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BY :




Praise and thank God Almighty, because of His blessings and mercy are so extraordinary
for all of us until now, so that writers can complete the SOCIOLINGUISTIC paper assignment
course titled "DIALLECT" guidance to the authors while completing this task.

The writers also wishes to thank the Literature for my lecturer, Sir DR. CHARLES
DAVID SILALAHI, S.PD, M.HUM for guiding the writers in making this paper.
The writers realizes that the results of this study are far from perfect, therefore the writers
sincerely expect constructive criticism and suggestions from readers. Finally, the authors thank
you, hopefully the knowledge of all. We hope this can be useful for all of people who read this

Medan, November, 18 2021

Jelita Sinurat
Table of Content

Preface ..................................................................................................................... i

Table of content ..................................................................................................... ii

Chapter I : Introduction ...........................................................................................1

1.1 Background of The Study ...........................................................................3

1.2 The Problem of The Study .........................................................................3

Chapter II: Theory ...................................................................................................5

2.1. ..................................................................................................................5
2.2. ....................................................................................................................5
2.3. ....................................................................................................................5

Chapter III: Conclusion ...........................................................................................6

Reference ..............................................................................................................10

1.1 Background of The Study

Language is central to social interaction in every society, regardless of location and time
period. Language and social interaction have a reciprocal relationship: language shapes
social interactions and social interactions shape language. Sociolinguistics is the study of the
connection between language and society and the way people use language in different
social situations. It asks the question, "How does language affect the social nature of human
beings, and how does social interaction shape language?" It ranges greatly in depth and
detail, from the study of dialects across a given region to the analysis of the way men and
women speak to each other in certain situations.

Sociolinguists also commonly study dialect, which is the regional, social, or ethnic
variation of a language. For example, the primary language in the United States is English.
People who live in the South, however, often vary in the way they speak and the words they
use compared to people who live in the Northwest, even though it is all the same language.
There are different dialects of English, depending on what region of the country you are in.

1.2 The Problem of The Study

1. What is the dialect from the video title’s Pesan Penting for Ibu2 in YouTube.
2.1 Dialect
A dialect is a regional or social variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation,
grammar, and/or vocabulary. The adjective dialectal describes anything related to this topic. The
study of dialects is known as dialectology or sociolinguistics. The term dialect is often used to
characterize any way of speaking that differs from the standard variety of a language which is
largely considered to be dialect-free. With that said, few people actually speak the standard
variety and most language represents a dialect.
A dialect is a variety of English which is associated with a particular region and/or social class.
To state the obvious, speakers from different geographical regions speak English rather
differently: hence we refer to 'Geordie' (Newcastle English), 'New York English' or 'Cornish

In addition to geographical variation, the social background of a speaker will also influence the
variety of English that person speaks: two children may grow up in the same Yorkshire village,
but if one is born into a wealthy family and attends an expensive private school, while the other
is born into a less well-off family and attends the local state school, the two are likely to end up
speaking rather different varieties of English. It is this combination of regional and social
variation that I refer to collectively as 'dialect,'" (Hodson 2014).
• Distinctions Between Language and Dialect
"The very fact that 'language' and 'dialect' persist as separate concepts implies that
linguists can make tidy distinctions for speech varieties worldwide. But in fact, there is
no objective difference between the two: Any attempt you make to impose that kind of
order on reality falls apart in the face of real evidence...English tempts one with a tidy
dialect-language distinction based on 'intelligibility': If you can understand it without
training, it’s a dialect of your own language; if you can’t, it’s a different language.
• Distinctions Between Dialect and Accent
"Accents have to be distinguished from dialects. An accent is a person's
distinctive pronunciation. A dialect is a much broader notion: it refers to the distinctive
vocabulary and grammar of someone's use of language. If you say eether and I say iyther,
that's accent. We use the same word but pronounce it differently. But if you say I've got a
new dustbin and I say I've gotten a new garbage can, that's dialect. We're using different
word and sentence patterns to talk about the same thing," (Crystal and Crystal 2014).

