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Part I: Multiple Choice 93

An organized system of beliefs that help us understand human nature. *

1 point


A person will never change and that everything about him or her is stable. This falls under what
dimension or philosophical assumption? *
1 point


We are all victims of the past, and whoever we are right now will never be our fault. Identify the
dimension or philosophical assumption. *
1 point


People have the liberty and courage to exceed existential givens and biological/environmental
influences to create their personality. Identify the dimension or philosophical assumption.  *
1 point

Similar temperaments within a family may be attributable to shared genetics and to the environment
in which an individual is raised. Studies of identical twins (who share 100 percent of their DNA) and
their non-twin siblings (who share about 50 percent of their DNA) show genetics play a large role.
Identical twins typically have very similar temperaments when compared with their other siblings.
Even identical twins who were raised apart from one another in separate households share such
traits. Identify the dimension or philosophical assumption. *
1 point


Studying aggression means you have to operationalize the term aggression such that when you
say, “Boys are more aggressive than females.” What type of Aggression are you talking about? Is it
direct or indirect aggression? Hostile or Instrumental? In this way, you will have a clear discussion
of the topics. What aspect of a theory is manifested in the given example? *
1 point

Generates research
Guides action
Organizes data
Internally consistent

If two research findings are the same, take the less complicated explanation. What aspect of the
theory is manifested in the above description? *
1 point

Generates research
Internally consistent
Guides action
Organizes data

Our personality is something special within us that makes us unique. Such a statement falls under
what definition of personality? *
1 point

Substance definitions
Omnibus definitions
Trait Theories
Mask definitions
When a person is described as having a lack of ethical regard, we are referring to his/ her: *
1 point


Using a statistical process known as factor analysis, Raymond Cattell generated sixteen
dimensions of human personality traits, known as the 16PF. What type of approach is used by
Raymond Catell? *
1 point


The Thematic Apperception Test created by Murray and Morgan follows which approach? *
1 point


Enriquez would prefer to use what term instead of personality? *

1 point


From among Filipino constructs that comprise personality, this represents a person's judgment? *
1 point


According to Sta. Maria, ang taong tago ang kalooban *

1 point
does not disclose
not easy to get along with
cannot be easily understood
does not try to attract excessive attention

In Ma'aram's concept of personhood, which of the following refers to life itself, and is the vital
principle *
1 point


Baltazar’s concept of Filipino personality is predominantly *

1 point


Enriquez’s concept of the Filipino psyche is predominantly *

1 point

emotional and cognitive

The component of Enriquez’s Filipino Psyche that refers to habits and behavior *
1 point

Kamalayan emotive and cognitive experiences;

Alejo’s Loob refers to the Filipinos’ characteristic that originates from *

1 point

the mind
the social environment
the gut feeling
the heart
STATEMENT I. Alejo’s loob refers to the heart. STATEMENT II. Covar’s loob relates to everything
that is inside the body. *
1 point

Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect

Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is correct
Both statements are incorrect.
Both statements are correct.

What would be a positive connotation of the “bahala na” Filipino character? *

1 point

This pandemic, Filipinos accept all things and events as inevitable.

Filipinos deal with the pandemic stoically or passively.
The pandemic is a blessing despite the suffering and the economic consequences.
Filipinos believe that the virus is God’s form of punishing people and that all of us must repent now.
Filipinos are ready to face the difficult situation and will do their best to achieve their goals.

Science suggests that those funny memes, crazy TikTok videos, and snarky online quotes may be
just what Filipinos need to ease the overwhelming fear, anxiety, and grief many of us are dealing
with daily, especially during this pandemic. This manifests which Filipino character? *
1 point

Extreme personalism
Flexibility, Adaptability, and Creativity
Family Orientation
Kanya-Kanya Syndrome
Sense of Humor
Colonial Mentality

Based on the early developments in the study of personality, reliable and thoughtful people are
thought to be: *
1 point


STATEMENT I. Theophrastus believed that imbalances could explain both diseases and personality
differences in the humors. STATEMENT II. Temperaments were regarded as the first attempt to
integrate body and mental functions considering the body-mind dualism. *
1 point

Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is correct

Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect
Both statements are incorrect.
Both statements are correct.
Theo is described as slim in figure and tends to be withdrawn, formal, and shy. In the early
developments, he is categorized as: *
1 point


