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CHAPTER I. General characteristics of Infinitive-------------------------------------------------------
1.1. Phenomenon of theinfinitive---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2. Types of infinitive constructions--------------------------------------------------------

1.3. Bare infinitive ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.4 News text as a kind of media text

CHAPTER II. Translation of infinitive and infinitiveconstructions--------
2.1. Analysis of ways of transmitting the English infinitive by means of the Russian language for

2.2. Analysis of ways of transmitting English infinitive constructions by means of the Russian



This course work is devoted to the study of the features of the translation of the
infinitive and infinitive constructions in the English news report into Russian.

We all know that the 21st century is the age of information technology. A significant
increase in mass communication and the development of new information technologies are
characteristic features of the second half of the 20th and early 21st centuries. The dynamic
development of all types of media - print, radio, television, as well as the emergence and
spread of the so-called World Wide Web - the Internet, contributed to the creation of a single
information space, a special environment that includes many media streams.

The main volume of speech use today falls on the sphere of mass communication.
Mass media texts, or media texts, are one of the most common forms of modern existence of a
language, and their total length far exceeds the total volume of speech in other areas of human
activity. At the same time, the corpus of texts produced and transmitted daily through the
media continues to constantly increase.


The relevance of the work is due to the high dynamics of development of both the
English-speaking and Russian-language information space, as well as the need for a more
detailed study of media linguistics as another area of language functioning, since at the
moment there are quite a few scientific works on this topic.


The object of study in this course work is the infinitive and infinitive constructions in
the English news report.


The subject of this study was the features of the transmission of the infinitive and
infinitive constructions when translating a news text into Russian.


The purpose of this work is to identify the specifics of the translation of the infinitive
and infinitive constructions in an English news report into Russian.


This goal is specified in the solution of the following tasks:

 Define the concept of the infinitive and consider its main categories
 Define the concept of an infinitive construction and study the main types of these
 Consider news text as a kind of media text.
 Analyze the ways of rendering the English infinitive and infinitive constructions by
means of the Russian language using the example of an English news report.

When writing this course work, methods of analysis of definitions, comparison of

parallel texts with the use of continuous sampling techniques and elements of statistical
processing were used.

The material of the study was the news reports of the Internet resource "Voice of America"

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that its results can be used in the
translation of English news texts, which will greatly facilitate the translation process.


This course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography.


1.1 Definition of the term "infinitive"

Before proceeding to the consideration of the features of the translation of the infinitive
in a news report, it should be clarified what the infinitive is and what categories of the infinitive

The English verb system includes personal and impersonal forms. The system of
impersonal forms of the verb consists of the infinitive, participle I, gerund, participle II. Let's
take a closer look at the infinitive.

The question of the infinitive has always attracted great attention of linguists. It is
considered in all textbooks on theoretical and practical grammar devoted to the structure of
modern English. Philologists such as O. Esperson and J. Kerm, in their works, considered the
infinitive and its functions in a sentence. It should be noted that the problem of the infinitive
interested not only foreign, but also domestic scientists. The question of the functioning of the
infinitive in a sentence is covered in the works of L.S. Barkhudarova, K.A. Guzeeva, I.P.
Ivanova, N.A. Kobrina. According to I.P. Ivanova, the infinitive is the most abstract form of the
verb, in the main category of the active voice it only names the action [8]. A. M. Peshkovsky
writes that “language has made a colossal conquest in the field of thought, creating an idea of the
process in itself, outside of its connection with the producer of the process and outside the
objectification of the process” and called the infinitive “a noun that did not reach one step to the
verb.” “The infinitive ... gives an abstract, generalized concept of action; in this form, the
connection between the action and the doer is only logically assumed, and not expressed by
formal signs” [14, 140 p.]

The infinitive (the indefinite form of the verb) is an impersonal verb form that only
names an action without specifying either person or number. The infinitive answers the
questions what to do? what to do?: to read read, read; to write to write, write; to buy buy, buy;
to sell to sell, to sell. [10, 240 p.]

