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Jln. Bojong Koneng Kel. Cibinong Kode Pos 19611 email:


Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Hari, Tanggal :
Kelas/Program : XI IPA/IPS Alokasi Waktu : 90 Menit

1. Disediakan Lembar Jawaban untuk menjawab Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Uraian.
2. Tulislah Nama Lengkap, No. Peserta, Kelas, Hari danTanggal Ujian, Mata Pelajaran,
dan Tanda Tangan Peserta di Lembar Jawaban yang telah disediakan.
3. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawabnya.
4. Laporkan kepada Pengawas apabila terdapat ketidakjelasan tulisan pada soal ataupun
jumlah soal kurang.
5. Jumlah soal sebanyak : Pilihan Ganda 40 soal dan Uraian 5 soal.
6. Periksa kembali jawaban Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas Ujian.


I. Pilihan Ganda

In January the year just begins.In February there’s a Valentine for everyone.In
March the winds can blow and blow.In April spring comes and there’s no more
snow.In May the air is fresh and clean.In June the grass is long and green.In July the
sun is high in the sky.In August hot winds go blowing by.In September we children
go to school.In October Halloween fun is the rule.In November we have a day of
Thanksgiving.In December there’s holiday fun in giving.After reading the poem,
answer these questions.
1. What season is mentioned?
A. b.autumn
B. Summer
C. Winter
D. Sunday
E. friday

2. How is the air in May?

A. cold and dirty
B. fresh and clean
C. fresh and cold
D. cold and clean
E. down
3. How is the grass in June?
A. Long and green
B. Long and thick
C. Green and short
D. Green and thick
E. black
4. How is the sun in July?
A. Hot
B. High
C. Bright
D. Low
E. low
5. How would you feel in August?
A. I felt the hot wind
B. I felt the cool air
C. I felt bright sun
D. I felt windy season
6. What season do you think it is?
A. Autumn
B. Spring
C. Winter
D. Summer
E. draw

8. Why do you have ‘holiday fun in giving’ in December?

A. a.Because there is Christmas eve

B. Because we want to establish charity
C. Because we need to give somebody
D. Because there is poor people to help 
E. Same

9. Which countries do you think experience those events?

A. Indonesia
B. Malaysia
C. United States
D. Singapore
E. Thailand

Poem 2
Birthday Boy
Vachel Lindsay 

When I was one It was so much fun. When I was twoThe world was new.Then I turned
quicklyInto a boy of three.One year moreAnd I was four.Now I’m happy to sayI’m a year
older today.And soon you’ll seeAnother birthday party for meDo you knowHow old I’ll be?

10. What is Poem 2 about?

A. It is about birthday party of boy

B. It is about happy boy
C. It is about numeral
D. It is about new world
E. It is no problem

Question 11- 15
Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses used to mingle in the affairs of mortals,
there was a small kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in West Java. The King,
named Sang Prabu, was a wise man. He had an only daughter, called Princess Teja
Nirmala, who was famous for her beauty but she was not married. One day Sang
Prabu made up his mind to settle the matter by a show of strength.
After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won the competition.
Unfortunately, the wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell in love with Raden Begawan and
used magic power to render him unconscious and he forgot his wedding. When Sang
Prabu was searching, Raden Begawan saw him and soon realized that he had been
enchanted by the wicked fairy. The fairy could not accept this, so she killed Raden
Begawan. When Princess Teja Nirmala heard this, she was very sad. So a nice fairy
took her to the Kahyangan.

11. Which one of the following statements is false about Sang Prabu?
A. Sang Prabu was a father of his only daughter
B. Sang Prabu was a king of a kingdom in West Java
C. Sang Prabu was taken to Kahyangan by a wicked fairy
D. Sang Prabu was a wise man
E. Sang Prabu didn’t have a son

12. Why the wicked fairy did used her magic to make Raden Begawan unconscious?
A. She didn’t like Raden Begawan
B. She didn’t want Raden Prabu marry the princess
C. She wanted Teja Nirmala to forget about her wedding
D. She didn’t want the prince of Blambangan marry the princess
E. She didn’t want the prince of Blambangan feel love with her

13. What do you think will happen if gods or goddesses cannot mingle in the affairs of people
in the earth at that time?
A. Princess Segara will have married with Raden Begawan
B. Sang Prabu will not hold strength competition
C. Raden Begawan will not die
D. Teja Nirmala will stay in the Kahyangan
E. Wicked Fairy will not take Raden Begawan’s life

14. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan. (Paragraph 2) The word her in the sentence
refers to…
A. The wicked fairy
B. The nice fairy
C. Princess Nirmala
D. Prince Teja
E. The prince of Blambangan
15. The similarity between fairy and human according to the text.
A. The place they live
B. The jealousy that they posses
C. The way they don’t feel a love
D. The strength they have
E. Their life that is immortal

Question 16-20
A long time ago, there lived on the island of Bali a giant-like creature named Kbo
Iwo. The people of Bali used to say that Kbo Iwo was everything, a destroyer as well
as a creator. He was satisfied with the meal, but this meant for the Balinese people
enough food for a thousand men.
Difficulties arose when for the first time the barns were almost empty and the new
harvest was still a long way off. This made Kbo Iwo wild with great anger. In his
hunger, he destroyed all the houses and even all the temples. It made the Balinese
turn to rage.
So, they came together to plan steps to oppose this powerful giant by using his
stupidity. They asked Kbo Iwo to build them a very deep well, and rebuild all the
houses and temples he had destroyed. After they fed Kbo Iwo, he began to dig a deep
One day he had eaten too much, he fell asleep in the hole. The oldest man in the
village gave a sign, and the villagers began to throw the limestone they had collected
before into the hole. The limestone made the water inside the hole boiling . Kbo Iwo
was buried alive. Then the water in the well rose higher and higher until at last it
overflowed and formed Lake Batur. The mound of earth dug from the well by Kbo
Iwo is known as Mount Batur.

16. Which the following fact is true about Kbo Iwo?

A. Kebo Iwo ate a little amount of meat
B. Kebo Iwo is a destroyer that cannot make anything
C. Kebo Iwo was angry because his food was stolen by Balinese people
D. Kebo Iwo destroyed all the house but not the temple
E. Kebo eat food was equal for food of thousand people

17. Why did Kbo Iwo feel angry to the Balinese people?
A. Because Balinese people ate his meal
B. Because Balinese people took his food so his barns was empty
C. Because Balinese people didn’t give him food
D. Because Balinese people were in hunger
E. Because Balinese people turned to rage

18. According to the story, if Kbo Iwa is never existed in Bali island, what do you think will
A. There will be no Bali island
B. Bali People will never be angry
C. All Bali people will live in a prosperous way
D. We are not able see the beauty of Lake Batur
E. Mount Batur will not be a sacred place now

19. “So, they came together to plan steps to oppose this powerful giant……”(Paragraph 3).
The antonym of the word “oppose “ is….
A. Support
B. Defeat
C. Turn Against
D. Beat
E. Change

20. What is mount batur?

A. A lake build by Kbo Iwa
B. A well dug by Kbo iwa
C. The mountain build by Kbo Iwa
D. A mound of earth dug from the well by Kbo iwa
E. A home build by Balinese people to Kbo Iwa

.21. Jane: You look pale.

Jim: I've got a serious headache.

Jane: ....................

A. Let me take you to the restaurant.

B. What about a glass of avocado juice?\
C. Let me take you to the hospital.
D. Would you like fried or steamed chicken?
E. Yes or no

22. Tom: This question is so difficult to answer.

Jerry: ............................

A. Just don't answer it.

B. Let's stop studying and go playing.
C. Would you like a cup of coffee?
D. Let me help you working on it.
E. Lets go

23. Mike: Oh my God, I left my book at home.

Dave: ...........................

A. Shall I take it for you?

B. Just forget it.
C. Let me take you to school.
D. I'll treat you chicken noodles.
E. Ate meat ball
24. Nick: Sir, I think I'm lost.

Jeremy: .............................

A. Let me help you carrying your bag.

B. Can I help you? I know this place.
C. May I help you? I have a dog too.
D. Shall I clean your shoes.
E. I don think so

25. Steve: I don't understand chemistry at all.

Banner: .................................

A. How about having dinner with me?

A. How about going to the beach?

B. How about studying together with me?
C. How about calling the police?
D. Nice to meet you
E. How about you

26. Natasha: I want to go shopping but I don't have any vehicle.

Wanda: .................................

A. Shall I take you to the hospital with my car?

B. Shall I take you to the school with my car?
C. Shall I take you to the market with my car?
D. Shall I take to the zoo with my car?
E. shopping

27. May: Ah, these books are so heavy.

Ethan: .................................
A. Let me help you throwing them away.
B. Let me help you sorting them.
C. Let me help you cleaning them.
D. Let me help you carrying them.
E. Let me

The following letter for number 28 to 30.

