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Name:Ayesha Bashir

Class: Cambridge-2

✨ Dar-e-Arqam School, Ali Campus ✨

● Surah Maidah(Surah 5:110)
● Surah Duha(Surah 93)
● Surah Kausar(Surah 108)

13) Surah Maidah (Surah 5:110):

‫اس ف ِۡى ۡال َم ۡه ِد َو َك ۡهاًل ​ َۚوا ِۡذ َع َّل ۡم ُت َك ۡالـك ِٰت َب‬ َ ‫ُس ُت َك ِّل ُم ال َّن‬ ِ ‫ح القُد‬
ۡ ‫ك ۘ ا ِۡذ اَ َّيد ُّت َك ب ُر ۡو‬
ِ ِ ​َ ‫سى ۡابنَ َم ۡر َي َم ۡاذ ُك ۡر ن ِۡع َمت ِۡى َع َل ۡي َك َو َع ٰلى َوالِدَ ِت‬ َ ‫​ا ِۡذ َقال َ ُ ٰيع ِۡي‬
‫ص‬َ ‫ِى َو ُت ۡب ِرُئ ااۡل َ ۡك َم َه َوااۡل َ ۡب َر‬ ​ۡ ‫الط ۡي ِر ِبا ِۡذن ِۡى َف َت ۡـنفُ ُخ ف ِۡي َها َف َت ُك ۡونُ َط ۡي ۢ ًرا ِبا ِۡذن‬ ِّ َ‫ٮة َوااۡل ِ ۡن ِج ۡي ​ل َ ۚ َوا ِۡذ َت ۡخلُقُ مِن‬
َّ ‫الط ۡي ِن َك َه ۡيـَئ ـ ِة‬ َ ‫َو ۡالح ِۡك َم َة َوال َّت ۡو ٰر‬
‫ت َف َقال َ ا َّلذ ِۡينَ َك َف ُر ۡوا م ِۡن ُهمۡ ا ِۡن ٰه َذ ۤا ِااَّل سِ ۡح ٌر ُّم ِب ۡينٌ‏‬ِ ‫ِى ۚ َوا ِۡذ َك َف ۡفتُ َبن ِۡۤى ا ِۡس َرٓاءِ ۡيل َ َع ۡن َك ا ِۡذ ِج ۡئ َت ُهمۡ ِب ۡال َب ِّي ٰن‬
​ۡ ‫ج ۡال َم ۡو ٰتى ِبا ِۡذن‬ ُ ‫ِى ۚ َوا ِۡذ ُت ۡخ ِر‬​ۡ ‫ِبا ِۡذن‬
then, when Allah will say:125 'Jesus, son of Mary, recall My favour upon you and your
mother, and when I strengthened you with the spirit of holiness so that you talked to
men in the cradle and also when you became of age; and when I taught you the Book
and Wisdom, and the Torah and the Gospel; and when, by My leave, you fashioned
from clay the likeness of a bird and you breathed into it, and by My leave it became a
bird; you healed, by My leave, the blind from birth and the leprous; and when, by My
leave, you caused the dead to come to life.126 And recall when I restrained the
Israelites from you when you came to them with clear proofs whereupon those of
them who disbelieved said: "This is nothing but clear magic."
Main Theme:
Theme of this passage is Allah's association with His messengers. It describes Allah's
address to Hazrat Isa/Jesus in the Divine Court in the presence of his community, Children
of Israel. It outlines Allah's power to grant prophetic signs to His messengers. Hazrat Isa
spoke from his cradle, could give life to the dead and cure the blind and the lepers. Allah
gave him further powers in the form of the Book (Injil/Gospel) and the special wisdom to
understand Divinity. The Quran refers to these favours for him in these words,
"We gave Jesus the son of Mary clear signs and strengthened him with the Holy
Spirit"(2:87, al-Baqara)
The purpose of these special favours is to demonstrate Allah's powers and superiority over
all humans. Finally, Allah protected him miraculously by lifting him alive to the heavens when
his community was about to crucify him.
This passage teaches Muslims to believe in One Supreme Allah who possesses
incalculable powers. They are required to believe that, like other messengers Jesus was
also a man chosen by Allah. He was granted miraculous powers so that men of wisdom
could identify him. The Quran referred to this fact as;
"Thus does Allah make clear to you His signs in order that you consider."
Muslims also learn that Allah's messengers enjoyed special privileges and were always
protected by Him so that ordinary humans could identify the prophetic messengers.
However,they were always rejected despite such clear signs by the 'spiritually dead' and
'sick in heart' people who are mentioned by the Quran as;
"Those who reject Our signs are deaf and dumb and midst of darkness profound.'
Muslims also learn that all humans including the rejecters of Truth will stand accountable
before Allah in the divine court of justice on the Day of Judgement.

