast the Continent and the Indian State are
since they rarely look up from their expensive smartphones and bookish denunciations of
India to what the Earth actually looks like.

It takes two entire days to travel from Kanyakumari to Calcutta alone by car, travelling at 60
kmphr. To get to Imphal, would take more than three days.

To travel from Delhi to Bhopal will take 12-13 hours, to Mumbai will take an entire day. To
get to Bangalore from there will take another further 15 hours.

India is a Continent onto itself, and at its true extent of Bharatavarsha from the Vakshu
basin in the West to the Irravati basin in the East exceeds all Europe in extent. That it's
mostly a moth-eaten morsel of Secular suffering is another story.

Throw away your intellectual books and Mercator maps of Learned Eminent Intellectuals,
and walk upon the soil like Men.

Abhilash Mohanty

What will the Educated Sophisticated Liberal Classes of India have to say about this? The
same as what they have to say about oppression on Hindus in general!

Underneath are the usual answers that are provided. Please pick the one applicable for
your needs.

1- The Middle Class Urbanite Modern Youth:- “But bruv, that's their internal matter! Endia
worst state in the World - poverty, oppression, chaar log, Modi! Let Pakistan handle its own
internal issues, murder Hindus in the streets, peddle blasphemy nonsense, rape and sell
Hindu women, derecognize Hindu marriages tear down and make toilets on Hindu temples!
Why should we Secular Socialist Republic of India care?”

2- The Rich SoBo/ NRI HBQ : “These Sanghis really so disgusting, like, who cares for religion
these days, na? Like, we all know just how Filthy and Superstitious they are, like, you know I
went to the mandir yesterday - so dirty! Why so much wastage of milk, Baba! And who
offers milk? No, Baba, at that dargah yesterday, it was so neat and flowery and the Sufi
music so nice, unlike this uncool Bhajan Kirtan! Chee! Milk is so sticky! It actually
represents Semen, you know, right! Like I read it like, in, like in Odorous Toady’s
article, like, why can't be Hindus be more like Shahrukh Khan and Salman Khan and
Aurangzeb, you know na, Yaar!”

3- The Sapiosexual Quora Liberal Hindu:- “You Sanghis disgust me. Don't you know that
many of those Hindus were actually from Bangladesh which had 33% Hindus in 1947 and
less than 15% now, and so we shouldn't blame Pakistan for murdering hundreds of
thousands of Hindus, who were actually just misguided animists since Hinduism doesn't
exist and is a way of life based on Rivers and Persians, just because the Bangladeshis also
did the same? Vasudevam Katokaffirko! You are an enemy of Hinduism which actually
preaches Secularism and Beet Eating and Aryan Invasion and oppressed women and
advocates Raep and is the worst thing EVAR!”

4– The Educated Master Degree-wala Ambedkarite: - Jai Meme, Jai Vim! Hinduism is the
worst religion ever created and that's why our great Baba Sahib and great Didi and great
Qaid-e-Ajam wanted to free us oppressed benchpressed masses from the atrocities upon
them by the Savarnas by creating the glorious State of Pakistan where all filthy
superstitions will be destroyed and all the oppressed depressed benchpressed classes can
live in happiness and security and reservations and Sharia and subsidies and etc etc…

5- The Intellectual PhD from Typical Big College:- “Bharat tere tukde tukde honge,
inshallah!! Afzal hum sharminda hain, Hindu abtak zinda hain! Jai Lenin, Mao, Marx aur
Mu****** (Name redacted so that Didi doesn't arrest moi for Blasphemy) .”

Abhilash Mohanty

The only way anyone can call it decisive if it's considered a Hindu victory. Even the
Marathas didn't do that.

The Afghans were so damaged and weakened by the Battle that they retreated from India
and never returned (in contrast to the decades they'd been raiding India following Nadir
Shahadah sack of Delhi) - but not before writing a whiny letter to the Peshwa about how
they wanted peace and quiet in North India.

Their Indian friends had enough tine to repent of their choices as Peshwa Madhavrao I Bhat
taught them some manners, his armies marching from Hyderabad to Peshawar. Within ten
years of the Battle, the Marathas were again at the gates of Delhi, crowning a puppet
Mughal Emperor and sacking Peaceful forts at will.

The primary effect of the Third Battle of Panipat was wiping out the finest Maratha field
army at the time and bringing them to the verge of Bankruptcy. Otherwise, they'd have
united all India by 1775 effectively preventing the Angrej from getting a foothold on India
like they did in Peaceful lands, instead of losing almost two decades of work.

But that's entirely in the realm of speculation now.

Abhilash Mohanty

The traditional border between “Persian” Afghanistan and “Indian” Afghanistan are the
regions currently known as Hazarajat- though modern Afghanistan has more in common
with Central Asian nations than either at this point.

Further the “Persian” side- then called Sakasthan- is one of the most spectacularly horrible
places on Earth- infertile, dry, and arid, with limited ability to either project power or allow its
owners to do so. As such, at no point of history, did the Territory be a Centralized Imperial
post, save for limited periods of rebellion-riden Maurya and Sassanid rule.

Thus- both invasion into and from these areas is a logistical and military nightmare. I
personally doubt any of the claims by states such as Suren over places like Sindhudesha
were even remotely true; we have the full dynastic list and several records of Sindhi rulers
from 4th Century BCE to the 5th Century CE.

On the Indian side, the Kushana took advantage of a great period of Imperial collapse in
North India, with unquestionable control until Mathura and possible vassalage over even
Pataliputra. Of course, in recent times, you even read stuff like them ruling over Orissa and
Malwa and what not- since clearly absence of Evidence of Kushana rule means proof of
Kushana Rule, given we locals were savages.

(Eminent Historians from all over the World pointedly ignore every sign that the Kushana
were Hindu-Buddhists like the rest of India and depicted themselves as indistinguishable
from the typical Indo-Greek influenced Gandhara citizen in their friezes. So much for “Yuezhi”;
even the Hunas were Indo-Europeans by all accounts. As such, the Kushana benefit from a
massive silence to speak about the more “local” states of India at the time - such as the
Satavahana in the South, and the Bhanja in the East. BTW- King Shatru of the Bhanja kingdom
was performing Sacrifices in Kanauj,building monasteries and donating to Brahmins across
North India, recorded multiple Campaigns even until Mathura, and even left financial records
of such. In contrast, Thapar’s “Oriya Kushana governors” have left a grand total of twenty

As it is, the Kushana rose to prominence during an unprecedented decline of Imperial

power in both India and Persia. Their high noon lasted around 100-odd years, at the end of
which they were torn apart by the Bhanja kingdom in the East, the Sassanids in the West,
and the resurgent Naga and Bharasiva families across North India- exactly the situation
described in the question. Evidence suggests they became a vassal power to Emperor
Ghatotkacha of Pataliputra a few decades later.

Abhilash Mohanty

Define “harsh”.

Everyone's view of Ethics and Morality is different, and so are their opinions on the “degree”
of Behavior.

Some killed their prisoners quickly albeit with great spectacle - such as the Aztecs with
their human Sacrifices; violent, bloody, with a lot of bad press but probably too short and
fast for the prisoners to feel any real lingering pain. Some decided to slowly torture theirs to
death over days and weeks with the full sanction. Of their laws and gods, like the Romans
and the Medieval Europeans. Some decided to just skip the hard work and let neglect,
disease, starvation, and “discipline” do the job for them amidst great moralizing hand-
wringing- like the Americans with their prison camps during their Civil War.

Others took the same approach but to its logical extension- targetting the People instead of
only the Soldiers, stuffing women, children, elderly, and civilians into concentration camps
to die of starvation, overwork, and the occasional bout of mass murder- like the British in
their efforts at Ethnic cleansing. Others were more energetic and skipped the waiting part
of the camps by simply murdering the kids, raping the women and selling everyone, such
as the Mughals in their wars upon Pagans in India. Maybe they spiced it up at times, such
as when they made mothers wear the decapitated heads and torn limbs of their own babies
around their necks till the flesh and bones rotted.

Or how about the “best” way of treating PoWs? This allegedly-merciful method was widely
used by a man widely regarded as the best example of Humanity by Liberals and
Humanists- murdering PoWs after raping their wives and daughters in front of their eyes.

Morality is subjective. Life is pointless. As such, I suggest OP rethink his views on such

Abhilash Mohanty

I can practically see the glee on OP's face as he wrote this question. Doubtless, we'll shortly
see some Ambedkarite turn up to wax eloquent on horrible Hindu tyranny soon.

