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Ginamarie Simpson

ED 270/271

Instructor Zita Podany

December 1, 2021

Journal #3
Professional Code of Conduct

This is the first time I have ever seen a professional code of conduct for a school employee. I

have always been the parent who read it to or with my child/student. It was very similar to the

copy students receive so it was easy to follow and full of clear guidance without feeling


XXVI. Americans with Disabilities Act: I feel like this section should be at the top of this list to

show its priority. Perception and experience of many individuals living with disabilities is that

others who aren’t navigating these challenges lack knowledge and sometimes empathy for the

amount of personal time and energy it takes to assure every space they are in accommodates

their needs. This is a marginalized group that tends to be overlooked and underrepresented.

While all the subjects are important, I feel like this being placed at or near the top would show

employees living with such challenges that they were seen and valued in their workspace.
XXIV. Tutoring for Pay and Respite Care: I understand that teachers cannot accept pay for work

outside of the classroom or give personal care to students. However, I do think there are special

circumstances where a student may be more inclined to succeed with the educational

assistance of their teacher versus a school tutor because of trust and various other reasons. I

think there should be a clause for these special circumstances where teachers are allowed and

supported to further assist their students with the understanding that they will be monitored

and reporting to their supervisor with regards to the interactions.

XX. Studying Controversial Issues: Considering so many controversial issues being broadcast

over social media, students are constantly exposed to this kind of content. It can invoke many

responses, so it needs to be handled with care and vigilance. I am happy to see this addressed

and hope that schools are providing training to teachers in the best way to navigate these

conversations with students.

XXVII. Mother-Friendly Workplace : This is vital to have as part of the code of conduct, however,

I feel it needs to be presented in a gender neutral manner. Not all parents who are lactating

and/or breastfeeding are ‘mothers’.

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