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Glossary 1B

어휘 색인

가승- chest
가위바위보- rock-paper-scissors
가즉- family
가즉사진- family photo
가지디- to take
갈아타다- to transfer
강기에 걸리디- to get a cold
깅남- a district in Seoul
강아지- puppy
같욘 괴- same department
걱정- worry
귈리다- to take (time)
결횬하다- to marry
경주-a city in Korea
경치기 아룡딥다- to have the scenery beautiful
고속버스 터미냘- Express Bus Terminal
계시다-to be (to exist) ( honorific expression)
계흭하다- to plan
곧- soon
곳- place
공- Zero
괜찮디 -to be okay
구겸거리기 앉디- to have many sightseeing
구금차- ambulance
구두- shoes
귀- ear
귀걸 0I - earring
귀엽다- to be cute
그러면 - in that case
그럼요- sure
그렇습니디- that's right
그렇지만- but
그리다- to draw/to paint
기쁘다- to be happy
기차- train
기차역- train station
기침(을) 하다- to cough
길다- to be long
김포공항- Gimpo Airport
깎다-to discount
끄다- to shut off

나- or
나쁘다-to be bad
남동생- younger brother
남이섬-an island in Chuncheon
남편- husband
낮- daytime
낮다- to be low
내년- next year
내다- to summit
내리다- to get off
너무- too
놀다- to play
놀라다- to be surprised
놀이- recreation
높다- to be high
누나- older sister for male
눈- eye
늦게- late
늦다- to be late
늦잠- oversleeping/late rising

다- all
다니다- to attend on a regular basis/ to work for
다른- another
다믄 나라 - different country
다리 - leg
다음 날- next day
디행이다-to be fortunate/ that's good
딘슨하다- to be simple
딛디- to close
닭길비-spicy chicken stir-dry
담배를 피우다- to smoke a cigarette
딤장- reply
대학교- university
댁- home/house (honorific expression)
데이트히다- to have a date
도둑이 들다- a burglar breaks in
도시- city
도칙히다- to arrive
돈을 바꾸다- to exchange money
돈을 찾다- to withdraw
릅이오다- to come back
돕다- to help
동아리- club
되다- to become
두껍다- to be thick
드리다- to give ( humble expression)
드시다-to eat/to drink (honorific expression)
틀어오다 - to come in
따뜻힌 믈-warm water
띨- daughter
떠니다-to leave
똑똑히다- to be smart

리포트- report

미시지하다- to massage
마흠- heart
미흔- forty
악걷리 - row rise wine
믹국수- buckwheat noodles
많이- a lot
밀- horse
밀(욜) 하다- to speak
맛없다- to taste bad
밋있는 음식이 - to have many delicious food
마리- head
먹다/ 마시다- to eat/ to drink
먼저- first
얼다-to be far
멋있다-to be stylish
모르겠어요 - I don't know
모임- gathering
목- neck
목도리- muffler
목욕하다-to take a bath
목이 아프다- to have a sore throat
욥라서 - because I don't know
올라요- do not know
몸- body
몸살- aches and pains dut to the flu
몽골- Mongolia
무릎- knee
무리하다- to overdo
무섬다- to be scary
무즙- radish juice
문자를 받다-to receive a text message
문자륭 보내다-to send a text message
믈건 값이 씨다-to have price of items be cheap
퀄요- not really
월요-no problem
미니쇼커트- miniskirt
미슬괸-art museum
미인- beautiful woman

바쁘다- to be busy
바지 - parts
빅뭏괸- museum
반지- ring
발- foot
발음- pronunciation
밤- night
방힉- school break
배- stomach
배 - boat/ship
배고프다-ro be hungry
백 - hundred
버스- bus
버스 징뮤장- bus stop
버스를 기다리다- to wait for a bus
버스를 타다- to take a bus
병일-something special
보내다-to send
보이다-to be seen
부오님- parents
부자- the rich
분- person ( honorific expression)
분- minute(s): unit noun for minutes
뷸이 나다- a fire breaks out
블펀하다- to be uncomfortable
틀이다-to put on
비싸다-to be expensive
비헝기- airplane
비헝기 표를 예매하다- to reserve a flight ticket
빨래하다- to do the laundry
빨리- quickly/fast

