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The whole parts of this chapter discuss all things related to the theories of the
topic discussed in this research. They consist of the previous research finding,
some pertinent ideas related to the variables research, and conceptual
A.previous research finding

Many studies have been performed on how visual media can be used to help
students learn English. In this section, the researcher discussed some previous
research that has been done by other researchers.

According to Nilawati (2009), providing puppets to the students improved their

mastery of their vocabulary. It was supported by a large In the form of its result,
the pre-test was lower (56.64%) than the post-test (96.19%). Meanwhile,
Weisskirch found that the students were more interested in completing the
puzzles when the teacher gave times to do in class and when given the chance to
work the task collaboratively with others. The students found that the puzzles
were more useful and enjoyable when done with others. In addition to providing
educational benefits, playing crossword puzzles also seems to make students
happy. The game helps the student minimize their problems in class.

Arianto (2003) found that using attractive and interesting media can help engage
young learners. The instructional media could help increase students’ motivation
in learning vocabulary and their ability to respond to questions. Ja'afari (2000)
found that the usage picture in teaching vocabulary could make a positive
contribution in teaching and learning vocabulary. The students were engaged in
the learning process.

According to the researchers’ findings, Visual Media had helped improve

students’ vocabulary. The researcher used some visual media to improve
students' vocabulary. Some visual media could help increase students’
interaction. The students are more engaged in learning in the class. The students
found the vocabulary easy to remember and interesting to learn.

B.Some Pertinent Ideas

1.Concept of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a fundamental part of language, and it is important to be

proficient in it. Aitchitson (2001) noted that vocabulary is a set of words known to
a person or other entity, or a selection of specific words. a person's vocabulary
was defined either as the totality of all words, understood by this person when
constructing new sentences.

Hadfield (2000) classified vocabulary into two categories: informal and formal.
The first is active vocabulary. The vocabulary learners can use effectively in
speaking or writing is called productive. Actually, it was more difficult to put into
practice than I thought it would be. means student should know how to express
grammatically,Familiarity with the office location and understanding word. This
type is often used in speaking and writing skill.

The passive vocabulary refers to language items that are easily recognized and
understood in the context of reading or listening. It is called this because it is not
actively used in conversation. The passive vocabulary or comprehension of the
people consists of the words that are comprehended by them.

The word “vocabulary” generally represents a summary of words or their

combination in a particular language. Vocabulary teaching was one of the most
important components of any languages class. Based on the statemenet above,
the researcher concluded that vocabulary was an important role in learning a
language, vocabulary was aslo as the core component of language in form of
words and can make language meaningful. To communicate effectively, the
learners need an adequate achievement of vocabulary. Even though we master
the grammar of a certain language but we do not have any knowledge on this
vocabulary, we will not able to communicate or to express our idea using the
a. Aspect of Vocabulary

The definition of a word can be defined in various ways, but three important
aspects of its meaning are form, meaning, and use. The form of a word is
determined by its pronunciation, spelling, and any word parts that make it up.
Meaning encompasses the way that form and meaning work together, in other
words, the concept and what items it refers to, and the association that comes to
mind when people think about a specific word or expression.Nation noted that
the use of the word or phrase involved the grammatical functions of the word or
phrase, the collocation that normally goes with it, and any constraints on its use,
such as frequency, level, and so forth. For form, meaning, and use, Nation
declared that there is both a receptive and productive dimension to language.
Knowing these three aspects for each words or phrases actually involves 18
different types of lexical knowledge. For covering the test in this research, the
researcher only used ideas and meanings.

b.Types of Vocabulary

Montgomery (2007) listed the following four types of dictionaries:

a. Reading Vocabulary
person's reading vocabulary is all the words he or she can recognize when
reading. The largest type of vocabulary is composed of the other three.
b. Listening vocabulary
person's listening vocabulary was all the words they could recognize to
speech. This vocabulary was enhanced by the context and tone of voice.
c. Writing vocabulary
A person's writing vocabulary is all of the words they can recognized when
writing. Words were used in a variety of ways in writing, from formal essays
to social media posts. Many written words don't commonly appear in
d. Speaking vocabulary
A person's speaking vocabulary was all the words that he or she can use
Speech. The speaking vocabulary was often misused because it is
spontaneous. This small and unintentional mistake might be compensated
for by facial expression, tone of voice, or hand gesture.

