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30 YEARS AND BEYOND (1991-2021)

Computer companies introduce notebook computers with advertisements

1991 -
showing happy users with their “freedom machines” by pool sides. Linus Torvalds
creates the first version of Linux, a collaboratively written computer operating
system. (1991)

THE BROWSER: It made the Web work for the rest of us. (1992)
At the start of 1993, the web had a total of 130 sites. America Online and Delphi
began to connect their proprietary email systems to the Internet, beginning the
large-scale adoption of internet email as a global standard.

Laurence Canter sent the first spam e-mail — “Green Card Lottery 1994 May be

the Last One!! Sign up now!!” — creating a huge uproar in the internet community.
As a result, Canter lost his job, and his Internet service provider cancelled his
subscription. (1994)

1996 becomes one of the world's first online radio stations. Amazon
and eBay are launched. (1995)
WRAL-HD broadcasts the first high-definition television (HDTV) signal in the
United States. Universal serial Bus (USB) is created by a group of seven
companies (1996)

In 1997, Wi-Fi becomes available publicly.

Google opens workspace in a Menlo Park California garage in September and is
recognized as one of the “Top 100 Websites” by PC Magazine in December 1998.
The first Blackberry mobile device is launched (Blackberry 850). Bluetooth 1.0 is

launched. (1999)
GPS becomes available for civilian users to receive a non-degraded signal
globally. The LoveBug worm/virus infects 2.5 million PCs and causes an estimated
$8.7 billion in damage. (2000)

Apple released the iPod, which became the most popular MP3 player in history leading to

a disruptive and sweeping change in the music industry. Wikipedia, the largest and most
popular general reference site on the web was launched in 2001. It now has more than 17
million articles written collaboratively by volunteers around the world. (2001)
iRobot Corporation releases the first version of its Roomba® vacuum cleaning

robot. Friendster, the first widely-used social network, was founded by Canadian
computer programmer Jonathan Abrams. (2002)
Intel incorporated Wi-Fi in their Centrino chip opening a floodgate of wireless
internet adoption in the next few years. (2003)

Google indexed more than 8 billion pages on the web. Facebook (limited to
Harvard students only) started this year. (2004)
YouTube, the first video sharing site came online in 2005 and has grown to one of

the most popular sites on the web. YouTube used more bandwidth in 2010 than the
entire internet did in 2000. (2005)
Twitter, the micro blogging site opens with 140 characters maximum per message.
iTunes downloaded its billionth file in May of 2006.

Google releases Google Docs providing free web-based spreadsheets and word

processing tools. Google introduces Street View. (2007)
Amlink is acquired by Certain Software in April 1, 2008 with hopes of expanding its event
management portfolio (2008)

Digital television became the broadcast standard in the U.S. and other parts of the
world, opening the door to web-based TV services. (2009)
Apple introduced the iPad, another revolution in portable “tablet” computing. (2010)
Amazon releases the Kindle Fire tablet computer/eReader in October and sells more the
25 million by the end of the year. (2011)

Tablet computers become the fasted adopted technology hardware in history. (2012)
The iBeacon was introduced at Apple’s 2013 World Wide Developers Conference in June
2013 leading to precise location-based marketing. (2013)

Facebook bought the Oculus VR company for $2 billion. Google releases Cardboard - a
low-cost and do-it-yourself stereoscopic viewer for smartphones. (2014)
Microsoft releases the operating system Windows 10.Amazon releases Amazon Echo and
the Alexa ecosystem. (2015)

Data analytics increases at events: eTouches (now Aventri) releases an integrated

event ROI measurement tool. (2016)
Many companies are developing their own VR headsets, including HTC, Google,
Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Sony, and Samsung. (2017)

Cvent acquires QucikMobile, one of the major event app companies and adds to
its extensive portfolio in May 2018.
Lexar announces the first SD card in which could store 1 terabyte. (2019)



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