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Tuason, John Patrick G.


1 .Write about a popular devotion practiced by your family. (To our brothers and sisters
from other faith, think of religious activities done by the family aside from your regular
weekly service)

- In my family the popular devotion we usually do is when Mama Mary is in our house
because it will pass from house to house after one month. It’s our grandmother’s friend
who owned Mama Mary. When the sacred figure of Mama Mary is in our house, we
usually pray every 6pm. In a year, Mama Mary stays a month in our house and even
before we go outside, we touch Mama Mary. We do the sign the cross, the same as
when we go back to the house. It has been a practice since my uncle’s were born.
Fortunately, this devotion of my grandparents is still kept alive until now.

2. Ask a family member some insights regarding popular devotion. Take a selfie with this
family member (or look for an old picture of this family devotion)

- As my grandmother said, praying for Mama Mary makes her feel safe because there is
always the presence of Mama Mary. Also she said that praying every 6pm is a way to
take away the evil spirits in our house. My grandmother also said that in this time of
pandemic, she cannot go to church so this is the other way to communicate with Mama
Mary and Jesus. She knows that there are many ways to talk to them but for now this is
the convenient way because she said that she is 80 years old. Even with that my
grandmother's faith is strong as she is, there is no reason for her to reduce her faith.

(Hello miss, currently I don't have a picture of my grandmother nor Mama Mary. I just
took this on Google, this is the similar Mama Mary in our house)
3. What particular devotion are you practicing? Who introduced you to this devotion?
Why do you do this devotion? If none in particular, answer number 4.

- My first ever devotion is when I was a kid, my parents and grandmother brought me to
the mass every sunday in our Holy Eucharist Parish Church. For me, going to church
every Sunday cleanses my soul. When I was young, I didn't miss any Sunday masses.
Hence there is an exception,when I am sick they wont let me go to church. I go to church
and attend the Sunday Mass because I believe it is the only time I can give myself
internally and spiritually to God. I feel like Sunday is for Jesus. The mass will only be
held for an hour or an hour and half that is why I always give that time to honor God. In
addition, another devotion of mine that I practice is visiting the Baclaran Church every
Wednesday. Whenever I go there, I feel at ease. I feel like a soome thorns inside me
have been pulled away from my heart.

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