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Mobile Put away (Storing Material into Warehouse/Sub store)

Application: Warehouse Management

Process: Mobile Put away Process – Process of Storing material into warehouse or sub store after
receiving against PO having Receipt routing as Standard Receipt

Objectives: This document explains how to store material into warehouse or sub store once material
has been received (After first receiving) through Purchase Order.
Prerequisites: Before performing put away process through mobile device,
 Material (Goods) must be received (Initial receipt must be done) into LPN
through PO.
 PO Receipt Routing must be Set to ‘Standard Receipt’.

Mobile Put away Process – Process of Storing material into warehouse or sub store after receiving
against PO

Navigate to: Whse Mgmt->Task->Directed Task-> Directed Move-> Move Any LPN->Select

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Mobile Put away (Storing Material into Warehouse/Sub store)

The Move LPN window appears:

In the Move LPN window:

1. Scan LPN Number in which material (goods) has been recived through PO
2. Key in LPN number manually if barcode is not readable or
3. Select LPN number from list of available value by pressing ctrl+L or clicking
on Tourch button.

Drop : Press Drop button to start dropping material lying onto LPN into it’s respective

Once drop button pressed, Following window will appear:-

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Mobile Put away (Storing Material into Warehouse/Sub store)

(A)If received LPN contains one item which needs to be stored then ,

In Drop LPN window :-

Confirm To Sub-
1. Scan locator barcode stick onto Locator to populate Confirm To-Sub and
Confirm To Loc field in one scan only. Or

2. If barcode is not availbale ot not readbable then select the Confirm To-Sub
value from list of values. Or

3. Key in th value of Confirm To-Sub field manually.

Confirm To Loc-
1. When locator barcode stick onto Locator is scanned first time while
entering Confirm To Sub, it will automatically populate Confirm To Loc
field too. So no need to scan barcode again.

2. If barcode is not availbale ot not readbable then select the Confirm To-Loc
value from list of values. Or

3. Key in the value of Confirm To-Loc field manually.

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Mobile Put away (Storing Material into Warehouse/Sub store)

After Entering the above,Press:

Transfer Contents:- To Unload the material from LPN/Trolley to Locators

Cancel:- Press cancel to cancel current putaway transaction.

(B)If received LPN contains more than one items which needs to be stored then ,

In Drop LPN window :-

1. Enter Item which needs to be stored into locator by scannig Locator
barcode (Stick at Locator Level).

On Scanining the Locator Barcode,The Value of the field ‘Confirm

Item’,’Confirm UOM’,’Confirm to Sub’,’Confirm to Loc’ shall be populated
into the respective field.

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Mobile Put away (Storing Material into Warehouse/Sub store)

2. If barcode is not available or not readable, then manually key in item code.
3. Select item code from list of values.

Enter ‘Confirm Lot’Field Manually.(The Locator Barcode does not contain Lot
Number Information)

Confirm UOM:-

1. When Locator barcode is scanned,’confirm UOM’ field will be populated

automatically. So no need to scan barcode second time.

Enter quanity which needs be put into locator for item soscanned.

Confirm To Sub-
1. When Locator Barcode is scanned ,The Value for the Field ‘Confimrm to
Sub’,and ‘Confirm to Loc’,shall be populated.So there is no need to Scan
the barcode for the second time Or

2 If barcode is not availbale ot not readbable then select the Confirm To-Sub
value from list of values. Or

3 Key in th value of Confirm To-Sub manually.

Confirm To Loc-
1. When locator barcode stick onto Locator scanned first time while entering
the item, it will automatically populate Confirm To Loc field too. So no
need to scan barcode again.

2. If barcode is not availbale ot not readbable then select the Confirm To-Loc
value from list of values. Or

3. Key in th value of Confirm To-Loc manually.

Transfer Contents:- Press Transfer contents button, to put material (Goods)into locator.

Cancel:- Press cancel to cancel current putaway transaction.

Once Transfer Contents button is pressed then following window will appear for putting other items lying
onto same LPN.

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Mobile Put away (Storing Material into Warehouse/Sub store)

Enter Item,Confirm to Subinventory,Confirm to Locator and Confirm UOM field in the manner as
described above.

Enter ‘Confirm Lot’Field Manually.(The Locator Barcode does not contain Lot Number Information)

Enter quanity which needs be put into locator for item scanned.

Transfer Contents:-
Press Transfer contents button, to put material (Goods) into locator.

Press cancel to cancel current putaway transaction.

Once transfer contents button pressed and if all items has been put from LPN ( trolley/Pallete), then
following confirmation message will appear.

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Mobile Put away (Storing Material into Warehouse/Sub store)

Put away task has

been completed for
current LPN

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