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Understanding Economic Crises:

The Great Depression and the 2008 Recession
Department of Economics, University of California, Los Angeles, California, USA

Economic crises, involving large and persistent declines in

output and employment, are puzzles, particularly in developed
countries with economies that typically function at a high level.
This article analyses the Great Depression and the 2008 recession
using recent developments in business cycle diagnostic proce-
dures, and finds that the key to both episodes is understanding
labour market distortions that resulted in the marginal product of
labour being much higher than the marginal rate of substitution
between consumption and leisure. This finding stands in sharp
contrast to the received wisdom, which focuses on the role of
banking crises and capital market distortions. The article also
discusses possible hypotheses for these labour market distortions.

I Introduction This article assesses some features of depres-

Depressions – large and persistent declines in sions and crises, with a focus on the most
market economic activity – are the economic infamous, the Great Depression, and the most
equivalents of a classic ‘whodunit’ novel. Like recent, the crisis and recession of 2008. I orga-
a whodunit, a depression features a major crime: nise the article around understanding what is
an economy is levelled, and there are typically a known about these events, and what research
number of interesting suspects who may have remains to be done. To do this, I will highlight
contributed to the crime. But above all, depres- some key facts about both episodes and discuss
sions, like whodunits, are a mystery. Depres- how these facts suggest potentially interesting
sions are mysterious from the perspective of future research avenues for understanding these
standard economic theory, particularly in coun- pathologies.
tries that should not have them; countries such I will conclude that theories of labour market
as Australia, the United States and other highly distortions, particularly theories for understand-
developed nations that feature well-functioning ing why the marginal product of labour substan-
economies and relatively efficient institutions. tially exceeds the marginal rate of substitution
So what makes good economies go bad? between consumption and leisure during these
episodes, are the key to understanding crises and
depressions. This differs from the view that capi-
tal market failures associated with banking crises
JEL classifications: E2, E3
Correspondence: Lee E. Ohanian, Ettinger Family are the major causal factors in depressions.
Program in Macroeconomic Research, Department
of Economics, University of California, 405 Hilgard II The Mystery of the Great Depression
Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA. Email: It is probably surprising that I suggest depres- sions – particularly the Great Depression and

Ó 2010 The Economic Society of Australia
doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4932.2010.00667.x

the recession of 2008 – are mysteries. After all, crises identified by Friedman and Schwartz did
there is a textbook view that the Depression was not have any macroeconomic consequences, as
the consequence of worldwide banking crises interest rates and measures of financial interme-
and monetary contraction, and there is also a diation services changed very little.
widely held view that the recession of 2008 was In addition, although it is true that the number
the consequence of a worldwide financial crisis. of banks in the United States declined by about
But thus far there are no economic models to 40 per cent between 1929 and 1933, these banks
my knowledge, based on these factors, which on average were very small. Cole and Ohanian
are capable of quantitatively accounting for (1999) showed that the fraction of deposits in
these episodes and that at the same time are these banks between 1930 and 1933 were 1.7, 2,
consistent with other facts. I now turn to dis- 4.3 and 11 per cent, respectively.
cussing some of these facts and their implica- These data show that the depression banking
tions. crises were small on average, and that they
I begin with the US Great Depression. Figure 1 occurred well after the depression was very
shows data on the timing of the depression, and deep. This implies that the contribution of bank-
the timing of banking crises and monetary con- ing crises to the depression remains an open
traction in the United States. There is a textbook question.
view that the depression began as a ‘garden But if the depression was ‘Great’ prior to
variety’ recession, and that monetary contrac- monetary contraction and banking panics, then
tion and banking panics turned it into a Great what did initiate it? The evidence I have exam-
Depression. But Figure 1 shows that this view ined indicates that the prime suspect was a dis-
is incorrect. The figure shows hours worked in tortion to industrial labour markets that kept
the manufacturing sector, and two measures of wages far above market-clearing levels, which
money, M1 and M2, between January 1929 and resulted in a dramatic decline in employment
October 1930. The graph ends in October 1930, and output. Specifically, nominal industrial
which is before any of the banking crises identi- wages behaved very differently during the early
fied in the literature. stages of the Great Depression than during other
The figure shows that the Great Depression downturns and deflations. Nominal and real
was indeed ‘Great’ before the banking crises wages during the early stages of the depression
and the monetary contraction that figure so initially increased as industrial employment
prominently in Friedman and Schwartz’s (1963) plummeted.
analysis of the depression as well as Bernanke’s Figure 2 shows nominal and real manufactur-
(1983). Specifically, hours worked decline ing wages during the depression. The key puzzle
around 30 per cent, with virtually no drop in in these data is why did not wages decline in
either measure of the money supply, and with- response to rapidly falling employment? To help
out any significant financial distress. Moreover, benchmark the industrial labour market, I also
some (Wicker, 1996) argue that the first banking examine the farm labour market, which like