Such questions arise because the modern educated classes understand neither Religion
nor Society.

The differences between the average Hindu or Buddhist or Jain or Ajivika or any other
‘religion’ were so tiny as to be meaningless. They all worshipped the same gods, had the
same customs for most part, believed in similar traditions and legends, and more often
than not, were scarcely aware of exactly how they differed from each other.

But, A, you ask: Buddhism and Jainism are Atheistic religions .

The hell they are. Both Buddhism and Jainism admit that not only do gods exist, devotion
to them is often necessary on the path to Enlightenment. Where they do differ from
Hinduism is- I'm being very ham handed here- on the essential nature of existence- whether
it's conscious and deterministic or detached or purely non-transcendental or etc etc. And
individual “sects” differed as much among each other as they did across different
“religions”. Which is absurd, since the idea of belief - based exceptionalism doesn't exist
outside Abrahamic faiths.

But, A, you say: You lie, the average Buddhist didn't worship gods.

And yet, they did, and yet the Buddha said that he was an avatar of Shri Rama, and yet we
find no end of moorti puja in both Archaeological digs as well as living Buddhist and Jain
traditions. The Monks in Higher Monasteries, but not the average monk on the street,
would've not done the same- but he'd have still held the gods up as icons for worldly
achievement and learning which, contrary to what moderners think, is extremely important.

That's because they've been corrupted by you superstitious Hindus!

Again, Buddhists didn't come out of nowhere. Compare the Canon with the Yajur Veda, and
see how the ideas compare. BTW- did you know that the Brahman is a non-doer and thus
its immaterial to worship it, like the Arya Samajis and other Monotheistic apologists do?
No. Again- this is why no one bothered educating the lay folk. It made no point. The
concept of Chandi worship didn't come out of nowhere; it was and still is popular in the
Kshatriya families that Buddha was born in. Avalokiteshwar is basically Shiva in his more
material form, down to the iron tower tale which reads strangely like an attempt to recreate
the pilgrimage of Agastya.

It's still Superstition! Buddhism was against Caste and Buddha was Feminist and wah! Wah!

Just because you've done something, doesn't mean it was wise or recommended. As it is,
the Buddha did not such thing. Read the texts. Women were spoken of as worse than
snakes, enlightenment was the preserve of Brahmins and Kshatriyas. I'm supposed to be
upper Caste myself and even I wouldn't have been eligible. And if you start claiming the
original texts are also corrupted, then why are you Buddhist in the first place? All lands had
extreme social stratification but you have no sense of perspective.

Wah! Hindus lie! Hindus wiped out the Buddhists!

And yet, no such proof exists. You tell me the Shungas persecuted Buddhists. But we find
that Monasteries were rich and protected by the armies, and it was the low breakdown of
order during the three-fold War that ruined them- implying stable Shunga rule was what
defended them. You tell me that nomadic barbarians adopted Hinduism and killed
Buddhists- but the Sakas were Mauryan in descent in their own words, and the Yuga
Purana clearly states Jain monks were influential enough to effect regime changes. You
talk about “massacres” in Madurai and what not. But those never happened, I've read the
original texts. They're about debates and rhetoric for most part and most end with the
losers entombing themselves or wandering into the Mountains. You tell me the Guptas
crushed Buddhism. But we find them building hostels for Buddhist scholars coming from
other countries and funding explicitly Buddhist monasteries.

We see the great Buddhist University at Lalitagiri and the great Hindu Temple Universities
of Puri (which still remain in a reduced form) barely 40 kilometers from each other. Until the
1200s when something happened. We see the same royal family minting coins with all
deities features. We see the same village making two iconographic styles. We see the
same stories recurring and building upon each other. So why did it stop? When did it stop?

Simple- Hinduism flows from the Earth, the Sky, the Water. It is in the whisper of the wind,
the gurgling of streams, the chirping of birds. It is in the rains, in the beat of a hawk's wings,
the fluttering of flags, and the heat of the Sun. Brahmins live within the same villages as the
people, the very birds sing to the Sun everyday. Sadhus - the nearest Hindu equivalent to
Buddhist orders- do not stay under the sun but roam free…

To wipe out Hinduism, one needs to target the people and the Earth, like modern liberals
and Peaceful do- something impossible in those times. To wipe out Buddhism or Buddhist
philosophy from a place, just tear down the local monastery and kill the monks.

Once that's done, you've wiped out any chance of a Buddhist mindset remaining within the
local populace. Now they're in the forests, hiding from slavers and ghazis, slowly learning
to hate back, slowly learning to stress upon who they are and which Gods they worship -
not the one from the desert, and how to strike back at their enemies who kill because their
book told them to.

Until the Ambedkarite is born and gleefully signs off everything because they made him
Law Minister. Rolfmao.

Abhilash Mohanty

All three did conquer the South. The question is wrong.

The Mauryas extracted tribute from the areas and every decade, a new stellae is found
which ‘extends’ the southern limit of the Empire by a few hundred kilometres.

The Guptas did the same, there are enough commemorative pillars and inscriptions about
them boasting about standing at the meeting point of the three oceans, and there are
enough other material remains either. We know that the Pallavas were their vassals for
long as well.

The Mughals were around in quite recent times. It’s a mystery to me why people think they
didn’t have dominance over the South.

Of course- the educated classes will complain: ‘ They didn’t have direct control, they just
took tribute, they didn’t have this or that, they weren’t running railways and post offices and
all that’- but this sort of nonsensical hand-wringing is not our concern. What is, though, is
that there’s no end of ASI laziness when it comes to Archaeology in India and myth-making
by the Dravidianistas down in the South.

Abhilash Mohanty

What a vague question.

In late medieval times, the average province could probably raise around 20,000 - 30,000
trained troops. Whether they'd send all of them out on campaign at once is another
question. Of course, richer Areas like Awadh could raise more men than the devastated
lands of the Deccan in general.

On rare occasions, you could see armies of around 60,000 - 70,000, even 100,000 men-
being sent in battle but it'd be a rather rare occurrence for two such armies to meet each
other. The exception would be Sieges where the defenders often drafted everyone they'd
find into battle.

The restricting factors for these vast armies was logistics- which could freeze massive
forces in their tracks. A good example is the almost semi-farcical wars of the conquest of
Sindh by Emperor Akbar where the general Khan-i-Khana underestimated the resistance
he'd face and decided to take few supplies for sake of speed. He nearly ended up killing his
own army- around 45,000 men from two Provinces, and only won because of Jani Beg
growing overconfident and getting himself captured like an idiot.

Abhilash Mohanty

Around 2045–50, if not sooner.

The end of the current Spenglerian Cycle at around 2025 will spark off a massive period of
unrest in India, culminating with the Peaceful population reaching the critical limit of 40% in
the core fighting and breeding age 18–22 cohort around 2035. Needless to say, the ethnic
cleansing of Hindus & other Pagans, and the eventual Balkanization of the Continent is
soon to follow.

Brahmaputra and Barak Valleys will be one of the first to fall into chaos, with the conflict- &
Peaceful refugees- doubtless spilling into the neighboring primarily Buddhist and Christian
States- such as Arunachal Pradesh. While typically antagonistic towards Mainlander
Hindus in general, I doubt they’d sit by in times of trouble like Hindus do, and are bound to
increasingly gravitate towards China in search of protection and trade.

If the Chinese play their cards well, I can very well see them gaining a vital port in the Bay of
Bengal, and finally riding themselves of the headache called the Straits of Malacca, by

Abhilash Mohanty

They did.

By the 1680s, everyone from Kubha to Kanyakumari to the Samtata coast paid tribute or at
least lip service of allegiance to the Mughal Empire.

It's another matter that this Empire was held together with duct tape and mass murder, and
collapsed the minute Shivaji Maharaj gave it a shove.

Abhilash Mohanty

The quality of the Sapiosexuals of Quora can be known from the fact that the only answer
even remotely correct here is written by a Game Developer.

The Christian Jesus is a folk hero who's been made up over the Centuries.

The Historical Jesus was yet another so-called Messiah, like the dozens roaming Israel
around the time, who was executed after he attacked the Jewish Temple in broad daylight,
terrified and stole from the Merchants there, panicked and terrorized the pilgrims there-
some of whom had been coming from places as far off as France, and made a nuisance of
himself in general.