There is an infinitive in every language. The Russian language is no exception. In terms

of meaning, the infinitive in English and the infinitive in Russian are similar. It combines the
features of both a verb and a noun, but there are differences in morphological and syntactic
features. The main property of a noun is that in a sentence the infinitive performs the same
functions as the noun. The properties of the verb are that the infinitive has the categories of
form, voice. In addition, the infinitive has the ability to take a direct object and be determined by
an adverb. The correlation of an action with its agent is revealed when the infinitive is used in a
sentence more consistently than with participles and gerunds, obviously because the infinitive,
like a verb, expresses the action indicated by the stem, while the participle conveys a sign or
indicates the circumstances under which another action was performed , and the gerund, to a
greater extent than the infinitive, has nominal features.

The particle to before the infinitive developed from the preposition of purpose and
direction. The form of the marked infinitive is analytic, since characterized by the presence of a
discontinuous morpheme, that is, it consists of a combination of a special service word - an
indicator, or a marker of the infinitive "to" with the stem of the verb. The unmarked form of the
infinitive is a pure stem with a null ending. These forms of the infinitive differ syntactically.
The unmarked form is characterized by syntactic compatibility with modal verbs, as well as
participation in the construction of a number of constructions. The marked form is used in
various syntactic functions secondary to the verb.

There are a number of cases when the infinitive is used without the particle to: after
modal verbs, as part of a complex addition after the verbs of physical perception, often after the
verb help, after the verbs to make, to let, also in turns had better, would rather, etc.

As you know, the infinitive in English has six forms: four in the active voice and two in
the passive. Intransitive verbs (not having a passive voice) have only four such forms.

The infinitive serves only to clarify the actions performed by the main verb. In the
active voice, it expresses the action performed by the subject. In the passive voice, this action is
directed at the object expressed by the subject.

Consider the main forms of the infinitive and the cases of its use:

1. In the form of Indefinite Active and Indefinite Passive, the infinitive is used to express
simultaneous action with a verb-predicate:

I am glad to see you.- Я рад вас видеть.

Also, this form of the infinitive is used when the action expressed by the infinitive refers
to the future tense. However, in these cases the infinitive is used after the modal verbs may,
must, should and after the verbs to expect, to hope, to want and some others:

He must arrive tomorrow. - По всей видимости он придет завтра

Another case of using the infinitive in the form of Indefinite is if the action that it
expresses regardless of the time it was performed:

To smoke is harmful. -Курить вредно.

2. The infinitive in the Perfect form expresses the action preceding the action expressed
by the verb in the personal form:

I am sorry not to have told you about it. Мне жаль, что я не рассказал вам об этом.

The infinitive after the modal verbs must and may expresses the assumption that the
action has already taken place:

He may have gone to Moscow.- Возможно, он уехал в Москву.

After such modal verbs as should, could, might ought, the infinitive denotes an action
that could have taken place, but did not happen:

He could have helped her.- Он бы мог помочь ей.

3. The Continuous form is necessary to express a long action or simultaneous with an

action expressed by a verb-predicate:

Mother seems to be cooking something delicious. Кажется, мама готовит что-то


Perfect Continuous Infinitive shows an action that took place over a period of time and
preceded the action, which is expressed by the verb in a personal form:

He is known to have been working on this book for a long time.- He is known to have
been working on this book for a long time.

1.2 Types of infinitive constructions

There are three main infinitive constructions in English: the object infinitive, the subject
infinitive, and the infinitive with the preposition for.

It is believed that O. Jespersen was the first to single out infinitive constructions with a
nominal component in English. Following him, the majority of Anglists study precisely these
types, the differences are observed either in the name or in the number of described infinitive
constructions. Attention in the description of constructions is concentrated on their role in
sentence predication. The morphological composition and syntactic functions of the main
components of infinitive constructions are also considered. Barkhudarov considers the infinitive
construction as a single phrase that performs various functions in a sentence. V. N. Zhigadlo, I.

P. Ivanova and L. L. Iofik in the course of theoretical grammar describe only two varieties of
predicative constructions with an infinitive:

1) accusative/objective case with infinitive;

2) a predicative phrase with the preposition for.

The authors believe that the “nominative case with infinitive” construction described by
O. Jespersen is just one of the forms of the compound verbal predicate, and the infinitive
performs the function of the “semantic part” [7].

Let's take a closer look at each design.

The subjective infinitive (complex subject) is a construction in which the infinitive is in a

predicative relation to a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the nominative case. In such
cases, a special kind of compound verbal predicate is seen, in which its first part - service -
connects the subject with the infinitive expressing the action supposed, expected, known to some
person not indicated in the sentence.

