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PAASCU Accredited Level II

287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

Grade Level Prayer Values to be Teachers


Grade 10 Silent Prayer Respect for Human Mr. Meynard Aguilar

Dignity and Sexuality




To Stand for the The learners X.IV-15.1. Identify

Human Dignity & The learners demonstrate ways of: issues concerning
Sexuality demonstrate - organizing the disrespect
understanding of: awareness of human dignity
campaign to and sexuality and
- issues concerning protect human explain why it
the disrespect of dignity and disintegrates the
Human Dignity and sexuality from all unity of the
sexuality that affects types of condition body and soul e.g.,
the unity of his body that poisons human trafficking,
and soul. society and prostitution,
dishonors God. cyberbullying, etc.
- making a clear stand - making personal
on issues concerning resolution on how
the disrespect of to become a good
human dignity and adopted child
sexuality. of the Father, a
member of Christ,
and a temple of the
Holy Spirit.


4th Quarter Topic: To Stand for the Date: Apr 7, 2022

Human Dignity &

Objectives: Outline:
At the end of the topic, students will be able I. Human Dignity
to: II. Sexuality
a. explain issues concerning the
disrespect of human dignity and
PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

sexuality; III. Issues that Disrespect Human Dignity

b. form a sound judgment to the issues and Sexuality
about the disrespect of human A. Sexual Discrimination and
dignity and sexuality; and
c. create an online awareness campaign
that aims to protect human dignity B. Sexual Violence
and sexuality.
IV. Practices to Promote Human Dignity
and Sexuality

Materials: References:
● Laptop ● Candle, P. (2018, November 30). 6 ways
● Cellphone to protect & support human rights for
● Internet people around the world. Prosperity
● Google Slides Candle.
● Google Forms
● Youtube s/news/6-ways-to-protect-support-hum
● Pictures an-rights
● ● Crisaldo, E. (2019). #NeverOk:
HARASSMENT [Video]. YouTube.
● Goettsch, S. L. (1989). Clarifying Basic
Concepts: Conceptualizing Sexuality.
The Journal of Sex Research, 26(2),
● Horn, R., & Kerasidou, A. (2016). The
Concept of Dignity and Its Use in
End-of-Life Debates in England and
France. Cambridge quarterly of
healthcare ethics : CQ : the
international journal of healthcare
ethics committees, 25(3), 404–413.
● Roscigno, V. J. (2019). Discrimination,
Sexual Harassment, and the Impact of
Workplace Power. Socius.
● The Center for Bioethics & Human
Dignity. (2022). Human dignity. The
Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity |
exploring the nexus of biomedicine,
biotechnology, and our common
PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila


Teacher’s Activity Feedback

Preliminaries I. Prayer
II. Attendance Check
III. Review

Motivational Strategy: Word Guessing Game

Activity Title: Jumbled Words

Instruction: The students will guess the word/s that

will be shared on the screen. The students will have
ten (10) seconds to guess the words that are
jumbled. The first student to guess will define the

Jumbled Words:
1. Y T X S A U L E I
2. A N S E S H M A R T
3. M U A H N + G I I T N Y D


Processing Questions:
1. What is the word that you are most familiar
2. What is the word that you are eager to learn?
3. How important are these words to know as
an individual?

Activity Strategy: Video Analysis

Title: “What Happened?”

Instruction: The students will watch a three minute

video, a social experiment about harassment from
YouTube. Then after watching, the students will
answer the questions.

YouTube Link:

PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

Analysis Processing Questions:

1. What did you feel after watching the video?

2. What happened to the woman in the video?
3. Do you think it is the girls fault to stay out at
night and wear such clothes to experience
harassment? Why or Why not?
4. If you are in the same situation as that
woman, what are you going to do?
5. How can we stop these kinds of actions?

Abstraction Content:

I. What is Human Dignity?

● Human dignity is the belief that all people
hold a special value that’s tied solely to their
humanity. It has nothing to do with their
class, race, gender, religion, abilities, or any
other factor other than them being human.
● The Catholic Church proclaims that human
life is sacred and that the dignity of the
human person is the foundation of a moral
vision for society.

II. What is Sexuality

● Sexuality is a part of an individual’s personhood
and should not be thought of merely as a
concept separated from one’s feelings, values,
and relationships.
PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

● Sexuality is about your sexual feelings,

thoughts, attractions and behaviours
towards other people.
● Sexuality is diverse and personal, and it is an
important part of who you are. Discovering
your sexuality can be a very liberating,
exciting and positive experience.