Back then, the people who usually partook if such merriment were called Zealots - who'd
recently sparked off revolts and riots that'd killed off thousands - while routinely
assassinating and terrorizing the locals. Note I say ‘locals’, not ‘Jews’ because the Jews
were the ONLY locals. Christians didn't exist back then.

So the Romans had very clear and obvious incentive to execute him. That's why they
crucified him alongside two REBELS. Not “thieves”, like most seem to think.

NB: Just checked. The New International Version of the Bible states the accurate “rebels”
instead of “thieves”, the only major edition to do so.

Abhilash Mohanty

I suppose so. Whenever given political choice, Christians have preferred to reside in Muslim
controlled Political bodies. A possible reason might be their opposition- based on the
teachings of their holy texts, especially the Bible, to the very existence of Pagans such as
Hindus- a trait the Text has in common with its Muslim counterpart, the Koran.

Far be it for me to question their religious views though.

A good example is Pakistani Punjab where the deciding vote during Partition Legislative
Decisions belonged to Christians who threw in their lot with Muslims. It's another matter
that most of them stayed back in India, presumably not to lose their property.

Abhilash Mohanty

They did. In a sense.

After the defeat at Basgo, Tibet paid tribute to the Mughal Empire and acknowledged them
as Emperors over Tibet. A few years later, Qing ambassadors reminded them whose armies
were nearer and the Tribute was quietly stopped.

The Mughals didn't care much as long as the borders were secure because they were in a
state of constant Civil War with Hindus and thus too overstretched to go pushing into
economically unproductive areas. Brahmani river valley in Orissa alone had more
population and financial power than all Tibet and it wasn't even the richest part of Orissa,
let alone the Continent.

If India were a real country instead of a made-up joke that denies its own origins and
persecutes Hindus, maybe it'd have been claiming Tibet the way China does now.

Abhilash Mohanty

Because Fertile River Valleys are the basis of Urbanized Bureaucratic civilizations- which
are the toughest nuts to crack when it comes to external invasions.

Madhyadesha is one of the greatest stretches of Fertile Centralized Territory in all human
history which has been more or less united in some form or the other for most of History.
Trigatadesha on the other hand, remained largely politically fragmented for various
reasons- which made it susceptible to invasion but difficult to hold securely.

As such, the sudden shift in military-political scenario would've served to stymie any

Also- Neither the Persians (you mean the Achaemenids here, I suppose) nor the Arabs nor
the Mongols ever ruled over Trigatadesha save for intermittent raids and brief occupations-
essentially sacking- of major cities. I've several doubts about Alexander's campaigns but
even the Romanticized “records” that do exist state the Greeks had zero political power and
were paying significant amounts of gold to their vassals.

A major reason for Delhi being where it is, and the name being what it is in modern times, is
a reference of the shift in political realities between the Sindhu and Ganga Valleys.

NB: Don't post about the Hunas and Kushanas here BTW. I only deal with trends.

Abhilash Mohanty

I might a tad presumptuous in choosing who was the more benevolent of the two- but I’m
going to wager it wasn’t the guy going round with a sword and a bunch of his friends,
raiding caravans, murdering the merchants, and raping their wives and daughters.

All with his ‘god’s’ blessings, of course.

Abhilash Mohanty

Because he didn’t.

There is unquestionable recorded evidence of Guru Nanak visiting every corner of the
Continent of Bharatavarsha- even to the very borders in the North-East and Afghanistan,
and even beyond to Tibet, the tales of his travelling to the Middle East and other places
outside the Continent are exaggerations written well afterwards, mostly in the 19th Century
Sikh Kingdom.

No evidence for them exists either in Sikh records or pertaining to the Cultures some claim
him to have visited.

Abhilash Mohanty

The Grand Army, at its height, had 700,000 combatants, approximately 200,000–300,000
Civilian camp followers and support staff, and another 500,000 civilian logistical and
bureacratic personnel.

The absence of any one of these would’ve crippled it completely.

Assuming they all are ‘transported’, it’d require them to have carried, in food alone, a weight
equivalent of 1,602,000 tonnes. That’s five Empire State Buildings. Other associated needs-
coats, shoes, nails, carpentry tools, hunting and cooking equipment, weaponry, artillery,
gunpowder- would’ve easily doubled this weight. The feed for draught animals would’ve
trebled this amount again.

This great stack, if piled up in a pyramid, would be visible from the Moon.

In less than three days, this would’ve started rotting. Sooner, if it rained. The smell and
corruption would’ve necessitated the Army to flee the place- after harvesting what little it
could. During their march, they’d have to forage the equivalent of- and I’m saying this from
memory from Oriya records I’d read long ago- around 90 square kilometres of prime
cropland. Probably more- since medieval Oriya Rice cultivation would’ve provided far more
calorific content and nutrients than Classical Roman Wheat cultivation. So, let’s take 120
square kilometres to be foraged. Every day.

This just wasn’t possible across most of Classical Europe in those times.

On bad roads, with indifferent scouting, and poor knowledge of the region, the Army would
probably struggle to cover 20–22 kilometres per day, this pace dropping to 10–15 within a
week if the horses aren’t resupplied constantly- and they won’t be eating either given the
situation. Men will start deserting; disease will break out; mutinies will start breaking out in
ones and twos. When food finally runs out- within two weeks, I suppose- open warfare will
break out among the different factions. In less than a week, we will begin to see the Army

I frankly don’t see this Army surviving very long. Maybe a column or two might reach and
sack the odd town or two- but the lack of food, confusion, disease, internal conflict, the
death of draught animals, and other factors will probably kill 90% of the troops within a

Abhilash Mohanty

Sparta would be a good example, I suppose.

From all modern accounts, it’s appears to have worked quite well- Sparta are an icon in
modern Western Iconography, held up as examples of true valour and freedom and
Western Civilization- and they did enjoy dominance over the Greek Civilization for quite
some time, so I’m pretty confident we can safely consider Sparta a successful Communist

Now in Sparta- the defender of Western Civilization from the Eastern hordes- they practiced
an enlightened and sophisticated form of Property control.

The Slaves- who outnumbered the Spartan citizens at more than 10:1- were all public
property. Money was considered foul & corruptive - so the Spartans depended on token iron
money, which wasn’t a big concern though since Spartans didn’t actually have any jobs. Any
Helot you saw sauntering about on the streets ‘belonged’ to the person he’d been assigned
to by the City; so selling or buying them was illegal. What wasn’t illegal though was
reporting them- if the Helot was sauntering about in public, he wasn’t clearly doing his
master’s errands or working on his master’s farms.

If you were a myn in Sparta, you went into the Army. If you were a wahmyn you stayed
home and had kids- for the Army. If you were a helot, you weren’t even humyn so who
cares about you?

The Spartans did.

They were really concerned that the Helots might not appreciate their superior Western
values and sophisticated civilization- so every now & then they’d go on a proper orgy of
murder and slaughter against the Helot population- bringing the population down to more
manageable levels. Why else do you think they needed that SPARTAN army? You can’t just
NOT make a awesome Spartan Army when you’re ruthlessly oppressing a population ten
times your own.

But, A- how on Earth did they make out Spartans from Helots during the slaughter?

A fine question- but hardly a concern. As I said- all Spartans were soldiers. Helots weren’t.
No shield, no spears, no phalanx, no cries for Freedom and Human rights- you know the
lines. Besides- it hardly mattered; if the Helots had any sense, they’d have been born
Spartans. After all- there was no real genetic difference between Spartans and Helots; even
if there had been any, centuries of sexual slavery and rapes would’ve rendered it moot. The
Helot Sperm should’ve held back for when the Spartan was fucking his wyf; Impatience
doesn’t become a Spartan Superman.

But it’s not like Rapes of Wahmyn were common in Sparta…

After all, one could hardly expect wahmyn to be available all the time. After all, we know
that it took the average adult wahmyn back then to have six kids each to keep the
population stable- and it’s not like the Spartans were keen on keeping those six around-
what with the sky-diving contests they’d make the babies take part in; so if you were a
Spartan wahmyn, well- you;d better make that 12 kid quota before you retire. Unlss you go
ahead and die in child-birth.

On the bright side though- the Spartans, like today’s feminists, were too enlightened to
reduce a wahmyn to a sex object. No- the wahmyn was for running the House & bossing
around the Helots. Little kids, though…

And only the bravest, most valiant, and battle-scared Spartan could finally ascend to the
ranks of the Government- the Elders and great Lords of City- to further perpetuate and
extend the Equitable blessings of the Spartan World.

