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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

10 Zest for Progress

Z Peal of artnership

Quarter 3 - Module 1:
Illustrating Permutation of Objects

Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section: ___________________________
Name of School: ___________________________
What I Need to Know
The module contains only one lesson:
 Lesson 1 - Illustrates the permutation of objects.

In this module, you are expected to:

1. define permutations,
2. apply the fundamental principles of counting, and
3. illustrate the permutation of objects.

What I Know
Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What do you call an arrangement or sequence of selections of objects

from a single set?
A. combination B. differentiation C. integration D.

2. Which of the situations or activities involve permutation?

A. matching shirts and pants
B. assigning telephone numbers to subscribers
C. forming a committee from the members of a club
D. forming different triangles out of 5 points on a plane, no three of
which are collinear

3. What do you call the two different arrangements of objects where some
of them are identical?
A. circular combinations C. distinguishable
B. circular permutations D. unique combinations

4. How many different 4-digits even numbers can be formed from the
digits 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9 if no repetition of digits is allowed?
A. 120 B. 420 C. 840 D. 1680

5. In how many ways can 8 people be seated around a circular table if

two of them insist on sitting beside each other?
A. 360 B. 720 C. 1440 D.

6. What do you call the product of a positive integer n and all the positive
integers less than n?
A. powers of n C. n – factors
B. multiples of n D. n factorial

7. In a town fiesta singing competition with 12 contestants, in how many

ways can the organizer arrange the first three singers?
A. 132 B. 990 C. 1320 D. 1716

8. Mr. Naly Pong asked Tina to draw all the diagonals of a certain polygon
on the blackboard. Tina was able to draw 27 diagonals which her
teacher declared correct. What was the given polygon?
A. decagon B. hexagon C. nonagon D.

9. How many distinguishable permutations of the letters of the word

A. 1680 B. 10 080 C. 20 160 D. 40

10. In how many ways can 10 DVDs be chosen to arrange a case with
slots for 3 discs?
A. 600 B. 720 C. 840
D. 1200

What’s In
Activity 1: Does Order Matter?
Directions: Answer the following problems correctly. Write your solution on
a separate sheet of paper.
1. Ten runners from Pioneer National High School join a race. In how
many possible ways can they be arranged as first, second, and third

2. In how many ways can Aling Karla arrange 6 potted plants in a row?

What’s New
Activity 2: Unlock Me!!!
Directions: Answer the given problem completely.
Suppose you secured your bike using a combination lock. Later, you
realized that you forgot the 4-digit code.


You only remembered that the code contains the digits 1, 3, 4, and 7.
1. List all the possible codes out of the given digits.
2. How many possible codes are there?
3. What can you say about the list you made?

Guide Questions:
1. Were you able to list all the possibilities asked for? How did you
determine the different possibilities asked for in the situation?
2. How did you ensure that your list was complete?
3. What method(s) did you use to give the accurate count?
4. Why do you think there is a need to know the number of
possible ways a certain task can be done?
5. What mathematics concept or principle did you use? How was
that principle applied?

What Is It
Permutation of Objects
A permutation of n objects taken r at a time is an arrangement of r of
the n objects in a specific order. The symbol for this number is P (n, r).
1. A permutation is an arrangement or sequence of selections of
objects from a single set.
2. Repetitions are not allowed. Equivalently the same element
may not appear more than once in an arrangement.
3. The order in which the elements are selected or arranged is
Example 1: The number of photographs of 10 friends taken 3 at a time.
Calculate P (10, 3),
P (10, 3) = 10 · 9 · 8 = 720. Note that you start with 10 and
multiply 3 numbers.

A general formula, using the multiplication principle:

P (n, r) = n · (n − 1) · (n − 2)· · ·(n − r + 1).

Note that there are r consecutive numbers on the right-hand side.

Example 2: In how many ways can you choose a President, Secretary and
Treasurer for a club from 12 candidates, if each candidate is eligible for each
position, but no candidate can hold 2 positions? Why are conditions 1, 2
and 3 satisfied here?

P (12, 3) = 12 × 11 × 10 = 1, 320.

