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từ hôm nay tôi sẽ bắt đầu một cuộc sống mới

giờ thì phải đi ngủ đã

1.B readership(n): the people who read or follow a story
2.A broadsheet newspaper(n): the biggest form of news paper characterized by long vertical
3. D. (war) correspondents: phóng viên chiến tranh
A. reporter: phóng viên
B. journalists: phóng viên
C. followers: người theo dõi
4. C. classified (ads): tin rao vặt
A. small
B. confidential
D. small print
5. C: cabinet reshuffle: When a political leader reshuffles the ministers in a government, he or
she changes their jobs so that some of the ministers change their responsibilities.
6. B: literal journal: Literary magazines are often called literary journals, or little magazines,
terms intended to contrast them with larger, commercial magazines.
7. D: Satellite dish: a piece of equipment that receives signals from a satellite, used to
enable people to watch satellite television.
8. A: Press officer: a person whose job is to give a person or organization advice on what to
say to newspapers, or on television, etc., and who gives information about a person or
organization to newspapers, etc.

9. A.Commercial break: an interruption in the transmission of broadcast programming during

which advertisements are broadcast
10. A. programme: a broadcast on television or radio
B. schedules: a list of planned activities or things to be done showing the times or dates when
they are intended to happen or be done
C. listing: information about different types of entertainment and activities that is published in
newspapers and magazines, or on the internet:
D. publicity: the activity of making certain that someone or something attracts a lot of interest or
attention from many people, or the attention received as a result of this activity
11. A. lively: full of life and energy; active and outgoing.
B. live: Of an event, as it happens; in real time; direct
C. alive: living
D. living: not dead
12. (collocation) Extensive coverage: covers a wide range of details, ideas, or items
13. A. to push: to force someone into doing something
B spur someone on(collocation): to give an incentive or encouragement to someone
C drive: compel someone to act in a particular way, especially one that is considered undesirable
or inappropriate.
D prod: stimulate or persuade someone who is reluctant or slow to do something
14 A. worship: adoration or devotion comparable to religious homage, shown toward a person or
B. admire: regard an object, quality or person with respect or warm approval
C. appreciate: recognize the full worth of.
D. extol: praise enthusiastically.
15. Innocuous: innocent

16. In sth’s infancy: in sth’s earliest stages

17. _______ response… :
A. evading: escaping from somebody/something or avoid meeting somebody
B. invasive: (esp of diseases inside body) spreading very quickly and difficult to stop
C. evasive: not willing to give clear answers to a question
D. invading: entering a country, town, etc. using military force in order to take control of it
18. have a(n) _____ interest in:
A. vested (in/with): belonged to somebody/something legally
→ have a vested interest in: have a very strong reason for acting in a particular way
B. invested (in): ​to be willing to work hard and give your time and energy to something; to
believe strongly in something
C. shadowed: covered with shadow
D. implied: ​suggested without being directly expressed
19. ______ no hostile feelings
A. Shelter: a place to hide and avoid danger
B. harbour : a place for ships and boats to stop by
-> harbour no (feelings): to not feel sth towards sb
C. Embrace: accept, hug
D. Cover: to protect sth
20. A. plenitude: when you have more than enough of sth
B. placidity: the quality of being calm
C. pliability: flexibility
D. platitude:a boring and meaningless statement that is repeated for many times

Exercise 2:
1. apply
- apply to sb/sth: (especially of rules or laws) to have a connection or be important
- apply for sth: to request something
- apply sth: to make use of something or use it for a practical purpose
2. dish
satellite dish: a round aerial for receiving television and radio signals broadcast from

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