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The Little Prince "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible
to the eye. " This line struck me the most in this story because it is definitely real. It's crucial to
look at things not just with your eyes, but also with your emotions. Looking at life with love is
the same as seeing through the heart. Life is full of issues, and seeing things from a fresh
perspective can help to alleviate them. It makes a huge difference to look at things from a new

Those who love them are frequently misunderstood. They are usually on the lookout for people
they don't love. However, it is unclear who they desire. This taught me a great deal. This story
taught me a lot because it is about the adventures of a little prince who went to different planets
to forget about his rose and the people he met along the way. This includes the narrator. He
discovers the secret of the value of life on Earth. The story also emphasizes the differences
between children's and adults' minds.

Adults have a tendency to see things in a way that corresponds to the point of view of children.
In the narrator's case, his childhood was lonely because he aspired to be a painter but failed
because adults saw his drawings differently. This disheartened him, and he abandoned his dream.
The little prince, on the other hand, had a different issue. He left the rose, his life's love, on his
planet. When he arrived on Earth, he discovered a rose garden. He felt betrayed by his love
because the rose told him it was an individual and one-of-a-kind rose.

He was disheartened until he met a fox, who made him realize that the rose was his rose because
he loved it, and thus it was distinct from the others. Another important lesson I took away from
the story is that people should learn to appreciate friendship. Some people have a tendency to
forget people who have had a significant impact on their lives. A true friend is hard to come by,
and we all know that money cannot buy love and friendship. This idea is supported by one of the
book's lines. "men have no more time to understand anything. They buy things already made at
the shops. But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship, and so men have no
friends anymore... "

We would be delighted if we had these intimate ties because we need individuals who care about
us and we also need to care about others. He felt responsible for the fox, just like the tiny prince
and the fox he met on Earth when the former tamed the latter. The fox was upset when the little
prince had to leave since he was already bonded to him. The young prince was dissatisfied
because the fox wanted to cry, and he believed he had squandered the fox's time.

I realized that caring for others is necessary since it benefits both parties. The feeling that
someone cares about you and wants to spend time with you is a wonderful one that no one wants
to be without. This story provided me with many thoughts and realizations that I will appreciate
for the rest of my life. I realized that I shouldn't take the individuals that care about me for
granted. I learned the importance of friendship and how to keep it. Finally, through looking at
things from my heart, I learned to see things from a different perspective.

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