Condition 1 is satisfied because we have a single set of 12 candidates

for all 3 positions.
Condition 2 is satisfied because no one can hold more than one
Condition 3 is satisfied because being president is different than being
treasurer or secretary.

Example 1: In how many ways can you arrange 5 math books on a shelf?
5! = P (5, 5) = 5 · 4 · 3 · 2 · 1 = 120

The number P(n, n) = n · (n − 1) · (n − 2)· · · 1 is denoted by n! or ―n

n! counts the number of ways that n objects can be arranged in a row.
n! grows fast: 1! = 1, 2! = 2, 2! = 6, 4! = 24, 5! = 120, 6! = 720, 7! = 5, 040, 8!
= 40, 320,
9! = 362, 880, 10! = 3, 628, 800, . . . 59! ≈ 1080 (roughly the number of
particles in the universe)

We can rewrite our formula for P (n, r) in terms of factorials:

P (n, r) = n!__
(n − r)!

Example 2:
(a) Evaluate 12!
(b) Evaluate P (12, 7).

a. 12! = P (12, 12) = 12 x 11 x · · · 2 x 1 = 479, 001, 600.

b. P (12, 7) = = = 95, 040

The permutation of n objects taken r at a time

There are two categories under this rule;

a. Permutation without repetition
b. Permutation with repetition

Permutation without repetition

Example 1: How many four-digit numbers can be formed from the digits 1,
3, 4, 6, 8, and 9 if repetition of digits is not allowed?

Illustration: For four-digit numbers, there are obviously four place value.
Look at the figure below.

1,3,4,6,8,9 3,4,6,8,9 4,6,8,9 6,8,9

thousands hundreds tens ones

The 6 digits (1,3,4,6,8,9) are the possible choices for the thousands place
value. We would say, 1 is in the thousands place value. Since repetition of
digit is not allowed, probably, there are 5 possible choices of digits in the
hundreds place value, we have 3,4,6,8 and 9. But if, 3 is in the hundreds
place value, then the remaining 4,6,8 and 9 are the possible choices in the
tens place value. And if we take 4 in tens place value, then, there are only 3
remaining possible choices in the ones place value, we have 6,8, and 9.

Using the Fundamental Counting principle, (6)(5)(4)(3) = 360.

Using the notation, P (n,r)= ( )

, using n= 6 and r = 4 (four-digit number)

( )( )( )( )( )
P (6,4) = ( )
= ( )
= ( )
= 360

Therefore, there are 360 different 4-digit numbers can be formed.

Permutation with repetition

This type of permutation is the easiest to calculate. When a thing has

n different types…we have n choices each time. Generally, choosing r of
something that has n different types, the permutations are:

n x n x … (r times)

In other words, there are n possibilities for the first choice. Then, there are n
possibilities for the second choice, and so on, multiplying each time, which
is easier to write down using an exponent of r;

P = n x n x … (r times) = n r

where n is the number of things to choose from, and we choose r of them,

repetition is allowed, and order matters.

Example 1: In how many ways can a 5-item true-false exam be answered?

1. The problem illustrates the permutation with replacement.

2. There are two possible answers which are true and false, so n = 2.
The answers will be arranged in a 5-item test, so r = 5.
3. Substituting the values of n and r into the formula.

= 32

Therefore, there are 32 ways to answer a 5-item true-false exam.

Permutations of objects with some alike

Example 1: How many words can we make by rearranging the letters of the
word BEER?
The set {B, E, E, R} = {B, E, R} but we really have 4 letters with which
to work. So let us start with the set {B, R, E , E }. We arrange them in 4! = 24



If we cannot tell the difference between E and E (they are both just E),
then the words group into pairs, e.g., EEBR and EEBR group together —
both are the word EEBR.
Thus, the number of different words we can form by rearranging the letters
must be
4!/2 =
Note that 2! counts the number of ways we can permute the two E’s in any
given arrangement.

In general, the number of permutations of n objects with r of the objects

identical is
Note that = P (n, n − r).