Based on the explanations given, the researcher believes that in order to

effectively learn English, students must be proficient in the language skill and
have a good understanding of the language. The skills of listening, speaking,
reading, and writing were tested. Meanwhile, the language skills were vocabulary,
grammar, pronunciation, etc.

c.Concept of Word Classes

All the words in English can be classified into eights parts of speech:
noun,verb,adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction and interjection.
Each part explains not what the word is, but how the word is used. The researcher
only focused on Noun.

1. Noun
A noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract
idea. Nouns are usually the first words which small children learn. The
highlighted words in the following sentences are all noun:
a). Late last year our neighbors bought a goat.
b). Portia white was an opera singer.
A noun can function in a sentence as a subject, a direct object, an indirect
object, a subject complement, an object complement, an appositive, an
adjective or an adverb. According to Burton (1982), there are four kinds of
(1) Common nouns name a member of or an item in a whole class of
persons or thing. Example; man, farmer, letter.
(2) Abstract nouns name qualities or states of mind or feeling. Example;
diligence, benevolence, wealth etc.
(3) Collective nouns group or collections of person or things. Example;
(4) Possessive Noun is ownership. Example: Hadi’s hand
d.Concept of Teaching vocabulary

Sutarjo (1998: 24) states that there are five possible ways:Teach vocabulary. One
way to help children learn new vocabulary is by using their own creativity. By
using this technique, the teacher allows the students to choose what they want to
learn. The teacher can encourage the students by using various techniques, such
as using pictures, puzzles, providing keywords, and games. The second, Using
contextual clues to teach vocabulary is a helpful way to learn the words. In this
technique, the teacher can use a context clue in surrounding context, for
example, giving the antonym and synonym.Translating words from one language
to another is a third way to learn vocabulary. This traditional technique is
considered to be ancient and the teacher is teaching its meaning through
translation. The fourth way to teach vocabulary is by guessing. In this particular
case, the teacher can encourage the students to guess the word first and then
consult it. To guess the right word, students should have a good rationale for their
choice. The teacher can draw five pictures on the board and then ask a student to
point out the picture that the teacher is saying. The last is teaching vocabulary
through derivation.This technique requires the teacher to focus on the four types
of words in a sentence based on where they occur in English grammar.
2. Concept of Teaching Media
1. Definition of Teaching Media

According to Arsyad (2009), media (the plural of the word) medium), a word
derived from the Latin medium, which literally means middle. Thus, the media
can be interpreted as an intermediary or introductory message from the sender
to the recipient. Media can be either physical objects like software or tools, or
digital objects like websites or social media. Media used to be an important part
of the learning process for students interested in learning English in the
classroom. Besides providing students with information about the words they are
learning, media also make it easy for them to remember the vocabulary. The
teacher is able to use cheap and efficient media, despite its simplicity, because it
is part of their duty to get the most out of teaching.
2. The kind of media
According to Fachrurrazy (1992:36) media can be subdivided into three
kinds, they were:
1) Visual media: Visual media include pictures, realia, maps, miniatures,
graphics and posters.
2) Audio media: Audio media are the type of media that can be listened to.
They are good at listening to oral text, such as radio, cassette recorder,
and tape recorder.
3) Audio visual media: Audio visual media were the most common type of
media in the past. For example, TV and movie theaters were popular
places to view these media.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher used visual media. Visual
media should be used to attract students' attention and make teaching learning
activities more interesting and also emotionally engaging.

