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I. Title of the Article: Premarital Sex Among Filipino Teenagers

II. Author of the Article: Dr. Bernardo M. Villegas

III. Reference: Inquirer.Net August 19, 2011 (


IV. Vocabulary:

Chastity - the state or practice of refraining from extramarital or especially from all sexual

Defeatists - a person who expects or is excessively ready to accept failure.

Premarital Sex - is sexual activity practiced by people before they are married.

Realists - a person who accepts a situation as it is and is prepared to deal with it accordingly.

RH Bill - the Reproductive Health (RH) bill promotes information on and access to both natural
and modern family planning methods, which are medically safe and legally permissible.

V. Gist/Summary of the Article

The article about Premarital Sex among Filipino Teenagers written by Dr. Bernardo M.
Villegas is about him stating OFW parents working in North America and Europe concerning
about their sons and daughters whom shouldn’t be one of those teenagers who practiced sex
before marriage like the youth on western countries.

Dr. Bernardo M. Villegas also expressed his impression on a blog post of Chris Tiu that
he read about the celebrity basketball player attending a seminar on SMX of Mall of Asia about
chastity and marriage. He admired the way Chris Tiu believed in the importance of respect,
purity and marriage before sex.
VI. Reflection

One of the issues that the Philippines is facing right now is about the increasing number
of premarital sex among Filipino teenagers. Many teenage girls have had sex before they get
married and forgotten the value of chastity and purity that led them to early pregnancy. Most of
the teenagers involved on this kind of situation caused them to stop studying. Due to this, most
of the cases are teenage boys leaving their pregnant girlfriends/partners because they’re not yet
ready for the responsibility. This is the reason why teenage girls ended up being single parents.
Not only the teenagers and their parents are affected but also their future being taken away by
one mistake of giving into lustful temptation.

I think that the youth nowadays should know the importance of chastity and purity, and
should value it’s effect in our lives. We should be more careful and mature when it comes to sex
and should prioritize more our education and future rather than giving into one-time pleasure that
could lead us to despair and regrets. I believe that sex could always wait. We should establish
first ourselves and our future before stepping into bigger responsibility of building and
supporting a family. We should value the importance of respect to each other, and sex before
marriage can be a great way of showing it; that we are preserving ourselves for that one lucky
man/woman that we’ll spend the rest of our lives with.

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