People who are abnormal but not yet psychotic in the early development of personality are labeled
as: *
1 point

Viscerotonic and Cerebrotonic

Cycloid and Schizoid
Paranoid and Schizoid
Cyclothyme and Schizothyme
Dysplastic and schizophrenic

If you are a person who loves adventure and taking risks, William Sheldon would probably assess
your body as: *
1 point


Manic depressive people according to Kretschmer have this type of body. *

1 point


A skinny person with thin muscles is usually characterized as quiet or fragile according to Sheldon.
What body type is this? *
1 point


Sheldon splits his personality types into three categories known as: *
1 point

Literary Characterology

The size of the brain provides information that could be used to determine whether a person could
be a murderer. This type of assessment during the early developments in the study of personality is
known as: *
1 point

Literary Characterology

STATEMENT I. Sanguine people are described as quiet and dependable. STATEMENT II.
Melancholic are described as obsessive and brave. *
1 point

Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect

Both statements are correct.
Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is correct
Both statements are incorrect.

Temperaments are believed to be derived from the following except: *

1 point

Yellow bile
Black bile
Red bile

Hot-tempered people during the time of Hippocrates are known to be: *

1 point


There are many types and manifestations of anxiety, but in a moral kind, problems seem more
distorted. Who among the following is experiencing moral anxiety? *
1 point

Waking up late, Britney imagines what her teacher would say as she is riding the bus to school.
Danny ate a slice of cake for lunch. Being worried that his coach will kick him off the Basketball team, he worries
about being too big that he skips uniform fitting.
Maya forgot to pick up her husband’s clothes from the laundry shop. Now she is worried about him not having
anything good to wear to his interview.
After donating money for a charity, Arnold is worried that he did not give enough donation and he might be
responsible if the charity does not meet their target goal.

In a recent spot check by the Commission on Audit in one of the government offices in the Visayas
Region, they found out that some of these government employees have not been true to their duties
and responsibilities at work. Rather, they found out that these employees were shopping online,
playing online gambling games, or were sleeping during office hours. Which structure of personality
became deficit in this case? *
1 point


Which of the following statements best describe how males and females undergo the phallic stage
according to Freud? *
1 point

Males develop a stronger ego because of the abrupt resolution of the Oedipus complex while females develop a
weaker ego because of the gradual resolution of the Electra complex
Males and Females experience of the desire for the mother/father are resolved through castration anxiety
(males)/penis envy (females)
Penis envy precedes female Oedipus complex and castration anxiety precedes male oedipus complex.
Both males and females are able to resolve the complexes when they identify with the same sex parent.

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about Freud’s level of mental life: *
1 point

Sensations and experiences of which a person is aware at a given time denotes conscious mental life of the
Conscious perceptions and unconscious are two sources of the preconscious.
It includes the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious.
Ego inflation occurs when one is overly focused and identifies too closely to one’s conscious experiences and
Julia feels really frustrated because Gerard, the person of her affection, does not pay attention to
her. But since she cannot possibly make Gerard see this, she fights with her sister Bea instead.
What defense mechanism does Julia manifest? *
1 point


A young man gets sexual gratification by kissing and caressing women’s shoes. According to
Freud, which of the following statements best describes the situation? *
1 point

The sexual instinct is permanently inhibited

The path of sexual instinct is inflexible
The sexual aim has been changed
The sexual object has been displaced

Which statement is TRUE about the Latency stage? *

1 point

Sexual expression is partially replaced by pursuits of non-sexual substitutes.

Play becomes the center of pleasure.
Life sustaining nourishment is satisfied through oral activities.
Oedipal and Electra Complex occurs.

Maki has been a straight-A student for most of his life. He was devastated when he received a
rejection letter from one of the universities he applied to. He started questioning his abilities and felt
so inferior. Which of the following is most likely the source of his feelings of inferiority?  *
1 point

perpetual conflict

Which of the following statements correctly describes the role of defense mechanisms and how they
operate? *
1 point

Defense mechanisms operate consciously and unconsciously.

Defense mechanisms distort reality to make it less threatening for the superego.
Defense mechanisms assist the ego in carrying out its function.
Defense mechanisms are maladaptive and destructive whenever utilized.
Which of the following is TRUE about anxiety? *
1 point

The three types of anxiety exist exclusively.

