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57,which of the following is not a part of nlp

None of the above

56 Identify the problem which not solved by breadth first search (BFS) algorithm

55 Identify the problem that can be modeled as constraint satisfaction problem

All of these

54 To be be fully defined, what are the elements that must be specified for game studied in game


53 Simultaneous game is also known as

All of the above( Extensive game and Strategy game)

52 which is used to compute the truth of any sentence?

Semantics of propositional logic

51 Given a stream of text named entity recognition determines which pronoun maps to which noun


50 In which of the following learning method the network is trained by providing it with input and
matching output patterns.

Supervised learning or associative learning:

49 A problem in a search space is defined by

a) Initial state & b) Goal test

48 A * is a

Best-first search algorithm

47 Supervised machine learning takes a known set of input data and known responses to the data, and
seeks to build a predications for the response to new data


46 what is DAG

Directed acyclic graph

45 which of the following search algorithm uses large amount of memory.

Breadth-first search

44 If the players are able to from binding commitments, then such games are called


43 Cognitive science is a


42 is/are the way(S) to represent uncertainty

All of the mentioned

41 Taxonomy is the practice and science of Classification


40 In alpha –beta pruning which of following values are assigned to alpha, beta variable

A, Alpha = max

B, Beta = min (Both a & b

39 what is the ultimate knowledge representation formalism in term of expressive power and

 First Order Logic

38 morphological segmentation means

Separate words into individual morphames and identify hthe class of the morphames

37 Name a heuristic search algorithm which assumes state space graph is a general Graph

Ordered Search

36 Some examples of practical application of text mining techniques include

All of the above

35 which of following techniques uses randomness for avoiding getting trapped in local maxima?
Simulated Anneling
34 An algorithm which does not use a heuristic to aid in its search is called intelligent algorithm


33 Alpha –beta pruning is an adversarial search algorithm used commonly for machine playing of two
player games like chess


32 Identify the situation in which iterative deepening depth first search (IDDFS) is optimal

Path cost is a non-decreasing function of the depth of the node.

31 In a rule based system procedural domain knowledge is in the form of

A. production rules

30 Which of the following statements is not true about heuristic evaluation?

29 The technology for statistical NLP comes mainly from

machine learning and data mining

28 Alpha beta pruning can be applied to trees of any depth


27 which of the following is an intelligent search algorithm?

Depth-first search (DFS)

26 Information extraction involves named entity recognition and coreference resolution


25 Fuzzy logic is a form of

Many-Valued logic

24 what are the basic components of an expert system?

Interence Engine and Knowledge Base

Ans: a & b

23 Forward Chaining systems are -------------- Where as backward chaining systems are ----------------
Data driven, goal driven

22 Clustering techniques include

 Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering
 DBScan
 All of these
 K mean

21 co –reference resolution is

anaphora resolution

20 which of the following are constraint satistaction toolkits?

 JaCoP
 Comet
 All of these
 Gecode
19 A* search is widely used for

Both A or B

18 An Artificial neural network is based on

Cognitive artificial intelligence approach

17 which of following is/are decision tree learning algorithms?

ID3 algorithm

16 Name a bind search algorithm which assumes state space graph is a directed tree

15 Sequential games are normally denoted by payoff matrices


14 what is the most fundamental heuristic approach to problem solving?

trial and error

13 Identify the machine learning tasks

Reinforcement learning 

12 Separating knowledge from control is a feature of

First order logic

11 which data structure does breadth –first search (BFS) algorithm uses?

queue and a graph

10 A* application (s) which uses machine learning

None of the Above

9 which of the following is true for neural networks

A. it has set of nodes and connections

B. Each node computes it’s weighted input
C. Node could be in excited state or non-excited state
D. All of the mentioned is correct

8 First order logic uses quantified variables over (non-logical) objects


7 what is OWL
 Ontological Web Language

6 A Bayesian network provides a

complete description of the domain.

5 Iterative deepening depth first search (IDDFS) combines
search's space-efficiency and breadth-first

4 In zero sun games, the minimax solution is the different from the nash equilibrium


3 Cognitive science is a


2 which is the most straight forward planning algorithm approach?

State space search

1 text mining usually process structured data


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