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Lebanese International University

School of Engineering

Department of Electric and Electronics Engineering

EENG301L—Electric circuit lab.

Section ID: A

Simulation Number: 4-A

Submitted by: Batoul Slaiman

Lab Instructor: Dr.Salim koteish

Copied and Late simulations will be graded Zero

Date: December 6,2021

I. Objectives
 Sketch 3 circuits : RC, RL and RLC
 Find the impedance of each component 
 Plot the voltages and phase angles on each component using transient command
 Find the phase angle between all voltages and the current. 
 Deduce the phasor diagram for all voltages and current

II. Circuit design

First circuit RC:

RC circuit in which resistor R(330ohm) and capacitor C(100nF) are connected in series with An AC
voltage source (8.3V and frequency=1KHz)

 R: Zr=R=330
 C: Zc= - =-

Figure 1 RC circuit j/(2.pi.

3 2 −9
10 ∗10 ∗10 )=-j1591.5
Second circuit RL:
RL circuit in which resistor(330ohm) and inductor(10mH) are connected in series with a AC voltage
supply of 8.3V and F=1k.

Figure 2 RL circuit

The impedance of:

 R: Zr=R=330
 L: Zl =jwL=j2*pi*f*L=j62.8

Third circuit RLC:

A series RLC circuit is one the resistor, inductor and capacitor are connected in series across a voltage
supply. The resulting circuit is called series RLC circuit

Figure 3 RLC circuit

The impedance of:

 R: Zr=R=330
 L: Zl =jwL=j2*pi*L=j62.8
 C: Zc= - =-j/(2*pi*103∗102∗10−9)=-j1591.5

III. Results

For the first circuit RC:

phase angle between 2 signals is measured by : 360×f×(t2-t1)

t1 : time at which the first signal reaches is maximum value

T2:time at which the second signal reaches is maximum value

 for Vc and Vr and V1:

t1 for VR=1.0308ms

t2 for VC=1.2874ms

phase angle =360×f×(t2-t1)=360x1000x(1.2874x10-3-1.0308x10-3)=90

Vc lags Vr by phase angle=90

For V1:t=1.249ms
V1 lags VR by phase angle =360×1000×(1.249×10−3 -1.03×10−3 )=78.84

Vc lags V1 by phase angle =360×1000×(1.287×10−3 -1.249×10−3 )=13.68

 For V1,VC,VR and I

Imain=-IR=-IC(since source is parallel to the branch capacitor and resisitor which are connected
in series)
 −3
VR & I are inphase (phase angle = 360×1000×(1.03×10 -1.03×10 )=0

 −3
Vc lags I by phase angle =360×1000×(1.287×10 -1.03×10 )=90

 −3 −3
V1 lags I by phase angle =360×1000×(1.249×10 -1.03×10 )=78.84

Phasor diagram for R-C circuit:

For the second circuit RL:

Figure 4Results for Rl circuit

 Phase angle for VR,VL and V1:

For VR;t=1.28264ms

For VL;t=1.0366ms

VR lags VL by phase angle =360×1000×(1.28×10−3 -1.036×10−3 )=90

For V1;t=1.2515ms

VR lags V1 by phase angle =360×1000×(1.283×10−3 -1.251×10−3 )=11.52

V1 lags VL by phase angle =360×1000×(1.251×10−3 -1.36×10−3 )=77.4

 Phase angle for VR,VL , V1 and IL:

Imain=-IR=-IL(since source is in parallel with the branch that includes resistor and inductor
connected in series)

VR and I are in phase (phase angle = 360×1000×(1.28×10−3 -1.28×10−3 )=0

I lags VL by phase angle= 360×1000×(1.28×10−3 -1.26×10−3 )=90

phasor diagram for RL-circuit :

For the third circuit RLC

Figure 5 Result graph for RLC circuit

Phase angle for VR,VL ,VC ,V1 and I;

 VR lags VL by phase angle =360×1000×(1.03×-0.8×)=90

 V1 lags VR by phase angle =360×1000×(1.25×-1.03×)=80
 VC lagsVR by phase angle =360×1000×(1.289×-1.03×)=90
 VC lags VL by phase angle=360×1000×(1.289×-0.8×)=180
 Vc lags V1 by phase angle=360×1000×(1.289×-1.25×)=15
 V1 lags VL by phase angle =360×1000×(1.25×-0.8×)=165
 VR and I are in phase (phase angle=360×1000×(1.03×-1.03×)=0)
 I lags VL by phase angle=360×1000×(1.03×-0.8×)=90
 VC lags I by phase angle =360×1000×(1.285×-1.03×)=90
 V1 lags I by angle =360×1000×(1.25×-1.03×)=80
Phasor diagram :

Figure 6 Phasor diagram for RLC circuit

IV. Discussion
 RC circuits are freqent element in electronic devices. They also play an important
role in the transmission of electrical signals in nerve cells. A capacitor can store
energy and a resistor placed in series with it will control the rate at which it
charges or discharges.
 Frequently RL circuits are used as DC power supplies for RF amplifiers, where
the inductor is used to pass DC urrent and block the RF getting back into
the power supply.
 In an RLC circuit, the most fundamental elements of a resistor, inductor, and capacitor
are connected across a voltage supply. All of these elements are linear and passive in
nature. Passive components are ones that consume energy rather than producing it;
linear elements are those which have a linear relationship between voltage and current.
 in RC-circuit all voltage signals are out of phase by which , VR leads both Vc and V1 and
V1 leads Vc.Vr and Ir are in phase .V1 and Vc are out of phase with the current . V1 is
shifted toward VC .
In RL-circuit all Voltage signals are out of phase by which, VL leads both V1 and VR and
V1 leads VR . VR is in phase with I but VL and V1 are out of phase wuth I.V1 Is shifted
toward VR .
 In RLC –circuit all Voltage signals are out of phase by whichVL leads VR
and VR leads V1 and V1 leads VC . Vr and Ir are in phase but V1 ,Vc and VL are
out of phase with the current. V1 is shifted toward VC.

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