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Miscellaneous Issue through Mobile Device

Application: Warehouse Management

Process: Miscellaneous Issue through Mobile Device

Objectives: This document explains how to Issue material using Miscellaneous Issue transaction
through Mobile device.

Miscellaneous Issue through Mobile Device

Navigate to: Warehousing->Inventory->Issues->Misc Issue->Select Organization

Select Organization in which goods needs to be issued

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Miscellaneous Issue through Mobile Device

The Misc Issue Txn window appears:

In the Misc Issue Txn window:

Txn type :
Select Transaction Type against which Items needs to be issued from List of

Acct :
Select Account against which Miscellaneous transaction needs be performed from list of available

Item :
1. Enter item which needs to issued by scaning the Locator Barcode or
2. Select it from list of values. Or
3. Manually key in Item code.

2 | Evosys/ARH WMS and MSCA Implementation

Miscellaneous Issue through Mobile Device

After entering item code , press enter then following fields will be appear,

Enter the following fields:

1. Scan locator barcode stick onto Locator to populate Subinvnetory and
Locator field in one scan only. Or

2. If barcode is not availbale ot not readbable then select the Confirm To-Sub
value from list of values. Or

3. Key in th value of Confirm To-Sub field manually.

1. When locator barcode stick onto Locator is scanned first time while
enteringSubinventory, it will automatically populate Locator field too. So
no need to scan barcode again.

2. If barcode is not availbale ot not readbable then select the Confirm To-Loc
value from list of values. Or
3 | Evosys/ARH WMS and MSCA Implementation
Miscellaneous Issue through Mobile Device

3. Key in the value of Confirm To-Loc field manually.

UOM :-
The Value shall default in UOM in which it is stored select it UOM from List of Value
if Items need to be issued in Different UOM.

Available QTY:-
It will show the current item QTY.

Enter Quantity which needs be Issued.

Select Lot number from List of values.

Lot Qty:-
Enter Lot Quantity

4 | Evosys/ARH WMS and MSCA Implementation

Miscellaneous Issue through Mobile Device

Lot Qty:-
Enter Lot quantity needs to be received.

Specify Reason,ifany,for making misc.issue.

Press Save/Next button for receiving other items.

To complete current transaction.

To cancel current transaction.

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Miscellaneous Issue through Mobile Device

On Pressing done button,Following will be displayed.

6 | Evosys/ARH WMS and MSCA Implementation

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