All three structures of personality (Id, ego, and superego) can feel anxiety.
The dependence of the ego on the external world leads to neurotic anxiety.
Anxiety is self-regulating

Which of the following is TRUE about Freud’s psychosexual stages? *

1 point

Adult behavior is exclusively shaped by the genital stage.

The emergence of the genital stage signifies the end of the earlier stages .
The fixated libido expresses itself in adult life according to traits that reflect the earlier stages of development
Each stage ends with a conflict as the following stage begins to emerge.

Which of the following is TRUE about Moral Anxiety? *

1 point

It is an unconscious fear of being punished for impulsively displaying sexual or aggressive impulses.
It is essentially fear of one’s conscience.
It does not have any basis in reality.
Stems from the conflict between instinctual gratification and reality.

Which of the following statements are TRUE about instincts? *

1 point

It is possible to escape the pressure of our physiological needs.

All the interests, preferences, and attitudes we display as adults are displacements of energy from the original
objects that satisfied the instinctual needs.
We always experience the same amount of instinctual tension.
The instinct is the bodily state itself and the stimuli for instincts are internal.

Identify which of the following scenarios best manifests a phallic personality? *

1 point

Tom who dumps the girls he dates when they start being serious in the relationship.
Luna who fails to find satisfaction in love and work.
Ron who refuses to date because she is too absorbed with work.
Aria who wishes to have a baby girl as a child.

This theorist used dream symbols to discover unconscious elements that underlie the content seen
in dreams. At times, images are universally represented by seemingly harmless objects or figures.  *
1 point

Carl Jung
Henry Murray
Sigmund Freud
Alfred Adler
Paul is angry with his parents for causing him anxiety. He knows it is not right to feel the way he
does, so he decides to work hard doing all his chores and school requirements. Paul is using which
defense mechanism? *
1 point

Reaction formation

Of the following statements, which would give a correct description of the phallic personality
types? *
1 point

A poor sense of sexuality is brought about by rejection from the mother and hostile feelings from the father
When a boy is not rejected by the mother and is overly favored over the weak father, there is a great probability
that the child further develops over-heterosexuality
When a child is rejected by the mother and has a harsh father, there is a great possibility for homosexuality
A hyper-feminine belle describes a girl whose father is weak, but overly accepted by the mother

Statement I: Children who develop an anal aggressive personality defecate when and where the
parents disapprove, thus defying their attempts at regulation while children who develop an anal-
retentive holdback or retain the feces as a method for securing parental attention and affection.
Statement II: Children who experienced harsh potty-training during childhood tend to develop an
anal expulsive personality while children who experienced lax potty-training tend to develop an
anal-retentive personality. *
1 point

Statement I is false, Statement II is true

Statement I is true, Statement II is false
Both statements are true.
Both statements are false.

Mel is short and has a dark complexion, unlike her sister who is tall and fair-skinned. During her
elementary years, she was bullied by some of her classmates and called her “monkey” because of
her physical appearance. She overcame her physical insecurities by excelling in school. What did
Mel manifest? *
1 point

Inferiority Complex
Social Interest
Superiority Complex

Which of the following statements below is NOT TRUE to the purpose of Adler’s belief that all
humans are blessed at birth with inferior bodies? *
1 point

People are continually pushed by the need to overcome inferiority feelings.

Exaggerated feelings of inferiority lead to a path of striving for success.
People strive for superiority to inflate one’s abilities and dominate over others.
People have the innate tendency toward completion and wholeness.

The Marquez couple has four children who have different personalities. John tends to think ahead
and is the most intellectually superior of all his siblings. He handles financial matters at home with
ease and his parents can trust him completely, but he usually belittles his siblings and says that
they are useless, weak, and spineless. He is the ____ type and is most likely the ____ child.  *
1 point

Ruling, Youngest
Avoiding, Youngest
Getting, First born
Ruling, First born

Which of the following NOT TRUE about Gemeinschaftgefuhl? *

1 point

A motivation to behavior moving towards goals and ideals.

It is a component of a healthy style of life.
The social feeling is an indispensable value for humans for protection and safety.
An innate potential of an individual to achieve personal and social goals through community interest.

