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I have learned lot of things in this subject. I’ve learned to understand and comprehend
how come there are different types of people. In these stages, there are young adults who have
trust issues, lack of self-confidence, anti-social behaviour, and lack of interest and so on. I know
that we experience more conflict situations in the adolescent stage. In here we really experience a
lot of things and they’re either happy or sad, good or bad, or confusion. Adolescence Psychology
subject develops and improves me as a person.

During this Extended Community Quarantine, there are lots of development s that I
figure out in my identity because of applying and reflecting on the domains of development.
With this crisis that is happening right now one of the domains that develop my identity is the
religious growth. My faith serves as my strength and my religious aspect became stronger.
Because of this lockdown my relationship to God became deeper and I understand how
important to trust God. I’ve learned that faith can be used at any time; Faith in God is always the
answer to what situation I am facing. This religious growth widens my understanding and opens
my heart and mind.

The second domain grew my social and personality identity. This lockdown we cannot go
outside to hang out with our friends and classmates because we are mandate to stay at home to be
safe but by the used technology I can still communicate to them. With these it shows that even
we are far away our closeness to each other are intact and it grows my relationship to them. Also,
this lockdown I became closer to my parents and to my other family members because of
interacting to them our bond became stronger, I became more comfortable with my self-image,
with how they see it. Socializing to them builds my confident and experiencing relationship to
them broadens my social understanding. Interacting or socializing brings out the best in me; I
develop my self-concept, values and goals, motivating myself to achieve things and my coping
style. This social experience guides the growth of my individual characteristic.

The last domain that shapes my identity is the emotional development. I can say that this
domain helps me to realize that I need to be matured enough to control my emotion because I
know that in our age we are sensitive to our emotions. We show strong feelings and intense
emotions at different times. During this lockdown I am impatient and got easily irritated doing
my online activities, I nearly give up but I need to handle my feelings and encourage myself to
do it. It is normal to be emotional but I need to be aware of my emotions, I need to calm myself
for me to think properly. This domain taught me to accept what I feel and how to think as a
matured person.

With these domains of development I understand and figured out who I am, I explore and
discover a lot of things in my life. And with these developments it makes me a better and more
mature person.

What aspect/s of your identity would you like to work on in preparation for adulthood?
Explain how you plan to achieve these as you take on more challenging developmental
tasks in the near future.

Emotional development is the domain that is what I want to develop and work on. It is
simply because whenever I encounter problems in life, I usually can’t control my emotions and it
tends to happened that this domain takes over my decisions and actions. And with that I know
that it is not the right thing to do because doing decisions and actions when you are not
emotionally okay doesn’t have always good results. My plan to achieve these is by doing things
that will help me to my emotions, like surrounding myself with the person that whom I trusted
and always make me feels happy. Also, one of my ways to achieve these is to voicing out my
rants to someone who is always ready to listen with no judgements and by trying to control it and
always look to the brighter side of everything. By being optimistic and always believing that
things will going to be okay.

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