So- in Sparta, you have the perfect example of a working Communist Society- Strong,
Flourishing, an Icon and Inspiration for the Future! Fucking George Orwell himself couldn’t
have thought up a finer society for his mindscapes.

Abhilash Mohanty

Depends- the Continent will be officially Dar-ul-Islam then .

That literally means ‘Adobe of Peace’- and we all know Quora moderators hate any criticism
of the Religion of Peace so far be it for me to oppose OP’s suggestion.

What’ll be the place like though- that’s a more interesting question…

The Poor, Working Class, and Middle Class Hindus are wiped out. No doubts about that.
The World won’t even blink; unless you’re talking of Firang converts… sorry, REVERTS-
hopping onto planes to get share of Hindu sex slaves and such like they did in ISIS. I
suppose a good chunk of Hindus might convert, but I doubt they’ll be in any position other
than de-facto slave.

The Bourgeoisie and some Middle Class, the champions of Freedom and Democracy and
Tolerance- will either Convert at the first hint of Trouble or flee to the West- for a time. Then
the Governments of the Democracy-lovers will step and ‘make arrangements for the
continued stability’ or whatever legalese they dream up in Brussels & Washington. Don’t
expect George Soros or Hilary Clinton to be sticking out their heads for us though. No one
cares for Pagans. Those who stay back will either die or convert. The few who manage to
get in will surrender most of their wealth and be scrubbing toilets and picking up cans for
the rest of their lives.

The Rich- well what to say about them? I suppose some will do a Jinnah, some will do a
Jai Singh I, and some will prefer to sip away their lives in fine farmhouses stretching over
half of Dartmoor. BTW- do look up just how Liberal Politicians own houses in the
Angrejistan; it’s quite an interesting field of research.

As for the rest of them- Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Christians… Well… I guess there might be
some noise in the West regarding the odd raped Christian girl or so like it is in Pakistan at
present, but I suppose they’d be getting the peace most Hindus get. I suppose some of the
Sikhs might get some help from Trudeau’s ilk- unless he measures the voting scales &
decides to play safe.

After 20–30 years when the population of Hindus has reached “ barely noticeable” levels, it’ll
be time to hammer out the tiny differences that tarnish the sparking image of Dar-ul-Islam- I
mean, deal with the 15% Shia & 10% odd Sufi & other groups and who knows… And after
that, I suppose once all tiny differences have been stamped out, India will truly be at peace
like other places with similar Demographic profiles like… Afghanistan, North Sudan,
Eritrea… You get the gist, don’t you?

Peace be with you, flippers!

Abhilash Mohanty

Depends- the Continent will be officially Dar-ul-Islam then .

That literally means ‘Adobe of Peace’- and we all know Quora moderators hate any criticism
of the Religion of Peace so far be it for me to oppose OP’s suggestion.

What’ll be the place like though- that’s a more interesting question…

The Poor, Working Class, and Middle Class Hindus are wiped out. No doubts about that.
The World won’t even blink; unless you’re talking of Firang converts… sorry, REVERTS-
hopping onto planes to get share of Hindu sex slaves and such like they did in ISIS. I
suppose a good chunk of Hindus might convert, but I doubt they’ll be in any position other
than de-facto slave.

The Bourgeoisie and some Middle Class, the champions of Freedom and Democracy and
Tolerance- will either Convert at the first hint of Trouble or flee to the West- for a time. Then
the Governments of the Democracy-lovers will step and ‘make arrangements for the
continued stability’ or whatever legalese they dream up in Brussels & Washington. Don’t
expect George Soros or Hilary Clinton to be sticking out their heads for us though. No one
cares for Pagans. Those who stay back will either die or convert. The few who manage to
get in will surrender most of their wealth and be scrubbing toilets and picking up cans for
the rest of their lives.

The Rich- well what to say about them? I suppose some will do a Jinnah, some will do a
Jai Singh I, and some will prefer to sip away their lives in fine farmhouses stretching over
half of Dartmoor. BTW- do look up just how Liberal Politicians own houses in the
Angrejistan; it’s quite an interesting field of research.

As for the rest of them- Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Christians… Well… I guess there might be
some noise in the West regarding the odd raped Christian girl or so like it is in Pakistan at
present, but I suppose they’d be getting the peace most Hindus get. I suppose some of the
Sikhs might get some help from Trudeau’s ilk- unless he measures the voting scales &
decides to play safe.

After 20–30 years when the population of Hindus has reached “ barely noticeable” levels, it’ll
be time to hammer out the tiny differences that tarnish the sparking image of Dar-ul-Islam- I
mean, deal with the 15% Shia & 10% odd Sufi & other groups and who knows… And after
that, I suppose once all tiny differences have been stamped out, India will truly be at peace
like other places with similar Demographic profiles like… Afghanistan, North Sudan,
Eritrea… You get the gist, don’t you?

Peace be with you, flippers!

Abhilash Mohanty
“with the population of more than 20 million people”

It didn’t.

“ could easily produce an army of 2 million men”

It couldn’t.

Modern Iran-Syria-Iraq have a population of something around 100–120 million combined.

This is with vastly more cultivated area, better irrigation (it’s been 800 years since Mongols
& most canals weren’t even built under the Achaemenids; please NOT that argument now),
mechanized agriculture, modern transportation, better healthcare, better everything. I’m
skeptical that the Achaemenids had a population over 10 million at any point of time.

How much of this population can be militarized? Who knows?

Now in theory, you can militarize as many as 10% of a population- but only for short term,
only for limited area of operation, and in very rare cases. Even the usual 1%-2% spiel you
see is an estimated drawn on late 18th Century- early 19th Century European values- by
which time logistical considerations were passe- to some extent.

And here we come to the crux of the matter.

What I know is that armies greater than 50,000–60,00 used to eat themselves on the march
back then. Pryor was even more skeptical of such massive armies marching around but I
won’t bore you with the details. Basically, an army of 50,000 is going to eat around 75 tons
of food every day. And then there are the horses, and elephants, and nails and boots and
extra armour and whatever.

And now we come to the camp-followers!

Now - most of you will be saying- but let’s discount that, A- let’s assume that the Persians
were disciplined and heroic and greek-like Western supermen like some Frank Miller comic
and didn’t bother about whores and jugglers and all that rest Oriental luxury crap… Bullshit!
You can be as tall and brooding and mysterious as any Spartan out of Frank Miller’s comic-
and you’d STILL need a Seamstress to sew that billowing Frank Miller Cape.

BTW- any of you ever tried sewing?

You know how to sew, you tell me? No- you don’t. Go watch your grandmother sew. My
grandmother sews better by hand than my mother does with a machine and my mother
makes those crazy stitched things as a hobby (don’t know what they’re called in English ).

ALL Armies- even Marius’ mules in the Roman Republic- NEEDED CAMP-FOLLOWERS. And
not just some Game of Thrones sex-addled BS. You were in an army back then and lost a
shoe nail? The Quartermaster isn't going to be looking for every fucking shoe nail; buy it
from the cobblers over there! So you want your mace shortened? Good luck getting the
Army blacksmiths to do it unless you're in something like 5000-6000 men. Maybe you like
some nice pepper in your milk? Pepper's too expensive,soldier, piss off! And give us that
cow; the Officers need it. They've signed a contract with this merchant guild for exclusive
milk supply!

Whores came way down the list. The Army needed cobblers and seamstresses and drovers
and blacksmiths and fetchers and goatherds and oracles and priests… you get the idea?
An Army DIED without Camp followers.

The reason we don’t see any in ‘historical texts’- written by Westerners- is because the
Americans hated them (that’s why ‘Camp Follower’ is a synonym for Whore these days ) and
the English are the same anyway and Europe is basically a WASP colony since the World
Wars. IIRC Napoleon had around 50,000 to 100,000 civilians tagging along when he
marched in Russia- meaning the real number was easily double or triple that; so easily a 1:3
civilian to combatant ratio even if one doesn’t include the logistical detail.

And the Ancient armies needed far more Camp Followers; I’d suppose our boi Darius had a
ratio of around 2:1. So to maintain an Army of 50,000 combatants, he needs at least 200–
250 tons of food per day.

You say- Oh well, he brought 250 tons to his army everyday, big deal.

But we aren't talking about 50,000 men, are we? We are talking about… 2 million. Rolfmao.

You say- Darius was a cruel king. He probably raided some villages…

And found a sack of grain, two chickens, and mangy goat who's probably rabid. And now
the locals hate him. And that's assuming the Greeks - you know, the ones INVADING- hadn't
already murdered the civilians, enslaved their wahmyn, raped the goats, and burnt
everything down.

