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ACTIVITY 1: Make any 2 useful products from waste 1. Prepare an innovative project to find out solution to
1.Make a comic strip of 4 to 5 pages or a poster using the characters current issues related to the following topics
materials like bangles, invitation card, newspaper etc.
(Do not use plastic and thermocol sheet). and stories from term 1 syllabus. You can change the story in your a) Environmental issues and concerns
Few suggestions are: own way. b) Swacch Bharat /cleanliness
• Fabric folder c)Health innovations
2. Use the link given below and attempt Crossword puzzles. Also d) Science and the Home
• Stationery kits create a word puzzle/ word game for your classmates.
• Classroom display board borders You can prepare 'Working models' on any of these
cae0-487f-a2d680a179a05873 topics
• Book marks OR
• Envelope
Link for the crossword puzzle. Prepare an item as best out of ways using wool or any
3.Read a book of your choice during the break and write a review for natural fiber
• Creative file folders OR
the same to be presented in the class.
Note down maximum minimum temperature for
We appreciate your creativity, ideas and efforts. consecutive 10 days during summer vacations .Make a
OR table in your lab manual and draw a graph to show
ACTIVITY 2: Paste the picture of current chief minister changes in temperature
of Haryana, find out how he got elected.
Write about his role/functions. (Any 5-6) 2. Revise the topics covered so far in class and prepare
Make a separate project file (A4 SHEETS OR SCRAPE for upcoming unit tests.
BOOK). Note -These projects are part of subject enrichment
Choose any one activity and perform it with full activity and are compulsory for all. Marks will be
dedication. awarded for the same. The students need to submit the
Thankyou projects to their respective subject teachers on the day
school gets reopened.
Maths Hindi Sanskrit
1. *Fun with integers* * ऩठन कौशऱ - 1.)ऱट् ,ऱट्
ृ ऱकार के आधार ऩर सॊतकृत म़ें कोई ऩाॊच ऩाॊच
Board Game कोई भी ऩाॊच शशऺाप्रद व प्रेरणादायक कहाननयाॊ ऩढ़ें ।(समाचार ऩत्र, अमर चचत्र कथाएॉ वातय बनाएॊ।
* Board with integers 104 to - 104
तथा व्याकरण ऩुस्ततका) *रचनात्मक कायय
* 2 red and 2 blue dice
* Blue dice represent positive and red dice represent *रचनात्मक कायय - 1. सॊतकृत ऩुततक से ककनहहॊ दस अव्यय ऩदों को चुनकर
negative integers समाचार ऩत्र ऩढ़ें और समाचार ऩत्र म़ें से नए शब्दों का A4 ऩेऩर ऩर कोऱाज बनाएॊ। उनके आधार ऩर सॊतकृत म़ें दस वातय वातय बनाएॊ।
* The player who reaches either -104 or 104 first is the
ऱेखन कौशऱ 2. अऩनी ऩाठ्य ऩुततक ( रुचचरा भाग- 2) से कोई 10
( गह प्रत्यय ऩद चन
ु कर शऱख़ें।
* Write observation of both player till any one wins the ृ कायय अभ्यास ऩुस्ततका म़ें कऱें l)
1.महाभारत * ऩाठ्यऩुततक ऩढते हुए 40 से 50 नए शब्दों को रे खाॊककत कऱें तथा यह कायय आऩको अऩनी सॊतकृत सॊचचका म़ें हह करना है ।
2. Assignment of the chapters covered शऱखखए।
श्रवण कौशल एवं अवबोधन
2. महाभारत के दस ऩात्रों के नाम शऱखकर उनके ववषय म़ें दो-दो ऩॊस्ततयाॊ शऱख़ें।
1.) अऩनी तकूऱ डायरह म़ें से सरतवती वॊदना कॊठतथ कऱें ।
2.)सॊतकृत गीत ( यूट्यूब चैनऱ के माध्यम से सॊतकृत गीत
1. काशऱदासो जने जने ।
2. सुरस सुबोधा ववश्वमनोऻा ।

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