14) Surah Duha(Surah93):

١ ‫ض َح ٰى‬ ُّ ‫َوٱل‬
٢ ‫س َج ٰى‬ َ
َ ‫َوٱ َّل ْي ِل ِإذا‬
ٰ َ َ
٣ ‫َما َودَّ َع َك َر ُّبك َو َما قلى‬
٤ ‫َو َل ْلـَٔاخ َِرةُ َخ ْي ۭ ٌر َّل َك مِنَ ٱُأْلو َل ٰى‬
٥ ‫ض ٰ ٓى‬
َ ‫ف ُي ْعطِ ي َك َر ُّب َك َف َت ْر‬ َ ‫س ْو‬ َ ‫َو َل‬
٦ ‫َأ َل ْم َي ِجدْ َك َيتِي ًۭما َفـ ََٔاو ٰى‬
٧ ‫ضٓااًّۭل َف َهدَ ٰى‬ َ ‫َو َو َجدَ َك‬
ٰ َ ْ ‫َأ‬ َ
٨ ‫َو َو َجدَ َك َعٓاِئاًۭل ف غنى‬
٩ ‫َفَأ َّما ٱ ْل َيتِي َم َفاَل َت ْق َه ْر‬
١٠ ‫ٱلسٓاِئل َ َفاَل َت ْن َه ْر‬ َّ ‫َوَأ َّما‬
١١ ‫َوَأ َّما ِبن ِْع َم ِة َر ِّب َك َف َحدِّ ْث‬
By the morning sunlight,and the night when it falls still!Your Lord ˹O Prophet˺ has not
abandoned you, nor has He become hateful ˹of you˺.And the next life is certainly far
better for you than this one.And ˹surely˺ your Lord will give so much to you that you
will be pleased.Did He not find you as an orphan then sheltered you?Did He not find
you unguided then guided you?And did He not find you needy then satisfied your
needs?So do not oppress the orphan,nor repulse the beggar.And proclaim the
blessings of your Lord.
Main Theme:
Theme of the passage is Allah's special relation with the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) .
The passage was revealed after a long break in revelation and that worried the
Prophet(S.A.W.W). His Makkan enemies began to mock him. Allah consoled him,reassuring
that He would not abandon him by reminding him some of Allah's past favours on him. The
Prophet (S.A.W.W) was a born orphan but Allah made arrangements for his growth and
upbringing. Allah then granted him Prophethood, His greatest reward. Purpose of these
reminders is to reassure him of similar support in future. However,Allah instructed him to be
kind to those in need as this would reflect his gratitude to Allah. Such consolatory revelations
were a hallmark of Allah's special love for the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W). In surah
108(Al-kausar) Allah reassured him by saying;
"To you have We granted the abundance."
Similarly Allah defended him in Surah 68 in these words,
"You are not by the grace of your Lord mad or possessed. Nay,for you is a reward
The theme of this passage teaches the Muslims importance of faith in Allah's help.
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) was reassured by Allah in the midst of mockery in Makkah.
Muslims today should also look towards the life of the Prophet(S.A.W.W) in order to draw
lessons about Allah's help to those in need. They should retain their faith in difficult times by
remembering the Quranic promise,
"So verily with every difficulty there is a relief."
Muslims should believe that all messengers of Allah were rejected and ridiculed but they
remained firm in their mission. They should also believe that the relationship with Allah can
be strengthened by showing kindness to the weak and unsupported people because such an
attitude is an expression of love for Allah. The Quran says,
"It is righteous to…..spend of your substance out of love for Him, for your kins, for
Life of the Prophet(S.A.W.W) provides several examples of helping the needy and the weak
people. He married many widowed women and never returned a beggar who asked for
some food or any kind of help.

15) Surah Kausar(Surah 108):

.•‫شا ِنَئ َك ه َُو ااۡل َ ۡب َت ُر‬ َ ‫ِا َّن ۤا اَ ۡع َط ۡي ٰن َك ۡال َك ۡو َث ؕ َر•‏ َف‬
َ َّ‫صل ِّ ل َِر ِّب َك َو ۡان َح ۡر•ؕ‏ اِن‬
( O Prophet,) surely We have given to you Al-Kauthar.So, offer Salah (prayer) to your
Lord, and sacrifice.Surely it is your enemy whose traces are cut off.
Main Theme:
Theme of the passage is Allah's special love and care for the Holy Prophet
(S.A.W.W) in times of difficulties. The Prophet(S.A.W.W) was mocked by the Makkans on the
death of his two sons from Hazrat Khadija(R.A) during the early years of Prophethood in
Makkah. His enemies began to say that he had become 'Abtar'/a man without progeny. The
Prophet(S.A.W.W) then received this Surah and was given the glad tiding of the abundance
of Allah's special support and the destruction of his insulters. He was asked to remember
Allah through regular prayer and to develop the spirit of sacrifice so that he could
continuously strengthen his bond with Allah and to get constant divine support. The Quran
mentions Allah's consolation and promise of support to the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.W) in times
of difficulties and challenges. Surah 93(Al-Duha) was revealed when the Makkans ridiculed
him for an unusually long break in revelation Message of its consolation is,
"Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor is He displeased."
This passage, like Surah 93, teaches Muslims to have faith in Allah's support that
surely reaches the noble peope. The Holy Prophet(S.A.W.W) was assured of "abundance" in
the face of persecutions in Makkah. This "abundance" came in the form of his countless
followers, and his descendants through his daughter Hazrat Fatima's(R.A) marriage with
Hazrat Ali(R.A). His insulters,on the other hand, perished forever. So, Muslims should
remember that a noble mission always survives through it is resisted and rejected by the
misguided people. The Quran gives examples of Prophetic messengers who remained
steadfast during times of difficulties and challenges by saying,
"Rejected were the Messengers before you; with patience and constancy they bore
their rejection."
The passage teaches Muslims to develop spirit of sacrifice and establish prayer as these are
the best means of getting closer to their Lord. This is endorsed by the Quran:
"And establish regular prayer in order to remember Me."(20:14,Taha)

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