Example 2: How many words can be made from rearrangements of the

word BANANA?
{B, A, N, A, N, A} = {A, B, N}.
The 'A' is repeated 3 times.
The 'N' is repeated 2 times.
The 'B' is repeated once.
Hence the answer is = 60.

Circular Permutation of n objects.

Example 1: In how many ways can 4 boys and 4 girls can be seated on a
circular table such that:

a. boys and girls sit on alternate positions?

b. 2 boys sit together?

a. Boys can sit on the circular table in (4-1)! = 3! = 6 ways. Consider
the first boy (B1) as the fixed element and the remaining boys (B2,
B3, B4) are arranged relative to the B1. Look at figure 1 shown

Figure 1

The girls can be seated in 4 places (in between the 2 boys) in 4! = 24 ways
So, the number of ways where boys and girls sit on alternate position is
3!(4!) = (3)(2)(1)(4)(3)(2)(1) = 144 ways.
b. Temporarily treating 2 boys as one, 7 persons can be seated on a
circular table in (7-1)! = 6! ways. Why seven? Because from 4 boys,
we treat the two as one, so we now consider 3 boys and 4 girls.
However, these two boys can be arranged within themselves in 2! =
2 ways.
Hence, the required number of permutations = 6! x 2=1,440 ways.

The Fundamental Principle of Counting

If one thing can occur in m ways and a second thing can occur in n
ways, and a third thing can occur in r ways, and so on, the sequence of
thing can occur in m x n x r x ...ways.

1. Multiplication Principle of Counting

If event A can happen in m ways and event B can happen in n ways,
then event A and B can both happen in mn ways.

2. Addition Principle of Counting

If event A can happen in m ways and event B can happen in n ways,
then event A or B can happen in m + n ways.

1. To buy a computer system, Mr. Ford can choose one of 4 monitors,
one of 2 keyboards, one of 4 computers and one of 3 printers.
Determine the number of possible systems that a customer can
choose from.
Solution: N=4 x 2 x 4 x 3 = 96

2. Ben can take any one of three routes from school (S) to the town plaza
(T) and can take five possible routes from the town plaza to his home
(H). He does not retrace his steps.
How many different possible ways can Ben walk home from school?

By the Basic Counting Principle, the total number of routes Ben
can take is
3 × 5 = 15
3. Kathryn goes to her local pizza parlor and orders a pizza. She can
choose either a large or a medium pizza, has a choice of seven
different toppings, and can have three different choices of crust. How
many different pizzas could Sarah order?

By the Basic Counting Principle, the number of different pizzas
Sarah could order is
2 × 7 × 3 = 42

What’s More
Activity 3: Count Me In!
Directions: Illustrate the following and write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. A teacher wants to assign 4 different tasks to her 4 students. In

how many possible ways can she do it?

2. How many 3 letter words with or without meaning can be formed

out of the letters of the word SMOKE when repetition of letters is

3. In how many ways can two basketballs, 3 volleyballs, and 4 soccer

balls be arranged in a rack with 9 slots?

What I Have Learned

Activity 4: Warm That Mind Up!
Directions: Solve for the unknown in each item and write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. P (6, 6) = _____
2. P (7, r) = 840
3. P (n, 3) = 60
4. P (n, 3) = 504
5. P (10, 5) = _____

a. How did you calculate the different permutations?

b. What mathematics concepts or principles did you apply to

solve each permutation?

c. Did you find any difficulty in finding the answers? What

technique or strategy can you think of to facilitate your way of

What I Can Do
Activity 5: Lead Me The Way!
Directions: Solve the following and write your answer on a separate sheet of

A street map of Mathville is given below. You arrive at the Airport at

A and wish to take a taxi to Pascal’s house at P. The taxi driver, being an
honest sort, will take a route from A to P with no backtracking, always
traveling south or east. How many such routes are possible from A to P?

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. In how many ways can 8 people be seated around a circular table if
two of them insist on sitting beside each other?
A. 360 B. 720 C. 1440 D.

