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Problem/Need: This is a brief statement explaining the need you plan to meet or address based on

what you found in your Needs Assessment from the 1st semester
Accommodate for the varying levels of understanding Ms.Jeon’s algebra II students have on the
mathematical topics that each unit covers

Skills Required: This is a brief statement where you outline what strengths or skills you possess that
enable you to solve this problem or meet this need.
1. Ability to communicate with the Algebra II students in her A-2 class
→ As I often act as the teacher assistant in Ms.Jeon’s A-2 class, I have gotten the opportunity
to tutor most of the students in the classroom which has also allowed me to get to know the
students better. Hence, if necessary, I can communicate with each of her students and ask
them about what improvements they think can be made to Ms.Jeon’s classes so that they can
understand the class material better.
2. Experience in Mr.Warkentin’s class
→ As I have been learning pre-calculus from Mr.Warkentin this year, I have been able to
learn and observe his teaching methods; see what works well in teaching students the class
content effectively. For instance, Mr.Warkentin has a note-taking system where each student
is obligated to bring two separate notebooks to class: one for class-notes–formulas,
algorithms, and other mathematical ideas–and one for problem-solving. This note-taking
system has made preparing for tests a lot easier as I can simply open up my class-notes
notebook which contains all of the mathematical concepts I need to know for the unit test.
3. Ability to communicate with Ms.Jeon effectively
→ As a student of her’s last year and her current work-study student, I have been able to get a
lot closer to Ms.Jeon, which allows us to comfortably discuss ways we can improve her
classes in a way that will allow her to reach the goal or need she wants to achieve this

Resources Required: This is a brief statement where you explain if this is a one-time task or an
ongoing task, how much time you expect it to take, and any other resources you may need to complete
your identified project.
- Ongoing task that will take the entirety of the semester, as there is no real limit to
improvement within the classroom → Should take at least a few months for Ms.Jeon to feel as
if she has achieved her goal, given that it should reflect in her student’s test scores.
- No resources are necessary to work towards the goal, though I should continue to tutor her
students in-class to contribute to the cause and maintain a close relationship with them so I
can ask them questions whenever necessary. I should also continue to participate in
Mr.Warkentin’s pre-calculus class and continue to observe his teaching methods and what
makes them successful or effective.

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