Ohh… You say… Then it's obvious! Everyone lied. There were only 5000 something Greeks and
10000 something Persians and everything's fine and manageable now.

Sensible proposition and the Ancients did exaggerate but you see- we are already taking
lowball figures. Also- while we know they exaggerated, the Ancients also took careful note
of “exotic” stuff- such as Darius’ Elephant corps which he'd probably hired as mercenaries.
Now we know from Indian military manuals just how many people- Mahouts, Archers,
Goadmen, Footman, servants, Standard bearers- it took to manage a War Elephant back
then so we know how many Indians were there, and it'd be inconceivable for mercenaries,
foreign mercenaries at that who didn't even fight in the Battle- probably arrived late or were
bribed by the Greeks or something, to make up 10%-15% of an Imperial army. So no, the
Persian army must've been more than 50,000 men or so. In fact 100,000 does sound like a
nice number.

As such it's possible the Greeks exaggerated wildly and the Armies were actually evenly
matched and some fast talking was going on behind him the scenes, which is quite
possible seeing how easily everyone among Darius’ governors and nobles surrendered
afterwards… But I suppose you can see very well why your doubts here are invalid.
Abhilash Mohanty

It's called ‘Defence in Depth’ in a Strategic sense and “Feigned Retreat” if used in a tactical

TThere must very hundreds of thousands of examples of this throughout human history,
and I'm pretty sure you can make out a few if you think for a while. The biggest example of
such in recent years has been the Great Patriotic War between the USSR and Germany
where the Soviets gave thousands of miles to the enemy, built an entire industrial base
from scratch as backup, and still won the War.

Abhilash Mohanty

This is a pointless exercise no one who wasn't a sapiosexual rational intellectual on Quora
would take note of.

For one, “throughout history” would imply almost 6000 years of recorded history, assuming
the Rig Veda was written down in the early Harappan period. Also- India is a Continent onto
itself with dozens of nations within it, more than a fifth of the World population for most of
History. Unlike what intellectuals think, an account of “Indian history” or “Military gear of
Indian troops” isn't something anyone can do justice to in a single answer or even an entire

Also- in around 150 years, the only person who's actually tried to study and recreate Indian
military science has been me, moi, myself, the great feline lounging in an uncultivated farm
inside a forest of swords. Needless to say, you didn't get any of the three references just
now unless you're someone of the likes of Aashrai Arun; it'd take me an hour to explain
them- so how on Earth would anyone expect me to even start on the current topic?

And I do this stuff as a hobby while working 60+ hours a week, and since I'm a misanthrope
waiting for the impending end of the Spenglerian Cycle and the ensuing collapse of
Civilization, I'm least interested in discussing at length with anyone who isn't a Hindu Vedic
Traditionalist like myself.

As for “recreations” like most other Indians have posted here, Lelwut. Indian History writing
on Quora began with Trilochana Rout and ended with Satyarth Routroy. Everything else is

Anyway - since Shinde (who's NOT a Hindu Vedic Traditionalist ) asked, I'll give a brief verbal

Bronze Age: The Saraswati, mother of Rivers, feeds the burgeoning armies of the Bharata
city states, those who've kindled the Fire (That's what “Bharata” means, I'm guessing you
didn't know that). They were no Armour but are swift and valiant, mounted on mighty
horses and atop great war chariots; though they probably dismount to fight. They bear
bronze shortswords, found from Swat to Kaveri, and maces and spears and bows.

Early Iron Age: The discovery of Iron & the abandonment of her children by Ma Saraswati
has led to the clearing of Forests and the rekindling of War across the Continent. Emperors
like Bharata, Raghu, and even Ravana storm through the lands, subjugating all. Their troops
are similar to the earlier Bronze Age armies - Chariot-mounted Nobles and Mounted
Retainers with Spearmen, but the Rich are all garbed in fine Iron Mail and bear great
warbows & swords.

Late Iron Age: Great Nations extend throughout the Continent, and we see the roots of the
current races of Bharata arise- Kalingas, Telingas, and others. Elephants are common in
War, the nobles are clad from head to toe in steel, Cavalry is being used at places (instead
of mounted infantry), and there is an ongoing struggle as Military supremacy over the
Continent is shifting from the North & West States to the East. The Bow remains supreme
but already we see Elephants coming to the fore.

Ancient India: The East finally comes into its own as the Haryankas, with their iron Mines
and steel mailed troops, overcome the forces of their rivals. The first great light cavalry
forces arise, Elephants go about in full padded Armour and steel chamfrons, field artillery
starts being common. Great swords, as tall as men, began to be seen. Troops, even City
guards, begin to wear steel coats with cotton padding and leather boots. As the great
Empires collapse, the Bow returns to prominence towards the end of the Classical Age and
Armour changes similarly, from Mail to Scale which provides better protection. The first
true Kataphracts begin to seen on battlefields as the Mahameghavana, Satavahana, and
Sakas fight for the control of Shunga Madhyadesha and the day of the Chariot finally
begins to wane.

Early Classical Age: The first true steel bows are developed, allowing mounted Heavy
Cavalry to come into it's own across the Continent. The return of Imperial India under the
Guptas sees Field Artillery become common, and prodigious development in Siege craft
probably happened. The South actively adopts Northern style systems but probably lacks
the ability to fund similar Armies outside the Noble classes.

High Classical Age: Civil Wars, Climate change, invasions by the hordes of the Hunas, Hara
Hunas, Alinas and other Mleccha Races devastate the Imperial Bureaucracy. Armies grow
smaller and City walls, taller. Mail begins to return, displacing the earlier Scale. The South
begins to fall off the Northern radar and regresses back to the old Iron Age style norms.

Late Classical Age: After almost 500 years of total political dominance of most of the
North and significant parts of South and forging the cultural identity of Bharata as we know
it today, the Gupta Mahamandalam- greatest Empire of the Aryas since the Kurus
themselves- falls. They will not be equalled. The destruction of the Imperial Bureaucracy,
the Collapse of International Trade, and the beginning of the Peaceful invasions traps the
successors States in a cycle of War, Conquest, and Recon quest. In the South, King Uttama
Chola reforms the military on basis of the Northern Heavy Infantry doctrine laying the
foundation of the Chola Empire. The great Empires in the North and South slowly begin

Early Medieval Age: After four hundred years of constant warfare, the Western defences
fall; Attrition, decline in Trade, Collapse of the once-great Imperial Bureaucracy, Decline in
Classical learning, and the unsleeping hatred of the Peaceful for the Pagan taking its toll.
Free Northern Lords retreat or fall silent, and the countryside falls to anarchy with Hindu
light infantry rebels at constant war with Peaceful Heavy Noble and Slave Calavary and the
unending peasant hordes of common Ghazis. In the East, Oriya kings break the deadlock
with the Tamils; their superior and heavier military helping them withstand the Peaceful
hordes for 500 years. In the South, the decline in Tamil fortunes and the shock of Peaceful
invasion leads to the creation of a new light infantry doctrine focused on Wealth, Speed,
and Technology Innovation - adopted by both Hindus and Peacefuls. As Artillery improves,
Bombs and Guns grow common, and Wealth and Trade collapse as the Continent burns,
Armoured Professional troops grow scarce.
Late Medieval Age: Thedivided, poor, and complacent North is easy prey to the Heavy
Cavalry of the Oriyas in the East and the Gunpowder State of the Mughals in the West. In
the South, the Peacefuls accomplish through treachery what they couldn't do through open
War and the South crumbles. Slowly over the Course of a Century, the Mughals take over
the entire Continent with their Heavy Cavalry, Rockets and other Artillery, Armoured
Elephants, and Light Musketeers. By 1700, for the first time in 1000 years, the Continent is
united again in a mockery of the prosperous, erudite, and advanced Gupta Mahamandalam.

Early Modern Age: The continuing collapse in industry, development, and agriculture- and
the improvement in firearms despite increasingly vanishing military Professionalism and
Bureaucracy brings light cavalry to the fore. The Continent outside the Maratha Empire
descends again into an orgy of rape and plunder, ended when the superior professionalism
of the East India Company's armies finally subdue the Continent.

