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DATE: 16/05/2022
TOPIC: Musical notes and their symbols

Musical notes are those symbols used for the representation of sound and duration in music. Every
sound has a duration they last for and can be represented using music notes.
Types of Musical Notes
1. The semibreve note is a musical note that last for four beats. It looks like letter ‘O’. The
mathematical name for semibreve note is whole note
- Semibreve = 4 counts

2. The minim note is a musical note that last for two beats. It has a stem. It looks like letter ‘d’. The
mathematical name for minim note is half note.
- minim = 2 counts

3. The crotchet note is a musical note that last for one beat. It looks like a letter ‘d’ but with a shaded
head. The mathematical name for crotchet note is quarter note.

= Crotchet – 1 count

4. The quaver note is a musical note that last for half beat. It looks like letter ‘d’ but with a shaded
head and a tail. The mathematical name for minim note is eighth note.

= quaver – 1/2 count.

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