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Title: Words of Wisdom

Plan: Isaiah 1 (Host) – black, Isaiah 2 (Guest) – red

--Title Card—

[WOW1] Isaiah 1: Welcome to a special edition of Words of Wisdom. I’m your host Isaiah Otero, and I’m
here to inspire you through my words of wisdom. DONE


[WOW2] Isaiah 1: In this very special episode, I decided to make myself a guest. Oh how is that
possible?! Well since this is my show, why don’t I put myself to the shoes of my guests and feel what it’s
like to answer my questions. Well let’s find out If I can also pull it off like them. DONE

[WOW3-VO] Isaiah 1 (for the introduction): Known for his advocacies about valuing human differences,
Isaiah Otero, knows and embraces himself more as he deeply loves being his unique self DONE

--Show pictures/clips and screenshots of FB posts—

[WOW4] Isaiah 1: Hi, Isaiah! Welcome to Words of Wisdom DONE

[WOW5] Isaiah 2: Hello! It’s my pleasure to be on your show. DONE

--Show description of Isaiah Otero, Human Diversity Advocate DONE

[WOW6] Isaiah 1: Thank you! Of all the advocacies, why about valuing human differences? DONE

[WOW7] Isaiah 2: It is because I believe that every person should be respected. And as I got older, I
learned that those categorizing agents like race, age, color, gender, etc. are just a socially-established
standard on how people should be respected. And I think that’s wrong. DONE

[WOW8] Isaiah 2: Why would you select people who you should give respect to? Haven’t we realized
that we were taught by our parents since we were kids that we should respect everyone. And I believe
you, Isaiah, you also want to be respected. Giving respect is just like the golden rule. If you want respect,
you also respect others regardless of differences. DONE

[WOW9] Isaiah 1: That’s true. And I also think that other people are close-minded when it comes to
giving priorities or opportunities to people who are different to us. Like for example, in the workplace, a
younger employee will usually be prioritized less because he has no enough experience for the work.
What is your take on that? DONE

[WOW10] Isaiah 2: I think that everyone deserves equal opportunities. It’s a no-brainer idea to
discriminate someone just because he is different to a certain social group. Is he a criminal to be
discriminated that way? Again, we all want to be treated fairly, so we should do the same to others.

[WOW11] Isaiah 1: Your favorite advocacy is “Unique Individuality”, why? DONE

[WOW12] Isaiah 2: When I wrote that post on Facebook, that was the moment that I really owned. I was
able to say all the things I’ve been wanting to say. I was able to reflect all my experiences of being
different to my peers. DONE

[WOW13] Isaiah 2: That’s why I’m here to say that if you found yourself different from your peers,
choose to be you. Don’t give in to the pressure to be like them. In that way, you will find your true
happiness. DONE

[WOW14] Isaiah 1: What makes you unique to your peers? DONE

[WOW15] Isaiah 2: Well, I prefer things that older people do and like. That’s why, I relate more to them,
especially when it comes to music. I prefer listening to old songs and old artists than what the modern
pop culture offers. Because for me, music in the past was more meaningful and expressive, same as the
singers before, I also find them more versatile than the singers of this generation. I am a fan of Tom
Jones, Frank Sinatra, Rick Astley, Michael Buble', Raymond Lauchengco. I love their massive talents and
beautiful songs. DONE

[WOW16] Isaiah 2: My peers may get mad at me if I prefer them than K-Pop or modern pop music, but
that’s true, and I’m proud of that. When I was younger, I would always compare myself to my peers
about having no knowledge to modern pop culture, but now that I’m older, I know myself more, and I’m
embracing that uniqueness of mine. DONE

[WOW17] Isaiah 1: Oh! Your answers are very hefty to carry for your own age. I love it. You’re very
mature at your age. You are still young, and you are saying those things already. DONE

[WOW18] Isaiah 2: It’s because my experiences taught me how to be like I am now. DONE

--Fade out (black)--

[WOW19] Isaiah 1: Isaiah’s advocacy on human diversity teaches us how we should embrace ourselves,
things that set us apart from others. We may be different in terms of choices in life, but that difference
of yours can make a difference to this world. DONE


[WOW20-VO] Isaiah 1: I want to end this show by leaving a quote from Isaiah also, “I would rather
choose to be "boring" than being "mainstream" or "unoriginal" if I am not happy with what I am doing.

[WOW21] Isaiah 1: That’s originality at its finest, so be authentic, and be proud of who you are, I am
Isaiah Otero, and this is Words of Wisdom. DONE

Title: Words of Wisdom


Welcome to Words of Wisdom. I’m your host, Isaiah Otero, and I’m here to inspire you through my
words of wisdom.

Want to know about me? Okay, let’s start.

Growing up, I never really found myself liking what the masses or my peers like. In short, I’m an old soul
guy or “not updated”. There were times that I asked myself why is that, now that I’m older, I learned to
accept my unique selling proposition, that is to accept my uniqueness.

I believe that what sets you apart is the one that can make a difference in this world through the impact
you can make. If you feel that you’re different, be proud. Because you’re showing the real you. And
that’s what we need in this world right now, authenticity.

Even though I’m in a field where trends should be of my knowledge, that should not hinder me from
displaying my “oldie image” as long as I can still contribute my ideas well to my profession because my
personal life is separate from my profession, and people prefer identity over fakeness.

I’m Isaiah Otero, and this is Words of Wisdom.

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