The subject infinitive is a combination of a common noun (or nominative pronoun) with
an infinitive. The first part of the turnover (noun or pronoun) denotes the person or object that is
the subject, and the second part (infinitive) expresses the action that the person or object
indicated by the noun or pronoun performs or undergoes. This construction is divided into two
parts by a verb-predicate in the personal form, the latter being more often used in the passive

There are three types of subjective infinitive phrases:

1. The infinitive is preceded by a verb in the form of a passive voice. In this form, verbs
belonging to the following groups are used:

Verbs of speaking; mental perception; verbs expressing perception through the senses;
verb to make; verbs to show, to reveal

2. The infinitive is preceded by an active verb. In this form, verbs are used: to seem, to
appear to appear, to appear (sometimes they correspond to Russian apparently); to happen, to
chance to happen, to happen by chance (in the past tense: it happened, it turned out, it happened);
to turn out. An infinitive phrase with verbs of this group may correspond in Russian to a
complex sentence, but more often it corresponds to a simple sentence with an introductory word.

3. The infinitive is preceded by a combination of the verb to be with adjectives: likely;

unlikely certain, certain.
The next infinitive constructionused in sentences is Objective with Infinitive
Construction. This construction is used after many verbs in the active voice, and is a
combination of a pronoun in the object case with an infinitive.

The object case with the infinitive turns in the sentence plays the role of one member of
the sentence, namely the complex object.

In the turnover, the object case with the infinitive, the noun or pronoun expresses the
person (or object) performing the action expressed by the infinitive, or foreshadowing this

This turnover is equal in value to an additional subordinate clause, although it can rarely
be replaced by such a clause. By analogy with the Russian language, English sentences are also

When studying the turnover of the object case with the infinitive, it is necessary to
clearly distinguish a number of those verbs, after which not an additional subordinate clause is
used, but an infinitive turnover.

In Russian grammars, a complex addition is not distinguished. But in Russian, sentences

are very common in which the predicate is followed by a noun (or pronoun) followed by an
infinitive. The infinitive expresses the actions (or state) of the person or thing indicated by this
noun. For example:

I ask you to wait.

The teacher persuaded the girl to repeat the rule.

The director told us to gather in the hall.

In this case, we have constructions similar to those that in English are called object with
an infinitive and are considered as a complex addition.

In Russian, such a construction can follow only after a very small number of verbs
expressing the concept of asking, ordering, allowing, preventing, etc. And the object turnover
with the infinitive in English is used after many verbs. Therefore, only in those cases when the
objective with the infinitive comes after the verbs expressing the concept of asking, ordering,
etc., a literal translation is possible.

The object infinitive is used with the same verbs as the subject, with the only difference
being that when using the subject infinitive, these verbs take the form of a passive voice:

a) with the verbs of sensory perception - see, hear - слышать, watch - наблюдать, feel -
чувствовать. After them, only the non-perfect infinitive of the general form of the active voice
without the particle to is used.

 After the verbs to see, to notice, instead of the object case with the infinitive, in which
the infinitive is expressed by the verb be, an additional subordinate clause is usually
 After the verbs to hear, to see, the object case with the infinitive is not used when these
verbs do not express feelings of perception and are used in a figurative sense - to hear
(hear) in the sense of recognizing, to see (видеть) in the sense of understanding,

b) after verbs expressing mental activity, suppose -предлагать, think -

думать, know - знать, expect - ожидать, understand - понимать, believe – верить.

 With these verbs, the infinitive can be used in any form and always with the particle to.

c) after verbs denoting feelings: like -любить, нравиться, love - любить, hate

– ненавидеть. The infinitive after them is used with the particle to.

d) after verbs expressing desire: want - хотеть, wish – желать and others. With these
verbs, only the non-perfect infinitive with the particle to is used.

e) after verbs expressing motivation:

1) those after which the infinitive is used with the particle to: order - приказывать, tell -

велеть, ask - просить, get - заставлять;

2) those after which the infinitive is used without the to particle: make - заставлять, let -

позволять, have - заставлять

It is necessary to note the different approaches to the cases of using the object case with
the infinitive by different linguists.