Refer to this vignette for the next two questions in applying Adlers's theory: You were watching a
documentary about the life of the Grimm brothers. In uncovering their childhood, Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm
described his brother as good at taking care of him. The boy also added that compared to him, his brother
was the more intelligent and stronger one. He often puts his brother in the forefront.

According to Individual Psychology, what could Jacob Grimm be exhibiting? *

1 point

Masculine Protest
Social Interest

Applying Adler’s concept of Birth order, what do you think is Jacob Grimm’s birth order based on
what he shared in the interview? *
1 point

First child
Youngest child
second child
Middle child
Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Adler’s concept of Masculine Protest? *
1 point

It suggests that the alleged inferiority of women was a cultural assignment rather than a biological one.
In men, feminine traits are carefully hidden by exaggerated masculine wishes and efforts.
In women, it is usually covered up and transformed, seeking to triumph with feminine means.
None of the above

When Marty found out that another student won the presidency for the student election, he told the
other students that being the school president is such a menial task and the responsibility is not that
challenging as compared to his achievement of being a top student academically. Which
safeguarding tendency is he manifesting? *
1 point

creating obstacles

Nadia has poor self-esteem and usually feels helpless in the face of daunting circumstances.She
usually portrays herself as a victim and fails to take action on her own nor involve herself with
others. Which of the following is least likely to be an explanation of her behavior according to
Adler? *
1 point

There is centrality of the self that keeps her from being able to expand her worldview.
She is trying to compensate for the innate weakness that she has been born with.
She may have experienced neglect in early in life leading her to have feelings of worthlessness and distrust.
She cannot think of an ultimate goal in life that she can work on.

Kent is 35, unmarried and still lives with his parents. This makes him experience some feelings of
embarrassment and inferiority. He had every opportunity to move out but just when he is about to
move out, he tends to attend to other matters, leaving him busy and not having enough time to plan
and do the actual moving. Which of the following best describes the safeguarding tendency utilized
by Kent? *
1 point

constructing obstacles
standing still

Among the following statements, which is TRUE with regard to social interest? *
1 point

Having social interest is not the same as being charitable or being unselfish.
Adler believed that social interest is not enough to judge the worth of a person.
Social Interest develops when a child learns how to make friends
The lack or underdevelopment of social interest does not equate to maladjustments later on in life

In comparing Adler’s Safeguarding Tendencies to Freud’s Defense Mechanisms, one can say
that? *
1 point

Regression is similar to standing still, in that both are attempts to return to a more comfortable phase in life.
Defense mechanisms are primarily used by neurotics while safeguarding tendencies are common to everyone.
Safeguarding tendencies primarily protect one’s self-esteem from public disgrace while defense mechanisms
help protect the ego from anxiety.
Safeguarding tendencies and defense mechanisms are largely unconscious and are employed when one feels

STATEMENT I: Gemeinschaftsgefuhl is rooted in everyone but must be developed.STATEMENT II:

Gemeinschaftsgefuh unifies personality and renders all behaviors comprehensible. *
1 point

Both statements are true.

Statement I is true, Statement II is false
Both statements are false.
Statement I is false, Statement II is true

STATEMENT I. People’s subjective perceptions shape their behavior and personality. STATEMENT
II: The value of all human activity must be seen from the viewpoint of social interest. *
1 point

Both statements are true.

Statement I is false, Statement II is true
Statement I is true, Statement II is false
Both statements are false.

Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Alder’s concept of the Final goal? *
1 point

Not everyone has the power to create personalized fictional goal.

It is fictional and has no obejective existence
Our most important fiction is the goal of superiority or success.
Fictions bestow a purpose on all of people’s actions.

Refer to this vignette fro the next 3 items: As a child, Betty grew up with loving parents who always took care
of her . Despite her dad being busy at work he was never emotionally distant and was affectionate toward
his daughter and wife. Betty is an incoming college student. She volunteers in a therapy center where she
teaches art classes to children at the center. She has passion for the arts and she genuinely cares for the
children at the center. Betty’s childhood friend Ines have been showered with so much love by her parents.
As an only child, her mother overprotected her while her dad was very strict and had always set high
standards for achievement. Ines recently volunteered at the center and is applying to a prestigious
university. She often shares photos and stories about her volunteer work on her instagram account. At the
center, Ines sometimes feels threatened by Betty because she is well liked and is really good with what she
does. One time when Ines had difficulty dealing with some of the kids, she easily got discouraged and when
given assistance by Betty, she felt that that Betty made her look incompetent which she hates because she
always want to be the best at everything.

