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Capaian Pembelajaran : Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi dan memahami

terminologi/istilah Teknologi Pangan
Waktu :1 x 120 menit
Tempat : Zoom room

1.Sub Capaian
Pembelajaran : Memahami dan mampu melafalkan dengan benar
terminologi/istilah pada artikel jurnal
2. Indikator Capaian
Kinerja : Mampu mendeskripsikan terminologu/istilah pada artikel jurnal
dalam bahasa Inggris yang benar

3. Teori : Description the terminology fluently

4. Bahan dan Alat : Komputer

5. Organisasi : Mahasiswa berdiskusi mendeskripsikan suatu istilah bersama-

6. Prosedur kerja :
a. Mahasiswa memperhatikan video yang diberikan 2-3 kali
b. Mahasiswa mencatat terminologi/istilah-istilah yang muncul artikel yang diberikan
c. Mahasiswa mendiskusikan definisi dari istilah tersebut dengan rekan sekelasnya

7. Materi :

Quality Assessment of Cookies Produced from Composite Flour of Wheat, unripe Plantain and
Moringa Leaf

Name : Roni Haryadi

NPM : 19733028
1. ingredients : An ingredient is a substance that forms part of a mixture
Ex : ingredients for make cookies is Unripe plantain, wheat flour and other bakery
materials, and fresh moringa leaves
2. Food science : Food scientists and technologists use chemistry, biology, and other
sciences to study the basic elements of food.
` Ex : Food scientists are always innovating to maintain food security

3. Cookies : Cookies are baked or cooked foods that are usually small, flat and sweet
Ex : Cookies are one of most popular bakery products

4. Wheat : Wheat is a grass widely cultivated for its seed, a cereal grain which is
world wide staple food
Ex : Wheat flour is used to make bread, cakes and others

5. Amino acids : Amino acids are proteins that have been broken down through metabolic
processes into small molecules.
Ex : The nutritional content of wheat is very low, especially amino acids

6. vitamin A : Vitamin A is a group of nutritionally unsaturated organic compounds that

includes retinol, retinal, and some provitamin A carotenoids.
Ex : plantain provides a better source of vitamin A than other staple food

7. food processing : Food processing is an effort made so that food can be consumed
Ex : Technology is very important in food processing

8. Mixed : Mixed is a material consisting of two or more substances

Ex : After creaming flour,baking powder and milk were added and mixed
until dough was well mixed.

9. Cutting : Cutting is the separation of a physical object, into two or more

Ex : cutting is done to equalize the size, especially in food products

10. Sugar : Sugar is a simple carbohydrate that is the main source of energy
Ex : the process of making cookies,sugar is used as a sweetener

11. Supplements : Supplements is additives that contain nutrients that are good for the body
Ex : Supplements can also be in the form of natural products in the form of
herbs or natural non-plant ingredients.

12. Milk : Milk is a white, nutritious liquid produced by the mammary glands of
Ex : Milk is a nutrient rich product

13. Egg : Eggs are one of the animal foods that are consumed in addition to meat,
fish and milk.
Ex : Eggs are a source of animal protein that is delicious, easy to digest, and
highly nutritious.

14. Baked : Baking (bread) is a method of food processing that uses dry heat, usually
using an oven
Ex : one of the baked products is cookies
15. cooling : Cooling is removal of heat, usually resulting in a lower temperature or
phase change.
Ex : biscuits were placed on a cooling rack for 30min to cool before

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