For example, K.N. Kachalova and E.E. Izrailovich in his book "Practical Grammar of
the English Language" note 5 cases of the use of turnover.[10]

The infinitive construction with the preposition for is the third type of infinitive
construction that is used in English. The infinitive construction with the preposition for consists
of a noun in the general case or a pronoun in the objective case and an infinitive and is
introduced by the preposition for (for + noun or pronoun + infinitive). It is used when the action
expressed by the infinitive does not refer to the person (or object) that is the subject. The
infinitive is in a predicative relation to the noun or pronoun preceding the preposition for, and
can be used in the active or passive voice.

It is easy for you to say that. - Вам легко говорить это.

The water was too cold for the children to bathe. - The water was too cold for the
children to bathe.

Here is the book for the students to read.- Here is the book that students should read.

1.3 Bare infinitive

The infinitive structure of verbs without 'to' is called the bare infinitive

Most infinitive structures begin with ‘to’, but sometimes the ‘to’ is omitted. This is
known as the bare infinitive or the base form.

Bare infinitives are used as follows:

 After auxiliary modal verbs : (will, shall, would, could, can, may, might, must, should,

I might walk there if it doesn't rain.

You needn't go on a diet but you must eat healthy food.

 After the causative verbs 'make', 'have', 'let' and 'help'*: (*'help' can also be used with

She made the children do their homework.”

The lawyer had his assistant make copies of the contract.

Dad wouldn't let me drive his car.

Can you help me find/to find my keys.

 After verbs of perception: (see, watch, notice, observe, feel, hear…)

I watched him move to a seat at the back.

We saw the burglar climb over the wall.

Heard the teacher call his name.

We feel the ground shake beneath our feet.

 When the -ing form is used instead of the bare infinitive, it suggests an action continuing
over a period of time.

As I walked home I heard the band playing.

 After ‘would rather’, ‘had better’:

I'd rather sit here.

You'd better call a doctor.

After prepositions such as 'except', 'but' and 'than':

I'll do anything except cook. .

She does nothing but cry.

She would prefer to stay single than marry that man.

 In the second clause when two infinitive structures are connected:

I want you to tidy the house and (to) wash up after the party.”

He decided to turn off the computer and (to) go home.

 After 'why' when making suggestions:

Why waituntil later when we can do it now?

Why take a taxi? We can walk home

Why spend money on something we can't afford!

1.3 News text as a kind of media text

After we have examined in detail the concepts of "infinitive" and "infinitive turnover", as
well as studied the main categories of the infinitive and types of infinitive constructions, it is
necessary to define what a news text is and highlight its main characteristics.

Media text - (from lat. media textus "means, intermediaries + fabric, interlacing,
connection, combination") - a message, a text of any media type and genre. The term “media
text”, which is most in demand for designating texts of mass communication, has absorbed
parallel, interchangeable or intersecting phenomena - mass-communicative text, mass media text,
journalistic text, newspaper text, advertising text, Internet text, etc. [12,54c ]However, it should
be noted that this semantic content of the term "media" allows us to call any media text a media
text, ranging from rock paintings, books, works of art, etc. However, as a generalizing term,
media text has become attached to the texts of mass communication.

The main types of media texts are considered to be news, information analytics,
journalism and advertising. The basic texts of the media are news texts.

News text - text that is of political, social or economic interest to the audience in its
freshness, i.e. messages about events that have occurred recently or are immediately taking place
at the moment.

Defining news texts as basic, scientists took into account the following factors:

1. News texts most fully implement one of the main functions of mass communication -
informative, as well as one of the main functions of the language - message.

2. In each individual media, be it print, radio or television, news texts are distinguished
by a completely specific format, different from the format of other types of mass media texts,
while the format is understood as a stable ratio of formal features of the text and its content

3. At the level of semantics, news texts are characterized by a constant macro- and
microstructure, which reflects the thematic organization of the information flow.

Despite the differences in the language of news in individual media, most scientists
recognize the leading role of the press in shaping the language features of the news text. When
comparing English news texts in the press, on radio and television, with some, sometimes very
significant stylistic differences due to the technical and format capabilities of individual media,
all the basic features of a news text are preserved at the level of syntagmatics. At the same time,
each of the signs reflects one or another essential quality of the news text: its dynamism,

information content, striving for objectivity and a neutral style of presentation. In terms of
mophrosyntax, such common features of an English news text include the following:

1) More than other types of media texts, the number of verb phrases.

2) The verbal syntagmatics of news texts is characterized by the widespread use of

passive forms and the presence of infinitives.