From the story of Betty and Ines above, the following correctly describes their strivings according to
Adler EXCEPT for: *
1 point

Ines’ final goal is more likely to be dimly perceived.

Ines manifests an inferiority complex.
Betty’s final goal is more likely to be clearly perceived.
Betty is more concerned about social progress.

Which of the following most likely influenced Ines’ method of striving and style of life?  *
1 point

organ inferiority
Neglected style of life
superiority complex
Pampered style of life

Using Adler’s explanation on the origins of social interest, which of the following best describes the
development of Ines’ social interest? *
1 point

Ines’ lack of social interest may stem from her inability to use her creative power.
Ines’ lack of social interest may stem from being an only child.
Ines’ lack of social interest may stem from striving for perfection.
Ines’ lack of social interest may stem from her father’s authoritarain parenting.

All, BUT ONE, would best describe Jing’s Thinking psychological function: *
1 point

Mostly men with underdeveloped feeling functions.

Decisive and judgmental
Rational and logical
Mostly men with underdeveloped intuiting functions

A leathery brown dwarf would show up in Jung’s dreams guarding the entrance to his unconscious.
He was a primitive companion for Jung’s ego. Jung dreamt that he and the dwarf killed a beautiful
blond youth, whom he called Siegfried. For Jung, this represented a warning about the dangers of
the worship of glory and heroism which would soon cause so much sorrow all over Europe-and a
warning about the dangers of some of his own tendencies towards hero worship, of Sigmund Freud.
The dwarf symbolizes which archetype? *
1 point
wise old man

Katherine Cooks Briggs and her daughter Isabel Crooks Myers created the Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator (MBTI) an introspective self-report questionnaire with the purpose of indicating differing
preferences in how people perceive the world around them and make decisions. Rina took the test
and revealed that she is empathetic, compassionate, accepting and tender. What superior
psychological function are these results denoting? *
1 point


How would Jung explain our experiences of déjà vu? *

1 point

Our brains weave gaps in our memories and can be successfully reintegrated when we reach individuation
They are part of our phylogenetic endowment.
hey form part of our complexes and allow us to respond to certain situations.
These experiences are stored in our psyche, shared with our ancestors and are part of our collective

Your younger brother is watching a movie, The Hobbit, on TV. After the movies, he comes to you
and says that he is very impressed with one of the protagonists in the story, Tauriel, a she-elf, and
tries to demonstrate some of her bow and arrow moves to you animatedly. Knowing Carl Jung, your
brother is most probably perpetuating which archetype: *
1 point

The Great Mother

The Hero
The Anima
The Animus

Dani decides about her course based on her passion and what she sees herself doing for life. Her
father tells her that this is not the best way to decide. She has to weigh objective indicators of the
best career path such as her abilities, the labor market, her interests and the demands of the
course. *
1 point

inferior function vs superior function
Jerri just feels it in his bones that despite the downturn of the economy, things will be okay in terms
of employment and status *
1 point

inferior function vs superior function

According to Jung, this refers to the integration of the diverse systems in which a deeper sense of
self emerges to unite with all humanity: *
1 point

symbolic life

Roy had a dream the other night. In his dream, there was a man taking off his armor and wielding a
sword, trying to hack at the different vines in front of him. Behind him were a group of people
shouting his name, as if pushing him to continue his siege on the forest. Upon reaching the heart of
the woods, he plunges his sword into another man, instantly killing him. When he takes a second
look at the man, he instead sees his own face streaked with blood. Interpreting the dream by
focusing on the role of the man (who was killed) in the dream, one could say that this character is
most synchronous to which archetype, as proposed by Jung? *
1 point

Great mother
Wise Old Man

Growing up, Mike felt that he was a woman trapped in a man’s body. In fact, he indicated in his
project in class that his idols were Audrey Hepburn, Oprah Winfrey, and Nancy Pelosi, all of whom
were described by Mike as powerful and influential women. Trying to interpret these using Jung’s
perspective, you could say that: *
1 point

The different women represent Joseph’s shadow

Sensing is Joseph’s most probable attitude
Joseph is most probably introverted
He is most probably attuned to his Anima

A personality that lies outside the norm when using Jung’s concepts is one that: *
1 point
Accepts feminine and masculine features of the self
Is aware of the differences of his/her behaviors in varying situations
Innately driven towards completion.
Has a forward-thinking attitude

Which of the following best describes the personal unconscious : *

1 point

Includes anything which is presently conscious.