Late Modern Age: The War of 1857 leads to some of the biggest genocides in history as
the Angrej wipe out entire Provinces from the Map. The Abolition of Arms, the Suppression
of Martial traditions, and the Monopoly over Weaponry by the Angrej scuttles all and any
Indian military systems outside the mercenaries in the British Endian Army, a light infantry
and mechanized armour force, like most other contemporary states. The actions of the
Almana under their leaders Kaiser Wilhelm II and Adolf Hitler devastate the Angrej
population, rendering them incapable of controlling their Colonies and causing the
mercenaries armies of the Raj to fall into the hands of the successor States.

We can safely predict the Future of these Successor States at this point but not military
trends. Thus there is no point in continuing here.

Abhilash Mohanty

Not one scrap of paper or inscription or stellae exists regarding the Administration of the
Rashidun Caliphate, save what exists in the Hadiths regarding them. Until Al-Mawardi in the
11th Century, more than 500 years later, not one word had been written anywhere regarding
the Secular Administration of the Rashidun and it's very likely that his works were
allegorical myth-making over how the early Caliphs compared with his contemporaries than
any real historical narration.

As for Military matters, it's very likely the Rashidun followed military policies governing
earlier Arab vassals to the Parsu and Romaka. In other words, we know jackshit about them
and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Even the guys with published books. Some say
they used camels extensively which gave them a logistical advantage, but again- we don't

As for Social matters, they followed the Koran to the word. They said so themselves in the
few texts they left behind.

Abhilash Mohanty

Nothing- because such a proposition would be absurd.

Firstly- there’s been a trend of White Nationalists- and it’s impossible for Western
Historians to ever disengage themselves from their fellow cultural cohorts- to occasionally
peddle nonsense about how the early Peacefuls made up the origin of Islam. In many
cases, they even deny the existence of Muhammad himself. I’ve read accounts, such as by

My head spins when I read such stuff- but not as much as the Caliphs must be spinning in
their graves at such nonsense. How on Earth does one deny the Rashidun Caliphate? It’s
absurd! But no- there are “explanations” and “justifications”.

You see- we actually don’t have any contemporary record of them from contemporaries.


Okay- but there’s no archaeological evidence of them.


But what was the Caliphs’ Government like? No one knows!


But the Caliphs don’t seem to have left any personal records…


Troooo - but see the Koran is a forgery!

There’s some kind of weird fringe idea that if the West denies early Peaceful Theology and
history, the entire business of this:-

…will automatically solve itself and the current Peaceful population will convert to
Christianity or Capitalism or something. It’s inexplicable but that seems to be the guiding
force here. People like Scott are also hardcore White Supremacy types so I don’t exactly
understand what they’re playing at here.

Now- is it possible and explainable, both in secular terms as well as Peaceful terms, that
texts ‘resembling’ the Koran have been discovered to belong to a time-period ‘before’ the
accepted birth of Muhammad?

Yes! Obviously!

Peacefulism didn’t rise in a vacuum- and Muhammad himself openly said this. the
underlying logic of the Faith was that the previous message of the desert god Yahweh was
‘corrupted’ by Jews & Christians, and thus a new Religion was needed. Muhammad was,
mostly likely, influenced in his youth by a Middle-Eastern Christian cult known to Ebionitism
(now extinct because someone probably wiped them all out; wonder who? ) according to the
works of Karl Heinz. Even now, we can see the parallels between the religion of Peace &
Ebionitism:- both deny that Jesu was the son of Yahweh, both accept Jewish traditions
such as Circumcision, Stoning Wahmyn, hating Pagans, both have similar dietary laws, etc.


1- It is not surprising to find documents in the Middle East with ‘Koranic verses’ from a
period preceding Muhammad. It’s based on already existing Jewish & Christian cults, after

2- It is not an indictment of Peacefulism if such documents are indeed found from a period
preceding Muhammad. If they exist, then they’re the corrupted legacy of earlier Prophets
such as Musa and Jesu- which is immaterial now because they’ve been superseded by the

But all such theories are moot and absurd because no such documents have been found,
no such documents will be found, and the entire business sounds suspiciously like some
White Nationalist Conspiracy a la the Aryan Invasion and other absurdities in the first place.

Abhilash Mohanty

Blacks in the Roman Republic were rare; Black slaves in the Roman Republic would’ve been
ever rarer, and Black Slave soldiers would’ve been far too absurd to even consider a

As for ancient Greece? Such thoughts would’ve been out of the question.

The Greeks primarily enslaved each other, and effectively ran an economy based to a great
extent on Slave labour. And not just ANY slave labour- but possibly one of the worst and
dehumanizing slave systems to have existed on Earth; something the typical Firangs are all
too eager to ignore if you were to ask them these days. When Greeks would encounter
‘slaves’ in other lands- such as India’s bonded labour system where people signed off their
freedom for money for a fixed time or Persia where sexual slavery was frowned upon
(Chattel Slavery was banned in both areas ), they’d declare that Slavery was absent in

As for “use them in Wars”?

Absurd- the ancient Greek Military’s most significant task would’ve been to fight against

No real estimates exist- but at least 30%-40% of the Greek population, at least, were slaves.
It’s even possible that the proportion might’ve been as high as 80%. In Sparta- the beacon
of Freedom, Human Rights, and Western values- there were 10 Helots for every citizen. The
entire vaunted Sparta Army’s SOLE purpose was to keep the Helots in line- and regularly
massacre them in periodic orgies of violence and rape when it was judged the population
was getting too large to control effectively. Economic exploitation, Sexual slavery, grueling
oppression, and unrestrained violence was the norm for generations. Outside of sex slaves,
intelligent livestock, and personal servants, there would be zero slaves in a Greek Army.

The one culture closest to the Ancient Greeks in modern times are our friendly they-who-
must-not-be-named. And to no one’s surprise, they get no lack of good press as well. How
very droll.

Abhilash Mohanty

Yes, there were. We used to call them Wars.

I can’t openly criticize Peaceful texts or beliefs on Quora, on account of the Orwellian
moderation and discrimination against Hindus- but here is just a glimpse of what Hindus
used to endure under Peaceful rule:-

In the ‘Taj-ul-Ma’asir’ by Hassan Nizam-i-Naishapuri, it is stated that after Qutb-ul- Din

Aibak’s conquest of Meerut, he demolished all the Hindu temples of the city and erected
mosques on their sites. At Aligarh, Hindus were forced to convert en masse and those who
resisted were put to the sword. The Tarik-i-Yamini recounts: ‘The blood of the Kaffirs flowed
so copiously (at Thaneswar) that the stream was discoloured, notwithstanding its purity, and
people were unable to drink it…the infidels deserted the fort and tried to cross the foaming
river…but many of them were slain, taken or drowned… Nearly fifty thousand men were

When Ala-ud-dun Khilji… conquered Khambayat (Modern Cambay), he had every adult, and
boys above the age of puberty (twelve, in contemporary practice) murdered, the young boys
castrated, and every girl and woman below the age of thirty carried off to be enslaved and

Destruction of temples and looting of cities was widespread, while Hindus groaned under
heavy taxes such as jiziya. In addition, slavery had exploded. With the collapse of Indian
cities, general oppression and atrocities upon Hindu and Hindu businesses, and
destruction of large-scale religious and secular infrastructure- such as the destruction of
Raja Bhoja’s great lakes on account of their being holy to Hindus- there was little industry
left in North India except for Slavery.

In “After Oriental Despotism”, Alessandro Stanziani writes about the Slave Trade in Central

“Between the twelfth and seventeenth centuries, there are indications of bonded people being
part of the caravan trade from Central Asia to India and China and vice versa, i.e., from India
to Central Asia. This trade went along with the general trade in luxury items and horses along
the same axes. This traffic had begun in ancient times but evolved dramatically during the
medieval period, particularly in conjunction with the expansion of Islam in India in the early
eleventh century...

-Alessandro Stanziani

As such, it was common, expected, and BINDING upon Hindus to rise in rebellion against

It took more than four hundred years of constant warfare between Peaceful kingdoms &
Hindu kings for them to even gain a foothold in India; in contrast, most of Spain had been
swamped within a hundred years of the Peaceful Prophet’s birth. It took Peacefuls another
two hundred years to even raid the South; once their armies relaxed, the entire South was
retaken within a decade. In the East, Peaceful armies broke like water upon Orissa- and
then retaliating Oriya armies took all of Bengal & most of Bihar, holding it for fifty years until
Delhi could send any army of more than 300,000 men- one of the largest ever raised in
history- to retake the lands. They did- but then were defeated and wiped out when they
invaded Orissa proper.