28. When will the event be held?
a. March 6th.
b. March 7th.
c. March 8th.
d. March 9th.
e. March 10th.
Jawaban: c

29. What kind of letter is it?

a. Invitation letter.
b. Request letter.
c. Shipment letter.
d. Offering letter.
e. Complaint letter.
Jawaban: a

30. Who is the recipient of the text above?

a. Parents.
b. Four years old kide.
c. Everybody.
d. Elder people.
e. Head of state.
Jawaban: a

Smoking in a restaurant does not only give the bad impact to the active smokers but also  the
passive ones. Smoking in a restaurant is impolite. The smell of the smoke affects all people
and can turn them off their food. People pay to taste good food and not to be put off by foul-
smelling smoke.Besides, smoking harm the others especially passive smokers, that is,
breathing in smoke made by a smoker, can lead to asthma attacks and even cancer.Finally,
smoking is dangerous and a health risk to the smoker. Cigarettes cause heart and lung disease
and people do not smoke anywhere, not just in restaurants.Regarding to the bad impacts,
smoking must not be allowed in any restaurants.

. The communicative purpose of the text is to…

    A. explain how the smoking can be dangerous

    B. retell about some positive effects of smoking

    C. persuade  readers with the smoking risk

    D. describe how the smoking is not allowed

    E. persuade readers that smoking must be banned

Smoking in a restaurant is impolite. (paragraph 2). 

    The synonym of the underlined word is…

    A.Rude                                D. Sensitive

    B. Polite                               E. Kind

    C. Delicate

The statements below are true based on the text, except…

   A. Smoking is dangerous               

    B. Smoking makes us better           

    C. Smoking is unhealthy for the smoker

    D. Smoking must not be allowed

    E. Smoking harms to the others

What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

    A. Smoking in a restaurant is rude to do

    B. Passive smoking is made by a smoker

    C. Cigarettes cause heart and lung disease

    D. Smoking in restaurants must not be allowed

    E. The smell of the smoke affects all people

If you want to advance in your career, you will have to make some careful decision about
which jobs to take. Evaluate a job offer for the value it has to your career. It may mean
sacrifice at first. You may have to move to a different region or a different country to get a
job that is right for you. You may have to work late hours, at last temporarily. You might
even have to take lower salary for job that offers you the experience that you need. But you
should never accept a job if it is not related to your career goals.
Accepting a job that is not within your career path will not give yoy the training or
experience you need or want. You will find yourself frustrated in such position and
consequently will not perform your best. This will have an effect on the people around you
who will not feel as id you are being a part of the team. The best advice is to think carefully
before accepting any position and make sure the job is the one you want to have.

What is the most significant factor in evaluating a job?

a. location

b. salary

c. value to your career

d. how much you like it.

e. prestige

Which is not mentioned as a sacrifice for valuable job?

a. moving to other region

b. no benefits

c. bad working hours

d. moving to other country

e. low salary

What is wrong with taking a job outside youe career path?

a. you will earn less

b. You won’t perform well

c. People will give you advice

d. You will be part of a team

e. People will complain to you.

What is the writer’s best advice?

a. Take the first job offered.

b. Consider changing career

c. Don’t work with other people.

d. Think before accepting a job.

e. Find a job with the highest salary.

When a person old enough to be responsible for a crime? This question needs to be
investigated because the current law is not good enough

The law at present protects children aged between ten years and four years from being
punished for committing crimes. It is believed that children under fourteen years are too
young to realize the seriousness of their crimes. Mr. Stephen Scarlett, head of the NSW
Children’s Court, describes how clever young offenders use this defense, saying that they are
too young to understand that they have broken the law. Mr. Scarlett, an expert on this subject,
states that the age should be dropped from fourteen to twelve years. I agree with this.

Teenagers these days are far more sophisticated than those in the past. The law should
recognize this. In a recent survey some people suggested that the age for being responsible
for a crime should be dropped to eight years old. This, I feel, is too young. Fourteen,
however, is too old. Is there anyone who believes that a fourteen-year-old does not know that
it is against the law to steal or vandalize property? By the age of twelve, children are aware of
what is legal and what is not.

Public pressure creates change. It is now up to the public to put pressure on the government
to change the age at which a person may be held responsible for a crime from fourteen years
to twelve years. Out of date laws have no place in a modern society, especially one that needs
people to be responsible for their actions.

What does the text above talk about?

A.When a person is old enough to be responsible for a crime

B.When a person is being punished for committing crimes

C.When children are too young to be responsible for a crime

D.When a person is too old to be responsible for a crime

E.When do teenagers realize the seriousness of their crimes

In what age are the children protected by the present law from being punished for committing

A.Ten years old

B.Fourteen years old

C.Ten to fourteen years old

D.Eight years old

E.Twelve years old

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