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By [3T] – TPC © All rights reserved!

Student’s Name: ……………; Class: ……

INSTRUCTIONS: Reading the following questions and provide the correct form of the
word given IN CAPITAL at the end of each line.

Question 1: He hoped, and believed, that his Celtic side were __________ of ABLE
beating the champions.
Question 2: The book includes a(n) __________ to the Report and an INTRODUCE
explanation of its significance to public health reform.
Question 3: We saw the different climates in the north and south of the island, we COLOUR
saw the inhabited volcanic caves and the __________ rocks, rich in
different minerals.
Question 4: Duncker had __________ imagined this novel as a series of Gothic ORIGIN
short stories.
Question 5: He was __________ into the production of artificial rubber and fuel. SEARCH
Question 6: A supremely gifted player with a(n) __________ touch, he combined MAGIC
charm and nastiness in almost equal measure.
Question 7: Wall was immense throughout and fully __________ the complete JUST
confidence management had in him.
Question 8: The discs are as stable as regular CDs and come wrapped in green PACKAGE
Question 9: One of the most __________ achievements of capitalism is the drop REMARK
in infant mortality.
Question 10: The most recent __________ unemployment statistic from China is OFFICE
only 4 percent.
Question 11: He's a(n) __________ father and an ideal husband - a terrific human ORDINARY
Question 12: He puts down his briefcase, __________ his collar and falls into his LOOSE
leather chair.
Question 13: We all know that we should have some money put away for a(n) RAIN
__________ day.
Question 14: I am writing to you with __________ to the job advertised in REFER
yesterday's newspaper.
Question 15: It was a really, really loud plane - incredibly __________. NOISE

In a world full of WORRIERS, be a WARRIOR! ✊ - Thầy Tùng

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