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Technology, ¿is it good or bad for the human being?

"I fear the day, when technology overtakes our humanity; the world will only have a generation of

idiots."(Albert Einstein). These words are reflected at the time the great concern of this genius when

seeing the tendency of human beings with the excesses in the use of technology. What seems to be

happening now, since we live in a society immersed in technology and digital devices and this brought

on a technology dependent generation, turned into persons unable to socialize and analyze all the

information that surrounds us, and only taken on the habit to believe what they see on social networks

and is necessary create conscience about this, because with good use, digital tools are vital tools to

progress in every way, unfortunately most people seem to be unable to do that, and only see technology

as a way to make their lives easier.

An example of this misuse that is currently given to technology is how young children no longer want

toys, paintings, bicycles, kites, etc. they prefer and demand a cell phone, a tablet or a computer. this is

not healthy for such young children to be so related to technological devices because they are losing

their innocence too soon, they do not perform physical or recreational activity and their social capacities

decrease a lot, if this continues children will have lost their ability to relate to others. A second example

is how young people gradually lose their analytical and critical skills. they are limited only to copying and

pasting information without reading it, analyzing it and verifying that it is correct. For the young people,

reading is an activity very boring. the teaching methodology have to be change in schools and give an

appropriate use of technology. only then, students will have understanded the reading importance.

However not everything is bad, we must take the example of great scientists, engineers and

professionals who through good use of technology and their academic effort have managed to make

history, such as the man on the moon, vaccines against diseases etc. It's just a matter of discipline and

using the tools at our disposal well.

To conclude, if we use technological elements well, humanity will progress in a good way. For this, it

is necessary to transmit a message of awareness, mainly to the new generations. They have to

understand that technology, mobile devices and social networks are only part of life and not all of life. if

this doesn't change now, we will have worse problems later. That is why in homes it should be taught

that technology is only a resource and a work tool, many times it is an element of distraction and fun,

but it must be handled responsibly For example, in the case of young people, when they begin to use this

type of device, there should be a parental control reviewing what activities they carry out, what websites

they visit and how much time they spend on it, and this should be promoted in schools too where, the

passion for reading should be encouraged more, reducing technological dependence. If this fact is

achieved, humanity will achieve a new level of evolution.


1. What would you propose if you see a child that only play with cellphone?

2. If you were a parent, at what age would you allow your child to use a cell phone?

Respuesta pregunta

If humans were smarter, would we be able to travel far enough to reach another galaxy?

R/ I believe that human beings can do anything, but in reality, they use all current resources and tools

very poorly, such as the internet, social networks and all digital devices.

The human being has become a being dependent on technology instead of using it as a development

tool, wasting its full potential. especially the young people

So yes, I think we can travel to another galaxy but we need more discipline and responsibility

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