It includes memories that are easily brought to mind.
It includes the reservoir of man’s experience as a species, a kind of knowledge people are all born with.
It includes the core or pattern of emotions, memories, perceptions and wishes organized around a common
theme, such as power or status.

All of the following describe Murray’s view on personality EXCEPT for: *

1 point

The ideal state of human nature involves always having a certain level of tension to reduce.
Personality is rooted in the brain.
Individual’s personality continues to develop over time
It is the attainment of a condition free of all tension that is satisfying.

Which of the following scenarios best describes the concept of subsidiation in Murray’s
personology? *
1 point

Archie never liked performing in public despite his talent for singing. He was asked by his friends to perform in
one of the talent shows but Archie insisted that he can’t go. Not accepting the invitation made him feel better
because being embarrassed in public is the last thing he wants to experience .
Luke loves singing and songwriting, and he feels happy that he is able to perform in front of other people to
share his talent.
Corey is having a hard time making friends with his peers because his interests are very different from theirs
which leads to feelings of isolation.
Ariel feels the need to boss his siblings’ and to take care of them at the same time.

To satisfy her need for play and nurturance, Jenny volunteers at the animal shelter. The
characteristic of need demonstrated is ___________. *
1 point


Who is most likely to have a high need for infavoidance? *

1 point

Macy, who avoids speaking engagements or situations where she has to introduce herself.
John, who goes to mass regularly and confesses his transgressions
Tori, who often agrees with her boss even when she is doubtful.
Mark, who makes sure to remind his employees about their tasks during his leave.

Who is most likely to have a high need for dominance? *

1 point

Macy, who avoids speaking engagements or situations where she has to introduce herself.
Tori, who often agrees with her boss even when she is doubtful.
Mark, who makes sure to remind his employees about their tasks during his leave.
John, who goes to mass regularly and confesses his transgressions

Erin shared with you how her past heartbreaks and some poor choices have led to her current
views about intimate relationships. According to Murray, these reasons are a form of which of these
characteristics of needs: *
1 point


According to Henry Murray, we respond to something specific in the environment. Thus, only when
the object or stimuli appears in front of us does this need arise. Which of the following types of
needs is being described? *
1 point

Reactive needs
Primary Needs
Proactive needs
Secondary Needs

Based on Murray’s set of needs, if you meet a person who often sighs heavily at work to get
attention but at the same time does not want any help from anyone, he may be a sort of person who
gets high in both: *
1 point

Succorance and Rejection

Abasement and Deference
Acquisition and Nurturance.
Counteraction and Exposition

Lee has always dreamt of becoming a successful businessman. He never wants to be anyone’s
employee. He aims to be like Mark Zuckerberg. Lee however has had several startups, of which
none have been a success because he easily gets discouraged when he doesn’t see immediate
results. *
1 point
Urethral complex
Oral complex
Claustral complex
Anal complex

Which of the following correctly describes Murray’s concept of the EGO? *

1 point

The ego is shaped by values and norms.

The ego is a slave of ID, superego and reality.
The ego is able to decide the direction of behavior.
The ego expresses acceptable needs appropriately.

Murray’s definition of the ID is more likely influenced by: *

1 point

Jung’s shadow archetype

Freud’s concept of libido
Freud’s concept of ID
Jung’s concept of the complex

Part II: Objective Essay

Using Murray's theory, reflect on the current pandemic situation in the Philippines and answer the questions that follow:

Identify at least 3 needs that arise or dominate with the current pandemic situation (be specific and provide
specific examples that demonstrate the needs) *

What are the common presses hindering the satisfaction of these needs? *
2 points

What thema can be generated about the current state of Filipinos amidst pandemic based on the needs and
presses you cited? *

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