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Exam Date : 28/12/2021 - AN Duration : 3 HOURS

Examination : Model Exam Department : Petrochemical Engineering
Water Treatment and
Course Title : Course Code : PM8082
Year / Sem : IV/VII Maximum marks : 100 MARKS
: 2021-2022 (ODD) AU QP Year/Month : NOV2019

1. What are the physical agents of disinfecting of water?
2. What is coagulation?
3. State the necessity of Defluoridation?
4. What are odour imparting sources in water?
5. Name the different desalination process adopted in water treatment.
6. Why softening of water is required?
7. What are the common polluting impurities in agricultural waste water?
8. List out the different primary waste water treatment units
9. State two major problems of water resources in tamilnadu.
10. Define a) Infiltration b) Runoff

PART- B (5 x 13 = 65)
11. a) Draw the diagrams showing the component parts of a continuous flow type sedimentation and
explain its functioning (13)
b) Explain the different factor influencing the process efficiency of chlorination. (13)
12. a) Explain about the softening of water by the ion exchange process. Write its advantages and
disadvantages. (13)
b) Discuss the methods of removing (i) colour (ii)odour and (iii) taste in water . (13)
13. a) Explain different treatment unit operations and processes employed in treating of waste water .

b) Explain the working of oxidation pond with a neat sketch. (13)
14. a) Explain the freezing method of desalination by indirect freezing process. (13)

b) Explain the principle and mechanism of electro dialysis method and write its advantages and
disadvantages. (13)
15. a) Explain (i) hydrosphere (ii) hydrological cycle (iii) water transport . (13)
b) i) List the merits and demerits of interlinking of rivers. (6)
ii) Explain the importance of natural and artificial barriers in water resource development .(7)

PART – C (1 x 15 =15)

16. a) Discuss in detail about the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water.

b) Explain the working principle, functioning, advantages and disadvantages of reverse osmosis

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