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Western Philippines University

GE3 Purposive communication

Persuasive speech
No to teenage pregnancy
Thesis statement: Teenage pregnancy is a prevalent issue and its need to be address
Early teenage pregnancy is also known as adolescent pregnancy. It is a pregnancy of female
under the age of 20. Teen Age pregnancy also pertains to a Lack of education and information in
reproduction. Per pressure and early engagement to sexual intercourse. Teenage pregnancy has
been rampant now a days. Many woman tend to undergo this stage of life because of despair.
They are out of courage to stand and fight. there are also woman who got pregnant because of
sexual abuse or harassment..
Commission on Population and Development (POPCOM) officer-in-charge Executive Director
Lolito Tacardon cited on Tuesday the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic as one of
the reasons behind the drop in the number of teenage pregnancies recorded in the country. Two
years worth of lockdowns had forced young Filipinos to stay at home, limiting social interactions
with peers and inadvertently reducing opportunities for sexual encounters. From 495 births per
day in 2019, the rate of births to teenage mothers went down by 13% the following year. But as
lockdown restrictions loosen and more young Filipinos are vaccinated, medical experts worry
that the effects will not last.
A. Some people might say that teenage pregnancy is not the end of the world. According to
HFR (, “A child causes a person to learn responsibility and
maturity very quickly. These traits are necessary for the safekeeping of a newborn child”.
B. Many others believe that having a child is a blessing and abortions are not the right way
to go.
C. Some believe that adoption could be a better choice because their child can grow up in
an environment where they can properly be taken care of.
D. According to “A teenage mother has much more energy so teens can run
and play with their children without getting winded or tired…” However, people who
believe this should still consider protecting themselves. It might sound fun to have a
little version of you but, having a child is so much responsibility and you have to give up
so much to put your child first before everything.
Teen pregnancies carry extra health risks to both the mother and the baby. Often, teens don’t get
prenatal care soon enough, which can lead to problems later on. They have a higher risk for
pregnancy-related high blood pressure and its complications. Risks for the baby include
premature birth and a low birth weight.
I,therefore conclude that teenage pregnancy is a serious problem, many teenage mothers were
also simply not prepared by education and maturity to undertake the dual responsibility of
parent-hood and economic support. from what teenagers have read about being a teen parent it
isn't as great as it sounds. No one wants to become a parent when they are a teenager. Teenagers
are not able to get a decent education, and some teens don't know what they want to do with
their"Sexual education can prevent teenage pregnancy"

“"Being a parent isn't always easy but there are options out there to help teenagers who are
VI. Source

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