Manufacturing Hours and Money Supply Before First F IGURE 2
Banking Crisis Nominal and Real Manufacturing Wages

120 115

Index (Sept 1929 = 100)

Index (Jan 1929 = 100)

70 85 Nominal Real
Manufacturing hours M1 M2
60 80
Ju -29

Ju -30

Ju -31
N -29
Ja -29

N -30
Ja -30

N -31
M r-29

M r-30

M r-31
M -29

M -30

M -31
Se l-29

Se l-30

Se l-31
Ju -29

Ju -30
Se -29
O -29

D -29
Ja -29

Se -30
O -30
M -29

M -30
Fe -29

Ju -29

Fe -30

Ju -30
M r-29

N -29

M r-30

Au l-29

Au l-30
















Ó 2010 The Economic Society of Australia


manufacturing, accounted for about 25 per cent sion. Unlike the 1930s, in which banking panics
of employment in 1929. In contrast to the indus- did not occur until the depression was well
trial sector, the farm sector behaved very differ- under way, and in which many of the banks
ently. Farm employment remained near trend involved were small, the 2008 crisis was much
through 1933, with declining nominal and real larger and temporally coincident with the accel-
wages. eration of the recession beginning in Fall 2008.
These data show that the depression was very Specifically, the share of deposits in commercial
asymmetric across sectors, in that industry col- banks that received government aid through the
lapsed, whereas employment and real output in Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), that
the farm sector was roughly unaffected. This otherwise presumably would have failed, was
suggests an industry-specific distortion that pre- more than 50 per cent, compared with the much
vented the labour market from clearing, but that smaller numbers cited before for the 1930s.
did not impact the farm sector. Moreover, the crisis came to a head in Sep-
My explanation for this industrial labour mar- tember and October of 2008, which roughly
ket failure is a large change in industrial labour coincides with accelerating job loss in a reces-
policy initiated by President Hoover in late 1929 sion that began fairly mildly at the beginning of
(Ohanian, 2009). Specifically, in November 2008.
1929, Hoover met with a number of industrial So what are the puzzles of this recession? The
leaders, including Henry Ford, of Ford Motor mystery of 2008 – or at least a major puzzle –
Company, Alfred Sloan, of General Motors, and relates to two issues. The first is that the reces-
Elbert Gary of US Steel. Hoover advised these sion of 2008 does not necessarily look like an
executives that their profits were at all time economy impacted by a financial crisis, at least
highs, that most workers had not seen wage from the perspective of standard growth theory.
increases and asked them to maintain their cur- Specifically, I have examined the 2008 recession
rent nominal wage rates. Hoover advised the using recently developed diagnostic procedures
industry executives that this would help him based on estimated deviations in the equilibrium
keep peace with labour. In turn, Hoover stated conditions of standard growth theory (Cole &
that if industry would agree to maintain nominal Ohanian, 2002; Chari et al., 2007).
wages, then he would advise labour to withdraw The main feature of these diagnostics is that
wage demands. Hoover was pleased that industry any deviation in output, consumption, invest-
agreed to maintain wages, and that labour with- ment or employment from steady-state growth
drew wage demands. For nearly 2 years, major values must be accompanied by some distortion
industry kept their pledge and held nominal in at least one of the equations that characterise
wages fixed, despite the fact that Hoover would the growth model. A common distortion in many
not support industry requests for wage cuts that US and other recessions is a productivity distor-
were proportional to the cost of living changes. tion, as in the real business cycle literature initi-
As prices fell, deflation raised the real manu- ated by Kydland and Prescott (1982). But the
facturing wage, which along with declining pro- 2008 US recession has no distortion in produc-
ductivity substantially raised the price of labour. tivity or any other distortions with the exception
It was not until the Fall of 1931 when Hoover of a very large deviation in the standard house-
rejected requests for government aid to industry hold equilibrium condition that equates the mar-
in the form of explicit cartelisation, that major ginal product of labour with the marginal rate of
employers began cutting wages. But at this substitution between consumption and leisure.
point, industrial hours had already declined by As in the Great Depression, the marginal
50 per cent. So why did the depression continue product of labour during the 2008 crisis substan-
throughout the remainder of the 1930s? Cole tially exceeds the marginal rate of substitution.
and Ohanian (2004) present theory and evidence And here lies the puzzle. Financial shocks
that it was because of the continuation and within standard business cycle models that
deepening of these types of policies by Presi- feature financial market imperfections, such as
dent Roosevelt. Carlstrom and Fuerst (1997), and Bernanke
et al. (1999), do not impact this labour market
III The Puzzles of the 2008 Recession condition. Instead, they impact the Euler equa-
The 2008 recession was more plausibly initi- tion by driving a wedge between the intertempo-
ated by financial crisis than the Great Depres- ral marginal rate of substitution and the net