Meanwhile up north, Hindus were fighting constantly in villages and forests and
wildernesses. Inside the City Walls, Peacefuls controlled everything with an iron fist- tearing
down Temples, vandalizing Universities, impoverishing the Peasants, selling Slaves.
Outside the Walls, anyone without proper Hindu traits- Caste marks, Mustaches,
CONSTANT chanting of Shri Rama’s name- would be killed without hesitation. Hindu
Zamindars and Rajas would have their estates confiscated by Peaceful troops, melt into
the forests, then return once the troops left, and wipe out their Peaceful replacements.
When Timur the Physically Challenged (can’t insult a Peaceful on Quora. I suppose) invaded
India, Delhi were defeated and sacked- but when he marched into Madhyadesha, he was
greeted by a massive coalition of Hindu Rajputs, Gurjars, Jats, and Sadhus that pushed him
back. (Never read that bit anywhere, eh? Expected).

A bit south, things were getting more heated up by the day.

The Sultan of Gujarat whatshisname (the guy featured in Sharma’s article on how getting
raped in Peaceful harems was awesome for Hindu women) had his own relatives ambushed
and killed by Hindu rebels one mile from his own Capital. You can see how slowly,
continuously, Hindus were getting more and more vicious in their fightbacks against

Gajapati Kapilendradeva Routray, Emperor of Orissa, strolled up & sacked Bidar; his officers
known for flaying Peacefuls alive. Emperor Krishnadeva Raya used to build pyramids of
Peaceful skulls (they never did the same while fighting their Hindu counterparts; the worse
I’ve ever read in context of an inter-Hindu war was a Telugu general for Vijayanagar
threatening to put an Oriya general’s mother to cleaning kitchens f he didn’t retreat). 60,000
Peaceful troops were once impaled by the banks of river Tribeni.

Akbar’s reign was the FIRST time in 500 years that the Indian countryside had known any
level of peace- and the fighting started the minute he died. During Jehangir’s time,
European visitors wrote:-

“It is scarcely possible to venture out of the City Walls without adequate armed body of men.”


The Jats burnt Akbar’s bones. Rajputs would rebel every second month. Karnal and Pahadi
kingdoms would invade, be destroyed by vastly larger Mughal armies, then reorganize and
invade again- until you find the current North Indian superstition that Pahadis use
witchcraft. lelwa.
The old Southern Empires had collapsed- but venturing into the Oriya hinterland beyond the
Eastern Ghats remained a death sentence for Peacefuls. Assam remained fiercely
independent and staunchly Hindu. The Nayakas were mostly subdued- but were all too
eager to turn a blind eye if ‘bandits’ killed a Peaceful merchant or two or two hundred and
their retinues while under Imperial protection, as once happened during Aurangzeb's reign.

And then was born Shivaji, King of the Marathas and Emperor of Hindus- the founder of
the Hindu Pad Padshahi.

"Why should we remain content with what the Muslim rulers choose to give us? We are
Hindus. The whole country is ours by right, and is yet occupied and held by Muslims. They
desecrate our temples, break holy idols, plunder our wealth, convert us forcibly to their
religion, carry away our women folk and children, slay the cows and inflict a thousand
wrongs upon us. We will suffer this treatment no more.

We possess strength in our arms. Let us draw the sword in defence of our sacred religion,
liberate our country and acquire new lands and wealth by our own effort. Are we not as brave
and capable as our ancestors of yore? Let us undertake this holy mission and God will surely
help us. All human efforts are so helped. There is no such thing as good luck and ill luck. We
are the captains of our fortunes and the makers of our freedom."

-Maharaj Shivaji Bhonsle, at age 15, on the eve of the Assault upon Torna Fort

Abhilash Mohanty
No- “pictorial language”; Seriously?

All things grow and decline and fall with time. The concept of constant progress is a
typically Abrahmic delusion with no basis in reality. No one with any real idea of Philosophy
& History actually believes that the current era of Western glory will last forever, or the
current period of Technological Supremacy will persist for long. Governments will collapse,
Nations will change, ‘Scientific’ Advancement will regress. The State has four borders; but
Time is a Circle. That’s how it’s always been.

If you ask why the Qing Empire fell into decay, then it’s a rather different question.

Now- for a great deal of time, there was a rather stark difference between the Qing - or
Manchu- and the Han World. The Qing did push, in fact were the first to push for the notion
of a China as we know it today, and the sole reason you have the current ‘bloated’ China-
instead of just the Central Plains and surrounding hills, a fact most modern Han Chinese
gleefully refuse to admit (the Tang & others extracted tribute & nominal declarations of
fealty from bordering nations at time; but by those standards, Japan should be a Chinese
Province- which no one in their right minds will ever state). But this was primarily on account
of they themselves being minorities trying to dispel the idea of a Han State.

As such, they were- at all times- uneasy Globalists at best and Tyrannical bigots at worst.

Does that mean they were “bad” Emperors?

Hardly- The Qing were not a Colonial State, nor they were ‘outsiders’ to Chinese Culture per
se. They weren’t exporting away China’s wealth like many African kingdoms were doing or
at a state of constant Civil War with their own population- like with the Mughals in India.
They fully acknowledged the necessity of Han Chinese to run China- the Qing Empire
started with the Han general Wu Sangui deciding to throw in his lot with the Manchus than
trust in his fellow Han (there’s another story there; Wu was right and justified in doing so ).
They restored some national institutions like Hanlin, funded societies and temples, and
commissioned several works of educational and military importance. In addition, they
retained the Imperial exam system and bureaucracy, and as time went by, they got more
and more integrated with their own population.

But there were issues.

Firstly, you had something called the Eight Banners system which’d started out as a system
of providing for military loyalist Manchu- but devolved, over time, into a corrupt & pointless
drain on the treasury. Positions began to be staffed by two men at a time- a Han to work &
a Manchu to keep an eye on him. Entrepreneurship & Business became impossible over
vast tracts of territory as Ethnic Clashes lead to Bureaucratic breakdown led to Social
decline. Now there were late period Military reforms- but no one expects an Army to fight if
they’re not paid; and the Qing’s bureaucracy- never the most sophisticated- lacked what
Taleb has described as ‘Skin in the Game’. There were other parallel government systems
as well- consider the Lifan Yuan and Qi systems (they’ll take too long to discuss though).
Government posts and Quotas were also restricted; one in seventy for Han- though in
practice FAR lower.

The Collapse didn’t happen overnight, but over time, with every generation, with every extra
silver coin taken as bribe, every Han Scholar family dropping out to become a peasant,
every soldier’s post unappointed & pay pocketed as bribe, every Eight Banner Estate falling
into disrepair, every new grant and gift- all this added up.

But frankly- if the Qing did fall, it’s got a lot to do with metaphyscial reasons which we do
not perfectly understand at present.

There appears to be some sort of strange Civilizational bind upon Humanity that prevents
Empires (China is a collection of Nations; no matter what people think) - multinational,
multicultural States- from existing for more than 200–250 years in situ. I know many
Quorans who consider themselves devoted to ‘rationality’ (whatever that means)- and
possibly modern Chinese (for more understandable mythic-national reasons)- will rail
against these words, but that’s the truth.

Abhilash Mohanty
No- “pictorial language”; Seriously?

All things grow and decline and fall with time. The concept of constant progress is a
typically Abrahmic delusion with no basis in reality. No one with any real idea of Philosophy
& History actually believes that the current era of Western glory will last forever, or the
current period of Technological Supremacy will persist for long. Governments will collapse,
Nations will change, ‘Scientific’ Advancement will regress. The State has four borders; but
Time is a Circle. That’s how it’s always been.

If you ask why the Qing Empire fell into decay, then it’s a rather different question.

Now- for a great deal of time, there was a rather stark difference between the Qing - or
Manchu- and the Han World. The Qing did push, in fact were the first to push for the notion
of a China as we know it today, and the sole reason you have the current ‘bloated’ China-
instead of just the Central Plains and surrounding hills, a fact most modern Han Chinese
gleefully refuse to admit (the Tang & others extracted tribute & nominal declarations of
fealty from bordering nations at time; but by those standards, Japan should be a Chinese
Province- which no one in their right minds will ever state). But this was primarily on account
of they themselves being minorities trying to dispel the idea of a Han State.

As such, they were- at all times- uneasy Globalists at best and Tyrannical bigots at worst.

Does that mean they were “bad” Emperors?

