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1. Pakikipagkapwa-tao
This is only one of the numerous Filipino virtues that should be preserved. The Filipinos' strength is
Pakikipagkapwa Tao (getting along with people). Filipinos are generally cheerful and cheerful people. Filipinos enjoy
socializing with others. For example, we are surrounded by 'kapitbahays,' and we enjoy talking about random topics that will
strengthen our connection. We enjoy sharing our food.In the Philippines, it's typical to see groups of joyful individuals
hanging around in public locations. Pakikipagkapwa Tao is related with hospitality, which is another Filipino characteristic.
2. Faith and religiosity
Although many of us focus on the prohibited side of our religion, Filipinos are known to be religious to the point
where it interferes with daily life and significantly impacts our way of thinking. Filipinos are deeply religious people who hold
religious institutions and traditions in high regard. Traditions exist, despite the fact that they are not mentioned in the Bible.
Our religious fate surrounds us on a daily basis, and we live in God by faith.

3. Hard work and industry

Given the right circumstances, Filipinos are capable of putting in long hours. The desire to keep living and to have
the necessities for a decent existence. We have the mindset to make our country a better place to live. We have the potential to
put a spotlight in the midst of our own darkness. Despite the challenges and roadblocks in our path, we continue to work. The
willingness to take risks is the most visible manifestation of this. With jobs abroad and working two or three jobs while there.
For some, this means productivity and business, while for others, it means surviving despite poverty.

1. Lack of discipline
Filipinos appear to be nice and helpful on the surface, yet there is a strong contingent of selfishness and self-interest
throughout Philippine society. The majority of Filipinos display a lack of discipline. One example is when we join the One Pink
March to support our beloved Vice President, there are some who are undisciplined in pushing themselves to form a wave on
the crowded people, resulting in people going with the flow and bumping into one another.
2. Colonial Mentality
Skin-whitening, transforming your physical self to another kind of a human to seem like other countries' looks, and
other colonial mentalities have been on many Filipinos' minds recently. It is, without a doubt, one of my Filipino
disadvantages. We lack a common identity. We are still a country learning to live with each other's and our own peculiarities.
The Philippines lacked a strong sense of national pride and identity. However, we are still deeply connected to our native
lands and ethnic heritage. We are still committed to save this country. We still desired to live the life we envisioned.

3. Lack of self-analysis and self-reflection

There is a lack of analysis or reflection in the face of major challenges, both personal and social. We make light of the
most serious issues, which hinders us from digging deeper into the issue. There is no compelling need to prove our theories
or explanations. As a result, we are content with shallow explanations and solutions to problems. Knowing the most recent
election results, I must argue that we are lacking in self-analysis. Analysis to determine what is best for us in the next six
years. BUT IT IS NOT YET FINISHED. PPCRV is collaborating to make a move and take a stand. People are collaborating to
achieve significance. I'm sticking to the fact that the results aren't yet official. We still have a fight.

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