3. Concept of Various Teaching Media

This research will use three differences media to improve the students’
vocabulary based on the result of the several researchers, they were:

1. Crossword Puzzle Media.

a. Definiton of Crossword Puzzle
A crossword puzzle can be a valuable teaching tool in helping students
learn. It can help them learn how to problem solve, learn vocabulary,
and improve their cognitive skills. Tarigan stated that the crossword
puzzle is based on play on words by filling in the empty boxes as an
answer to the question or question specified in the crossword puzzle.
A crossword puzzle has been proposed as one of several alternatives
games in teaching and learning.
Meanwhile, Dhand (2008:55) We defined a crossword puzzle as a set
of squares filled with words or numbers, with each square containing
one letter or number. Synonyms for the word "word" are listed in the
squares below. A pattern of numbered squares is used to help solve
letters or words. Crossword puzzles are a popular type of puzzle game
which, in every case, is designed to challenge a solver's mental
The researcher concluded that using a crossword puzzle in teaching
can help increase students' interest in learning. The students got more
attention when they were interested in learning. The condition would
provide both the teacher and the students with a good opportunity to
practice a better teaching and learning activity.
b. The procedure of Using Crossword Puzzle
According to Soeparno (1998:72), steps of teaching vocabulary
using crossword puzzle were as follows:
1. The teacher explained the basics of the media.
2. The students divided into several groups and each group
consists of four or five people.
3. Each group gets a crossword puzzle frame with questions.
4. The students worked together on a crossword puzzle.
5. The group that finishes the crossword puzzle fastest without any
errors is declared the winner.

In addition, teachers can be creative in presenting crosswords puzzle. For

example, the teacher divided the class into groups for a discussion. The teacher
gave the same crossword to each group. The first group to finish will receive a
point. All of the correct answers will be counted. There might be more excitement
if there were a prize for the winner

Based on the above explanation, it can be concluded that crosswords The puzzle
is a word guessing game built into a diagram that is effective as a teaching tool for
terms, definitions, spelling and pairing of basic concepts. With related names,
which leads to greater retention and preservation of facts Which makes the
process of teaching and learning attractive and funny, as it gives Plenty of
opportunities and or students to practice and repeat the sentence pattern and
Words. In the study, using a crossword puzzle as a medium helped teach
vocabulary in a control class when using a word wall in an experimental class.
c. The Example Models of CrossWord Media

2. Word Wall
a. Definition of Word Wall
Word walls are often considered to be an effective way of teaching
vocabulary. According to Cronsberry (2004), a word wall is a grouping
of words that are displayed on a wall, bulletin board, chalkboard, or
whiteboard in a classroom. Meanwhile, Indrayana (2014) said a word
wall is an ongoing, organized display of key words that provides
visual reference for students throughout a unit of study or a term.
These words are commonly used by teachers and students during a
variety of activities.
Therefore, the researcher concluded that word wall was an organized
set of printed words that are clung on the classroom wall to be used
as a learning medium (visual one) as well as a display during
vocabulary class
b.The Advantages of Word Wall Teaching
word walls can be a lot of fun, which can lead to lasting memories.
test challenged the students' abilities. The program increased
the students' vocabulary proficiency.
Cathy Gursky in Nuzulin also pointed out two benefits of a word
wall Wallare:
1. The wall of words can draw students' attention to the master
2. Classes on the word wall can make the atmosphere in the
classroom look like everyday life more interesting.
According to Crosnberry (2004: 3) there were many functions
of word wall:
1. Provide an approach to meaningful teaching of vocabulary
with an emphasis on student engagement and higher level
thinking skills;
2. Build vocabulary, there by improving reading
comprehension anwriting style;
3. Reinforce understanding of subject-specific terminology
with a focus on students internalizing key concepts;
4. Help students improve spelling and awareness of spelling
5. Provide visual cues for students.
6. Encourage increased student independence when reading
and writing.
C. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework above described all of the research conducted by the
researcher. The title of this study was "The effectiveness of the use of various
means for teaching eighth grade vocabulary in SMPN 12 KOLACA UTARA". The
conceptual framework
Pretest was based on the idea that there are three different
types of media: Crossword Media, and Word Wall Media. The researcher
focused on the students' vocabulary achievement, specifically word classes such
as noun. Posttest


1. H0: The null hypothesis is that there is no significant difference in

vocabulary mastery before and after treatment.
2. H1: (alternative hypothesis) there is a significant difference vocabulary
Students’ before and after treatment.
mastery of students
Vocabulary Noun


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