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Name :Chen Fanghua

Matric No. : 208808
Group :3
Due date : 21 November 2021

Exercise 1

a) Rewrite the sentences below by adding suitable language expressions for stating
opinions and conjunctions for supporting opinions.

 Eating healthily is important.
 We can maintain good health, prevent chronic diseases and maintain a healthy body
 Choosing a healthy diet is important in leading a happy and healthy lifestyle (from
World Health Organisation).

I believe that eating healthily is important because we can maintain good health, prevent
chronic diseases and maintain a healthy body weight. According to World Health
Organisation, choosing a healthy diet is important in leading a happy and healthy lifestyle.

1.  Gardening is a beneficial hobby.

 It can release stress, improve family’s health and ensure the consumption of
fresh vegetables and fruits.
 Gardening is good for both physical and mental health (from Alex Johnson)
I believe that gardening is a beneficial hobby because it can relieve stress, improve family
health and ensure the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits. According to Alex
Johnson, gardening is good for both physical and mental health.

2.  Procrastination can destroy lives due to its several negative effects.

 We must beat procrastination by committing ourselves to tasks given, minimising
distractions and prioritising the important tasks.
 Knowing how and when you work best would help to eliminate procrastination
(from Marina Lee)
 From my point of view, procrastination can destroy lives due to its several negative
effects.Therefore, we must beat procrastination by committing ourselves to tasks
given, minimising distractions and prioritising the important tasks. According to Marina
Lee, knowing how and when you work best would help to eliminate procrastination.

3.  Involving in sports is important for students’ health and wellbeing.

 Sports helps students to reduce anxiety and to stay active in completing more
 Sports helps students to perform tasks with fewer struggles (from Kay Sherman)

In my opinion, involving in sports is important for students’ health and wellbeing because it
helps students to reduce anxiety and to stay active in completing more tasks.According to
Kay Sherman, sports helps students to perform tasks with fewer struggles.

Exercise 2

Read the dialogue below. Use the arrows shown to indicate the rising and falling intonation
in the dialogue below.

 Rising intonation

 Falling intonation

Mr. Danial : Well Iman, I heard from your best friend, Elaine that you are taking
part in the public speaking competition. (  )

Iman : Yes, sir, and I came to ask you for some tips on public speaking.
( )

Mr. Danial : With pleasure, Iman. I hope you’ve prepared your speech. Do you
know what you have to do next? (  )

Iman : I’m not sure, sir. Perhaps I should start practising and memorising my
speech by heart? (  )

Mr. Danial : Oh! That’s a big mistake. (  ) You must always carefully prepare
what you want to say, but never learn it off by heart.

Iman : If I don’t read my notes and memorise it, how can I remember what I
want to say? (  )

Mr. Danial : At first, you may bring with you small cards containing notes or main
points to your speech. However, when you get used to speaking in
public, it is best to do it without notes. (  )

Iman : But, I feel so nervous when I have to speak without notes. What
should I do to overcome this, sir? (  )

Mr. Danial : First, think about what you want to say, plan your outline, prepare
your notes and learn the main points to your speech. (  ) Then,
when you begin to speak, the words will come to you naturally.

Iman : Thank you, sir, for the useful tips. (  ) I will definitely apply them
during my practice.

Mr. Danial : You’re welcome. Certainly, you will get on to your feet with frequent

Exercise 3

a) Watch the video on John F. Kennedy’s speech from the YouTube link given.

b) Then, based on the video, insert double slash (//) to indicate thought groups in the text

Can we forge against these enemies// a grand and global alliance,// North and South,// East
and West,// that can assure a more fruitful life// for all mankind//? Will you join in that historic

In the long history of the world,// only a few generations// have been granted the role// of
defending freedom// in its hour of maximum danger.// I do not shrink from this responsibility
— I welcome it. I do not believe// that any of us// would exchange places with any other
people// or any other generation. The energy,// the faith, the devotion which we bring to this
endeavor //will light our country and all who serve it //— and the glow from that fire// can
truly light the world.

And so, my fellow Americans:// ask not// what your country can do for you// — ask what you
can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world//: ask not //what America will do for you,// but what together
we can do// for the freedom of man.

Adapted from John F. Kennedy’s speech, Inauguration Address


Submit the completed Exercise 1, 2 and 3 in PDF format.

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