3) More compared to other types of media texts, the number of lexical compounds or
compound words of an unstable type. At the same time, lexical connections in news texts often
tend to be multi-element.

4) Most of the syntactic compounds found in news texts, as a rule, consist of two or three
components (new monetary system), but these components do not have a complex internal

5) In syntactic compounds of the most common type - phrases built according to the type
of adjective + noun, limiting rather than describing adjectives often act as the first component.

Obviously, all of the above signs are due to the most important functional feature of the
news text - its focus on the implementation of the message function. Indeed, the news text is
highly dynamic, because its task is to carry information, report on events taking place in the
country and in the world. The dynamics of the news text enhances the role of verbal
syntagmatics, which is expressed in a greater number of verbal phrases compared to other types
of media texts. In addition, each specific news text is limited in time and space, whether it is a
broadcast or a newspaper page. There is a kind of compression, concentration of information,
which is expressed in an increase in the total number of lexical compounds, including multi-
element compounds, per unit of text of the same length. And, finally, high-quality news text is
neutral and depersonalized. This is due to the desire for the most objective presentation of



2.1 Analysis of ways of transmitting the English infinitive by means of the Russian

To perform the practical part of this course work, parallel texts of the Internet resource
"Voice of America" ("Voice of America") were taken. The subject of the selected texts is
politics. 30 texts were analyzed in order to identify the functions performed by the infinitive in
the texts of the analyzed type.

The diagram shows the percentage of the infinitive in various syntactic functions. The
most common infinitive in the function of the complement is 32.8%, followed by the infinitive as
part of a compound verbal predicate -30%. The infinitive in the definition function is 18.6%, in
the function of the circumstance expressing the goal -17%. 1.4% is the infinitive in the function
of a compound nominal predicate.

According to the diagram, the frequency of using the infinitive in the complement
function is 32.8%.

 Obama is planning to make his case to federal and state judges, students and
faculty on why the Senate should consider his nomination of Garland to the nine-
member Supreme Court.
 If someone wants to drown, you can not save them.
 Germany and France are urging Ukraine to fight corruption and pass legislation
on an election in the pro-Russian east.

The infinitive in the complement function is usually translated into Russian by the
indefinite form of the verb.

We're trying to tamp down tensions here.

We are trying to reduce tension in the region.

In this example, the infinitive is the verb to tamp down, which acts as an addition to the
main verb. As you can see, the translator followed the rule and translated the infinitive with the
indefinite form of the Russian verb "reduce"

The Syrian opposition’s umbrella Высокий комитет по переговорам -

group, the High Negotiations Committee, организация, объединяющая различные
said in a statement that 97 groups promised сирийские оппозиционные группировки,
to take part in the cease-fire. - сообщила в своем заявлении, что 97
группировок обязались соблюдать
условия перемирия.
The infinitive to take part is also translated into Russian by the indefinite form of the

Sanders has vowed to stay in the Сандерс обещал не выходить из

race against Clinton through the last state предвыборной гонки вплоть до
nominating contests in early June. последних праймериз, которые пройдут в
начале июня.
In this case, the translator sees the reception of the antonymic translation, and the
infinitive remained an infinitive in the Russian language.

Sometimes the infinitive is translated into Russian by a noun.

Biden also urged Israel to negotiate Байден также призвал Израиль

a two-state solution to the Middle East принять участие в переговорах об
region's ills. урегулировании проблем Ближнего
Востока через мирное сосуществование
двух государств.

In this case, the infinitive to negotiate is translated by a noun with an explication.

30% is an infinitive in the function of a compound verb predicate. It should be
remembered that there is a compound verbal modal predicate. Such a predicate may consist of a
modal verb and an infinitive, various modal expressions and an infinitive.

 Having a U.S. embassy [in Cuba] means we're more effectively able to
advance our values, our interests and understand more effectively.
 Many of the Tatars had been able to acquire Ukrainian citizenship.
 Joint Chiefs Chairman General Joe Dunford said alliance members had a
«common site picture» during Wednesday’s NATO Chiefs of Defense Summit and were
able to look at security issues with a more overarching strategy.

