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ASSIGNMENT 6 (Observing a student): Discretely observe one student in your assigned classroom

during an extended period of direct instruction.

Detail what was going on in the environment, and what you observed the student doing while the lesson
was being given. Make sure to document ALL behavior in relationship to what was being presented by
the classroom teacher. Please describe the setting, the lesson that was given, if the student was on task
and engaged in the lesson, and what you uncovered about putting yourself in a lesson from the student’s
point of view. >>>

On the first day that I was there a students named Andrew who is in the fourth grade, he had

difficulty in writing the prompt was about what students thought happened in the school at

night. Most students shared their ideas and Andrew thought not much happened the custodian

came to clean. Since his thoughts were mundane, he had a hard time in writing about it on

paper. Mrs. Glaza gave all student about 10 minutes to write their story and in the end, Andrew

was only able to write 4 sentences. The students all log their writing progress and for that day

his progress had gone down from the day before by 2 sentences. He was also instructed to

write the date on the paper, the date was already on the board all he had to do was copy it. He

did what he was told what when I say his paper, he ended spelling September wrong. In my

perspective it is so painful to watch but I can understand how there could be a block that is

disconnecting students from learning and as teacher we need to work with them to break down

that block.

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