Issues that Disrespect Human Dignity and


● Sexual Discrimination and Harassment

Sex discrimination involves treating
someone (an applicant or employee)
unfavorably because of that person's sex,
including the person's sexual orientation,
gender identity, or pregnancy.
Harassment can include "sexual harassment"
such as unwelcome sexual advances,
requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or
physical harassment of a sexual nature.
Harassment does not have to be of a sexual
nature, however, and can include offensive
remarks about a person's sex, including the
person's sexual orientation, gender identity,
or pregnancy. For example, it is illegal to
harass a woman by making offensive
comments about women in general.
● Sexual Violence - Sexual violence means
that someone forces or manipulates
someone else into unwanted sexual activity
without their consent. Anyone can
experience sexual violence including:
children, teens, adults, and elders. Those who
sexually abuse can be acquaintances, family
members, trusted individuals or strangers.

III. Top 3 Ways Protect Human Dignity (from 6

Ways we can help protect human dignity)
1. The principle of respect
○ The principle of respect requires all
people in general to be treated with
respect. Objects can be manipulated
and used, but not people: the freedom
of choice of every human being must
PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

be respected.
2. The principle of good will and not ill will
○ Think before you act. With this you’ll
be able to avoid harming other
people, and always seek their
3. The principle of justice
○ Treat others as is their due as human
beings; be just, treating all people the
same way. That is to say, treat each
person in a similar way in similar
circumstances. The main idea of the
principle of justice is to treat people as
we should, as corresponds to their
equal dignity.

● Always remember that to be able to stand

for human dignity and sexuality, the most
important step is to respect others as to how
you would want them to respect you.
Moreover, by standing for human dignity
and sexuality, all must refuse to be abused.

● Always keep this in mind:

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I
have loved you, so you must love one another. By
this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if
you love one another.” – John 13:34-35
The best way to express this love is to respect

Application Be the Teacher

Instruction: Students will act as a teacher and

present three (3) key ideas that are most important
for them to remember.
PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

Assessment Instruction: Read and Analyze the questions

carefully. Choose only the best answer.

1. What is the perception that all individuals

have a unique worth based solely on their
a. Human Dignity
b. Human Rights
c. Sexuality
d. Social Status
2. What is the part of individual personhood
that is made up of sex, gender identity and
roles, sexual orientation, pleasure, intimacy
and reproduction.
a. Gender
b. Gender Orientation
PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

c. Sexuality
d. Sexual Orientation
3. The following are the practices that protect
human dignity and sexuality EXCEPT?
a. Always love yourself and know your
worth as a person.
b. Treat others with respect and love.
c. Treat others the same way that you
want to be treated.Think before
making an action or decision.
4. Mark was bullied in school because he
identified himself as bisexual. Before the
class ends, he always wants to leave first
because some of his boy's classmates will
wait for him at the school gate to harass or
bully. What will you do as his schoolmate?
a. Be with him all the time, to be able to
protect him.
b. Be his friend and be with him all the
time to protect him.
c. Call out the bullies and be there with
him all the time.
d. Go to the adviser and tell them that
he was bullied and needed help.
5. Pope Francis said, “"The pandemic has
highlighted how vulnerable and
interconnected we all are. If we do not take
care of each other, starting with the least —
those who are most affected, including
creation — we cannot heal the world," What
is the message of the statement?
a. Pray for the others who need help in
this pandemic.
b. Respect, love, and kindness is all that
we can do in pandemic.
c. The pandemic brought problems to
many, we must take care of ourselves
to stay healthy.
PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

d. Protect and take care of yourself and

others, especially those who need
help in a global pandemic.

Instruction: Read the question carefully and
answer the question with 3-5 sentences.
1. As a Catholic/Christian youth, how can you
stand for people who experienced
harassment from other people?

Assignment Online Advocacy Campaign

● The class will be divided into 6 groups. Each
group will plan and create an online
campaign that stands for human dignity and
● The groups can choose whether to create a
podcast, page, profile picture frames,
infographics, and posters.
● The output must be posted in social media
to reach the netizens.
● Deadline will be on April 22, 2022
● The post must be in public privacy mode
and must use the hashtag.
10-MMOG: #MMOGDignityandSexuality
10-OLL: #OLLDignityandSexuality
Rubrics for grading:
PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

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