In most cases, a compound verbal modal predicate is transmitted into Russian using a
lexical unit corresponding to the modal meaning of the expression and an indefinite verb form.В

In the end, the parties have to В конечном итоге, стороны

negotiate. должны договариваться между собой.
This sentence contains the modal expression to have to. "To have to" in the modal
meaning expresses the need to perform an action caused by circumstances – must, must, forced.
Consequently, the modal meaning is transferred to the Russian language by the same modal verb
"must" and the infinitive of the verb to negotiate- договариваться.

Senior administration officials, Однако представители

however, pointed to the restrictions made by администрации указывают на
Congress as to why they were unable to ограничения со стороны Конгресса,
provide more specific costs and locations. мешающие указать подробности о
стоимости и местах перевода
In this case, we see another expression "to be unable to do something". This expression
translates as « не быть в состоянии сделать что-либо» . When translating, the modal
expression was replaced by a subordinate clause.

As already mentioned, a compound verbal modal predicate can consist of a modal verb
and an infinitive. For example:

 Commenting on the Syrian conflict, he said the Syrian people must

engage in talks to agree on a new constitution for their country.
 A senior administration official said moving the prisoners from Cuba to
the U.S. will save the Pentagon between $65 million and $85 million per year, and would
offset the initial cost needed to move the prisoners within three-five years.
 However, it does not recommend which U.S. site should be chosen.

Conversely, some Republicans Garland's nomination after the election if a

already are suggesting they could consider Democrat wins the presidency, on the theory

that the likely Democratic presidential предлагают рассмотреть кандидатуру
nominee, former Secretary of State Hillary Гарленда сразу после выборов, в случае
Clinton, could nominate someone even победы демократов, поскольку наиболее
more liberal than Garland. вероятный кандидат от Демократической
партии, экс-госсекретарь Хиллари
Однако некоторые
Клинтон, может выдвинуть еще более
республиканцы, напротив, уже
либерального судью, чем Гарленд.
In a sentence, the modal verb could append the infinitive twice. In the first case, when
translating a compound verb predicate into Russian, the modal verb could was omitted.
However, in the second case of using the verb could, the translator did not neglect the modal
meaning and, accordingly, when translating into Russian, retained the semantics of the word.

Pope Francis has made clear that we Папа Франциск ясно дал понять,
must overcome ‘the globalization of что мы должны преодолеть
indifference’ in order to reduce economic «глобализацию безразличия», чтобы
inequalities, stop financial corruption and сократить экономическое неравенство,
protect the natural environment. прекратить финансовую коррупцию и
защитить окружающую среду.
In this sentence , another modal verb is used - must . The meaning of this verb is "must,
must". Consequently, the modal verb was translated by the Russian equivalent of "must" and the
indefinite form of the main verb overcome - overcome.

The next function of the infinitive in a sentence is the definition. For example:

 No doubt there will be no shortage of attempts to undermine this process.

 Gatherings, such as this one are important opportunities to help us address
urgent international political and security concerns and to speak with one, clear voice on
concrete actions needed.
 The White House said Obama and GCC leaders would look at ways to
step up cooperation.

There are two ways to translate an infinitive in the definition function into Russian. The
infinitive is transmitted into Russian by a subordinate determinative sentence.

«Kerry is the first U.S. secretary of «Он стал первым государственным

state to visit the city.» секретарем США, посетившим
The infinitive in the role of definition stands after the word being defined. In this case,
the defined word is a noun. It can be seen from this sentence that the translator turned the
infinitive into a subordinate clause.

«The only way in my view to identity as a Jewish and democratic state is

guarantee Israel's future and security of its with a two-state solution.»

обеспечить его идентичность как
еврейского и демократического
«По моему мнению,
государства, лежит через решение,
единственный путь к тому, чтобы
предполагающее сосуществование двух
гарантировать будущее Израиля и
The infinitive here is the verb to guarantee.

When translated, the infinitive also turned into a subordinate clause.

Less often, the infinitive in the definition function is translated into Russian by an
indefinite verb form.

At three hearings on Capitol Hill last Во время трех разных слушаний,

week, Secretary of State John Kerry came проведенных на прошлой неделе на
under pressure from Republican lawmakers Капитолийском холме, законодатели-
to declare IS guilty of genocide. республиканцы потребовали от
госсекретаря Джона Керри объявить
ИГИЛ организацией, повинной в
In a sentence, the infinitive also acts as a definition, but is translated not by a subordinate
clause, but by an indefinite verb form.
According to the diagram, the English news text often uses an infinitive in the function of
a circumstance expressing a goal :
• Commenting on the Syrian conflict, he said the Syrian people must engage
in talks to agree on a new constitution for their country.
• The United States is working with "partners around the world" to discredit
the ideology the Islamic State uses "to radicalize, recruit and inspire people to violence."

