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22 Diego Street

San Fernando

1 February 2022.

Mr. Charles Donald


Daily Express

3 Lord Squad Street

San Fernando

Dear Mr. Donald

Subject: Cigarette Smoking In Public Areas

I am filing this complaint on the issue of smoking cigarettes in public spaces.

Not only the smoking in public but also the actions of those person who are intoxicated.

Cigarettes are extremely harmful for the environment. The smoke causes air pollution with is very
harmful for trees. As well as persons who struggle with asthma, sinus and breathing problems.

Cigarette butts are found lying on the ground all the time because smokers cannot clean up after
their actions.

In order to prevent such from occurring, I suggest the following actions: ban public smoking. If
caught smoking in public you will be charged a fine. Put litter bins around town or have a specific
area for smoking.

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