Hardly- The Qing were not a Colonial State, nor they were ‘outsiders’ to Chinese Culture per
se. They weren’t exporting away China’s wealth like many African kingdoms were doing or
at a state of constant Civil War with their own population- like with the Mughals in India.
They fully acknowledged the necessity of Han Chinese to run China- the Qing Empire
started with the Han general Wu Sangui deciding to throw in his lot with the Manchus than
trust in his fellow Han (there’s another story there; Wu was right and justified in doing so ).
They restored some national institutions like Hanlin, funded societies and temples, and
commissioned several works of educational and military importance. In addition, they
retained the Imperial exam system and bureaucracy, and as time went by, they got more
and more integrated with their own population.

But there were issues.

Firstly, you had something called the Eight Banners system which’d started out as a system
of providing for military loyalist Manchu- but devolved, over time, into a corrupt & pointless
drain on the treasury. Positions began to be staffed by two men at a time- a Han to work &
a Manchu to keep an eye on him. Entrepreneurship & Business became impossible over
vast tracts of territory as Ethnic Clashes lead to Bureaucratic breakdown led to Social
decline. Now there were late period Military reforms- but no one expects an Army to fight if
they’re not paid; and the Qing’s bureaucracy- never the most sophisticated- lacked what
Taleb has described as ‘Skin in the Game’. There were other parallel government systems
as well- consider the Lifan Yuan and Qi systems (they’ll take too long to discuss though).
Government posts and Quotas were also restricted; one in seventy for Han- though in
practice FAR lower.

The Collapse didn’t happen overnight, but over time, with every generation, with every extra
silver coin taken as bribe, every Han Scholar family dropping out to become a peasant,
every soldier’s post unappointed & pay pocketed as bribe, every Eight Banner Estate falling
into disrepair, every new grant and gift- all this added up.

But frankly- if the Qing did fall, it’s got a lot to do with metaphyscial reasons which we do
not perfectly understand at present.

There appears to be some sort of strange Civilizational bind upon Humanity that prevents
Empires (China is a collection of Nations; no matter what people think) - multinational,
multicultural States- from existing for more than 200–250 years in situ. I know many
Quorans who consider themselves devoted to ‘rationality’ (whatever that means)- and
possibly modern Chinese (for more understandable mythic-national reasons)- will rail
against these words, but that’s the truth.

Abhilash Mohanty

Only the eminent educated classes of India would have the temerity and bare-faced
degeneracy to peddle such nonsense in public. Only the meekness and misplaced
tolerance of Hindus allows them to do so. As Randhir Kapoor stated:- “Had it been any
Islamic country, case would have been completely different.”

Here’s the Entire Yuddha Khanda:- Valmiki Ramayana - Yuddha Kanda - Sarga 116 ​

Just where does Ma Sita call Shri Rama “a misogynistic pig” save in the diseased minds of
the Educated Classes?

Just where does Ma Sita even speak in anger at Shri Rama, save in the corrupted
imagination of the Eminent Angreji-speakers?

As all Oriya scholars know:- “Asure janati Asurakan Maya”. And that is the only way to treat
such Asuric creatures.

Abhilash Mohanty

Heard of Bhita?

It’s a small village in UP. Pretty nondescript. Back in the 1950s- the golden age of ASI, they
scratched the surface- and found a massive City which could’ve easily held at least 20,000-
25,000 people within its walls. And that’s low-balling it. I personally believe it held at least
30,000 - 40,000 people within the walled area, with another 10,000-odd outside.

After uncovering it, ASI didn’t much else- Endia being Endia, it won’t do to show that Hindus
had a past and we weren’t just monkeys swinging in the trees before the Peacefuls civilized
us… but here’s something very noteworthy.

Bhita- or Vatabhi as it was called a thousand years ago- wasn’t a Free-standing City.

It was a SUBURB.

Of a place called PRAYAG.

If you’re a Hindu with any degree of faith in the immortal gods, you probably know of the
City already. You should also know that this City- probably one of the oldest and greatest
Cities of the Classical World- has NEVER been the subject of a dedicated Archaeological
dig. Rolfmao. And never will be, as long as the Republic of Endia exists.

But a city on the scale of Bhita- the equivalent of any Roman provincial capital at its height-
was merely a suburb, 20 kilometres away, from one of the most important political,
economic, social, and religious centres of all Bharatavarsha. It’s mere location on the
confluence of the Ganga and Yamuna alone would’ve made it one of the greatest trade
nodes of the World- to say its control of the Doab and the Uttarapatha- the 2500- kilometer
highway connecting the East to the West. I have no doubt that Prayag, at its height, easily
had a population ten to twenty times that of Bhita.

But- if one were to read NCERT- they’d find something like “ Allahabad was built by Akbar.
Hindus call it Prayag and celebrate their rituals there”- as if the miserable fleas were crowing
about owning the dog whose blood the vermin sucked everyday!

Prayag and Bhita and the rest of the once-great cities that dominated the Doab are all gone-
because some folk tore down EVERYTHING- the great walls, towering 12 metres high over
earth platforms 10 metres tall, the massive Temples where “day and night, the music over
the waters never ceased”, the massive markets “where even the gods might tire of all the
bounty on display”, the Courts, the Palaces, the Ghats, the Factories which provided the
Gupta Emperors their Glass & Weaponry, everything- lost, gone, vanished…

Who did it?

The Republic of Endia doesn’t want us to know- but well… you know, don’t you?

Abhilash Mohanty

Miles Cameron, known for the Red Knight series, is a fairly well-known Historical Novelist
and HEMA expert. Tom Holt is also very well-read when it comes to Grand Strategy and
Tactical Battles though he’s slightly lacking in terms of non-European Warfare. Steven
Erikson has some knowledge of Strategic Warfare as well.

However, I personally found their writings a tad underwhelming. Improbable and unrealistic
and, often, racist as Tolkien & Martin & Co. might be, they write far better stories.

Abhilash Mohanty

Parsis are on the side they’ve always have been- their own. Hindus should take no note of

In general, Parsis have never been anything more than a minor trading community on the
West Coast of India. As such, most ruling authorities took little notice or interest in them-
Hindus, because Hindus have traditionally been unobtrusive & uncaring of others’ faiths
(until Peacefuls taught us the stupidity of that ) & Peacefuls, because killing we more
numerous Hindus was an easier shot at their non-existent jannat. They did enjoy some
degree of notoriety in Persianized Courts- such as that of Akbar and Awadh- but hardly
anything substantial.

Parsis shot to fame during Angrej Rule for two key reasons-

1- Indian industry and trade had been wiped out by the Angrej, as well as the general
genocide and impoverishment of Western and Central India following the Anglo-Maratha
Wars & War of 1857. The latter was primarily directed at Hindus & Peacefuls, as well as
allied communities such as Jains.

2- Opium trade. The Tatas were the equivalent of the Tagores on the east Coast- almost
globally hated facilitators of Angrej oppression & tyranny. Keep that in mind next time you
hear any Liberal crowing about Rabi Thakur & his effeminate songs.

However, in general- nobody took much interest in or notice of Parsis who’d begun to
isolate themselves from general Indian society. Even now, many Parsis would look upon
themselves as British citizens or descendants of such instead of as Indians. As such,
Parsis- like Liberals- often & have inculcated the usual disdain for the Pagan Hindu as
propounded in typical Abrahmic Societies such as the Angrejdeshas. However, Parsis-
being smarter than the typical Liberal- do & did recognize the horror Peaceful rule will

As Bapsi Sidwa had the Colonel remark in the Fire Temple regarding Partition in the Ice-
Candy Man:-

If we are stuck with the Hindus they'll swipe our business from under our noses, and sell our
grandfathers in the bargain. If we are stuck with the <<Peacefuls>> they'll convert us by the
sword! And God help us if we're stuck with the Sikhs!

-Bapsi Sidwa, The Ice-candy Man

Parsis, in modern India, are aligned firmly on the side of ‘Secularism’, ‘Tolerance’, and
‘Human Rights’- i.e., against Hindu Freedoms, Rights, and Existence in general. Unlike OP, I
see little sign that ‘Parsis favour Hindus over <<Peacefuls>>’. Once Hindus weaken, the
Parsi end will be that of the well-known dhimmi Jai Singh I.

"In four ways losses have fallen upon me—first my honour is gone, second the districts of my
kingdom have been taken away (by Aurangzeb), thirdly what I spent on this war is gone, and
fourthly—and what is worst of all—my heir's affairs have been ruined.

-Jai Singh I, on his deathbed


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