The infinitive expressing the goal can be preceded by conjunctions in order , so as

«чтобы; для того, чтобы»

The infinitive in the circumstance function is usually translated by a subordinate clause

with the conjunction "чтобы" standing before it.

In the original sentence there is a union in order.

Pope Francis has made clear that we Папа Франциск ясно дал понять,
must overcome ‘the globalization of что мы должны преодолеть
indifference’ in order to reduce economic «глобализацию безразличия», чтобы
inequalities, stop financial corruption and сократить экономическое неравенство,
protect the natural environment.

прекратить финансовую коррупцию и защитить окружающую среду.

In a translated sentence, this conjunction introduces a subordinate clause with an

indefinite form of the verb "shorten".

However, the conjunction is not always present before the infinitive in the circumstance
function. For example

The United States is working with Обама также сообщил, что США
"partners around the world" to discredit the сотрудничают с «партнерами по всему
ideology the Islamic State uses ‘to миру», с тем чтобы дискредитировать
radicalize, recruit and inspire people to идеологию, которую «Исламское
violence’. государство»
использует для «радикализации,
вербовки и разжигания насилия».
In this case, the infinitive to discredit was also translated by a subordinate clause, with an
indefinite verb form – «дискредитировать».

The last syntactic function of an infinitive in a sentence is part of a compound nominal

predicate. In the analyzed news texts, only 1 case of using the infinitive in this function was

From the example it is clear that the infinitive as part of a compound nominal predicate is
translated into Russian by an indefinite verb form

It is incumbent on all of us to stand На нас всех лежит обязанность

up against those who traffic in pernicious выступить против тех, кто несет
stereotypes, who seek to scare and divide us пагубные стереотипы, кто пытается
for political gain, because the future belongs запугать и разделить нас ради
to the bridge builders, not the wall builders. достижения политических целей,
поскольку будущее принадлежит тем, кто
наводит мосты, а не строит стены.

2.2 Analysis of ways of transferring English infinitive constructions by means of the
Russian language

The diagram shows the frequency of use of infinitive constructions in the English news
text. The turnover «Именительный падеж с инфинитивом» (Complex Subject) is used in 75%
of cases, the infinitive turnover with the preposition for – in only 25%.The phrase «Объектный
падеж с инфинитивом» (Complex Object) is absent in the English news text.

A sentence with the turnover "nominative case with infinitive" is translated into Russian,
as a rule, by a compound sentence.

Often the phrase "nominative case with infinitive" is used when the predicate is expressed
by adjectives likely – probably following the verb-bundle. In this case, the infinitive expresses an
action related to the future. In this case, when translating, the introductory word «вероятно,
несомненно, определенно».

Rebel commanders and opposition recruitment of Syrian fighters is likely to

activists are warning that jihadist jump in the coming months because of the
collapse of some moderate militias and a что в ближайшие месяцы джихадисты
shake-up of others in the wake of a Russian- в Сирии значительно более активно
backed Syrian government offensive in будут вербовать новых бойцов,
northern Syria. поскольку некоторые вооруженные
формирования умеренной оппозиции
прекратили боевые действия или
рассеялись, оказавшись неспособными
противостоять наступлению
правительственных войск,
Командиры повстанцев боевиков
поддерживаемых российской авиацией,
и активисты оппозиции предупреждают,
на севере Сирии.

In this example, the introductory word "probably" is missing in the translation. The
infinitive is translated into Russian by the corresponding verb in a personal form and still has a
correlation with the future tense, thanks to the addition of lexical units indicating the upcoming
The following example also lacks an introductory word. However, the meaning of the
statement has not changed. The infinitive is translated into Russian, however, by a noun.

Meanwhile, political surveys show В то же время политические

Cruz, a conservative firebrand in the halls of опросы прочат победу радикальному
Congress, likely to win party caucuses in консерватору Крузу на кокусах
Utah. (закрытых собраниях партийных
активистов) в Юте.