2. In how many ways can 10 DVDs be chosen to arrange a case with

slots for 3 discs?
A. 600 B. 720 C. 840
D. 1200

3. How many different 4-digit numbers can be formed from the digits 1,
3, 5, 6, 8 and 9 if no repetition of digits is allowed?
A. 360 B. 420 C. 840 D. 1680

4. How many distinguishable permutations of the letters of the word

A. 10, 080 B. 20 160 C. 40 320 D.
50 400

5. Two different arrangements of objects where some of them are

identical are called____.
A. circular combinations C. distinguishable
B. circular permutations D. unique combinations

6. Mr. Naly Pong asked Tina to draw all the diagonals of a certain
polygon on the blackboard. Tina was able to draw 27 diagonals which
her teacher declared correct. What was the given polygon?
A. decagon B. hexagon C. nonagon D.

7. Which of the following situations or activities involve permutation?

A. matching blouse and skirts
B. assigning telephone numbers to subscribers
C. forming a committee from the members of a club
D. forming different triangles out of 5 points on a plane, no three
of which are collinear

8. In a town fiesta singing competition with 12 contestants, in how

many ways can the organizer arrange the first three singers?
A. 132 B. 990 C. 1320 D.
9. What do you call an arrangement or sequence of selections of objects
from a single set?
A. combination B. differentiation C. integration D.

10. What do you call the product of a positive integer n and all the positive
integers less than n?
A. powers of n C. n – factors
B. multiples of n D. n factorial

Additional Activity
Activity 6: To The Next Level!
Directions: Do the following tasks. Write your answer on a separate sheet of

Give 2 examples of problems or situations in real life that involve

permutations. In each example,
1. Explain the problem or situation
2. Solve the problem
3. Discuss how you can use these sample situations in your daily life,
especially in formulating conclusions and/or making decisions.

Rubric for Problem Solving (Activity 1-6)

Score Descriptors

4 Used an appropriate strategy to come up with the correct solution and arrived
at a correct answer.
3 Used an appropriate strategy to come up with a solution, but a part of the
solution led to an incorrect answer.
2 Used an appropriate strategy but came up with an entirely wrong solution that
led to an incorrect answer.
1 Attempted to solve the problem but used an inappropriate strategy that led to a
wrong solution.
Mathematics 10 ANSWER KEY (Q3 Module 1)
What I Know
1. D 6. D
2. D 7. C
3. C 8. C
4. A 9. B
5. C 10. C
What’s In
1. 720
2. 720
What’s New
1. 1347, 3147, 4137, 7134, 1374, 3174, 4173, 7143, 1437, 3417, 4317, 7314, 1473,
3471, 4371, 7341, 1734, 3714,4713, 7413, 1743, 3741, 4731, 7431
2. 24
3. Answer vary
What’s More What I have Leraned
1. 24 1. 720
2. 125 2. 3
3. 1,260 3. 5
4. 9
5. 30 240
What I Can Do
Answer: 126

1. C
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. C
9. D
10. D

Additional Activities
Answer Vary
Callanta, Melvin M.,Allan M. Canonigo, Arnaldo I. Chua, Jerry D. Cruz,, 2015,
Mathematics Learner’s Module, edited by Maxima J. Acelajado, 5th floor Mabini
Building, Deped Complex Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Rex Books Store, Inc. pp.
278-286 and 288-295

Callanta, Melvin M.,Allan M. Canonigo, Arnaldo I. Chua, Jerry D. Cruz,, 2015,
Mathematics Teaching Guide, edited by Maxima J. Acelajado, 5th floor Mabini
Building, Deped Complex Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Rex Books Store, Inc.

Galvin, Topic 4: ― Permutation‖, 2017,


Development Team
Writer: Shane Apple B. Oñada
Pioneer National High School

Editor/QA: Danniel M. Manlang

Ivy V. Deiparine
Pede I. Casing

Reviewer: Gina I. Lihao

EPS – Mathematics

Layout Artist:
Management Team: Evelyn F. Importante

Dr. Jerry C. Bokingkito

OIC- Assistant SDS

Dr. Aurilio A. Santisas, CESE

OIC- Assistant SDS

Dr. Jeanelyn A. Aleman, CESO VI

OIC-Schools Division Superintendent

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