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Norman Jr. M.


BSBio 1-2


Title of article: Microbiological Quality of Fresh Produce from Open Air Markets and
Supermarkets in the Philippines

Name(s) of the author(s): Pierangeli G. Vital, Kris Genelyn B. Dimasuay, Kenneth

W.Widmer, and Windell L. Rivera

Title of journal, volume number, date, month and page numbers:

The Scientific World Journal Volume 2014, 13 May 2014,Article ID 219534, 7 pages


Microbiological Quality of Fresh Produce from Open Air Markets and Supermarkets in the

COMMENT: The title of the journal article is simple and brief they very informative. It clearly
shows that this study is descriptive that aims to describe microbiological quality of Fresh
produce products from the markets. The title also tells where the research is conducted. The
title of the journal is appropriate and effective on telling a short background on what the Journal
is all about.


Food-borne pathogens take a serious toll on public health.[1]. A recognized source for food-
borne pathogens is fecal contamination of water used for irrigation, or for processing, of fresh
produce [2]. While many agricultural products are cooked prior to eating, many Southeast Asian
cultures also consume uncooked produce either directly or as fresh condiments to other dishes,
such as soups.

Surveys of agricultural produce, meats, and shellfish have been conducted finding relatively high
microbial loads in Southeast Asia [3, 4] indicating that contamination of water for agriculture
and aquaculture, compounded by poor food handling during distribution, can have a negative
impact on public health. Some have also investigated risk assessment models based on
consumption of fresh produce [5]. While these survey studies have been conducted, actual
sampling data is lacking for many developing countries making attempts to accurately develop
risk assessment studies problematic. Some approaches to assess microbial risk associated with
drinking water based on theoretical values for developing countries have been attempted
[6].Yet, the additional variables of the transfer of waterborne pathogens to produce through
irrigation and washing of produce can make such theoretical values difficult to calculate. Other
approaches involving direct sampling of produce for pathogens to evaluate microbial risk
assessment have been employed [7]; however, sufficient comprehensive survey data of produce
in Southeast Asia, particularly in the Philippines,is lacking.

COMMENT: The introduction and the problem statement is agreed with the title and use to
have significant relationship. The problem was clearly stated and visible to the readers. It
provided informations from previous studies and it is clearly stated why the research is relevant
and why the study is needed to be done.


The authors cited no clear review of Related Written Literature; however, several references
were use in the Introduction part of the study. The statements from the the introduction part
created the background and a clear concept about the subject and it has clearly formulated
problems that is needed to solve and reasons why the researchers should conduct the study.


Since the research design is descriptive the researcher do not formulated any hypothesis in their


This study is the first in the Philippines that aims to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the
prevalence of bacterial pathogens and somatic phages in retailed fresh produce used in salad
preparation, namely, bell pepper, cabbage, carrot, lettuce, and tomato, using culture and
molecular methods.

COMMENT: The authors purpose is clearly stated and answerable. It was also agreed in the title.
The purpose of the research which is to describe the quality of fresh products produce in
Supermarkets and open air markets.


The researcher use the following in conducting their study.

First the researcher have done (1) Produce Sampling, then (2)Produce Analysis: Culture Method
which is done for Detection and Enumeration of Escherichia coli, Salmonella Strains and Somatic
Phages. Lastly the researchers (3) Produce Analysis with the use of Molecular Method.

COMMENT: The material and method use by the researchers from samples and sampling to
methods to culture analysis to the analysis of Molecular method was clearly stated and
systematically organize and explained . The methods is also significant to the objectives of the
study and it's title. Sampling is also objective and not biased.


A total of 300 fresh produce samples eaten raw, namely, bell pepper, cabbage, carrot, lettuce,
and tomato from five open air markets and five supermarkets, were surveyed for their microbial
quality in the Philippines using culture technique and confirmed by molecular analysis. E. coli
isolates were observed in 50 of the 300 fresh produce samples surveyed. Further, of the 300, 74
produce samples were found contaminated with Salmonella spp., and 141 samples recovered
somatic phage from produce wash solutions.

COMMENT: The results were well organized, tabulated, section and objectively reported. Evey
part of the Materials and Methods has section results. Results from different vegetable and in
different markets were also systematically analyzed.

The discussion part also clearly reflect and discuss that tabulated results. The researcher
interpreted the data from the results clearly and come up with the relevant informations that
achieve the objectives of the study.


There were no summary given


This study is the first comprehensive survey of microbial contamination of fresh produce in the
Philippines.The increasing awareness of Filipinos of a healthy diet, that is, consuming fresh
produce, may also pose an unintentional risk of increasing the incidence of gastrointestinal
illnesses (and other related diseases) by the consumption of contaminated foods. The recent
undocumented food outbreaks in the country also make it timely to investigate the prevalence
of bacterial pathogens and phages in food. Thus, it is imperative to conduct surveillance on
these produce samples for microbial contamination to educate consumers buying either in open
air markets or in supermarkets resulting in disease detection and prevention. Further, the
results established in the study may be of use to farmers, retailers, food safety educators, and
policy makers in improving the microbiological quality and safety of fresh produce in the
Philippines and in preventing the occurrence of diseases associated with it.

COMMENT: The conclusion clearly reflects the finding and stated clearly and logically. The
researchers also make the conclusion to have relevant informations which consumers and
farmers can used in their daily lives.


The researchers do not created clear recommendations; however, the researchers

recommended farmers, policy makers, retailers, consumers and food safety educators to used
the informations they obtain in improving the microbiological quality and safety of fresh
produce in the Philippines and in preventing the occurrence of diseases associated with it. This
recommendation is very relevant to us Filipinos

This is a very timely and relevant journal articles for a food microbiology topic. Almost all the
parts are organized and well-written. The materials and methods was clearly stated and
explained. Although the discussion part is quite hard to understand and quite long but the
overall results and discussion was well written and reported effectively. Overall it was a very
interesting, relevant and significant journal article which plays a huge contributions on Filipino
farmers, food experts and consumers.

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