As a rule, the infinitive after the verb to expect expresses an action related to the future :

The third candidate remaining in the Третий республиканский

Republican race, Ohio Governor John кандидат, губернатор Огайо Джон
Kasich, is not expected to factor in the Кейсик, как ожидается, не окажет
outcome in either state. существенного влияния на результаты
голосования ни в одном из этих штатов.

Trump is expected to easily win the Трамп, как ожидается, одержит

Oregon Republican primary. на республиканских праймериз в Орегоне
легкую победу.
In these examples, the infinitive is translated by the verb in the personal form, and the
verb to expect is translated as the introductory word "as expected".

The infinitive turn with the preposition for in the English news text is less common, in
comparison with the complex subject. 2 infinitive turns were revealed .

In most cases, an infinitive turn with the preposition for is translated into Russian using
an infinitive.

Kremlin officials say the television Как заявляют в Кремле, «прямая
show provides a way for Putin to assess the линия» служит для Путина способом
country’s mood. оценить общественные настроения.

There is a second way to translate this infinitive construction – a subordinate clause.

On Friday, State Department В пятницу пресс-секретарь

spokesman Mark Toner said the United Госдепартамента США Марк Тонер
States has received assurances from Russia заявил, что Соединенные Штаты
that it would not launch strikes against the получили от России гарантии того, что
"moderate opposition" in Syria after the авиаудары по «умеренной оппозиции» не
truce took effect. He called it "put up or shut будут наноситься после вступления
up time" for Russia to show whether it is перемирия в силу. Он сказал, что
serious about stopping the fighting. пришло время России
продемонстрировать серьезность своих
намерений в том, что касается содействия
прекращению боевых действий.

The infinitive phrase "for Russia to show" acts as a definition function, and is translated
accordingly by a subordinate clause.

Thus, the main functions in which the infinitive and infinitive constructions occur in the
news text were considered, and various translation methods were analyzed. We found out that
the main patterns are observed during translation, however, there are translation methods that
differ from traditional methods.


The purpose and tasks set in this course work are fulfilled. The concepts of the infinitive
and infinitive constructions were considered, the main types of infinitive constructions were
studied. Also, the news text was considered as a kind of media text, and the ways of transmitting
the English infinitive and infinitive constructions by means of the Russian language were
analyzed using the English news message as an example.

Thus, in English, the infinitive is defined as the indefinite form of the verb, which is the
original form of the verb paradigm. The English infinitive has forms expressing tense and forms
indicating the continuous nature of the action. Impersonal forms of the verb, in particular the
infinitive, in contrast to the personal forms of the verb, capable of performing only one syntactic
function - to be a simple predicate of a sentence, show multifunctionality. They are able to
replace a number of syntactic positions, with the exception of the function of a simple predicate.
Having studied the main types of infinitive constructions, we can conclude that such
constructions are not distinguished in the grammar of the Russian language. Infinitive
constructions of the English language are used with certain groups of verbs, in a certain voice
and form. The key point of the study was the review of the news text and the definition of its
main characteristics. We found out that the English news text is characterized by the
predominance of passive constructions and the infinitive, which was confirmed in the practical
part of the course work.

After analyzing 30 news texts, we can conclude that the English news text is
characterized by the presence of an infinitive in the function of an object, a compound verbal
predicate, a circumstance expressing a goal, and in the function of a definition. We found out
that the English infinitive is translated into Russian in the following ways:

1. Infinitive
2. Relative clause
3. Relative attributive clause
4. Noun

All of the above methods are typical for the transfer of the infinitive into Russian.

Thus, the translation of the infinitive is not particularly difficult for the translator,
however, when translating, one should pay attention to certain aspects. When choosing an
individual element in a translation, one must proceed, first of all, from what function it performs
in a sentence, in order to avoid errors or inaccuracies.

The infrequent use of infinitive constructions in the English news text is explained by the
fact that there is a kind of compression of information for a more objective presentation of the
text, and as a result, infinitive constructions are replaced by simpler verb combinations.

The main ways of translating infinitive constructions into Russian are:

1. Complex sentence
2. Relative clause
3. Noun

After analyzing the cases of using infinitive constructions, we can conclude that the
translation as a whole retains general patterns, however, methods that were not previously used
are used. So, the infinitive in the infinitive construction was translated into a noun.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in media linguistics, as one of the new areas of the
functioning of the language, there are many more aspects for detailed study.


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