2.2 Biography
The video with the title Pesan Penting for Ibu2 is a video of a couple of childs named
Kristin and Rivan from Sulawesi in Indonesia. They sit down in a hut. They acted in Pamona
Poso and in bahasa . Pamona, also known as Poso, is spoken by about 200,000 people from the
Pamona tribe in Indonesia. Pamona language only has a variety of oral and does not have writing
as well as Batak, Javanese, Mandarin, Thai, and others. The uniqueness of the Pamona language
lies in the last letter of each word which must end with vowels (open syllables). Poso itself is one
of the great districts with some tribes that inhabit the land such as: Pamona which is the largest
tribe in Poso, Bada, Napu, Mori, and Tojo Una-una. The Pamona language also recognizes strata
in speech with a certain level of adab (The words used below are not classified).

This chapter will discuses about he aspects dealing with the research method which is
used to analyze the novel. Those aspect are: (1) Research Design; (2) The Source of Data; (3)
The Techniques of Data Collection; and (4) The Techniques of Data Analysis.

3.1 Research Design

This study is design to obtain the answer about dialect of the video with title Pesan
Penting for Ibu2 in Youtube. In this video they use dialect of Pamona Poso.
Concerning the statement above, the method used in this study is using in structural
analytical to start with reviewing literary research to provide reasearch data. The tecnique used
in this method is library research, where all possible information in and literary review that have
relation to study are collected and takes as source of information.

3.2 Data and Data Sources

Arikunto (2010:172) states that data source is the subject from which the data are
obtained. There are two data resources, namely primary data and secondary data. Primary data is
the data obtained directly by the researcher, whereas secondary data is data that obtained by the
second part.

In this mini research, the sources of data refers to the subject from which data is obtained. The
data can be found in words. The sources of data in this research were the with the title Pesan
Penting for Ibu2 in Youtube

3.3 Data Collection Method

Data collection is important to determine the result of the study. Here are some ways that
the researcher used to get the data:

1. Watch the video more times

2. Write the important word
3. Analysis the the word

3.4Technique of Data Analysis

This study used qualitative methods. Data source from the video with the title Pesan Penting for
Ibu2 in Youtube

In this chapter, the writer presents discussion. In this chapter the writer presents the
answer of problem statements that contained in the first chapter. The problem statements are (1)
What is the dialect from the video title’s Pesan Penting for Ibu2 in YouTube.

4.1 Discussion
Based on the problem statements that contained in the first chapter, this is the dialect of the
video title’s Pesan Penting for Ibu2 in YouTube.

No Dialect of Pamona Poso Language

1 Kenapa kamu murung-murung Rivan? Why are you sad rivan?
2 Jajan itu orang tua yang pikirkan bukan Our parents think about our snacks.
kita torang. (0:27)
3 Tetap torang mo pikir juga itu. (0:35) Still we have to think about that.
4. Pikir supaya dikasih lebih dari biasanya to be given more.
Rivan. (0:41)
5 Betul sudah mama mu Rivan (1:25) Your mom was right.
6 Mo senang bagaimana yang dikasih saya I'm not happy to be given a cake that's burnt
yang angus-angus nya.(1:41) out.
7 Iyo, memang betul (1:46) yes, right.
7 Terus kalo makan yang angus-angus mo If you eat a charred cake, you can't grow
bertumbuh badan dan otak torang? (1:48) your body and brain.
8 Mana ada anak yang sehat dan pintar There will be no children so healthy and
dikasih terus kue angus. (2:05) smart if given to eat charred cakes.
9 Kasihan kalo torang makan angus-angus So poor me, I ate a charred cakes.
terus. (2:35)
10 Apa dan (2:55) So what?
11 Sekarang kamu ya ba pancing-pancing You've got my emotions up, rivan.
saya Rivan. (3:43)
12 So ine to anak-anak mu kamu kasih makan It means you will love your child to eat
kue angus itu. (3:57) charred cakes.

➢ Murung-murung : Sad
➢ Torang : we or I
➢ Mo : can
➢ Angus : Charred
➢ So ine to : that’s mean

From above we know that the dialect of Pamona Poso is exactly the same as Indonesian,
but mixed / added several words. Some of the words added are as in the note above. Pamona
Poso dialect is not too difficult to understand if it is not full using the language of the tribe. That
was evident after I visited the video only a few dialects that I found because it is still mixed in

All languages have many different dialects. The more areas in which a language is
spoken, the more dialects there will be.New words are made or borrowed from another language.
New speakers bring new characteristics to a language.
There is no "right" dialect of English. The beauty is in the differences!

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