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Phantasmania Corporation

69, L.B.I, E.C.D, Guyana

Tel: 222-5420
Where fantasies are fulfilled.

Mrs. Anisa Pritchett

54 Robb Street

Georgetown, Guyana

To Mrs. Pritchett:

Jesse Turner, the Coordinator of Phantasmania Corporation, hereby requests your services as
entertainment providers (dancers) on June 4, 2022 for a period of 5 hours (6pm to 11pm). The
Corporation requests that you provide 5 dancers to perform 10 sets throughout the evening
for our summer celebration concert. These sets may be performed to any songs of your liking.

1. Remuneration

You will be paid a total price of six hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($650,000) in one
installment. You will receive absolutely no other forms of payment outside of this set price.

2. Termination of Contract

This contract may be terminated on either side with a notice of 2 weeks (14 days) before the
day of the event. If either side disobeys any of the terms agreed to, the contract may be
terminated with immediate effect and without notice.

3. Conflict of Interest

Phantasmania Corporation recognizes and accepts that you may accept similar contracts from
other companies. The Corporation kindly requests that you do not accept any such contracts
which may affect your ability to perform for our event. Furthermore, we request that this
event is kept private from other businesses, especially competitors.

4. Intellectual Property

Should you use any resources and/or tools of Phantasmania Corporation, it is understood and
agreed that whatever you produce is our property by law.

5. Confidentiality

You agree to not share any information to anybody about what happens in the Corporation’s
event as it is strictly confidential.
6. Collection of Payment

You agree to collect a cheque with the payment (of $650,000) on the day after the event, June
5, 2022, at 9 am sharp.

Should the contract meet your agreements, kindly sign and return the contract. In the case
that it meets your disapproval, kindly notify us of any changes which you would like to make
and we will determine if we will continue to require services from you or not. Should we
continue to require your service, we will attempt to make edits more suited to you as long as
they align with us.

Yours Faithfully

Jesse Turner


Jesse Turner


____________________ _____________________

Anisa Pritchett Date

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