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Lesley Alvarez

Professor Zayas

ENVS- 201 92

March 4 , 2022

Energy Baseline Data

1A. Transportation

For a 48 hour Period, record the number of miles driven or ridden in a car.

Record each trip separately.

Monday: Drove to campus and back = 10 miles

Drove to campus again = 10 miles

Drove to pick up brother from school = 2 miles

Drove to friends house and back = 14 miles

Tuesday: Drove to take brother to school= 2 miles

Drove to the store and back = 4 miles

Drove to pick up brother from school = 2 miles

Drove to friends house and back = 14 miles

Total= 58 Miles

1B. Industrial Energy Consumption

Much of the energy used during industrial processes is reflected in the products we buy. For a

48 hour period, record everything you buy, except food.

Monday: Shampoo, face wash

Tuesday: Nothing.
1C. Residential Energy Use

Hot water - record the amount of hot water you use in any of the following ways.

Day 1 Hot Shower: 15 minutes

Sink: 3 minutes

Laundry: 2 loads

Dishwasher: 2 loads

Day 2 Hot shower: 13 minutes

Sink: 4 minutes

Laundy: 0 loads

Dishwasher: 2 loads


Record the amount of time in hours that any of the following appliances are operating.

Refrigerator (large) = Day 1= 24 hours Day 2= 24 hours

Washing machine = Day 1= 2 Hours Day 2= 1 hour

Clothes Dryer = Day 1= 2 hours Day 2= 1 hour

Incandescent lights Day 1= 5 hours Day 2= 5 hours

Fluorescent lights Day 1 = 1 hour Day 2= 1 hour

Radio Day 1= 2 hours Day 2= 1 hour

Tape Player Day 1 = 0 hours Day 2= 0 hours

CD Player Day 1= 0 hours Day 2= 0 hours

MIcrowave Day 1= 0 hours Day 2 = 0 hours

Stove Top Day 1 = 2 hours Day 2= 2 hours

Oven Day 1= 0 hours Day 2= 0 hours

Clock Day 1= 0 hours Day 2 =0 hours

Dryer Day 1= 2 hours Day 2= 1 hour

Iron Day 1= 0 hours Day 2= 0 hours

Hair Dryer Day 1= 30 min Day 2= 0 hours

Electric Razor Day 1 = 0 hours Day 2 = 0 hours

Fan Day 1= 0 hours Day 2= 0 hours

Humidifier Day 1= 0 hours Day 2= 0 hours

Tv Day 1= 4 hours Day 2 = 5 hours

DVD Player Day 1= 0 hours Day 2 = 0 hours

1A. Transportation Calculations:

58 Miles

27 miles/ gallon = 2.14 gallons

2.14 x 125,000 BTU/ gal = 267,500 BTU’s

1C. Residential Energy Use

Hot Shower 15 min x 3 gallons/ minutes = 45 Gallons

Sink 3 min x 2 gallons/ minute= 6 gallons

Laundry 60 min x 2 gallons/minute= 120 gallons

Dishwasher 20 min x 12 gallons/load = 240 gallons

Total 411 gallons x 440 BTU/ gal = 180,840 BTU


24 H x 300 W = 7,200 / 1,000 = 7.2 KWH

2 H x 300 W = 600 /1,000 = 0.6 KWH

2 H x 300 w = 600/ 1,000= 0.6 KWH

5 H x 300 W =1,500/ 1,000= 1.5 KWH

1H x 300 W = 300/ 1,000 = 0.3 KWH

Going into this experiment I knew the importance of saving light and energy in order to reduce

air and water pollution. When collecting data for water usage, I noticed I take about 15 min in

total in the shower. This is too long considering the average takes about 5 min. While collecting

data for transportation, I noticed I can reduce the amount of miles I drive a day by taking a bike,

taking the bus, or simply walking. According to the United States Environmental Protection

Agency, “ A typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year”.

That is a lot of pollution that causes health problems on us humans as well as animals and also

makes global warming worse. Something I would like to change about this data would be to

reduce the amount of water used daily as well as the modes of transportations to get around.

Works Cited

EPA, Environmental Protection Agency,

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