사가다- ro buy and bring
사고가 나다- an accident occurs
사람/ 명- person
사람도 없고 조용하다- to be uncrowded and
사무실- office
사용하다- to use
사장님- president of a company
사탕- candy
살- unit noun for age
살다- to live
삼악산- a mountain in Chuncheon
새- rew
새벽- dawn/ very early AM hours
생신- birthday (honorific expression)
샤워하다- to take a shower
서울역- Seoul Station
선물하다- to give a present
성함- name ( honorific expression)
세계- world
세수하다- to wash one's face
세우다- to stop
세제- laundry detergent
셰츠- shirt
소금물-salt water
손님- guest
수료식- completion ceremony
수업(을) 하다-to take a class
술- alcoholic drinks
쉰- fifty
스물- twenty
슬프다-to be sad
시- o'clock (unit noun for hours)
시간을 보내다- to spend time
시험을 보다- to take a test
식사하다- to have a meal
신다- to wear (foot wear)
신문사- newspaper publishing company
신호등- traffic light
신혼여행- honeymoon
실례지만 누구레요?- Excuse me, but who's
calling, please?
싸다- to be cheap
싸우다- to fight
쓰다- to write
쓰다- to wear (hat/ glasses)
씻다-to wash

아까-a while ago
아내- wife
아니에요-no, it's not
아들- son
아버지- father
아직- yet
아침- morning/breakfast
아흔- ninety
안동- a city in Korea
알겠다- to get in
알아보다- to look into
야구 경기-baseball game
야구장- baseball station
얇다- to be thin
양복- suit
어깨- shoulder
어떤- what / which
어머니- mother
언니-older sister for female
원피스- one-piece dress
유헝이다- to be prevalent/to be spreaded
유행이다- to be in fashion
이따- later
이렇게- this way/ like this
이름- name
이메일 - e-mail
이미일 주소- e-mail address
이번-this time
이분- this (honorific expression)
이사(를)하다-to move (one's residence)
인시하다- to gret
인천-a city in Korea
인천힝 터미널 - Incheon port Terminal
일어나다- to get up
일흔 - seventy
입- mouth
입다- to wear (clothes)
있다- to be(exist)

자다- yo sleep
직다 -to be small
잘- well
저녁-evening/ dinner
전에- in the past
전주 - a city in Korea
전홰(를) 히다- to phone
전화하디 -to call
전화믐 받다-to answer the phone
천화번호-phone number
점수- point
정문- main gate
조금- a little
조금 전- a little while ago
조금 후- after a short while
주말 잘 보내다- to have a good weekend
주무시다-to sleep (honorific expression)
준비하다-to prepare
중학교- middle school
즐겁다- to be enjoyable
지하철- subway
자하철역- subway station
질문- question
집- home/house
짧다- to be short
쭉- straight
쯤- about
찜닭- steamed chicken

참- by the way
천천히- slowly
청바지-blue jeans
청소하다- to clean
체격이좋다- well built
초대하다- to invite
축하- celebration
축하하다- to congratulate/ to celebrate
춘천- a city in Korea
출발하다- to depart
출입국관리사무소- immigration office
춤(을) 추다-to dance
취미- hobby
치마/스커트- skirt
칠절하다-to be kind
칠판- blackboard

컴퓨터를 하다- to use a computer
코- nose
코트- coat
콧물이 나다- to have a runny nose
크다- to be big
키- height

타다- to ride
태어나다- to be born
택시- taxy

파- green onion
팔- arm
팝콘- popcorn
편리하다- to be convenient
편지- letter
편하다- to be comfortable
평창- a city in Korea
푹 쉬다- to rest deeply
프러포즈- purpose
피시방- Internet Café

하다- to wear
한국말- Korean language
한번- a try
한복- Korean traditional dress
한테서- from someone
할머니- grandmother
할아버지- grandfather
해운대- a beach in Busan
헹구다- to gargle
형-older brother for male
호선-subway line
호텔을 예약하다- to reserve a hotel
회의하다- to hold a (formal) meeting
휴가- vocation
휴대폰 번호- cellphone number
휴일- holiday

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