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EduNXT-The Institute Of Learning 2021-


Test Series - Chemistry –: Hydrogen _Gas Laws

A) Answer the following

a. Write the equation for the following-
1. Potassium with cold water
2. Aluminium with steam
b. Name the element which reacts very vigorously when treated with cold water
c. Write the molecular equation for the following-
1. Lead and sodium hydroxide
2. Magnesium and hydrochloric acid
d. What are the precautions to be taken while collecting the hydrogen gas
e. Name the method used in the collection of hydrogen in lab method.
1. How is hydrogen purified
2. Name the drying agent used to remove moisture from the hydrogen
f. Under what conditions is the water gas produced. Mention its constituents
g. Give the reaction on how the hydrogen gas is liberated from water gas
h. Name the catalysts used in the preparation of hydrogen through bosch process
i. How are the following impurities removed- carbon dioxide and carbon
monoxide from the bosch process
j. How does the hydrogen react when a burning splint is introduced in to the jar
k. What happen when hydrogen is exposed to air
l. “When stating the volume of a gas, the pressure and temperature should
also be given”. Why?
m. Define or state: Boyle’s law
n. Define or state: Charle’s law
o. In Charle’s law, how do we relate Kelvin[absolute} and Celsius scale of
p. What are “Gas Laws”? How do we define them?
B) Give reasons for the following:
a. Gas unlike the solids and liquids exert pressure in all directions.
b. Gases have lower densities as compared to solids or liquids
c. All temperatures on the Kelvin scale are in positive figures.
d. Lead cant be used in the preparation of hydrogen.

C) Calculate the following:

EduNXT-The Institute Of Learning 2021-

a. Calculate the temperature to which a gas must be heated, so that the

volume triples without any change in pressure. The gas is originally at
57⁰C and having a volume of 150cc.
b. A gas ‘X’ at -33⁰C is heated to 127⁰C at constant pressure. Calculate the %
increase in the volume of the gas.
c. Calculate the volume of a gas ‘A’ at s.t.p., if at 37⁰C and 775 mm of
mercury pressure, it occupies a volume of 9 ½ litres.
d. Calculate the temperature at which a gas ‘A’ at 20⁰C having a volume of
550 cc will occupy a volume of 250 cc.
e. The temperature at which 500cc of a gas ‘X’ at temp. 293K occupies half
its original volume [pressure remaining constant].
f. The volume at s.t.p. occupied by a gas ‘Y’ originally occupying 760 cc at
300K and 70mm pressure of Hg.

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