Ó 2010 The Economic Society of Australia


return to capital investment. But the Euler equa- are few, if any, models currently available for
tion during the 2008 US recession, as well as analysing the contribution of these factors.
this recession in many other countries holds
almost exactly. IV Conclusions
This suggests that if the recession is primarily The key to understanding both the depression
the consequence of the financial crisis, then it of the 1930s and the recession of 2008 is devel-
appears to be operating through labour market oping theories of labour market distortions that
channels that distort the relationship between can account for why the marginal product of
the marginal rate of substitution and the mar- labour significantly exceeded the marginal rate
ginal product of labour. But there is presently of substitution between consumption and lei-
very little in the way of models with financial sure. I have developed theory and presented evi-
market imperfections that are consistent with dence that the labour policies of Herbert Hoover
these findings, and probably none that on the are a candidate factor for the Great Depres-
basis of financial crisis alone can account for sion (Ohanian, 2009), but theories along these
the continuation of the recession long after the lines for the recession of 2008 remain an open
worst of the financial crisis was over. question.
A second reason that the 2008 recession is There are, however, research programmes cur-
puzzling is that there are other temporally coin- rently underway aimed at addressing this issue,
cident factors that a number of economists indi- including work by Arellano et al. (2010), Jer-
cate played a major role, including Taylor mann and Quadrini (2009) and Mulligan (2010).
(2010), Mulligan (2010), Cochrane and Zingales More broadly, I am hopeful that our understand-
(2009) and Jagannathan et al. (2009). Specifi- ing of crises and depressions will advance con-
cally, these economists have all argued that gov- siderably in the coming years with the continued
ernment policies, including policies adopted in application and development of theories that
September and October of 2008, such as the can address these pathologies. Although future
TARP, had a big impact. Specifically, these research along these lines may not be able to pre-
economists suggest that government actions in vent financial crises, it can have the potential to
dealing with the crisis damaged the economy. significantly reduce the severity of macroeco-
Taylor uses a variety of high frequency data nomic fluctuations associated with crises.
to help identify the independent contribution of
policies on the recession and also its impact on
the deepening of the financial crisis. Taylor REFERENCES
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Ó 2010 The Economic Society of Australia


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Ó 2010 The Economic Society of Australia

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